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Iraq Quotes

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Iraq Quotes: "More Americans die in gun homicides and suicides in six months than have died in the last 25 years in every terrorist attack and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined."

More Americans die in gun homicides and suicides in six months than have died in the last 25 years in every terrorist attack and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

Iraq Quotes: "We are succeeding in Iraq. Thank you, America."

We are succeeding in Iraq. Thank you, America.

Iraq Quotes: "Tony Blair is a brilliant politician. Unfortunately, his legacy is entwined with George W. Bush because of Iraq."

Tony Blair is a brilliant politician. Unfortunately, his legacy is entwined with George W. Bush because of Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "You really can't blame the military for wanting to go to war [in Iraq]. They've got all these new toys and they want to know whether they work or not."

You really can't blame the military for wanting to go to war [in Iraq]. They've got all these new toys and they want to know whether they work or not.

Iraq Quotes: "Basic services such as electricity have never been worse and the economy of Arab Iraq is in ruins."

Basic services such as electricity have never been worse and the economy of Arab Iraq is in ruins.

Iraq Quotes: "The good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas only where there are democratic regimes friendly to the United States."

The good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas only where there are democratic regimes friendly to the United States.

Iraq Quotes: "Enough with the slaughters. Enough with the violence. Enough with the hatred in Iraq!"

Enough with the slaughters. Enough with the violence. Enough with the hatred in Iraq!

Iraq Quotes: "It was not Iraq that knocked down the World Trade Centre."

It was not Iraq that knocked down the World Trade Centre.

Iraq Quotes: "Google "Donald Trump Iraq." And you will see the dozens of sources which verify that he was for the invasion of Iraq."

Google "Donald Trump Iraq." And you will see the dozens of sources which verify that he was for the invasion of Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "If the United States marches into Iraq without the backing of the United Nations, that will be done entirely without the backing of the American people."

If the United States marches into Iraq without the backing of the United Nations, that will be done entirely without the backing of the American people.

Iraq Quotes: "On the battlefield, (the U.S. war in Iraq) cannot be considered a success. It's a struggle. We're doing what we can to support them with equipment, assistance, training, and sharing any intelligence."

On the battlefield, (the U.S. war in Iraq) cannot be considered a success. It's a struggle. We're doing what we can to support them with equipment, assistance, training, and sharing any intelligence.

Iraq Quotes: "My husband is a former Air Force pilot and my son is an active duty Army surgeon, recently returned from Iraq, so my pride in our military is passionate... and personal."

My husband is a former Air Force pilot and my son is an active duty Army surgeon, recently returned from Iraq, so my pride in our military is passionate... and personal.

Iraq Quotes: "A new poll showed that 66% of Americans think President Bush is doing a poor job handling the war in Iraq and the remaining 34% think that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church."

A new poll showed that 66% of Americans think President Bush is doing a poor job handling the war in Iraq and the remaining 34% think that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church.

Iraq Quotes: "Undoubtedly the war with Iraq was a tragedy. I think it was also a crime."

Undoubtedly the war with Iraq was a tragedy. I think it was also a crime.

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq war has made us overlook domestic agenda."

Iraq war has made us overlook domestic agenda.

Iraq Quotes: "The new update of 2014-2015 is, of course, the attack of ISIS. But this is rooted in recent history. It is the direct result of all the politics that came into Iraq with the occupation."

The new update of 2014-2015 is, of course, the attack of ISIS. But this is rooted in recent history. It is the direct result of all the politics that came into Iraq with the occupation.

Iraq Quotes: "Give me back the $800 billion for the Iraq war and children's television PBS is on the house."

Give me back the $800 billion for the Iraq war and children's television PBS is on the house.

Iraq Quotes: "A president who is burdened with a failed and unpopular war, and who has lost the trust of the country, simply can no longer govern. He is destined to become as much a failure as his war."

A president who is burdened with a failed and unpopular war, and who has lost the trust of the country, simply can no longer govern. He is destined to become as much a failure as his war.

Iraq Quotes: "The war to preserve the privilege of mythmaking"

The war to preserve the privilege of mythmaking

Iraq Quotes: "And that was my homecoming. It was fine, I guess. Getting back feels like your first breath after nearly drowning. Even if it hurts, it's good."

And that was my homecoming. It was fine, I guess. Getting back feels like your first breath after nearly drowning. Even if it hurts, it's good.

Iraq Quotes: "I'm reading a bunch of fiction by Afghan and Iraq War veterans for a New Yorker piece. There hasn't been that much, but it's starting to come out, and some of the fiction is really good."

I'm reading a bunch of fiction by Afghan and Iraq War veterans for a New Yorker piece. There hasn't been that much, but it's starting to come out, and some of the fiction is really good.

Iraq Quotes: "Today, I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year."

Today, I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year.

Iraq Quotes: "The alphabet was invented in Iraq, so it's a cool place."

The alphabet was invented in Iraq, so it's a cool place.

Iraq Quotes: "Are there really good wars and bad wars? We thought so during World War II, and in retrospect, we were right. But in Vietnam, and Iraq we were wrong."

Are there really good wars and bad wars? We thought so during World War II, and in retrospect, we were right. But in Vietnam, and Iraq we were wrong.

Iraq Quotes: "A sovereign, united and strong Iraq is beneficial for everyone."

A sovereign, united and strong Iraq is beneficial for everyone.

Iraq Quotes: "When I visited Auschwitz I was horrified. And when I visited Iraq, I thought to myself, 'What will we tell our children in fifty years when they ask what we did when the people in Iraq were dying.'"

When I visited Auschwitz I was horrified. And when I visited Iraq, I thought to myself, 'What will we tell our children in fifty years when they ask what we did when the people in Iraq were dying.'

Iraq Quotes: "The fact is that the American government and NATO have destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan. Their next targets will be Syria and Iran."

The fact is that the American government and NATO have destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan. Their next targets will be Syria and Iran.

Iraq Quotes: "The world is a better place because Saddam Hussein does not in Iraq."

The world is a better place because Saddam Hussein does not in Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "The problem with the war in Iraq is not so much the intelligence as the stupidity."

The problem with the war in Iraq is not so much the intelligence as the stupidity.

Iraq Quotes: "I agree with Pres. Barack Obama, Iraqis need a political solution. No war in Iraq!"

I agree with Pres. Barack Obama, Iraqis need a political solution. No war in Iraq!

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq was a war of choice, not necessity."

Iraq was a war of choice, not necessity.

Iraq Quotes: "President Bush says we've turned the corner in Iraq. What is that, about 16 corners we've turned? I think they call that running in circles."

President Bush says we've turned the corner in Iraq. What is that, about 16 corners we've turned? I think they call that running in circles.

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq is in a civil war. There is no road in that country that is safe."

Iraq is in a civil war. There is no road in that country that is safe.

Iraq Quotes: "The Iraq war can only be won diplomatically, politically and economically, and the president needs to come to that realization."

The Iraq war can only be won diplomatically, politically and economically, and the president needs to come to that realization.

Iraq Quotes: "We cannot solve the problems of America if every time somebody somewhere says something stupid, that everybody gets up in arms and we forget about the war in Iraq or we forget about the economy."

We cannot solve the problems of America if every time somebody somewhere says something stupid, that everybody gets up in arms and we forget about the war in Iraq or we forget about the economy.

Iraq Quotes: "It still puts burden on some troops of ours who are there [in Afghanistan and Iraq] as advisors and facilitators."

It still puts burden on some troops of ours who are there [in Afghanistan and Iraq] as advisors and facilitators.

Iraq Quotes: "[Afghanistan and Iraq] are still countries that are fragile enough that we're gonna have to partner with them in some way."

[Afghanistan and Iraq] are still countries that are fragile enough that we're gonna have to partner with them in some way.

Iraq Quotes: "The reality is that we have missed a lot of opportunities in Iraq because of a failed policy."

The reality is that we have missed a lot of opportunities in Iraq because of a failed policy.

Iraq Quotes: "Democracy still has a real hope and chance in Iraq, and true freedom in this country would be the greatest testament to those who gave their lives for it"

Democracy still has a real hope and chance in Iraq, and true freedom in this country would be the greatest testament to those who gave their lives for it

Iraq Quotes: "Without U.S. troops, Afghanistan, like Iraq, could descend into chaos."

Without U.S. troops, Afghanistan, like Iraq, could descend into chaos.

Iraq Quotes: "Religious distinctions are deeply important for many of the problems in today's Middle East, particularly between Sunni and Shia Muslims in Syria and Iraq."

Religious distinctions are deeply important for many of the problems in today's Middle East, particularly between Sunni and Shia Muslims in Syria and Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "I make no apologies for us wanting to do this [bombing Iraq and Syria] appropriately and in a way that is consistent with American values."

I make no apologies for us wanting to do this [bombing Iraq and Syria] appropriately and in a way that is consistent with American values.

Iraq Quotes: "I can unequivocally tell you I would not have sent my kid to the Iraq war."

I can unequivocally tell you I would not have sent my kid to the Iraq war.

Iraq Quotes: "I did a study of soldiers returning from Iraq, and their levels of PTSD were much higher if they had had to shoot a woman or child, even if they knew the person was a suicide bomber."

I did a study of soldiers returning from Iraq, and their levels of PTSD were much higher if they had had to shoot a woman or child, even if they knew the person was a suicide bomber.

Iraq Quotes: "What we have done, I think, is build a model from a lot of hard lessons in Afghanistan and Iraq but in other places around the world, where we are working with them in an advisory capacity."

What we have done, I think, is build a model from a lot of hard lessons in Afghanistan and Iraq but in other places around the world, where we are working with them in an advisory capacity.

Iraq Quotes: "As Iraqi forces continue the liberation of Mosul, I'm pleased that NATO will be meeting the commitment we made in Warsaw to begin training additional forces in Iraq."

As Iraqi forces continue the liberation of Mosul, I'm pleased that NATO will be meeting the commitment we made in Warsaw to begin training additional forces in Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "If the thumbnail version of the Iraq war was that Bush lied about WMD, the thumbnail version of Obama's war in Afghanistan is that the generals pushed him into a war he didn't want to fight."

If the thumbnail version of the Iraq war was that Bush lied about WMD, the thumbnail version of Obama's war in Afghanistan is that the generals pushed him into a war he didn't want to fight.

Iraq Quotes: "For me to speak out against the war in Iraq, you know - most of my fans are lefties anyway, so I don't really get much flack for it."

For me to speak out against the war in Iraq, you know - most of my fans are lefties anyway, so I don't really get much flack for it.

Iraq Quotes: "We are helping the people that [George W.]Bush says are evil. Teheran couldn't be happier about the high oil prices resulting from the Iraq war."

We are helping the people that [George W.]Bush says are evil. Teheran couldn't be happier about the high oil prices resulting from the Iraq war.