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I Could Quotes

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I Could Quotes: "My uncle always said that I could have been a rancher."

My uncle always said that I could have been a rancher.

I Could Quotes: "I have done what I could do in life, and if I could not do better, I did not deserve it. In vain I have tried to step beyond what bound me."

I have done what I could do in life, and if I could not do better, I did not deserve it. In vain I have tried to step beyond what bound me.

I Could Quotes: "If I could meet my mother and marry her, I would. I would be with my mother now, if she weren't my mother, as sick as that sounds."

If I could meet my mother and marry her, I would. I would be with my mother now, if she weren't my mother, as sick as that sounds.

I Could Quotes: "We were from totally different social backgrounds. This is what is very hard for an American to understand, but we could have been five guys from Mars."

We were from totally different social backgrounds. This is what is very hard for an American to understand, but we could have been five guys from Mars.

I Could Quotes: "I love comedy. If I could be a comedian - well, I probably would not take that job because it seems really hard, but I wish I could be."

I love comedy. If I could be a comedian - well, I probably would not take that job because it seems really hard, but I wish I could be.

I Could Quotes: "I don't know if I could kill someone with a frozen turkey because that is a lot of evidence to eat .... unless I found a whole room of people who also wanted that person dead."

I don't know if I could kill someone with a frozen turkey because that is a lot of evidence to eat .... unless I found a whole room of people who also wanted that person dead.

I Could Quotes: "If I could only write, I'd write a nasty letter to the mayor, if he could only read."

If I could only write, I'd write a nasty letter to the mayor, if he could only read.

I Could Quotes: "If I could be reincarnated as a fashion accessory, it would be a shopping bag."

If I could be reincarnated as a fashion accessory, it would be a shopping bag.

I Could Quotes: "My desire was never to be famous. It was to try and create something interesting musically if I could."

My desire was never to be famous. It was to try and create something interesting musically if I could.

I Could Quotes: "With all the opportunities I had, I could have done more. And if I'd done more, I could have been quite remarkable."

With all the opportunities I had, I could have done more. And if I'd done more, I could have been quite remarkable.

I Could Quotes: "If I could make millions of dollars being a softball player, I would quit acting in a second."

If I could make millions of dollars being a softball player, I would quit acting in a second.

I Could Quotes: "I could have possibly beaten Senator McCain in the primary. Then I could have been the candidate who lost to Barack Obama."

I could have possibly beaten Senator McCain in the primary. Then I could have been the candidate who lost to Barack Obama.

I Could Quotes: "I cannot stop asking. If I could taste one sip of an answer, I could break out of this prison for drunks."

I cannot stop asking. If I could taste one sip of an answer, I could break out of this prison for drunks.

I Could Quotes: "Kristin Brown looks as though she could have been mailed first-class to New York for about a dollar and a half."

Kristin Brown looks as though she could have been mailed first-class to New York for about a dollar and a half.

I Could Quotes: "I was looking for the people who were making the music inside the cabinet. I would look in there and see if I could find somebody who was making all this wonderful music."

I was looking for the people who were making the music inside the cabinet. I would look in there and see if I could find somebody who was making all this wonderful music.

I Could Quotes: "If I could tour with anyone, I'd go with either Maroon 5, or Dave Matthews. No lets go with Sting, he will be my all time favorite...wait no I want to go on tour with the Police."

If I could tour with anyone, I'd go with either Maroon 5, or Dave Matthews. No lets go with Sting, he will be my all time favorite...wait no I want to go on tour with the Police.

I Could Quotes: "So many of my rookie mistakes could have been avoided by first-hand exposure to other, more experienced technology entrepreneurs."

So many of my rookie mistakes could have been avoided by first-hand exposure to other, more experienced technology entrepreneurs.

I Could Quotes: "The boy in the pearl gray suit could have been Jane's twin. His hair was darker, and his lips were not as full, but he was just as lovely."

The boy in the pearl gray suit could have been Jane's twin. His hair was darker, and his lips were not as full, but he was just as lovely.

I Could Quotes: "I sometimes wish desperately that I could write like someone else, be someone else. No one particularly. Just if I could put the pen down on paper and suddenly come out in a totally different way."

I sometimes wish desperately that I could write like someone else, be someone else. No one particularly. Just if I could put the pen down on paper and suddenly come out in a totally different way.

I Could Quotes: "Theater is the only thing I always came back to. When I was 9, I asked my mom if I could be on TV. She was like, "Well, okay. You can try.""

Theater is the only thing I always came back to. When I was 9, I asked my mom if I could be on TV. She was like, "Well, okay. You can try."

I Could Quotes: "If I could be reincarnated as a fabric, I would come back as a 38 double-D bra."

If I could be reincarnated as a fabric, I would come back as a 38 double-D bra.

I Could Quotes: "I feel quite comfortable and happy with making a work that looks like it could have been made by somebody else."

I feel quite comfortable and happy with making a work that looks like it could have been made by somebody else.

I Could Quotes: "Galileo probably would have escaped persecution if his discoveries could have been disproved."

Galileo probably would have escaped persecution if his discoveries could have been disproved.

I Could Quotes: "I think that I could have been take apart if the bear market continued, but I waited three years before I felt the bear market was over and I was right."

I think that I could have been take apart if the bear market continued, but I waited three years before I felt the bear market was over and I was right.

I Could Quotes: "I decided that if I could fly for ten years before I was killed in a crash, it would be a worthwhile trade for an ordinary life time."

I decided that if I could fly for ten years before I was killed in a crash, it would be a worthwhile trade for an ordinary life time.

I Could Quotes: "If I could have been anyone in the world, it would have been Ronaldinho. He's fantastic, I love watching him."

If I could have been anyone in the world, it would have been Ronaldinho. He's fantastic, I love watching him.

I Could Quotes: "Well, coffee is my drug of choice, generally, with a little bit of Pepsi here and there, if I need more sugar. But yeah, if I could do intravenous coffee, I would. But I guess that's pretty standard."

Well, coffee is my drug of choice, generally, with a little bit of Pepsi here and there, if I need more sugar. But yeah, if I could do intravenous coffee, I would. But I guess that's pretty standard.

I Could Quotes: "The thousands of clips on internet are better to us than any DVD that could have been released."

The thousands of clips on internet are better to us than any DVD that could have been released.

I Could Quotes: "I have suffered as much as Martin Luther King. Only I didn't get the bullet. And I would have taken the bullet if I could have."

I have suffered as much as Martin Luther King. Only I didn't get the bullet. And I would have taken the bullet if I could have.

I Could Quotes: "If I'd been easily discouraged, I could have been a one-hit wonder"

If I'd been easily discouraged, I could have been a one-hit wonder

I Could Quotes: "If I could go back in time to change stuff? Oh yeah, there's a few movies I would not have done."

If I could go back in time to change stuff? Oh yeah, there's a few movies I would not have done.

I Could Quotes: "I'm happy with my career but I could have been happier if I could have been treated like a champion should have been treated because management and fighters take advantage of fighters."

I'm happy with my career but I could have been happier if I could have been treated like a champion should have been treated because management and fighters take advantage of fighters.

I Could Quotes: "In practical terms the South Pointing Chariot was a simple direction finder. It could have been made to point in any direction - north, south, east or west."

In practical terms the South Pointing Chariot was a simple direction finder. It could have been made to point in any direction - north, south, east or west.

I Could Quotes: "I never wanted to be a writer; I just had stories I wanted to share so I learnt how to write and kept going. If I could sing or paint, I would."

I never wanted to be a writer; I just had stories I wanted to share so I learnt how to write and kept going. If I could sing or paint, I would.

I Could Quotes: "I would think I'd accomplished it all if I could get to play Quasimodo."

I would think I'd accomplished it all if I could get to play Quasimodo.

I Could Quotes: "If I could change my appearance, I would have the gap between my front teeth put back in."

If I could change my appearance, I would have the gap between my front teeth put back in.

I Could Quotes: "I feel as if I could trust my happiness to carry me; as if it had grown out of me like wings."

I feel as if I could trust my happiness to carry me; as if it had grown out of me like wings.

I Could Quotes: "Well I could have been just a writer. I had been a hair dresser. I could have stuck with that."

Well I could have been just a writer. I had been a hair dresser. I could have stuck with that.

I Could Quotes: "I love to sleep. I'd sleep all day if I could."

I love to sleep. I'd sleep all day if I could.

I Could Quotes: "If I could do anything over, I'd have spent more time with my first set of children. I would have taken more quality time with them, for sure."

If I could do anything over, I'd have spent more time with my first set of children. I would have taken more quality time with them, for sure.

I Could Quotes: "I've learned that each mistake was probably a reflection of something that I was (or others were) doing wrong, so if I could figure out what that was, I could learn how to be more effective."

I've learned that each mistake was probably a reflection of something that I was (or others were) doing wrong, so if I could figure out what that was, I could learn how to be more effective.

I Could Quotes: "I played piano for a lot of my childhood and stupidly quit. I wish I hadn't - I could have been a great classical pianist!"

I played piano for a lot of my childhood and stupidly quit. I wish I hadn't - I could have been a great classical pianist!

I Could Quotes: "I am a woman, and even if I could proceed with harshness and rigidity, it would disgust me nonetheless."

I am a woman, and even if I could proceed with harshness and rigidity, it would disgust me nonetheless.

I Could Quotes: "I didn't get playing professional golf until I was 25 years old. And I always said that if I could make it work, I would play as long as I could walk."

I didn't get playing professional golf until I was 25 years old. And I always said that if I could make it work, I would play as long as I could walk.

I Could Quotes: "That Edison or Lincoln could have been Edison or Lincoln after four years of Harvard is improbable."

That Edison or Lincoln could have been Edison or Lincoln after four years of Harvard is improbable.

I Could Quotes: "If I could make a device where people could just intuit everything you are thinking - a little cable you plug into, like, a USB port, I would make a billion dollars."

If I could make a device where people could just intuit everything you are thinking - a little cable you plug into, like, a USB port, I would make a billion dollars.

I Could Quotes: "Marx's theory that only capitalists benefit from capitalism and workers are exploited was completely wrong. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Workers earned more as economies grew."

Marx's theory that only capitalists benefit from capitalism and workers are exploited was completely wrong. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Workers earned more as economies grew.

I Could Quotes: "If I could pick my wife by name, It'd be Whitney. That name just sounds right"

If I could pick my wife by name, It'd be Whitney. That name just sounds right

I Could Quotes: "Little Red Riding Hood was my first love. I felt that if I could have married Little Red Riding Hood, I should have known perfect bliss."

Little Red Riding Hood was my first love. I felt that if I could have married Little Red Riding Hood, I should have known perfect bliss.