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Immortality Quotes

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Immortality Quotes: "The wise are known by their actions; fame and immortality are ever their attendants."

The wise are known by their actions; fame and immortality are ever their attendants.

Immortality Quotes: "Let him who believes in immortality enjoy his happiness in silence; he has no reason to give himself airs about it."

Let him who believes in immortality enjoy his happiness in silence; he has no reason to give himself airs about it.

Immortality Quotes: "The thought of immortality is as well founded as any other well authenticated postulate of the human reason."

The thought of immortality is as well founded as any other well authenticated postulate of the human reason.

Immortality Quotes: "There is an awful warmth about my heart like a load of immortality."

There is an awful warmth about my heart like a load of immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "What am I pondering, you ask? So help me God, immortality."

What am I pondering, you ask? So help me God, immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Death from sin no power can separate."

Death from sin no power can separate.

Immortality Quotes: "Some one has said of a fine and honorable old age, that it was the childhood of immortality."

Some one has said of a fine and honorable old age, that it was the childhood of immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "The early Bob Dylan was compulsively drawn to the conflict between stability and the search for immortality."

The early Bob Dylan was compulsively drawn to the conflict between stability and the search for immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "I might accept immortality, if I had to do it. But I would prefer - if there is any afterlife - to know nothing whatever about Borges, about his experiences in this world."

I might accept immortality, if I had to do it. But I would prefer - if there is any afterlife - to know nothing whatever about Borges, about his experiences in this world.

Immortality Quotes: "I ask of any God, of any gods, that if they give immortality, I hope to be granted oblivion also."

I ask of any God, of any gods, that if they give immortality, I hope to be granted oblivion also.

Immortality Quotes: "Enlarge the pupil of the eye, so that the body with its attendant personality will no longer obstruct the view. Immortality is then experienced as a present fact."

Enlarge the pupil of the eye, so that the body with its attendant personality will no longer obstruct the view. Immortality is then experienced as a present fact.

Immortality Quotes: "That whole thing about immortality, eternal love and flying is dark and sexy. When you're going through your sexual awakening, it's all a part of that."

That whole thing about immortality, eternal love and flying is dark and sexy. When you're going through your sexual awakening, it's all a part of that.

Immortality Quotes: "The hand of bone and sinew and flesh achieves its immortality in taking up a pen. The hand on a page wields a greater power than the fleshly hand ever could in life."

The hand of bone and sinew and flesh achieves its immortality in taking up a pen. The hand on a page wields a greater power than the fleshly hand ever could in life.

Immortality Quotes: "If my father could watch my son for a while, he might realize his own immortality."

If my father could watch my son for a while, he might realize his own immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "While death and darkness girdle me I grope for immortality."

While death and darkness girdle me I grope for immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "I feel my immortality over sweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, - and peal, like the eternal thunders of the deep, into my ears, this truth, - thou livest forever!"

I feel my immortality over sweep all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, - and peal, like the eternal thunders of the deep, into my ears, this truth, - thou livest forever!

Immortality Quotes: "I am in no way interested in immortality, but only in the taste of tea."

I am in no way interested in immortality, but only in the taste of tea.

Immortality Quotes: "Should this my firm persuasion of the soul's immortality prove to be a mere delusion, it is at least a pleasing delusion, and I will cherish it to my last breath."

Should this my firm persuasion of the soul's immortality prove to be a mere delusion, it is at least a pleasing delusion, and I will cherish it to my last breath.

Immortality Quotes: "Be the first to say something obvious and achieve immortality."

Be the first to say something obvious and achieve immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Immortality... Is that a super power?"

Immortality... Is that a super power?

Immortality Quotes: "Do I think there's life after death? No, I think my books are my life after death."

Do I think there's life after death? No, I think my books are my life after death.

Immortality Quotes: "Till we attain immortality, all life will remain just an illusion!"

Till we attain immortality, all life will remain just an illusion!

Immortality Quotes: "Man is nothing, absolutely nothing till he achieves physical immortality. God should be prosecuted on the charges of making man mortal!"

Man is nothing, absolutely nothing till he achieves physical immortality. God should be prosecuted on the charges of making man mortal!

Immortality Quotes: "Machine intelligence of a human nature could be a century away, and immortality is at least a millennium away, if not unattainable altogether."

Machine intelligence of a human nature could be a century away, and immortality is at least a millennium away, if not unattainable altogether.

Immortality Quotes: "There's a feeling of immortality you have in youth. You just don't see the dangers around you, or, if you do, maybe you're even excited by them."

There's a feeling of immortality you have in youth. You just don't see the dangers around you, or, if you do, maybe you're even excited by them.

Immortality Quotes: "Immortality gets very, very boring. You'd be surprised at how interesting the small mundanities of life can seem after a few millennia."

Immortality gets very, very boring. You'd be surprised at how interesting the small mundanities of life can seem after a few millennia.

Immortality Quotes: "Immortality is the best recollection one leaves."

Immortality is the best recollection one leaves.

Immortality Quotes: "I actually don't think that there is a connection between the survival instinct and a hunger for immortality."

I actually don't think that there is a connection between the survival instinct and a hunger for immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Youth goes caparisoned in immortality."

Youth goes caparisoned in immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "One thought settles a life, an immortality."

One thought settles a life, an immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "It's a certain kind of immortality, because those Disney films do go on and on and on."

It's a certain kind of immortality, because those Disney films do go on and on and on.

Immortality Quotes: "Man's life is short; and therefore an honorable death is his immortality."

Man's life is short; and therefore an honorable death is his immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Death! It is rest to the aged, it is oblivion to the atheist, it is immortality to the poet!"

Death! It is rest to the aged, it is oblivion to the atheist, it is immortality to the poet!

Immortality Quotes: "if you want to achieve immortality, see what you can do about getting yourself turned into a Pentagon program."

if you want to achieve immortality, see what you can do about getting yourself turned into a Pentagon program.

Immortality Quotes: "The authentic religion teaches you to discover your immortality, to discover the god within you."

The authentic religion teaches you to discover your immortality, to discover the god within you.

Immortality Quotes: "Of immortality, the soul, when well employed, is incurious. It is so well, that it is sure that it will be well. It asks no questions of the Supreme Power."

Of immortality, the soul, when well employed, is incurious. It is so well, that it is sure that it will be well. It asks no questions of the Supreme Power.

Immortality Quotes: "If a man is at heart just, then in so far is he God; the safety of God, the immortality of God, the majesty of God do enter into that man with justice."

If a man is at heart just, then in so far is he God; the safety of God, the immortality of God, the majesty of God do enter into that man with justice.

Immortality Quotes: "I have four daughters and eight grandchildren. My soul lives on in them. That's immortality. That's the only immortality I care about."

I have four daughters and eight grandchildren. My soul lives on in them. That's immortality. That's the only immortality I care about.

Immortality Quotes: "The one thing we fear most is the one thing that is not possible: We cannot die, we cannot be destroyed."

The one thing we fear most is the one thing that is not possible: We cannot die, we cannot be destroyed.

Immortality Quotes: "To believe in immortality is one thing, but it is first needful to believe in life."

To believe in immortality is one thing, but it is first needful to believe in life.

Immortality Quotes: "It's our mortality that terrifies us, because what we're really seeking is immortality - that is, after all, a fool's errand."

It's our mortality that terrifies us, because what we're really seeking is immortality - that is, after all, a fool's errand.

Immortality Quotes: "Creativity is a yearning for immortality"

Creativity is a yearning for immortality

Immortality Quotes: "The belief of immortality is impressed upon all men, and all men act under an impression of it, however they may talk, and though, perhaps, they may be scarcely sensible of it."

The belief of immortality is impressed upon all men, and all men act under an impression of it, however they may talk, and though, perhaps, they may be scarcely sensible of it.

Immortality Quotes: "That's immortality my darlings" Spencer said."

That's immortality my darlings" Spencer said.

Immortality Quotes: "It's the closest I've come to touching immortality, by reading the words of dead people."

It's the closest I've come to touching immortality, by reading the words of dead people.

Immortality Quotes: "Affliction by that falsehood is the act of dying. To be free from that delusion is to attain Immortality."

Affliction by that falsehood is the act of dying. To be free from that delusion is to attain Immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "We should desire neither the immortality nor the death of any human being, whoever he may be, with whom we have to do."

We should desire neither the immortality nor the death of any human being, whoever he may be, with whom we have to do.

Immortality Quotes: "Either by silencing the mind or by opening the heart, today's man can become tomorrow's God, tomorrow's Divinity. And embodied Divinity soon becomes revealed Immortality."

Either by silencing the mind or by opening the heart, today's man can become tomorrow's God, tomorrow's Divinity. And embodied Divinity soon becomes revealed Immortality.

Immortality Quotes: "Guessing right for the wrong reason does not merit scientific immortality."

Guessing right for the wrong reason does not merit scientific immortality.