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Instruments Quotes

Find the best Instruments quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Instruments quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Instruments quote of the day.

Instruments Quotes: "When filming, I like to travel with an instrument."

When filming, I like to travel with an instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "You would never do stand-up without an audience. I mean, no one would even consider it. It's like they're the instrument you're playing."

You would never do stand-up without an audience. I mean, no one would even consider it. It's like they're the instrument you're playing.

Instruments Quotes: "Children should be given the chance to play instruments, to sing."

Children should be given the chance to play instruments, to sing.

Instruments Quotes: "I can't play any instrument for the life of me, but I know what I want to hear."

I can't play any instrument for the life of me, but I know what I want to hear.

Instruments Quotes: "God chooses as His instrument the humblest and weakest of His creatures to fulfill Himself."

God chooses as His instrument the humblest and weakest of His creatures to fulfill Himself.

Instruments Quotes: "The jihad was therefore employed as an instrument for both the universalization of religion and the establishment of an imperial world state."

The jihad was therefore employed as an instrument for both the universalization of religion and the establishment of an imperial world state.

Instruments Quotes: "I much prefer making music to talking about it. There's something visceral about instruments and voices that transcends words."

I much prefer making music to talking about it. There's something visceral about instruments and voices that transcends words.

Instruments Quotes: "But alas! Science cannot now rescue us, for even the scientist is lost in the terrible midnight of our age. Indeed, science gave us the very instruments that threaten to bring universal suicide."

But alas! Science cannot now rescue us, for even the scientist is lost in the terrible midnight of our age. Indeed, science gave us the very instruments that threaten to bring universal suicide.

Instruments Quotes: "After all, the past is our only real guide to the future, and historical analogies are instruments for distilling and organizing the past and converting it to a map by which we can navigate."

After all, the past is our only real guide to the future, and historical analogies are instruments for distilling and organizing the past and converting it to a map by which we can navigate.

Instruments Quotes: "Peter was sick of being a pop star, the guitar god, and so he decided to teach himself other instruments. Among the instruments that he picked up was the mandolin."

Peter was sick of being a pop star, the guitar god, and so he decided to teach himself other instruments. Among the instruments that he picked up was the mandolin.

Instruments Quotes: "The Internet is the most effective instrument we have for globalization."

The Internet is the most effective instrument we have for globalization.

Instruments Quotes: "All of us our but his instruments who do our part and pass by."

All of us our but his instruments who do our part and pass by.

Instruments Quotes: "I wish I played an instrument, but I could never decide which one, and I ended up playing nothing."

I wish I played an instrument, but I could never decide which one, and I ended up playing nothing.

Instruments Quotes: "My hand has become the obedient instrument of a remote will."

My hand has become the obedient instrument of a remote will.

Instruments Quotes: "The flute is not an instrument that has a good moral effect - it is too exciting."

The flute is not an instrument that has a good moral effect - it is too exciting.

Instruments Quotes: "Unfortunately, every time I have somebody play an instrument, it's always like, they don't know how to do it."

Unfortunately, every time I have somebody play an instrument, it's always like, they don't know how to do it.

Instruments Quotes: "I mean, if you decided to go out today and get you an instrument and do whatever it is that you do, no one can tell you how you're going to do it but when you do it."

I mean, if you decided to go out today and get you an instrument and do whatever it is that you do, no one can tell you how you're going to do it but when you do it.

Instruments Quotes: "I don't see any harm in brining an instrument into the church itself."

I don't see any harm in brining an instrument into the church itself.

Instruments Quotes: "We are but as the instrument of Heaven."

We are but as the instrument of Heaven.

Instruments Quotes: "I'm the only instrument that's got the words, so I've got to be able to get that across."

I'm the only instrument that's got the words, so I've got to be able to get that across.

Instruments Quotes: "I mix Indian instruments with Western instruments all the time."

I mix Indian instruments with Western instruments all the time.

Instruments Quotes: "You must have the music to justify an instrument's extensive use."

You must have the music to justify an instrument's extensive use.

Instruments Quotes: "The guitar is the coolest instrument in the world."

The guitar is the coolest instrument in the world.

Instruments Quotes: "The only time I'm miserable is when I can't keep an instrument in tune."

The only time I'm miserable is when I can't keep an instrument in tune.

Instruments Quotes: "We need to play each others instruments."

We need to play each others instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "The assaying of tea is an art and not a science. It is the man, and not his instruments, which is the most important. There can be no substitute for my experience and intuited knowledge."

The assaying of tea is an art and not a science. It is the man, and not his instruments, which is the most important. There can be no substitute for my experience and intuited knowledge.

Instruments Quotes: "My work on hyper instruments started with simple instruments, like the piano."

My work on hyper instruments started with simple instruments, like the piano.

Instruments Quotes: "All music is is what awakes from you when you are reminded by the instruments."

All music is is what awakes from you when you are reminded by the instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me."

Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me.

Instruments Quotes: "Church was doing what he often did when dropped - lying on his back with all four legs in the air, pretending to be dead in order to induce guilt in his owners."

Church was doing what he often did when dropped - lying on his back with all four legs in the air, pretending to be dead in order to induce guilt in his owners.

Instruments Quotes: "The practice of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny."

The practice of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.

Instruments Quotes: "Man is the metre of all things, the hand is the instrument of instruments, and the mind is the form of forms."

Man is the metre of all things, the hand is the instrument of instruments, and the mind is the form of forms.

Instruments Quotes: "I'd shift disciplines, whether it was musical instruments or sports or whatever, and it's the same with that."

I'd shift disciplines, whether it was musical instruments or sports or whatever, and it's the same with that.

Instruments Quotes: "The history of totalitarian regimes is reflected in the evolution and perfection of the instruments of terror and more especially the police."

The history of totalitarian regimes is reflected in the evolution and perfection of the instruments of terror and more especially the police.

Instruments Quotes: "I had the idea to do an anthology about instrument-making."

I had the idea to do an anthology about instrument-making.

Instruments Quotes: "I look at people like musical instruments. I set people to music."

I look at people like musical instruments. I set people to music.

Instruments Quotes: "I worked really hard to develop me as an artist and as a musician. I have so many different influences and play so many different instruments, I don't think anyone knew what to do with me!"

I worked really hard to develop me as an artist and as a musician. I have so many different influences and play so many different instruments, I don't think anyone knew what to do with me!

Instruments Quotes: "An instrument that sometimes expresses thought, sometimes obscures thought, but most often replaces thought."

An instrument that sometimes expresses thought, sometimes obscures thought, but most often replaces thought.

Instruments Quotes: "I am not proposing to replace war with peace. I propose to replace war with a smarter fight. A fight using other instruments, more intelligent instruments to convince people not to use drugs."

I am not proposing to replace war with peace. I propose to replace war with a smarter fight. A fight using other instruments, more intelligent instruments to convince people not to use drugs.

Instruments Quotes: "The future is a monotonous instrument"

The future is a monotonous instrument

Instruments Quotes: "Discovery follows discovery, each both raising and answering questions, each ending a long search, and each providing the new instruments for a new search."

Discovery follows discovery, each both raising and answering questions, each ending a long search, and each providing the new instruments for a new search.

Instruments Quotes: "Nothing which does not transport is poetry. The lyre is a winged instrument."

Nothing which does not transport is poetry. The lyre is a winged instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "I used to play until 4 o'clock in the morning.My dad would go nuts - he'd scream and say the cops are gonna come and break our instruments."

I used to play until 4 o'clock in the morning.My dad would go nuts - he'd scream and say the cops are gonna come and break our instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "As a beast of toil an ox is fixed capital. If he is eaten, he no longer functions as an instrument of labour, nor as fixed capital either."

As a beast of toil an ox is fixed capital. If he is eaten, he no longer functions as an instrument of labour, nor as fixed capital either.

Instruments Quotes: "The burgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all nations into civilization."

The burgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all nations into civilization.

Instruments Quotes: "Age enlarges and enriches the powers of some musical instruments - notably those of the violin - but it seems to set a piano's teeth on edge."

Age enlarges and enriches the powers of some musical instruments - notably those of the violin - but it seems to set a piano's teeth on edge.

Instruments Quotes: "On an instrument you start from one tone. In painting you start from several."

On an instrument you start from one tone. In painting you start from several.

Instruments Quotes: "If you can't play all the instruments in the orchestra of story, no matter what music may be in your imagination, you're condemned to hum the same old tune."

If you can't play all the instruments in the orchestra of story, no matter what music may be in your imagination, you're condemned to hum the same old tune.

Instruments Quotes: "I got my MacBook in the first year at university, and that's really when I stopped playing live instruments and started geeking out on my laptop."

I got my MacBook in the first year at university, and that's really when I stopped playing live instruments and started geeking out on my laptop.