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Immortality Quotes

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Immortality Quotes: "We still are looking for someone who knows the secret of immortality. Only God is immortal; we are not."

We still are looking for someone who knows the secret of immortality. Only God is immortal; we are not.

Immortality Quotes: "The only secret people keep is immortality."

The only secret people keep is immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "To possess is past the instant; we achieve the joy, immortality contented, were anomaly."

To possess is past the instant; we achieve the joy, immortality contented, were anomaly.

Immortality Quotes: "Unable are the Loved to die For Love is Immortality, Nay, it is Deity - Unable they that love - to die For Love reforms Vitality Into Divinity."

Unable are the Loved to die For Love is Immortality, Nay, it is Deity - Unable they that love - to die For Love reforms Vitality Into Divinity.

Immortality Quotes: "Your theory of partial immortality is abhorrent to me. I would rather disbelieve in the immortality of my own soul than suppose the boon given to me was withheld from any of my fellow creatures."

Your theory of partial immortality is abhorrent to me. I would rather disbelieve in the immortality of my own soul than suppose the boon given to me was withheld from any of my fellow creatures.

Immortality Quotes: "Whosoever plants a tree, Winks at immortality."

Whosoever plants a tree, Winks at immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "We are power. But these are only words if you don't have the personal power to unlock the gates of immortality and of mortality."

We are power. But these are only words if you don't have the personal power to unlock the gates of immortality and of mortality.

Immortality Quotes: "As long as you're too busy trying to become something that you're not, you can't see your own immortality."

As long as you're too busy trying to become something that you're not, you can't see your own immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Love all your different sides, only then will immortality come to you."

Love all your different sides, only then will immortality come to you.

Immortality Quotes: "Meidtation and selfless giving must always go together. They work together to create immortality."

Meidtation and selfless giving must always go together. They work together to create immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Nirvikalpa samadhi is a state of no mind, beyond the ten thousand states of mind, where there is nothing but perfection, where the self no longer exists...the ego dissolves into immortality."

Nirvikalpa samadhi is a state of no mind, beyond the ten thousand states of mind, where there is nothing but perfection, where the self no longer exists...the ego dissolves into immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Faithfulness, faith, all of the words that so few people live, you must live. Only then are you worthy of immortality."

Faithfulness, faith, all of the words that so few people live, you must live. Only then are you worthy of immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "One day liberation will come, and it won't be a day; it won't be a year; it won't be a time, a place or a condition. It will be immortality reflecting through you. What will you do then?"

One day liberation will come, and it won't be a day; it won't be a year; it won't be a time, a place or a condition. It will be immortality reflecting through you. What will you do then?

Immortality Quotes: "Beyond learning and unlearning is awareness, and beyond awareness is consciousness, and beyond consciousness is immortality, and beyond immortality is dharma and beyond dharma is nirvana."

Beyond learning and unlearning is awareness, and beyond awareness is consciousness, and beyond consciousness is immortality, and beyond immortality is dharma and beyond dharma is nirvana.

Immortality Quotes: "Alow immortality to work through you. Be but a mere instrument. And that instrument should be so absorbed in the perfect perfection of existence, that it knows not even that it is absorbed."

Alow immortality to work through you. Be but a mere instrument. And that instrument should be so absorbed in the perfect perfection of existence, that it knows not even that it is absorbed.

Immortality Quotes: "The possibilities for immortality are endless. Here you sit reading these words, a butterfly resting on a flower!"

The possibilities for immortality are endless. Here you sit reading these words, a butterfly resting on a flower!

Immortality Quotes: "I offer you the possibilities of immortality, a pathway that leads beyond the known and the unknown, few follow it."

I offer you the possibilities of immortality, a pathway that leads beyond the known and the unknown, few follow it.

Immortality Quotes: "Meditation is when we go beyond incarnation, beyond all cycles, to immortality, to something that is not transient."

Meditation is when we go beyond incarnation, beyond all cycles, to immortality, to something that is not transient.

Immortality Quotes: "In sanskrit they say: "Tat twam asi" - thou art that. You are God. The bubble of your awareness bursts and you're flooded with immortality."

In sanskrit they say: "Tat twam asi" - thou art that. You are God. The bubble of your awareness bursts and you're flooded with immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Once you have personally experienced enlightenment, you will see beyond the ocean of death to the everlasting shores of immortality."

Once you have personally experienced enlightenment, you will see beyond the ocean of death to the everlasting shores of immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Meditation is a refocusing on symbols. It's not emptiness. We are using symbols, doorways to step from one world to another, from darkness into light, from death to immortality."

Meditation is a refocusing on symbols. It's not emptiness. We are using symbols, doorways to step from one world to another, from darkness into light, from death to immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "The dreams of human beings are dark, heavy and morbid and simplistic and boring. The dreams of immortality are endless and shining, they shimmer, they glow."

The dreams of human beings are dark, heavy and morbid and simplistic and boring. The dreams of immortality are endless and shining, they shimmer, they glow.

Immortality Quotes: "Only one who has achieved immortality of awareness can laugh with life and laugh with death."

Only one who has achieved immortality of awareness can laugh with life and laugh with death.

Immortality Quotes: "Sometimes I think death is a greater awareness than life. Life gives us the illusion of immortality, whereas death gives us the certainty of immortality"

Sometimes I think death is a greater awareness than life. Life gives us the illusion of immortality, whereas death gives us the certainty of immortality

Immortality Quotes: "Enlightenment means that you're in love with all of life, with not only immortality but mortality."

Enlightenment means that you're in love with all of life, with not only immortality but mortality.

Immortality Quotes: "He alone can believe in immortality who feels the resurrection in him already."

He alone can believe in immortality who feels the resurrection in him already.

Immortality Quotes: ""God", "the immortality of the soul", "salvation", "the beyond"-even as a child I had no time for such notions, I do not waste any time upon them-maybe I was never childish enough for that?"

"God", "the immortality of the soul", "salvation", "the beyond"-even as a child I had no time for such notions, I do not waste any time upon them-maybe I was never childish enough for that?

Immortality Quotes: "Martyrdom is the only path to immortality that requires no talent whatsoever."

Martyrdom is the only path to immortality that requires no talent whatsoever.

Immortality Quotes: "Tis immortality to die aspiring."

Tis immortality to die aspiring.

Immortality Quotes: "Tis immortality to die aspiring, As if a man were taken quick to heaven."

Tis immortality to die aspiring, As if a man were taken quick to heaven.

Immortality Quotes: "Hence, in these times, untouch'd the pages lie, And slumber out their immortality."

Hence, in these times, untouch'd the pages lie, And slumber out their immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Souls live on in perpetual echoes."

Souls live on in perpetual echoes.

Immortality Quotes: "God, immortality, duty - how inconceivable the first, how unbelievable the second, how peremptory and absolute the third."

God, immortality, duty - how inconceivable the first, how unbelievable the second, how peremptory and absolute the third.

Immortality Quotes: "Shakespeare is a good raft whereon to float securely down the stream of time; fasten yourself to that and your immortality is safe."

Shakespeare is a good raft whereon to float securely down the stream of time; fasten yourself to that and your immortality is safe.

Immortality Quotes: "All the doctrines that have flourished in the world about immortality have hardly affected man's natural sentiment in the face of death."

All the doctrines that have flourished in the world about immortality have hardly affected man's natural sentiment in the face of death.

Immortality Quotes: "There is a kind of immortality in every garden."

There is a kind of immortality in every garden.

Immortality Quotes: "The only true immortality is when you don't care if you die. The moment you stop giving credence to gain is when you become invulnerable to pain."

The only true immortality is when you don't care if you die. The moment you stop giving credence to gain is when you become invulnerable to pain.

Immortality Quotes: "If reality is not what you want it to be, change it. You should not accept anything blindly, not death, not immortality."

If reality is not what you want it to be, change it. You should not accept anything blindly, not death, not immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "We do not believe in immortality because we can't prove it, but we try to prove it because we cannot help believing it."

We do not believe in immortality because we can't prove it, but we try to prove it because we cannot help believing it.

Immortality Quotes: "We shall some day catch an abstract truth by the tail, and then we shall have our religion and our immortality."

We shall some day catch an abstract truth by the tail, and then we shall have our religion and our immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "It's not lost on me that everyone dies, but some people have a kind of immortality about them, and you can't imagine that they will ever be gone."

It's not lost on me that everyone dies, but some people have a kind of immortality about them, and you can't imagine that they will ever be gone.

Immortality Quotes: "No grief has a right to immortality. That ground belongs to joy, to hope, to faith."

No grief has a right to immortality. That ground belongs to joy, to hope, to faith.

Immortality Quotes: "Men of dissolute lives have little incentive to look forward to the hopes and glories of immortality. A due conception of these would be incompatible with such a life."

Men of dissolute lives have little incentive to look forward to the hopes and glories of immortality. A due conception of these would be incompatible with such a life.

Immortality Quotes: "Books are the true metempsychosis,--they are the symbol and presage of immortality. The dead men are scattered, and none shall find them. Behold they are here! they do but sleep."

Books are the true metempsychosis,--they are the symbol and presage of immortality. The dead men are scattered, and none shall find them. Behold they are here! they do but sleep.

Immortality Quotes: "Of what use are laws, inoperative through public immortality? [Lat., Quid leges sine moribus Vanae proficiunt?]"

Of what use are laws, inoperative through public immortality? [Lat., Quid leges sine moribus Vanae proficiunt?]

Immortality Quotes: "Immortality--twin sister of Eternity."

Immortality--twin sister of Eternity.

Immortality Quotes: "Work for immortality if you will: then wait for it."

Work for immortality if you will: then wait for it.

Immortality Quotes: "It is not about striving for immortality, but about accepting mortality."

It is not about striving for immortality, but about accepting mortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Most of the faint intimations of immortality of which we are occasionally aware would seem to arise out of Art or the materials of Art."

Most of the faint intimations of immortality of which we are occasionally aware would seem to arise out of Art or the materials of Art.