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I Could Quotes

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I Could Quotes: "I've never filed a patent lawsuit. I hope never to file a patent lawsuit. That may be unrealistic, but it would be great if I could avoid doing it... Lawsuits are a ridiculous way to do business."

I've never filed a patent lawsuit. I hope never to file a patent lawsuit. That may be unrealistic, but it would be great if I could avoid doing it... Lawsuits are a ridiculous way to do business.

I Could Quotes: "We must not fail, individually, for if we fail, we fail twice - for ourselves and for those who could have been helped, if we had done our duty."

We must not fail, individually, for if we fail, we fail twice - for ourselves and for those who could have been helped, if we had done our duty.

I Could Quotes: "There is no way that the heart-lung machine could have been devised and developed other than through studies on living creatures"

There is no way that the heart-lung machine could have been devised and developed other than through studies on living creatures

I Could Quotes: "My mother really wanted me to be in possibly a beauty pageant, not only for if I could win, but it helped improve my self-image because of trauma in my childhood and other issues."

My mother really wanted me to be in possibly a beauty pageant, not only for if I could win, but it helped improve my self-image because of trauma in my childhood and other issues.

I Could Quotes: "Humor was also a defense mechanism from getting picked on at school. If I could be funny maybe people wouldn't bother me."

Humor was also a defense mechanism from getting picked on at school. If I could be funny maybe people wouldn't bother me.

I Could Quotes: "If I could choose, I would say [I would like to be filming with] Natalie Portman and Leonardo DiCaprio."

If I could choose, I would say [I would like to be filming with] Natalie Portman and Leonardo DiCaprio.

I Could Quotes: "I am always frustrated when I see situations that could have been handled simpler."

I am always frustrated when I see situations that could have been handled simpler.

I Could Quotes: "I suppose that if I could only do one thing, a solid card effect would be pretty high on the list. That's the root of it all, sleight-of-hand. It's certainly the thing I feel most comfortable with."

I suppose that if I could only do one thing, a solid card effect would be pretty high on the list. That's the root of it all, sleight-of-hand. It's certainly the thing I feel most comfortable with.

I Could Quotes: "If I could do it over, I'd do better."

If I could do it over, I'd do better.

I Could Quotes: "We did every scene together, every day for four months, and it could have been a disaster, if we didn't get on, but we clicked straight away. Elijah Wood is just the nicest guy."

We did every scene together, every day for four months, and it could have been a disaster, if we didn't get on, but we clicked straight away. Elijah Wood is just the nicest guy.

I Could Quotes: "If I could identify one core problem about the world, it's that we've been taught to distrust ourselves."

If I could identify one core problem about the world, it's that we've been taught to distrust ourselves.

I Could Quotes: "If I could not go to Heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all."

If I could not go to Heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all.

I Could Quotes: "That could have been his second yellow card - if he'd already got his first one of course"

That could have been his second yellow card - if he'd already got his first one of course

I Could Quotes: "I would have preferred to have been in a film where I could've been more authentic or more human, where the dialogue and my approach to the part could have been more real."

I would have preferred to have been in a film where I could've been more authentic or more human, where the dialogue and my approach to the part could have been more real.

I Could Quotes: "If I could patent 'being real', I think I could own that."

If I could patent 'being real', I think I could own that.

I Could Quotes: "I would love to love something, especially if I could do it without feeling like I was watching it die right in front of me."

I would love to love something, especially if I could do it without feeling like I was watching it die right in front of me.

I Could Quotes: "I'd like a pop-up magazine with 45 articles on Russell Crowe. I'm like a teenager. I'd have 'Teen Beat' if I could, for grown-ups."

I'd like a pop-up magazine with 45 articles on Russell Crowe. I'm like a teenager. I'd have 'Teen Beat' if I could, for grown-ups.

I Could Quotes: "Love alone could waken love."

Love alone could waken love.

I Could Quotes: "I have this feeling that if I could sort out what's on my dining room table, everything would fall into place."

I have this feeling that if I could sort out what's on my dining room table, everything would fall into place.

I Could Quotes: "If I could, I want to take a page from the George Clooney-like actors of the world. They do things that are relevant, things that don't necessarily have huge box office appeal, but they matter."

If I could, I want to take a page from the George Clooney-like actors of the world. They do things that are relevant, things that don't necessarily have huge box office appeal, but they matter.

I Could Quotes: "Maybe I could have been good as a drawer if I had done it as much as I did writing, but it's more scary to draw. It's more revealing. You can't disguise yourself in drawing."

Maybe I could have been good as a drawer if I had done it as much as I did writing, but it's more scary to draw. It's more revealing. You can't disguise yourself in drawing.

I Could Quotes: "I would never felt good if I hadn't experienced losing, because losing is part of your life. And it something that if I could teach people to understand that I think it could help them a lot."

I would never felt good if I hadn't experienced losing, because losing is part of your life. And it something that if I could teach people to understand that I think it could help them a lot.

I Could Quotes: "I had a good run here, fifteen years. That's a great run. I'm not saying that I'm done in center field - if I could play there forever, I would. But I know that's not reality, so I'm happy."

I had a good run here, fifteen years. That's a great run. I'm not saying that I'm done in center field - if I could play there forever, I would. But I know that's not reality, so I'm happy.

I Could Quotes: "If I could tell you only one thing about my life, it would be this: When I was 7 years old, the mailman ran over my head."

If I could tell you only one thing about my life, it would be this: When I was 7 years old, the mailman ran over my head.

I Could Quotes: "If I could be a third of the woman that my mom is and have a third of the strength that she has, then I will have done good by this life."

If I could be a third of the woman that my mom is and have a third of the strength that she has, then I will have done good by this life.

I Could Quotes: "He'd woken up the next day in the city hospital with Magnus Bane staring down at him with an odd expression--it could have been deep concern or merely curiosity, it was hard to tell with Magnus."

He'd woken up the next day in the city hospital with Magnus Bane staring down at him with an odd expression--it could have been deep concern or merely curiosity, it was hard to tell with Magnus.

I Could Quotes: "Decades of Saddam’s rule made what could have been a fairly rich country, due to its oil reserves, into a very poor one."

Decades of Saddam’s rule made what could have been a fairly rich country, due to its oil reserves, into a very poor one.

I Could Quotes: "Don't waste time thinking about what could have been when you could be thinking about what could be."

Don't waste time thinking about what could have been when you could be thinking about what could be.

I Could Quotes: "My personal wish would be to have my own TV show but, if I could have anything, my wish for the world is that no one on the Earth would ever go hungry."

My personal wish would be to have my own TV show but, if I could have anything, my wish for the world is that no one on the Earth would ever go hungry.

I Could Quotes: "My worst decision was not learning Spanish yet. I think it would really help my business if I could do some of my singles in Spanish or a Spanish/English mix."

My worst decision was not learning Spanish yet. I think it would really help my business if I could do some of my singles in Spanish or a Spanish/English mix.

I Could Quotes: "I know the odds are all against me and I know you might not feel this way too but I know I would rather die trying to know if I could mean something to you"

I know the odds are all against me and I know you might not feel this way too but I know I would rather die trying to know if I could mean something to you

I Could Quotes: "Do I exaggerate? Boy, do I, and I'd do it more if I could get away with it."

Do I exaggerate? Boy, do I, and I'd do it more if I could get away with it.

I Could Quotes: "The interesting thing is that it seems like George W. Bush would have been happy being the president of anything. He could have been president of Major League Baseball."

The interesting thing is that it seems like George W. Bush would have been happy being the president of anything. He could have been president of Major League Baseball.

I Could Quotes: "History is a novel that has been lived, a novel is history that could have been."

History is a novel that has been lived, a novel is history that could have been.

I Could Quotes: "It often happens that things come into the mind in a more finished form than could have been achieved after much study."

It often happens that things come into the mind in a more finished form than could have been achieved after much study.

I Could Quotes: "Some speak of a return to nature, I wonder where they could have been?"

Some speak of a return to nature, I wonder where they could have been?

I Could Quotes: "If I could have my way I would place the Deity on half-pay as the Government of this Country did the subaltern officers."

If I could have my way I would place the Deity on half-pay as the Government of this Country did the subaltern officers.

I Could Quotes: "When I was little, I asked God if I could meet my mom just one more time, and my prayer was answered in 2001. It was weird."

When I was little, I asked God if I could meet my mom just one more time, and my prayer was answered in 2001. It was weird.

I Could Quotes: "Only if I could be known for being one of the world's greatest and most sincere Christian Evangelists."

Only if I could be known for being one of the world's greatest and most sincere Christian Evangelists.

I Could Quotes: "If I could tell the world just one thing, it would be that we're all OK"

If I could tell the world just one thing, it would be that we're all OK

I Could Quotes: "I've never made $20 million. I'm scared. I don't know if you gave me The Ring if I could carry it and bring it to Ozamorph, or whatever you call it."

I've never made $20 million. I'm scared. I don't know if you gave me The Ring if I could carry it and bring it to Ozamorph, or whatever you call it.

I Could Quotes: "Jesus Christ! I would crawl over the mountains of Beverly Hills on my hands and knees if I could do a movie with Doris Day!"

Jesus Christ! I would crawl over the mountains of Beverly Hills on my hands and knees if I could do a movie with Doris Day!

I Could Quotes: "I like a lot of wheels. If I could have eight wheels, I would."

I like a lot of wheels. If I could have eight wheels, I would.

I Could Quotes: "I thought if I could make people laugh about how awkward I am, it'd make me less awkward. But you also realise how fun it is to make people laugh."

I thought if I could make people laugh about how awkward I am, it'd make me less awkward. But you also realise how fun it is to make people laugh.

I Could Quotes: "If I could be a doctor and save lives I would, but I can't so I sing songs."

If I could be a doctor and save lives I would, but I can't so I sing songs.

I Could Quotes: "If I could put one word on my journey over the last couple of years it would definitely be ‘turbulent’."

If I could put one word on my journey over the last couple of years it would definitely be ‘turbulent’.

I Could Quotes: "I like my old nose. If I could get it out the cupboard and put it on, then I would."

I like my old nose. If I could get it out the cupboard and put it on, then I would.

I Could Quotes: "If I could just get over my issues of wanting people to like me."

If I could just get over my issues of wanting people to like me.

I Could Quotes: "If I could get that girl [Courtney Love] to publish her poetry, the world would change."

If I could get that girl [Courtney Love] to publish her poetry, the world would change.