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I Don T Care Quotes

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I Don T Care Quotes: "You're totally hooking up with my brother. I don't care."

You're totally hooking up with my brother. I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I want my personal life to be personal... And I don't care if you're talking about things that are true, you're still talking about my personal life."

I want my personal life to be personal... And I don't care if you're talking about things that are true, you're still talking about my personal life.

I Don T Care Quotes: "The saddest people I've met in my life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all ."

The saddest people I've met in my life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all .

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care how much you love each other, if you have secrets, it'll never work. That's why she's your loved one, because it's the love of one. Togetherness, you are one."

I don't care how much you love each other, if you have secrets, it'll never work. That's why she's your loved one, because it's the love of one. Togetherness, you are one.

I Don T Care Quotes: "The thing that I want to do, the most important thing to me is winning. How we do it, I really don't care."

The thing that I want to do, the most important thing to me is winning. How we do it, I really don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "But I'm real conscious about what I do. I don't care what the label is. I'm looking at the outcome of it."

But I'm real conscious about what I do. I don't care what the label is. I'm looking at the outcome of it.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Kill me, I don't care. I do not want to be on this Earth anymore."

Kill me, I don't care. I do not want to be on this Earth anymore.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care if my lettuce has DDT on it, just as long as it's crisp."

I don't care if my lettuce has DDT on it, just as long as it's crisp.

I Don T Care Quotes: "It's like a razor blade edging its way through my organs, shredding me, all I can think is: It will kill me, it will kill me, it will kill me. And I don't care."

It's like a razor blade edging its way through my organs, shredding me, all I can think is: It will kill me, it will kill me, it will kill me. And I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets, but I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want your soul."

Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets, but I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want your soul.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care how busy I am - I will always make time for what's most important to me."

I don't care how busy I am - I will always make time for what's most important to me.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I'm only here on Earth to serve God. I never had a career. I don't care about commercialism. I have a ministry and I'll fight for the ministry."

I'm only here on Earth to serve God. I never had a career. I don't care about commercialism. I have a ministry and I'll fight for the ministry.

I Don T Care Quotes: "We know what we got, and we don't care whether you know it or not."

We know what we got, and we don't care whether you know it or not.

I Don T Care Quotes: "We can have whatever it is that we choose. I don't care how big it is."

We can have whatever it is that we choose. I don't care how big it is.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I found out that it's not good to talk about my troubles. Eighty percent of the people who hear them don't care and the other twenty percent are glad you're having them."

I found out that it's not good to talk about my troubles. Eighty percent of the people who hear them don't care and the other twenty percent are glad you're having them.

I Don T Care Quotes: "[We are] persuaded to spend money we don't have on things we don't need to create impressions that won't last on people we don't care about."

[We are] persuaded to spend money we don't have on things we don't need to create impressions that won't last on people we don't care about.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Nothing can make me madder than lawyers who don't care about others."

Nothing can make me madder than lawyers who don't care about others.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't know anyone who actually likes the dark or night-time. I don't care how much they say it doesn't bother them. That's why we used to huddle in caves and light fires when the sun went down."

I don't know anyone who actually likes the dark or night-time. I don't care how much they say it doesn't bother them. That's why we used to huddle in caves and light fires when the sun went down.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care if what we do makes a profit; I care whether we get somebody out of a wheelchair."

I don't care if what we do makes a profit; I care whether we get somebody out of a wheelchair.

I Don T Care Quotes: "It's important for me to let my fans know I really don't care. I'm confident."

It's important for me to let my fans know I really don't care. I'm confident.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about awards and public image. We know the business of entertainment. We worship our work, we worship our clients and we worship profitability."

I don't care about awards and public image. We know the business of entertainment. We worship our work, we worship our clients and we worship profitability.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care what you think of Michael Vick - whether you think he's being mistreated or misused, or just think he's not that good, whatever. He can play for my team any day"

I don't care what you think of Michael Vick - whether you think he's being mistreated or misused, or just think he's not that good, whatever. He can play for my team any day

I Don T Care Quotes: "Give me a thrill, says the reader, Give me a kick; I don't care how you succeed, or What subject you pick."

Give me a thrill, says the reader, Give me a kick; I don't care how you succeed, or What subject you pick.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Audiences are quite happy to be astonished, and they don't care who does that astonishing."

Audiences are quite happy to be astonished, and they don't care who does that astonishing.

I Don T Care Quotes: "As long as I keep getting cast, I don't care if it's typecast."

As long as I keep getting cast, I don't care if it's typecast.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Head's all empty, I don't care,' he'd sing to me, quoting the Grateful Dead, and I'd force a smile, thinking that my head was never empty and that if it ever was, you could be darn sure I'd care."

Head's all empty, I don't care,' he'd sing to me, quoting the Grateful Dead, and I'd force a smile, thinking that my head was never empty and that if it ever was, you could be darn sure I'd care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I look at Bill Clinton, the way I look at Bill Gates. As long as my Microsoft stock is going up, I don't care what Bill Gates does in the privacy of his own home."

I look at Bill Clinton, the way I look at Bill Gates. As long as my Microsoft stock is going up, I don't care what Bill Gates does in the privacy of his own home.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care what stage or what reason, as long as we're playing."

I don't care what stage or what reason, as long as we're playing.

I Don T Care Quotes: "We don't care how big or strong opponents are as long as they are human."

We don't care how big or strong opponents are as long as they are human.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about a golfer. I don't care about getting better as a golfer. I want to be better as a person."

I don't care about a golfer. I don't care about getting better as a golfer. I want to be better as a person.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care."

Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Chinese buildings are like American buildings, with big footprints. People don't care about daylight or fresh air."

Chinese buildings are like American buildings, with big footprints. People don't care about daylight or fresh air.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about convincing the people who think I'm naive or an idiot."

I don't care about convincing the people who think I'm naive or an idiot.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I'm not saying that people should not divorce, but at the rate at which it happens here is sick. The kids, they suffer. I don't care what anyone says."

I'm not saying that people should not divorce, but at the rate at which it happens here is sick. The kids, they suffer. I don't care what anyone says.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care who you are, you hear those boos."

I don't care who you are, you hear those boos.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I want to be the best at whatever I do. I don't care who gets in the way."

I want to be the best at whatever I do. I don't care who gets in the way.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Let me say this, to all of the chattering class that so much focuses on those little tiny, yes, porky amendments - the American people really don't care."

Let me say this, to all of the chattering class that so much focuses on those little tiny, yes, porky amendments - the American people really don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I have my work and my faith... If that's boring to some people, I can't tell you how much I don't care."

I have my work and my faith... If that's boring to some people, I can't tell you how much I don't care.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Jews don't care about ancient rivalries. We worry about humidity in Miami."

Jews don't care about ancient rivalries. We worry about humidity in Miami.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about truth. I want some happiness."

I don't care about truth. I want some happiness.

I Don T Care Quotes: "If they aren't going to advance God's kingdom, I don't care to help them advance their kingdom."

If they aren't going to advance God's kingdom, I don't care to help them advance their kingdom.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care about [being a star]. The most important thing for me now is just do my job."

I don't care about [being a star]. The most important thing for me now is just do my job.

I Don T Care Quotes: "If you got anything to you at all as an athlete and a competitor, you don't care what the circumstances are. You still got competition."

If you got anything to you at all as an athlete and a competitor, you don't care what the circumstances are. You still got competition.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care a damn for your loyal service when you think I am right; when I really want it most is when you think I am wrong."

I don't care a damn for your loyal service when you think I am right; when I really want it most is when you think I am wrong.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care. Charlton Heston is the head of the National Rifle Association. He deserves whatever anyone says about him."

I don't care. Charlton Heston is the head of the National Rifle Association. He deserves whatever anyone says about him.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care if I ever hit radio, and I don't care if I ever get any bigger than this. I just wanna stand up for artistry because that's what really matters in music"

I don't care if I ever hit radio, and I don't care if I ever get any bigger than this. I just wanna stand up for artistry because that's what really matters in music

I Don T Care Quotes: "I'm not really the most confident guy in the world, but I also don't care too much about what people think about me either. I just try to be honest in what I like and see who likes it."

I'm not really the most confident guy in the world, but I also don't care too much about what people think about me either. I just try to be honest in what I like and see who likes it.

I Don T Care Quotes: "Most scientists I know don't care enough about religion even to call themselves atheists."

Most scientists I know don't care enough about religion even to call themselves atheists.

I Don T Care Quotes: "I don't care how small or big they are, insects freak me out."

I don't care how small or big they are, insects freak me out.