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Instruments Quotes

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Instruments Quotes: "My instrument is the studio. When I play my instrument, I'm creating music using the studio. All the other instruments serve it."

My instrument is the studio. When I play my instrument, I'm creating music using the studio. All the other instruments serve it.

Instruments Quotes: "When I first tried to get a record deal for my original music, labels didn’t understand what these instruments were meant to be doing"

When I first tried to get a record deal for my original music, labels didn’t understand what these instruments were meant to be doing

Instruments Quotes: "To become effortless takes a lot of effort. It's good to compare it to learning an instrument or learning a sport."

To become effortless takes a lot of effort. It's good to compare it to learning an instrument or learning a sport.

Instruments Quotes: "I like writing melody without an instrument. It's just so - it's more like the choreography of a bee; you just go."

I like writing melody without an instrument. It's just so - it's more like the choreography of a bee; you just go.

Instruments Quotes: "We should think of the church as an orchestra in which the different churches play on different instruments while a Divine Conductor calls the tune."

We should think of the church as an orchestra in which the different churches play on different instruments while a Divine Conductor calls the tune.

Instruments Quotes: "The computer is simply an instrument whose music is ideas."

The computer is simply an instrument whose music is ideas.

Instruments Quotes: "All means prove but blunt instruments, if they have not behind them a living spirit."

All means prove but blunt instruments, if they have not behind them a living spirit.

Instruments Quotes: "I started playing instruments. Writing didn't come until later. I didn't know how to play a keyboard but I'd listen to hits off the radio, learn them, then my hands would be ready to play."

I started playing instruments. Writing didn't come until later. I didn't know how to play a keyboard but I'd listen to hits off the radio, learn them, then my hands would be ready to play.

Instruments Quotes: "Freedom and democracy are nothing but instruments, just like stability. The goal is called progress and growth. Anyone who puts freedom ahead of stability is hurting growth."

Freedom and democracy are nothing but instruments, just like stability. The goal is called progress and growth. Anyone who puts freedom ahead of stability is hurting growth.

Instruments Quotes: "I had some music lessons and my mum played every instrument but the guitar."

I had some music lessons and my mum played every instrument but the guitar.

Instruments Quotes: "I was always jealous of my violinist friends and cellist friends who traveled with their instruments."

I was always jealous of my violinist friends and cellist friends who traveled with their instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "Louis Armstrong changed all the brass players around, but after Bird, all of the instruments had to change - drums, piano, bass, trombones, trumpets, saxophones, everything."

Louis Armstrong changed all the brass players around, but after Bird, all of the instruments had to change - drums, piano, bass, trombones, trumpets, saxophones, everything.

Instruments Quotes: "As we hang beneath the heavens, and we hover over hell, our hearts become the instruments we learn to play so well."

As we hang beneath the heavens, and we hover over hell, our hearts become the instruments we learn to play so well.

Instruments Quotes: "Ingenious to their ruin, every age improves the art and instruments of rage."

Ingenious to their ruin, every age improves the art and instruments of rage.

Instruments Quotes: "very young people are true but not resounding instruments."

very young people are true but not resounding instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "Ambiguity lurks in generality, and may thus become an instrument of severity."

Ambiguity lurks in generality, and may thus become an instrument of severity.

Instruments Quotes: "Everything is the will of God - we are only instruments of her will and we learn to just love and accept."

Everything is the will of God - we are only instruments of her will and we learn to just love and accept.

Instruments Quotes: "My brother, Mario, is in show business and so are all my cousins on my dad's side. We come from a family of musicians. My grandmother's sister in Puerto Rico plays five instruments."

My brother, Mario, is in show business and so are all my cousins on my dad's side. We come from a family of musicians. My grandmother's sister in Puerto Rico plays five instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "We could say, then, that man is an instrument the world employs to renew its own image constantly."

We could say, then, that man is an instrument the world employs to renew its own image constantly.

Instruments Quotes: "But still there are moments when a brother and sister can lay down their instruments of torture for a moment and speak as civilized human beings and Bruno decided to make this one of those moments."

But still there are moments when a brother and sister can lay down their instruments of torture for a moment and speak as civilized human beings and Bruno decided to make this one of those moments.

Instruments Quotes: "I combine aspects of many styles of music and create my own musical forms by way of electronic instruments."

I combine aspects of many styles of music and create my own musical forms by way of electronic instruments.

Instruments Quotes: "Instruments sound sweetest when they are touched softest."

Instruments sound sweetest when they are touched softest.

Instruments Quotes: "Occasional war is one of the rigorous instruments in the hands of Providence to give tone to the character of nations."

Occasional war is one of the rigorous instruments in the hands of Providence to give tone to the character of nations.

Instruments Quotes: "Rafferty [Law] plays three or four instruments. He is very gifted. Whereas I pick instruments up and kind of stare at them and go, "I can't ever possibly play this." And I don't!"

Rafferty [Law] plays three or four instruments. He is very gifted. Whereas I pick instruments up and kind of stare at them and go, "I can't ever possibly play this." And I don't!

Instruments Quotes: "Prayer is the instrument of miracles."

Prayer is the instrument of miracles.

Instruments Quotes: "When they so-called 'target the interest rate', what they're doing is controlling the money supply via the interest rate. The interest rate is only an intermediary instrument."

When they so-called 'target the interest rate', what they're doing is controlling the money supply via the interest rate. The interest rate is only an intermediary instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "A mouse and a keyboard is not a good performance instrument."

A mouse and a keyboard is not a good performance instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "As I passed alongside it, I prayed for a future in which the peoples of the Holy Land can live together in peace and harmony without the need for such instruments of security and separation"

As I passed alongside it, I prayed for a future in which the peoples of the Holy Land can live together in peace and harmony without the need for such instruments of security and separation

Instruments Quotes: "The gods are strange. It is not our vices only they make instruments to scourge us. They bring us to ruin through what in us is good, gentle, humane, loving."

The gods are strange. It is not our vices only they make instruments to scourge us. They bring us to ruin through what in us is good, gentle, humane, loving.

Instruments Quotes: "I have spent many days stringing and unstringing my instrument while the song I came to sing remains unsung."

I have spent many days stringing and unstringing my instrument while the song I came to sing remains unsung.

Instruments Quotes: "Wars of aggression are the most barbarous of all human endeavors and are, more often than not, the instruments of insane tyrants who hear voices."

Wars of aggression are the most barbarous of all human endeavors and are, more often than not, the instruments of insane tyrants who hear voices.

Instruments Quotes: "Your body is your instrument, you play it expertly."

Your body is your instrument, you play it expertly.

Instruments Quotes: "We find the instrument for the Knowledge of God in ourselves But we find God everywhere."

We find the instrument for the Knowledge of God in ourselves But we find God everywhere.

Instruments Quotes: "And if one of our instruments breaks, it doesn't matter. We have fallen into the place where everything is music."

And if one of our instruments breaks, it doesn't matter. We have fallen into the place where everything is music.

Instruments Quotes: "I must play the instrument I've got."

I must play the instrument I've got.

Instruments Quotes: "The hardest instruments for women to play are bass and drums. Drums because of the physicality needed and bass just because its heavy and it's not an easy instrument to play."

The hardest instruments for women to play are bass and drums. Drums because of the physicality needed and bass just because its heavy and it's not an easy instrument to play.

Instruments Quotes: "You are the instrument of your own illumination."

You are the instrument of your own illumination.

Instruments Quotes: "Enormous? Did you just call me FAT? I am not fat. - Jace"

Enormous? Did you just call me FAT? I am not fat. - Jace

Instruments Quotes: "I think she just asked if she could touch my mango."

I think she just asked if she could touch my mango.

Instruments Quotes: "You don't get it, Clary. You don't understand what it's like to live always at war, to grow up with battle and sacrifice. I guess it's not your fault. It's just how you were brought up-"

You don't get it, Clary. You don't understand what it's like to live always at war, to grow up with battle and sacrifice. I guess it's not your fault. It's just how you were brought up-

Instruments Quotes: "But they love each other. Isn't that what love means? That you're supposed to be there for the other person to turn to, no matter what?"

But they love each other. Isn't that what love means? That you're supposed to be there for the other person to turn to, no matter what?

Instruments Quotes: "I was even a little glad that if it wasn’t going to be me she wanted, it was going to be someone who really deserved her."

I was even a little glad that if it wasn’t going to be me she wanted, it was going to be someone who really deserved her.

Instruments Quotes: "The only thing more dangerous than a willingness to ignore the Law is an ability to change it."

The only thing more dangerous than a willingness to ignore the Law is an ability to change it.

Instruments Quotes: "Here's the thing with lyrics: Words are just another musical instrument."

Here's the thing with lyrics: Words are just another musical instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "We must be instruments of God's compassion to those who are suffering."

We must be instruments of God's compassion to those who are suffering.

Instruments Quotes: "A lot of people I make music with are really talented and it doesn't stop at one instrument."

A lot of people I make music with are really talented and it doesn't stop at one instrument.

Instruments Quotes: "I'm a self-taught musician, so I never really had the restrictions of any one instrument. I would always just sort of pick up instruments and make noise with 'em."

I'm a self-taught musician, so I never really had the restrictions of any one instrument. I would always just sort of pick up instruments and make noise with 'em.

Instruments Quotes: "Yeah, I’ve played a lot of instruments, and I played in a lot of bands growing up and I’ve even had to play music in a lot of films that I’ve done."

Yeah, I’ve played a lot of instruments, and I played in a lot of bands growing up and I’ve even had to play music in a lot of films that I’ve done.

Instruments Quotes: "There are two instruments worse than a clarinet - two clarinets."

There are two instruments worse than a clarinet - two clarinets.