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I Could Quotes

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I Could Quotes: "I knew the moment it happened, it was a miracle. I could have been kissing her when she threw up. It would have scarred me for life. I may never have recovered."

I knew the moment it happened, it was a miracle. I could have been kissing her when she threw up. It would have scarred me for life. I may never have recovered.

I Could Quotes: "If I could go back and give myself advice, it would be to embrace failure."

If I could go back and give myself advice, it would be to embrace failure.

I Could Quotes: "If I could be working every day, I would be."

If I could be working every day, I would be.

I Could Quotes: "I could have been you, you could have been me. One small change that shapes your destiny."

I could have been you, you could have been me. One small change that shapes your destiny.

I Could Quotes: "I thought if I could be a model, or even do commercials and stuff like that for the rest of my life, I’d be happy."

I thought if I could be a model, or even do commercials and stuff like that for the rest of my life, I’d be happy.

I Could Quotes: "If I could go back to my younger self, I'd be like, "Not everything's permanent.""

If I could go back to my younger self, I'd be like, "Not everything's permanent."

I Could Quotes: "If I could read it, I could play it."

If I could read it, I could play it.

I Could Quotes: "I've found out how overwhelming the media is and the way it drills things into your head, it's almost like a mind control. If I could control prople's minds, I'd like to put something useful in."

I've found out how overwhelming the media is and the way it drills things into your head, it's almost like a mind control. If I could control prople's minds, I'd like to put something useful in.

I Could Quotes: "I have a responsibility, and it's something that I did wrong, and if I could personally apologize to every single person that has lost a loved one from drunk driving I would."

I have a responsibility, and it's something that I did wrong, and if I could personally apologize to every single person that has lost a loved one from drunk driving I would.

I Could Quotes: "I always thought that Elvis could have been a great actor, and that he was put in a lot of unimportant movies when he could have done a lot of great ones."

I always thought that Elvis could have been a great actor, and that he was put in a lot of unimportant movies when he could have done a lot of great ones.

I Could Quotes: "If you're asking me if I like your company, the answer is yes. If, on the other hand, you're asking me if I could live without you, the answer is also yes."

If you're asking me if I like your company, the answer is yes. If, on the other hand, you're asking me if I could live without you, the answer is also yes.

I Could Quotes: "Like so many addicts, I'd thought that if I could only sort out my life, I could then sort out my drinking. It was a revelation to see that it would be simpler the other way around"

Like so many addicts, I'd thought that if I could only sort out my life, I could then sort out my drinking. It was a revelation to see that it would be simpler the other way around

I Could Quotes: "While the angels sing, I'd ask you to marry me, give you the sun for a diamond ring, if I could do those things."

While the angels sing, I'd ask you to marry me, give you the sun for a diamond ring, if I could do those things.

I Could Quotes: "If I could never put out an album in my life, I could just put out mixtapes. The music got to be out there somehow."

If I could never put out an album in my life, I could just put out mixtapes. The music got to be out there somehow.

I Could Quotes: "I think it's good for an actor to bounce between stuff on camera and stuff in theatre. If I could do half and half every year I would be a very, very happy man."

I think it's good for an actor to bounce between stuff on camera and stuff in theatre. If I could do half and half every year I would be a very, very happy man.

I Could Quotes: "There are things I have wanted so long that I would only consent to have them if I could keep wanting them."

There are things I have wanted so long that I would only consent to have them if I could keep wanting them.

I Could Quotes: "The loss of my sight was a great fillip. If I could go deaf and dumb I think I might pant on to be a hundred."

The loss of my sight was a great fillip. If I could go deaf and dumb I think I might pant on to be a hundred.

I Could Quotes: "Part of me could do it. Run off and get married. But another part... Another part of me wondered if I could really trust anyone. If all relationships were all doomed."

Part of me could do it. Run off and get married. But another part... Another part of me wondered if I could really trust anyone. If all relationships were all doomed.

I Could Quotes: "I once said to someone, If I could shave my head and wear no makeup and get a part just on my talent, I would be the happiest person in the world."

I once said to someone, If I could shave my head and wear no makeup and get a part just on my talent, I would be the happiest person in the world.

I Could Quotes: "If I could be any famous person, I'd be John Wilkes Booth, because I'd love to shoot Abraham Lincoln in the face"

If I could be any famous person, I'd be John Wilkes Booth, because I'd love to shoot Abraham Lincoln in the face

I Could Quotes: "I have tried if I could reach that great resolution . . . to be honest without a thought of Heaven or Hell."

I have tried if I could reach that great resolution . . . to be honest without a thought of Heaven or Hell.

I Could Quotes: "I was a baseball player. I played in high school and a little bit in college. I was a catcher. I don't know if I could have played any other position. As a catcher, you're always on the ball."

I was a baseball player. I played in high school and a little bit in college. I was a catcher. I don't know if I could have played any other position. As a catcher, you're always on the ball.

I Could Quotes: "I would live with all of my sisters if I could. We've always been very close, my sisters and me."

I would live with all of my sisters if I could. We've always been very close, my sisters and me.

I Could Quotes: "I'm a terrible cook, but if I could cook, I would see that in art as well, it's how much creative energy you put into something."

I'm a terrible cook, but if I could cook, I would see that in art as well, it's how much creative energy you put into something.

I Could Quotes: "If I could lick the sunset, I'll bet it would taste like Neapolitan ice cream."

If I could lick the sunset, I'll bet it would taste like Neapolitan ice cream.

I Could Quotes: "I'd scale that monster sycamore if I could. Right to the top. And I'd yell her name across the rooftops for the whole world to hear. -Bryce"

I'd scale that monster sycamore if I could. Right to the top. And I'd yell her name across the rooftops for the whole world to hear. -Bryce

I Could Quotes: "If I could work with any actor it would have to be Johnny Depp. He is cool."

If I could work with any actor it would have to be Johnny Depp. He is cool.

I Could Quotes: "Just hold me please,” she replied. I’d hold her forever if I could."

Just hold me please,” she replied. I’d hold her forever if I could.

I Could Quotes: "I love touring. If I could tour every day of my life, I would. It's my favorite thing to do."

I love touring. If I could tour every day of my life, I would. It's my favorite thing to do.

I Could Quotes: "Many things happened in my life, and I thought that they changed me. But in the end, nothing has changed since I was seventeen. If I could keep today’s happiness I wouldn’t worry about tomorrow."

Many things happened in my life, and I thought that they changed me. But in the end, nothing has changed since I was seventeen. If I could keep today’s happiness I wouldn’t worry about tomorrow.

I Could Quotes: "If I could live my life all over I'd do everything the same; the film in my camera would remain the same; there's no way lord, to leave this love behind."

If I could live my life all over I'd do everything the same; the film in my camera would remain the same; there's no way lord, to leave this love behind.

I Could Quotes: "If I could find the right kind of property, get tied in with the right movie, I'd love to be involved, but I just find it hard to be motivated to do another screenplay right now."

If I could find the right kind of property, get tied in with the right movie, I'd love to be involved, but I just find it hard to be motivated to do another screenplay right now.

I Could Quotes: "It was not his habit to dwell on what could have been, but what could never be."

It was not his habit to dwell on what could have been, but what could never be.

I Could Quotes: "If I could sell 500 million records every time, it would be great. But I've also had the luxury experience of having it when I was a teenager, in a very kind of model version of it."

If I could sell 500 million records every time, it would be great. But I've also had the luxury experience of having it when I was a teenager, in a very kind of model version of it.

I Could Quotes: "He held me against him gently, as if I was glass - as if I could shatter and fall away from him at any moment and leave him breathless and alone once more."

He held me against him gently, as if I was glass - as if I could shatter and fall away from him at any moment and leave him breathless and alone once more.

I Could Quotes: "If the worst is going to happen, it'll happen. Worrying can't protect you from that. And if it doesn't happen then you've missed out on all the time that when you could have been having fun"

If the worst is going to happen, it'll happen. Worrying can't protect you from that. And if it doesn't happen then you've missed out on all the time that when you could have been having fun

I Could Quotes: "Jenny McCarthy was the one I thought could turn me straight. I thought that if I could just get my shot with her, it could happen."

Jenny McCarthy was the one I thought could turn me straight. I thought that if I could just get my shot with her, it could happen.

I Could Quotes: "In Hollywood I got work but not the right work until Pushing Daisies. Every girl in LA wanted the part of Chuck. I was terrified - I didn't know if I could be funny."

In Hollywood I got work but not the right work until Pushing Daisies. Every girl in LA wanted the part of Chuck. I was terrified - I didn't know if I could be funny.

I Could Quotes: "If I could have anything I wanted, I would choose story without end, and it seems I have lots of company in that."

If I could have anything I wanted, I would choose story without end, and it seems I have lots of company in that.

I Could Quotes: "If I could write a letter to my teenage self I'd probably say something like: "You ain't gonna believe what will become of you.""

If I could write a letter to my teenage self I'd probably say something like: "You ain't gonna believe what will become of you."

I Could Quotes: "I just love to shop. If I could, I would shop every single day in every single store and spend all of my money which, you know, I do anyway."

I just love to shop. If I could, I would shop every single day in every single store and spend all of my money which, you know, I do anyway.

I Could Quotes: "if i could be assured of your destruction, i would in the interest of the public, cheerfully accept my death."

if i could be assured of your destruction, i would in the interest of the public, cheerfully accept my death.

I Could Quotes: "I don't want to have kids for like 10 years. I still have a lot to do. I don't even know if I could handle a dog right now. I'm so not ready. Someday I'll be a mom but not until I'm in my 30s."

I don't want to have kids for like 10 years. I still have a lot to do. I don't even know if I could handle a dog right now. I'm so not ready. Someday I'll be a mom but not until I'm in my 30s.

I Could Quotes: "By the way, you know, Mitt Romney and McCain, I don't agree with them, but they would have been okay. I could have been satisfied with them."

By the way, you know, Mitt Romney and McCain, I don't agree with them, but they would have been okay. I could have been satisfied with them.

I Could Quotes: "If I could be somebody, it'd definitely be Brad Pitt. I love the way he looks."

If I could be somebody, it'd definitely be Brad Pitt. I love the way he looks.

I Could Quotes: "Lots of crime films are about work. Free Fire could have been about a company of plumbers doing pipe-fixing and stuff. But the plumbing film is not so exciting."

Lots of crime films are about work. Free Fire could have been about a company of plumbers doing pipe-fixing and stuff. But the plumbing film is not so exciting.

I Could Quotes: "I like it when I'm on the stage, but honestly, I would be very happy if I could cut it off, just enjoy my life when I wasn't performing."

I like it when I'm on the stage, but honestly, I would be very happy if I could cut it off, just enjoy my life when I wasn't performing.

I Could Quotes: "I think I could have been quite difficult to fathom as a youngster, this kid who didn't talk about himself very much."

I think I could have been quite difficult to fathom as a youngster, this kid who didn't talk about himself very much.

I Could Quotes: "Jimmy Stewart could have been a good golfer, but he speaks so slowly that by the time he yells 'Fore!' the guy he's hit is already in an ambulance on the way to the hospital."

Jimmy Stewart could have been a good golfer, but he speaks so slowly that by the time he yells 'Fore!' the guy he's hit is already in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.