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I Smile Quotes

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I Smile Quotes: "When all is said and done, I'd never count the cost. It's worth all that's lost, just to see you smile."

When all is said and done, I'd never count the cost. It's worth all that's lost, just to see you smile.

I Smile Quotes: "When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time".You have more potential than you believe you do.Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened."

When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time".You have more potential than you believe you do.Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.

I Smile Quotes: "The strong is not the one who can put on the blades at a glance, and the one who is able to raise a smile from his knees!"

The strong is not the one who can put on the blades at a glance, and the one who is able to raise a smile from his knees!

I Smile Quotes: "Do not think little of any good deed, even if it is just greeting your brother with a smile."

Do not think little of any good deed, even if it is just greeting your brother with a smile.

I Smile Quotes: "Smile often. Speak gently. Be kind."

Smile often. Speak gently. Be kind.

I Smile Quotes: "I know a cure for sadness: Let our hands touch something that makes your eyes smile."

I know a cure for sadness: Let our hands touch something that makes your eyes smile.

I Smile Quotes: "I've had to learn to fight all my life - got to learn to keep smiling. If you smile things will work out."

I've had to learn to fight all my life - got to learn to keep smiling. If you smile things will work out.

I Smile Quotes: "Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to have fun accomplishing what others are too afraid to do."

Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to have fun accomplishing what others are too afraid to do.

I Smile Quotes: "Holiness does not consist in doing extraordinary things. It consists in accepting, with a smile, what Jesus sends us. It consists in accepting and following the will of God."

Holiness does not consist in doing extraordinary things. It consists in accepting, with a smile, what Jesus sends us. It consists in accepting and following the will of God.

I Smile Quotes: "It is of no concern to me if one is rich or poor, healthy or sick, at some time or another life will be pretty difficult for everyone. That is one of the reasons why my figures do not smile."

It is of no concern to me if one is rich or poor, healthy or sick, at some time or another life will be pretty difficult for everyone. That is one of the reasons why my figures do not smile.

I Smile Quotes: "You Look so much better When You Smile - so smile."

You Look so much better When You Smile - so smile.

I Smile Quotes: "I want to sleep for eternity with a broad smile on my face. I want those who remain behind to say this man has done his duty."

I want to sleep for eternity with a broad smile on my face. I want those who remain behind to say this man has done his duty.

I Smile Quotes: "Colors are the smiles of nature."

Colors are the smiles of nature.

I Smile Quotes: "Humour is the weapon of unarmed people: it helps people who are oppressed to smile at the situation that pains them."

Humour is the weapon of unarmed people: it helps people who are oppressed to smile at the situation that pains them.

I Smile Quotes: "I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. You hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the inside."

I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. You hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the inside.

I Smile Quotes: "The next time you encounter a difficult obstacle or problem, you should smile and say, 'Here's my chance to grow.'"

The next time you encounter a difficult obstacle or problem, you should smile and say, 'Here's my chance to grow.'

I Smile Quotes: "I am a boring looking guy with a common face, ugly scars and a toothy smile."

I am a boring looking guy with a common face, ugly scars and a toothy smile.

I Smile Quotes: "A wise person laughs and smiles through the eyes. . . . The smile and laughter through the eyes influence people tremendously. No energy leaks if you smile through the eyes."

A wise person laughs and smiles through the eyes. . . . The smile and laughter through the eyes influence people tremendously. No energy leaks if you smile through the eyes.

I Smile Quotes: "I'm always happy to play the bad girl. I just get to have fun, and it's obviously all done with a smile."

I'm always happy to play the bad girl. I just get to have fun, and it's obviously all done with a smile.

I Smile Quotes: "Sometimes it is the smallest thing that saves us: the weather growing cold, a child's smile, and a cup of excellent coffee."

Sometimes it is the smallest thing that saves us: the weather growing cold, a child's smile, and a cup of excellent coffee.

I Smile Quotes: "Gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much. For on the smiles, the thanks we give, our little gestures of appreciation, our neighbors build their philosophy of life."

Gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much. For on the smiles, the thanks we give, our little gestures of appreciation, our neighbors build their philosophy of life.

I Smile Quotes: "A person who knows how to laugh at himself will never ceased to be amused."

A person who knows how to laugh at himself will never ceased to be amused.

I Smile Quotes: "I smile and think; This is my job, this is what I do for a living, and its what I’ve always wanted"

I smile and think; This is my job, this is what I do for a living, and its what I’ve always wanted

I Smile Quotes: "Your day usually goes the way the corners of your mouth turn. The most powerful single thing you can do to influence others is to smile at them."

Your day usually goes the way the corners of your mouth turn. The most powerful single thing you can do to influence others is to smile at them.

I Smile Quotes: "Forget yourself by becoming interested in others. Do every day a good deed that will put a smile of joy on someone's face."

Forget yourself by becoming interested in others. Do every day a good deed that will put a smile of joy on someone's face.

I Smile Quotes: "The power of a smile goes a long way. My mom taught me that."

The power of a smile goes a long way. My mom taught me that.

I Smile Quotes: "Focus on giving smiles away and you will always discover that your own smiles will always be in great supply!"

Focus on giving smiles away and you will always discover that your own smiles will always be in great supply!

I Smile Quotes: "There is nothing that makes me happier than making a child smile."

There is nothing that makes me happier than making a child smile.

I Smile Quotes: "Right now, I'm following the Buddhist principle: Smile as abuse is hurled your way and this too shall pass."

Right now, I'm following the Buddhist principle: Smile as abuse is hurled your way and this too shall pass.

I Smile Quotes: "Maybe time didn't heal wounds exactly, but it gave you a kind of armor, or a new perspective. A way to remember with a smile instead of a sob."

Maybe time didn't heal wounds exactly, but it gave you a kind of armor, or a new perspective. A way to remember with a smile instead of a sob.

I Smile Quotes: "My smile is my favorite part of my body. I think a smile can make your whole body."

My smile is my favorite part of my body. I think a smile can make your whole body.

I Smile Quotes: "Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A "you can do it" when things are tough."

Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A "you can do it" when things are tough.

I Smile Quotes: "A smile cures the wounding of a frown."

A smile cures the wounding of a frown.

I Smile Quotes: "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow."

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow.

I Smile Quotes: "A simple smile. That's the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others."

A simple smile. That's the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.

I Smile Quotes: "I will hate the man you choose because he isn't me, and love him if he makes you smile."

I will hate the man you choose because he isn't me, and love him if he makes you smile.

I Smile Quotes: "Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see that life is still worth while if you just smile"

Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see that life is still worth while if you just smile

I Smile Quotes: "Smile if it kills you. The physiology of smiling diffuses a lot of anger and angst. It makes your body and soul feel better."

Smile if it kills you. The physiology of smiling diffuses a lot of anger and angst. It makes your body and soul feel better.

I Smile Quotes: "The saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries not to be sad. You know, when sad tries to bite its lip and not cry, and smile and say, "No I'm happy for you"? Thats when it's really sad."

The saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries not to be sad. You know, when sad tries to bite its lip and not cry, and smile and say, "No I'm happy for you"? Thats when it's really sad.

I Smile Quotes: "You're never fully dressed without a smile."

You're never fully dressed without a smile.

I Smile Quotes: "The art of politics is learning to walk with your back to the wall, your elbows high, and a smile on your face. It's a survival game played under the glare of lights."

The art of politics is learning to walk with your back to the wall, your elbows high, and a smile on your face. It's a survival game played under the glare of lights.

I Smile Quotes: "Sometimes just a smile on our face can help to make this world a better place."

Sometimes just a smile on our face can help to make this world a better place.

I Smile Quotes: "Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter."

Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.

I Smile Quotes: "Come on with the rain / I’ve a smile on my face."

Come on with the rain / I’ve a smile on my face.

I Smile Quotes: "I'ma do my thing until the day the reaper come for me. You can keep on grillin', I'ma smile back."

I'ma do my thing until the day the reaper come for me. You can keep on grillin', I'ma smile back.

I Smile Quotes: "Life is a mirror: if you frown at it, it frowns back; if you smile, it returns the greeting."

Life is a mirror: if you frown at it, it frowns back; if you smile, it returns the greeting.

I Smile Quotes: "The only thing I have to give to make you smile, to win you with, are all the mornings still to live."

The only thing I have to give to make you smile, to win you with, are all the mornings still to live.

I Smile Quotes: "Take the reins of your life in your hands every day. Get up and put a smile on your face, and feel grateful for this gift in your life."

Take the reins of your life in your hands every day. Get up and put a smile on your face, and feel grateful for this gift in your life.

I Smile Quotes: "Smile... it irritates those who wish to destroy you."

Smile... it irritates those who wish to destroy you.