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I Don T Care Quotes

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I Don T Care Quotes: "Working at something you don't care about is the very best way to waste your life."

Working at something you don't care about is the very best way to waste your life.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I'm a redneck. And we can wear whatever because we just really don't care about those things. And when you're a redneck named Bubba, you really don't care."

I'm a redneck. And we can wear whatever because we just really don't care about those things. And when you're a redneck named Bubba, you really don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Sometimes when you don't care, people are attracted to that."

Sometimes when you don't care, people are attracted to that.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I'm not trying to be philosophical, but I really think it's my job to help children. And I don't care if people laugh."

I'm not trying to be philosophical, but I really think it's my job to help children. And I don't care if people laugh.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care what people say. My music's my music."

I don't care what people say. My music's my music.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care what you do for a living. If you love it, you are a success."

I don't care what you do for a living. If you love it, you are a success.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Life has ups and it has downs. I don't care who you are."

Life has ups and it has downs. I don't care who you are.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about money. I really don't care. I just want to do what I do"

I don't care about money. I really don't care. I just want to do what I do

I Don T Care Quotes: "I'm competitive with anyone who writes a good song - I don't care if it's a band or solo artist or whoever."

I'm competitive with anyone who writes a good song - I don't care if it's a band or solo artist or whoever.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I'm doing what I want to do, and I don't care what you think you need!"

I'm doing what I want to do, and I don't care what you think you need!

I Don T Care Quotes: "No one knows anything about the fashion industry in Brazil. They don't care what you do. They just want the beach and the sun and the fun. I feel the freest and the happiest there."

No one knows anything about the fashion industry in Brazil. They don't care what you do. They just want the beach and the sun and the fun. I feel the freest and the happiest there.

I Don T Care Quotes: "My perspective is if you're not willing to be called a few names to help out your country, you don't care enough."

My perspective is if you're not willing to be called a few names to help out your country, you don't care enough.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I should get a dog. I would get a rescue dog. I like mutts; I don't care. I would probably get a three-legged dog no one else would want."

I should get a dog. I would get a rescue dog. I like mutts; I don't care. I would probably get a three-legged dog no one else would want.

I Don T Care Quotes: "The Invisible Man, who said to his wife, I don't care if it looks silly, don't stop! Never got a dinner!"

The Invisible Man, who said to his wife, I don't care if it looks silly, don't stop! Never got a dinner!

I Don T Care Quotes: "I've been an outsider all my life - I don't care."

I've been an outsider all my life - I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Until the church is holy there'll be no rapture - I don't care what theory of the rapture you have."

Until the church is holy there'll be no rapture - I don't care what theory of the rapture you have.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care where the Cure is placed in the pantheon of rock. I don't care if we're perceived as relevant. We're never worried how we fit in. I don't even want to fit in."

I don't care where the Cure is placed in the pantheon of rock. I don't care if we're perceived as relevant. We're never worried how we fit in. I don't even want to fit in.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I am fat and I don't care."

I am fat and I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I absolutely don't care about my looks and I'm so used to them that I wouldn't change a thing. I would end up missing my defects."

I absolutely don't care about my looks and I'm so used to them that I wouldn't change a thing. I would end up missing my defects.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Prehistoric art came to move me much more than Greek art. Greek art has beautiful women and handsome men, but I don't care."

Prehistoric art came to move me much more than Greek art. Greek art has beautiful women and handsome men, but I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Denying the lines on our faces makes a comment about age and wisdom I don't care to make."

Denying the lines on our faces makes a comment about age and wisdom I don't care to make.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I've been a huge Psychedelic Furs fan for a long time. I love Butler's paintings, too. I like all their songs. I'll even crank 'Pretty in Pink,' I don't care."

I've been a huge Psychedelic Furs fan for a long time. I love Butler's paintings, too. I like all their songs. I'll even crank 'Pretty in Pink,' I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "If you aren't afraid to fail, then you probably don't care enough about success."

If you aren't afraid to fail, then you probably don't care enough about success.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Every Sailor has the potential to lead," said Mullen, "I don't care if it's a seaman recruit or someone higher ranking than myself. Where there's a will, there's a way."

Every Sailor has the potential to lead," said Mullen, "I don't care if it's a seaman recruit or someone higher ranking than myself. Where there's a will, there's a way.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care how somebody gets their education, as long as they have one."

I don't care how somebody gets their education, as long as they have one.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Everybody likes to win. I don't care if you work for a small plumbing company or the most successful company in the world. There's a special flavor to winning."

Everybody likes to win. I don't care if you work for a small plumbing company or the most successful company in the world. There's a special flavor to winning.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care what problem you face; it has no power to defeat the cross of Christ."

I don't care what problem you face; it has no power to defeat the cross of Christ.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care two hoots about civilization. I want to wander in the wild."

I don't care two hoots about civilization. I want to wander in the wild.

I Don T Care Quotes: "If you show people you don't care, they'll return the favor. Show them you care, they'll reciprocate."

If you show people you don't care, they'll return the favor. Show them you care, they'll reciprocate.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care what people call me, labels have the negative value of making smaller boundaries for people."

I don't care what people call me, labels have the negative value of making smaller boundaries for people.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference."

I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference.

I Don T Care Quotes: "One mark of a deteriorating society is when people cannot discern between truth and lies. Another is that they don't care and will believe whatever their itching ears want to hear."

One mark of a deteriorating society is when people cannot discern between truth and lies. Another is that they don't care and will believe whatever their itching ears want to hear.

I Don T Care Quotes: "When I say, 'I don't care what white people think,' I mean that."

When I say, 'I don't care what white people think,' I mean that.

I Don T Care Quotes: "What are people going to do? Fire me? I've been fired before. Not book me? I've been out of work before. I don't care."

What are people going to do? Fire me? I've been fired before. Not book me? I've been out of work before. I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about going down in history as a great bull rider or bronc rider. I hope people will remember me as a great cowboy."

I don't care about going down in history as a great bull rider or bronc rider. I hope people will remember me as a great cowboy.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Steven Spielberg's mother, who said to E.T., I don't care where you're from, you're here and you're gonna get bar mitzvahed! Never got a dinner!"

Steven Spielberg's mother, who said to E.T., I don't care where you're from, you're here and you're gonna get bar mitzvahed! Never got a dinner!

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about the past."

I don't care about the past.

I Don T Care Quotes: "The way to stop political correctness is to not do it. If someone says, You offended me then you say I don't care! If they're offended by the truth, that's their issue!"

The way to stop political correctness is to not do it. If someone says, You offended me then you say I don't care! If they're offended by the truth, that's their issue!

I Don T Care Quotes: "The dream of having one's dream job turned into "Oh my God, I'll take any job. I've been out of work for two years now. I don't care what I do. I'll do anything because I don't have any money"."

The dream of having one's dream job turned into "Oh my God, I'll take any job. I've been out of work for two years now. I don't care what I do. I'll do anything because I don't have any money".

I Don T Care Quotes: "I've always believed in a higher power. You can call it God, you can call it Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Allah, I don't care. I really believe we are all a part of God."

I've always believed in a higher power. You can call it God, you can call it Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Allah, I don't care. I really believe we are all a part of God.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care very much for the People Magazine approach to applied economics."

I don't care very much for the People Magazine approach to applied economics.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care what you call it. I believe in the quote, unquote, Holy Holocaust."

I don't care what you call it. I believe in the quote, unquote, Holy Holocaust.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care how much money you have, free stuff is always a good thing."

I don't care how much money you have, free stuff is always a good thing.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Don't shave, don't shower, don't care. Be really stinky and wear the same clothes every day. I think what makes a man sexy is not being self-aware. That’s what's really cute to me."

Don't shave, don't shower, don't care. Be really stinky and wear the same clothes every day. I think what makes a man sexy is not being self-aware. That’s what's really cute to me.

I Don T Care Quotes: "You can do anything you put your mind to. I don't care what situation you're in."

You can do anything you put your mind to. I don't care what situation you're in.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care what people think of me or for what reason they think of me. I don't feel like I don't know who I am to the degree that I have to change my hair to create a new me."

I don't care what people think of me or for what reason they think of me. I don't feel like I don't know who I am to the degree that I have to change my hair to create a new me.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Most customers, by the time the musicians reach the second set, are to some extent inebriated. They don't care what you play anyway."

Most customers, by the time the musicians reach the second set, are to some extent inebriated. They don't care what you play anyway.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about how many times somebody recognizes my face."

I don't care about how many times somebody recognizes my face.

I Don T Care Quotes: "And, as my father used to tell me growing up, "Play it beautiful, play it beautiful." He said, "I don't care if you don't hit all of the notes. If you don't move a person's heart, it's not music.""

And, as my father used to tell me growing up, "Play it beautiful, play it beautiful." He said, "I don't care if you don't hit all of the notes. If you don't move a person's heart, it's not music."