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Instruments Quotes

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Instruments Quotes: "There is perhaps nothing that is not musical. Perhaps there's no moment in life that's not musical... All instruments, musical or not, become instruments."

There is perhaps nothing that is not musical. Perhaps there's no moment in life that's not musical... All instruments, musical or not, become instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "The instruments of war can be manufactured ... human blood cannot be; and the lack of just one pint could mean the life of an American serviceman."

The instruments of war can be manufactured ... human blood cannot be; and the lack of just one pint could mean the life of an American serviceman.

Instruments Quotes: "We know truth for the cruel instrument it is. Beauty is infinitely preferable to truth."

We know truth for the cruel instrument it is. Beauty is infinitely preferable to truth.

Instruments Quotes: "Wall Street got drunk and now it's got a hangover. And the question is, how long will it sober up and not try to do those fancy financial instruments?"

Wall Street got drunk and now it's got a hangover. And the question is, how long will it sober up and not try to do those fancy financial instruments?

Instruments Quotes: "The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them."

The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.

Instruments Quotes: "Indeed, the creators of the euro envisioned it as an instrument to promote political union."

Indeed, the creators of the euro envisioned it as an instrument to promote political union.

Instruments Quotes: "Samples are kind of my instrument of choice."

Samples are kind of my instrument of choice.

Instruments Quotes: "I definitely see the voice as an instrument: It makes great drums, great synth pads, great everything."

I definitely see the voice as an instrument: It makes great drums, great synth pads, great everything.

Instruments Quotes: "Liu Fang is a truly gifted, world-famous player of the pipa and the guzheng, classical Chinese stringed instruments."

Liu Fang is a truly gifted, world-famous player of the pipa and the guzheng, classical Chinese stringed instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "Whether you are out in the world, or you're at home, you are simply an instrument of God's love in your universe."

Whether you are out in the world, or you're at home, you are simply an instrument of God's love in your universe.

Instruments Quotes: "Love thine enemies for the strengths they call up in us make them the instruments of our destiny."

Love thine enemies for the strengths they call up in us make them the instruments of our destiny.

Instruments Quotes: "The existing liberties and the existing gratifications are tied to the requirements of repression: they themselves become instruments of repression."

The existing liberties and the existing gratifications are tied to the requirements of repression: they themselves become instruments of repression.

Instruments Quotes: "This is the pure form of servitude: to exist as an instrument."

This is the pure form of servitude: to exist as an instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "Piano was - well, all musical instruments were taught in this very rigid, formal, classical method when I was young."

Piano was - well, all musical instruments were taught in this very rigid, formal, classical method when I was young.

Instruments Quotes: "I just love crafting and shaping sounds. Actually, many of the sounds that I work with start off as organic instruments - guitar, piano, clarinet, etc. But I do love the rigidity of electronic drums."

I just love crafting and shaping sounds. Actually, many of the sounds that I work with start off as organic instruments - guitar, piano, clarinet, etc. But I do love the rigidity of electronic drums.

Instruments Quotes: "The cello is not one of my favourite instruments. It has such a lugubrious sound, like someone reading a will."

The cello is not one of my favourite instruments. It has such a lugubrious sound, like someone reading a will.

Instruments Quotes: "The eyes are the windows of your soul, and when you're acting, they're one of your most important instruments. Especially for close-ups!"

The eyes are the windows of your soul, and when you're acting, they're one of your most important instruments. Especially for close-ups!

Instruments Quotes: "I am determined that only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony. So... I shall end an old maid, and teach your ten children to embroider cushions and play their instruments very ill."

I am determined that only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony. So... I shall end an old maid, and teach your ten children to embroider cushions and play their instruments very ill.

Instruments Quotes: "If I could play an instrument, it would probably be a cello or an electric guitar."

If I could play an instrument, it would probably be a cello or an electric guitar.

Instruments Quotes: "The nurse knocked softly on the door of the examining room and wheeled in a shiny silver tray displaying neatly arranged instruments of torture."

The nurse knocked softly on the door of the examining room and wheeled in a shiny silver tray displaying neatly arranged instruments of torture.

Instruments Quotes: "We do not need torture as an available instrument of interrogation."

We do not need torture as an available instrument of interrogation.

Instruments Quotes: "Is there an observation which is not the instrument of thought?"

Is there an observation which is not the instrument of thought?

Instruments Quotes: "It excites me when a person puts their whole self in a song or rhyme, or instrument. It fills me."

It excites me when a person puts their whole self in a song or rhyme, or instrument. It fills me.

Instruments Quotes: "There's something fundamental to the harp that has retained its appeal my whole life. It's an instrument I am just in love with."

There's something fundamental to the harp that has retained its appeal my whole life. It's an instrument I am just in love with.

Instruments Quotes: "Lincoln grew immeasurably as he came to think of himself as an “instrument of God's will."

Lincoln grew immeasurably as he came to think of himself as an “instrument of God's will.

Instruments Quotes: "Over the years, when you're in a band with a catalog like Aerosmith's, you accumulate a lot of instruments to duplicate those songs."

Over the years, when you're in a band with a catalog like Aerosmith's, you accumulate a lot of instruments to duplicate those songs.

Instruments Quotes: "Rash, inexperienced youth holds itself a chosen instrument, and allows itself unbounded license."

Rash, inexperienced youth holds itself a chosen instrument, and allows itself unbounded license.

Instruments Quotes: "Always turn to God in the midst of your struggle and view people who offended you as an instruments of divine sovereignty."

Always turn to God in the midst of your struggle and view people who offended you as an instruments of divine sovereignty.

Instruments Quotes: "In the studio you have pretty much carte blanche with whatever you're doing. You can turn natural instruments into electronic instruments."

In the studio you have pretty much carte blanche with whatever you're doing. You can turn natural instruments into electronic instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "I enjoy hearing people who are good at their instruments and who've found a distinctive voice."

I enjoy hearing people who are good at their instruments and who've found a distinctive voice.

Instruments Quotes: "I really am a firm believer that if you're going to do something musically, you really need to know what that music would have sounded like, what those instruments would have been."

I really am a firm believer that if you're going to do something musically, you really need to know what that music would have sounded like, what those instruments would have been.

Instruments Quotes: "We Play the broken string of our instruments one last time"

We Play the broken string of our instruments one last time

Instruments Quotes: "Stuffing birds or playing stringed instruments is an elegant pastime, and a resource to the idle, but it is not education."

Stuffing birds or playing stringed instruments is an elegant pastime, and a resource to the idle, but it is not education.

Instruments Quotes: "In a way records are like paintings. Instead of using paints and brushes we use sounds and instruments."

In a way records are like paintings. Instead of using paints and brushes we use sounds and instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "Our beliefs are not just estimates of probabilities. They are also the instruments that guide our actions."

Our beliefs are not just estimates of probabilities. They are also the instruments that guide our actions.

Instruments Quotes: "What drew me to the violin was mastering the instrument technically, which I'm continuing to do."

What drew me to the violin was mastering the instrument technically, which I'm continuing to do.

Instruments Quotes: "In a lot of African instruments, you find a rattle, and sound engineers have a hard time making sense of it."

In a lot of African instruments, you find a rattle, and sound engineers have a hard time making sense of it.

Instruments Quotes: "I play all my own instruments. I write my own material. And I do not lip-synch. I sing live."

I play all my own instruments. I write my own material. And I do not lip-synch. I sing live.

Instruments Quotes: "I write almost every single part of my songs, even the actual drum parts sometimes, whether they be simple or layered with many different instruments."

I write almost every single part of my songs, even the actual drum parts sometimes, whether they be simple or layered with many different instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "Nothing like seeing the genesis of the relationship between an instrument and a child."

Nothing like seeing the genesis of the relationship between an instrument and a child.

Instruments Quotes: "The music was great for teaching about human nature. but I couldn't do any instruments or play anything. I like to sing. I'd rather sing than eat, but most people would rather hear me eat."

The music was great for teaching about human nature. but I couldn't do any instruments or play anything. I like to sing. I'd rather sing than eat, but most people would rather hear me eat.

Instruments Quotes: "When Simplicity is broken up, it is made into instruments. Evolved individuals who employ them, are made into leaders. In this way, the Great System is United."

When Simplicity is broken up, it is made into instruments. Evolved individuals who employ them, are made into leaders. In this way, the Great System is United.

Instruments Quotes: "Weapons are not proper instruments for gentle people; they use them only when they have no other choice. Peace and quiet are what they value. They do not glory in victory."

Weapons are not proper instruments for gentle people; they use them only when they have no other choice. Peace and quiet are what they value. They do not glory in victory.

Instruments Quotes: "My parents encouraged us to commit to things, so if we wanted to learn an instrument, it was all the grades and all the theory."

My parents encouraged us to commit to things, so if we wanted to learn an instrument, it was all the grades and all the theory.

Instruments Quotes: "My dad felt pretty strongly that I know about the basic workings of a plane and so he taught me how to read and set the instruments, as well as the basics of taking off and landing."

My dad felt pretty strongly that I know about the basic workings of a plane and so he taught me how to read and set the instruments, as well as the basics of taking off and landing.

Instruments Quotes: "I have the instruments, ideas, technology, computer techniques. We try to create or see something, which has not been known before - just to discover something together. This is always my dream."

I have the instruments, ideas, technology, computer techniques. We try to create or see something, which has not been known before - just to discover something together. This is always my dream.

Instruments Quotes: "I get a lot of joy from playing instruments, and I have a different personality on each instrument. I like to let that come out. I get kind of selfish."

I get a lot of joy from playing instruments, and I have a different personality on each instrument. I like to let that come out. I get kind of selfish.

Instruments Quotes: "Music, for me, is completely self-indulgent. I write it, I play the instruments, I arrange it, I produce it. It's all about me - as it should be."

Music, for me, is completely self-indulgent. I write it, I play the instruments, I arrange it, I produce it. It's all about me - as it should be.

Instruments Quotes: "The spirit desires to remain with its body, because, without the organic instruments of that body, it can neither act, nor feel anything."

The spirit desires to remain with its body, because, without the organic instruments of that body, it can neither act, nor feel anything.