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Imperfect Quotes

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Imperfect Quotes: "A child in the 4th grade who's just learning algebra is not imperfect. While there may be a child in the 12th grade who's much better, the child who's learning is not imperfect."

A child in the 4th grade who's just learning algebra is not imperfect. While there may be a child in the 12th grade who's much better, the child who's learning is not imperfect.

Imperfect Quotes: "Man is imperfect. The reality he creates is always endangered by man."

Man is imperfect. The reality he creates is always endangered by man.

Imperfect Quotes: "Human existence basically is──a never to be completed imperfect tense."

Human existence basically is──a never to be completed imperfect tense.

Imperfect Quotes: "[T]he foundation of a great Empire is laid, and I please myself with a persuasion, that Providence will not leave its work imperfect."

[T]he foundation of a great Empire is laid, and I please myself with a persuasion, that Providence will not leave its work imperfect.

Imperfect Quotes: "genius must ever be imperfect. Life is not long enough nor slow enough for both brain and character to grow side by side to superhuman proportions."

genius must ever be imperfect. Life is not long enough nor slow enough for both brain and character to grow side by side to superhuman proportions.

Imperfect Quotes: "Because our expression is imperfect we need friendship to fill up the imperfections."

Because our expression is imperfect we need friendship to fill up the imperfections.

Imperfect Quotes: "Imperfect communities show that being a maximal resemblance class is not sufficient for being a property."

Imperfect communities show that being a maximal resemblance class is not sufficient for being a property.

Imperfect Quotes: "Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time."

Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time.

Imperfect Quotes: "All imperfections are forced upon the imperfect, so the 'perfect' can live content and oblivious."

All imperfections are forced upon the imperfect, so the 'perfect' can live content and oblivious.

Imperfect Quotes: "You can root for someone who's imperfect."

You can root for someone who's imperfect.

Imperfect Quotes: "We all feel disabled in some way. We all feel imperfect. It's hard to be looked at for various reasons."

We all feel disabled in some way. We all feel imperfect. It's hard to be looked at for various reasons.

Imperfect Quotes: "Love is no individual's experience; and though we are imperfect mediums, it does not partake of our imperfection; though we are finite, it is infinite and eternal."

Love is no individual's experience; and though we are imperfect mediums, it does not partake of our imperfection; though we are finite, it is infinite and eternal.

Imperfect Quotes: "The lichen on the rocks is a rude and simple shield which beginning and imperfect Nature suspended there. Still hangs her wrinkledtrophy."

The lichen on the rocks is a rude and simple shield which beginning and imperfect Nature suspended there. Still hangs her wrinkledtrophy.

Imperfect Quotes: "He who only does not appreciate floral beauty is to be pitied like any other man who is born imperfect. It is a misfortune not unlike blindness."

He who only does not appreciate floral beauty is to be pitied like any other man who is born imperfect. It is a misfortune not unlike blindness.

Imperfect Quotes: "Until racial justice and freedom is a reality in this land, our union will remain profoundly imperfect."

Until racial justice and freedom is a reality in this land, our union will remain profoundly imperfect.

Imperfect Quotes: "Our human laws are but the copies, more or less imperfect, of the eternal laws, so far as we can read them."

Our human laws are but the copies, more or less imperfect, of the eternal laws, so far as we can read them.

Imperfect Quotes: "I write down portions, maybe fragments, and perhaps an imperfect view of what Im hoping to write. Out of that, I keep trying to find exactly what I want."

I write down portions, maybe fragments, and perhaps an imperfect view of what Im hoping to write. Out of that, I keep trying to find exactly what I want.

Imperfect Quotes: "The interesting thing about advertising is that the things that annoy us sometimes about it are really human. It's us looking at ourselves - and like all human endeavors it's imperfect."

The interesting thing about advertising is that the things that annoy us sometimes about it are really human. It's us looking at ourselves - and like all human endeavors it's imperfect.

Imperfect Quotes: "You many have noticed I have a temper ... but when I calmed down, I realized that this world, blighted and imperfect as it is, would be better with you in it."

You many have noticed I have a temper ... but when I calmed down, I realized that this world, blighted and imperfect as it is, would be better with you in it.

Imperfect Quotes: "...you are defined not by life's imperfect moments, but by your reaction to them."

...you are defined not by life's imperfect moments, but by your reaction to them.

Imperfect Quotes: "The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way."

The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.

Imperfect Quotes: "I think it is an imperfect arms control agreement. It's not a friendship treaty. But when America gives her word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies."

I think it is an imperfect arms control agreement. It's not a friendship treaty. But when America gives her word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies.

Imperfect Quotes: "Usually I think if there is something imperfect in a photograph it makes the picture more real. Photographs that are slick, smooth, and imperfect seem less honest to me."

Usually I think if there is something imperfect in a photograph it makes the picture more real. Photographs that are slick, smooth, and imperfect seem less honest to me.

Imperfect Quotes: "What I've learned in 40 years of consumer reporting is that the market is imperfect, and some people get ripped off."

What I've learned in 40 years of consumer reporting is that the market is imperfect, and some people get ripped off.

Imperfect Quotes: "I know tolerably well what Ireland was, but have a very imperfect idea of what Ireland is."

I know tolerably well what Ireland was, but have a very imperfect idea of what Ireland is.

Imperfect Quotes: "My hope is that my novels reflect the reality of a world where good and evil exist, imperfect people make mistakes, but a perfect Heavenly Father offers forgiveness and second chances."

My hope is that my novels reflect the reality of a world where good and evil exist, imperfect people make mistakes, but a perfect Heavenly Father offers forgiveness and second chances.

Imperfect Quotes: "The hope in literature is that we are allowed to be imperfect, to write of our imperfection, without being overly critiqued for being unlikeable."

The hope in literature is that we are allowed to be imperfect, to write of our imperfection, without being overly critiqued for being unlikeable.

Imperfect Quotes: "Do you see any majority, anywhere, in this imperfect and irreligious world, admitting that the minority is precious? That any minority is precious?"

Do you see any majority, anywhere, in this imperfect and irreligious world, admitting that the minority is precious? That any minority is precious?

Imperfect Quotes: "At times, my nostalgia for our family life as it used to be--for our own imperfect, cherished, irretrievable past--is nearly overwhelming."

At times, my nostalgia for our family life as it used to be--for our own imperfect, cherished, irretrievable past--is nearly overwhelming.

Imperfect Quotes: "When I made the decision - when my team-mates made that decision, when the whole peloton made that decision - it was a bad decision and an imperfect time. But it happened."

When I made the decision - when my team-mates made that decision, when the whole peloton made that decision - it was a bad decision and an imperfect time. But it happened.

Imperfect Quotes: "In ancient times, people said that imperfect moves to becoming perfect. Are these words vain? No! Truly, by gaining Unity you come to Perfection!"

In ancient times, people said that imperfect moves to becoming perfect. Are these words vain? No! Truly, by gaining Unity you come to Perfection!

Imperfect Quotes: "Compromise is an imperfect act."

Compromise is an imperfect act.

Imperfect Quotes: "He was so far from the gallant knights in her romantic fantasies...He was tarnished, scarred, imperfect."

He was so far from the gallant knights in her romantic fantasies...He was tarnished, scarred, imperfect.

Imperfect Quotes: "No man can become perfect until he knows his true nature. And the person who knows his or her true nature cannot be an imperfect."

No man can become perfect until he knows his true nature. And the person who knows his or her true nature cannot be an imperfect.

Imperfect Quotes: "All faiths constitute a revelation of Truth, but all are imperfect and liable to error."

All faiths constitute a revelation of Truth, but all are imperfect and liable to error.

Imperfect Quotes: "Perfection is only an ideal for man; it cannot be attained, for man is made imperfect."

Perfection is only an ideal for man; it cannot be attained, for man is made imperfect.

Imperfect Quotes: "Man in the flesh is essentially imperfect. He may be described as being made in the image of God but is far from being God."

Man in the flesh is essentially imperfect. He may be described as being made in the image of God but is far from being God.

Imperfect Quotes: "Whatever strength the masses have is due entirely to ahimsa, however imperfect or defective its practice might have been."

Whatever strength the masses have is due entirely to ahimsa, however imperfect or defective its practice might have been.

Imperfect Quotes: "The Congress fights not with violent but with nonviolent means, however imperfect, however crude the nonviolence may be."

The Congress fights not with violent but with nonviolent means, however imperfect, however crude the nonviolence may be.

Imperfect Quotes: "Praxiteles borrowed the better elements of a hundred imperfect models in order to create a masterpiece."

Praxiteles borrowed the better elements of a hundred imperfect models in order to create a masterpiece.

Imperfect Quotes: "... Love never forgets; or if it does, it is an imperfect love, like the beautiful love of a dog, faithful and unreasoning."

... Love never forgets; or if it does, it is an imperfect love, like the beautiful love of a dog, faithful and unreasoning.

Imperfect Quotes: "The visible world was only an imperfect reflection of the Ideal, which the Philosopher sought to transcend."

The visible world was only an imperfect reflection of the Ideal, which the Philosopher sought to transcend.

Imperfect Quotes: "I am one imperfect man saved by God's grace."

I am one imperfect man saved by God's grace.

Imperfect Quotes: "I saw no cause for their unhappiness, but I was deeply affected by it. If such lovely creatures were miserable, it was less strange that I, an imperfect and solitary being, should be wretched."

I saw no cause for their unhappiness, but I was deeply affected by it. If such lovely creatures were miserable, it was less strange that I, an imperfect and solitary being, should be wretched.

Imperfect Quotes: "The Imperfect Pastor by Zack Eswine might be the most helpful and profound book I've read in years. If you're in pastoral ministry grab a copy."

The Imperfect Pastor by Zack Eswine might be the most helpful and profound book I've read in years. If you're in pastoral ministry grab a copy.

Imperfect Quotes: "I didn't think I could be my imperfect self. I pretended I was Marcia, so I was always playing this role. I became her, but yet I wasn't. It's strange."

I didn't think I could be my imperfect self. I pretended I was Marcia, so I was always playing this role. I became her, but yet I wasn't. It's strange.

Imperfect Quotes: "All general judgments are loose and imperfect"

All general judgments are loose and imperfect

Imperfect Quotes: "Your best changes from moment to moment, sick or well, tired or rested. Remember that you are an imperfect human being. There is no value to judging yourself for"

Your best changes from moment to moment, sick or well, tired or rested. Remember that you are an imperfect human being. There is no value to judging yourself for

Imperfect Quotes: "Imperfectios equal beauty. We are all imperfect."

Imperfectios equal beauty. We are all imperfect.