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Instruments Quotes

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Instruments Quotes: "Spiritual instruments suffer in their potency when their use is taught through non-spiritual messages which are self-propagating."

Spiritual instruments suffer in their potency when their use is taught through non-spiritual messages which are self-propagating.

Instruments Quotes: "Charkha is an instrument of service."

Charkha is an instrument of service.

Instruments Quotes: "God has His own way of choosing His instruments."

God has His own way of choosing His instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, and the related Accra Agenda for Action, are useful policy instruments that set out the mutual responsibilities of donors and recipient countries."

The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, and the related Accra Agenda for Action, are useful policy instruments that set out the mutual responsibilities of donors and recipient countries.

Instruments Quotes: "An actor is supposed to be a sensitive instrument."

An actor is supposed to be a sensitive instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "The songs, if I write alone in a room, end up being a little more quiet, a little more subdued. If I play with other musicians or percussive instruments, it might end up being a little more upbeat."

The songs, if I write alone in a room, end up being a little more quiet, a little more subdued. If I play with other musicians or percussive instruments, it might end up being a little more upbeat.

Instruments Quotes: "A musician carries the music within him. He needs no specific instrument. he is the music."

A musician carries the music within him. He needs no specific instrument. he is the music.

Instruments Quotes: "Never succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter. As you press for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the instruments of love."

Never succumb to the temptation of becoming bitter. As you press for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the instruments of love.

Instruments Quotes: "Every artist is different - the pop mentality is different than bands for me, because I'm playing a lot of the instruments."

Every artist is different - the pop mentality is different than bands for me, because I'm playing a lot of the instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "Usually I'm only using my instruments when I'm recording or playing a gig."

Usually I'm only using my instruments when I'm recording or playing a gig.

Instruments Quotes: "Gardening is the instrument of grace."

Gardening is the instrument of grace.

Instruments Quotes: "The idea that recording itself is an instrument."

The idea that recording itself is an instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "Composers often think in terms of music and not of an instrument itself."

Composers often think in terms of music and not of an instrument itself.

Instruments Quotes: "There's just something really, really timeless about live instruments. There's just something special about them that you can't really duplicate or grasp without including live instruments."

There's just something really, really timeless about live instruments. There's just something special about them that you can't really duplicate or grasp without including live instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "I play a whole lot of instruments pretty badly, instead of playing one instrument really well."

I play a whole lot of instruments pretty badly, instead of playing one instrument really well.

Instruments Quotes: "I took four years of violin, but got bored of it - over the years, I've been ADD with instruments. The only two that I've really stayed true to are guitar and piano."

I took four years of violin, but got bored of it - over the years, I've been ADD with instruments. The only two that I've really stayed true to are guitar and piano.

Instruments Quotes: "There is nothing more fun than hanging around with friends and banging on instruments. Anyone who has ever done it knows that this is true."

There is nothing more fun than hanging around with friends and banging on instruments. Anyone who has ever done it knows that this is true.

Instruments Quotes: "I came from somewhat of a musical family. I had an uncle on Broadway. My dad kind of knows how to play instruments. Although, I always find it annoying when he does play an instrument."

I came from somewhat of a musical family. I had an uncle on Broadway. My dad kind of knows how to play instruments. Although, I always find it annoying when he does play an instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "In the hierarchy of instruments, if you're a harpist, you're considered someone with a brain much more than if you're a singer."

In the hierarchy of instruments, if you're a harpist, you're considered someone with a brain much more than if you're a singer.

Instruments Quotes: "No rock and roll ensemble, however inspired, can deliver the kind of musical variety obtainable with the resources of 110 instruments."

No rock and roll ensemble, however inspired, can deliver the kind of musical variety obtainable with the resources of 110 instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "I'm a musician. I play instruments. I dabble in the hip-hop field. That doesn't take vocal ability necessarily."

I'm a musician. I play instruments. I dabble in the hip-hop field. That doesn't take vocal ability necessarily.

Instruments Quotes: "Like most technology, the internet has mixed effects. It's a neutral instrument."

Like most technology, the internet has mixed effects. It's a neutral instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "There's a humble beauty about listening to period instruments that I like."

There's a humble beauty about listening to period instruments that I like.

Instruments Quotes: "Somehow trumpet is the reference point for me it was actually my first instrument."

Somehow trumpet is the reference point for me it was actually my first instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "The whole thing with eastern music and instruments, I love all that stuff."

The whole thing with eastern music and instruments, I love all that stuff.

Instruments Quotes: "That change happened about 1991. It was not possible to transfer the Expanded Instrument System to the computer until then, when 16-bit recording became available."

That change happened about 1991. It was not possible to transfer the Expanded Instrument System to the computer until then, when 16-bit recording became available.

Instruments Quotes: "A word is a thought, of course. But any image, including a photograph, may become an instrument of sufficiently lucid cogitation."

A word is a thought, of course. But any image, including a photograph, may become an instrument of sufficiently lucid cogitation.

Instruments Quotes: "If you're learning a new instrument, have fun."

If you're learning a new instrument, have fun.

Instruments Quotes: "I've been so used to being supported by musicians, and I don't class myself as a particularly adept musician on instruments. I think I'm a songwriter."

I've been so used to being supported by musicians, and I don't class myself as a particularly adept musician on instruments. I think I'm a songwriter.

Instruments Quotes: "We can see that the baby is as much an instrument of nourishment to us, as we are for him."

We can see that the baby is as much an instrument of nourishment to us, as we are for him.

Instruments Quotes: "I see God in the instruments and the mechanisms that work reliably, more reliably than the limited sensory departments of the human mechanism."

I see God in the instruments and the mechanisms that work reliably, more reliably than the limited sensory departments of the human mechanism.

Instruments Quotes: "Greatness is in not what you do but how you are an instrument in the hands of God."

Greatness is in not what you do but how you are an instrument in the hands of God.

Instruments Quotes: "Preacher is an instrument of compassion, not an instrument of wrath."

Preacher is an instrument of compassion, not an instrument of wrath.

Instruments Quotes: "I have students who are PhDs in music who come back and scored the music and teach the kids the instruments that I don't know how to play. Those are the points of light, the former students."

I have students who are PhDs in music who come back and scored the music and teach the kids the instruments that I don't know how to play. Those are the points of light, the former students.

Instruments Quotes: "I'm a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and they will buy every CD that I have released, but they don't me just to bring the instruments much into the church."

I'm a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and they will buy every CD that I have released, but they don't me just to bring the instruments much into the church.

Instruments Quotes: "I had been building electronic musical instruments since I was a kid."

I had been building electronic musical instruments since I was a kid.

Instruments Quotes: "By the time I got to building synthesizers, I had perhaps 20 years experience building electronic musical instruments."

By the time I got to building synthesizers, I had perhaps 20 years experience building electronic musical instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "The most effective instruments do have a vocal quality."

The most effective instruments do have a vocal quality.

Instruments Quotes: "I am officially a doctor, and believe it or not, I can save lives and tune certain instruments and can beat peasants with a stick."

I am officially a doctor, and believe it or not, I can save lives and tune certain instruments and can beat peasants with a stick.

Instruments Quotes: "If we want to eliminate bad qualities like hatred, envy, pride and ostentation, we have to employ Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema and Ahimsa as the cleaning instruments."

If we want to eliminate bad qualities like hatred, envy, pride and ostentation, we have to employ Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema and Ahimsa as the cleaning instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "The government can reasonably rely on debt ratings when it forms programs to lend money to buyers of otherwise unattractive debt instruments."

The government can reasonably rely on debt ratings when it forms programs to lend money to buyers of otherwise unattractive debt instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "We should picture the instrument that carries our mental functioning as resembling a compound microscope or photographic apparatus."

We should picture the instrument that carries our mental functioning as resembling a compound microscope or photographic apparatus.

Instruments Quotes: "I wish I could sing or play an instrument."

I wish I could sing or play an instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "The body is the instrument of our hold on the world."

The body is the instrument of our hold on the world.

Instruments Quotes: "I wrote 'Actor' all on the computer. I didn't touch any instruments until I was in the studio. So while I had all these ornate arrangements, I didn't have any songs."

I wrote 'Actor' all on the computer. I didn't touch any instruments until I was in the studio. So while I had all these ornate arrangements, I didn't have any songs.

Instruments Quotes: "This is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life—investment in ourselves, in the only instrument we have with which to deal with life and to contribute."

This is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life—investment in ourselves, in the only instrument we have with which to deal with life and to contribute.

Instruments Quotes: "One of the things that benefited me that anyone can learn is classical technique. That shows the orchestra that exists within the instrument."

One of the things that benefited me that anyone can learn is classical technique. That shows the orchestra that exists within the instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "For me, I work very self-contained. It's literally just me sitting in a room doing it until the very end of the process when other musicians come in and instruments are recorded."

For me, I work very self-contained. It's literally just me sitting in a room doing it until the very end of the process when other musicians come in and instruments are recorded.

Instruments Quotes: "common sense is a very tricky instrument; it is as deceptive as it is indispensable."

common sense is a very tricky instrument; it is as deceptive as it is indispensable.