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Iraq Quotes

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Iraq Quotes: "Religious minorities (including Jews) will have to wear special insignia in Iraq"

Religious minorities (including Jews) will have to wear special insignia in Iraq

Iraq Quotes: "The end of foreign occupation is one of the pre-requisites if we are to witness any progress in our efforts to help Iraq go forward."

The end of foreign occupation is one of the pre-requisites if we are to witness any progress in our efforts to help Iraq go forward.

Iraq Quotes: "[Chelsea] Manning leaked more than 700,000 classified files and videos to WikiLeaks about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. foreign policy."

[Chelsea] Manning leaked more than 700,000 classified files and videos to WikiLeaks about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. foreign policy.

Iraq Quotes: "When Jeb Bush came on the shows and couldn't answer questions about Iraq, and when he looked like he was unsteady, it absolutely solidified the concerns that they had had all along about his skills."

When Jeb Bush came on the shows and couldn't answer questions about Iraq, and when he looked like he was unsteady, it absolutely solidified the concerns that they had had all along about his skills.

Iraq Quotes: "If any overarching conclusion emerges from the Afghan and Iraq Wars (and from their Israeli equivalents), it's this: victory is a chimera."

If any overarching conclusion emerges from the Afghan and Iraq Wars (and from their Israeli equivalents), it's this: victory is a chimera.

Iraq Quotes: "Rejection would be a disaster for the U.S., but ratification alone will not end our problems in Iraq. Even if the constitution is ratified, the insurgents are not going to lay down their arms."

Rejection would be a disaster for the U.S., but ratification alone will not end our problems in Iraq. Even if the constitution is ratified, the insurgents are not going to lay down their arms.

Iraq Quotes: "Victory is the most important aspect in Iraq, because victory in Iraq will help us have victory in the War on Terror."

Victory is the most important aspect in Iraq, because victory in Iraq will help us have victory in the War on Terror.

Iraq Quotes: "The only time I penetrated Tony Blair's defenses over Iraq was by keeping eye contact while telling him he never seemed to by sorry"

The only time I penetrated Tony Blair's defenses over Iraq was by keeping eye contact while telling him he never seemed to by sorry

Iraq Quotes: "The greatest compliment of the book [One Thousand Gifts]? Maybe the Muslim man in Iraq who was given the book and came to a saving knowledge of Jesus, wanted to live his life in thanks to God?"

The greatest compliment of the book [One Thousand Gifts]? Maybe the Muslim man in Iraq who was given the book and came to a saving knowledge of Jesus, wanted to live his life in thanks to God?

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for ther own reconstruction."

Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for ther own reconstruction.

Iraq Quotes: "The liberation of Iraq was part of a broader effort to seriously confront the greatest threat to world security: rogue states capable of obtaining long range weapons of mass destruction."

The liberation of Iraq was part of a broader effort to seriously confront the greatest threat to world security: rogue states capable of obtaining long range weapons of mass destruction.

Iraq Quotes: "We are succeeding in Iraq. It's a tough struggle with setbacks, but we are succeeding."

We are succeeding in Iraq. It's a tough struggle with setbacks, but we are succeeding.

Iraq Quotes: "Today, I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year."

Today, I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year.

Iraq Quotes: "Iran is biggest strategic beneficiary of invasion of Iraq."

Iran is biggest strategic beneficiary of invasion of Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq will require US occupation of undetermined length."

Iraq will require US occupation of undetermined length.

Iraq Quotes: "I will begin to remove our troops from Iraq immediately."

I will begin to remove our troops from Iraq immediately.

Iraq Quotes: "The capacity of Iraq's security forces has improved, and Iraq's leaders have made strides toward political accommodation"

The capacity of Iraq's security forces has improved, and Iraq's leaders have made strides toward political accommodation

Iraq Quotes: "You don't defeat a terrorist network that operates in eighty countries by occupying Iraq."

You don't defeat a terrorist network that operates in eighty countries by occupying Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "There was no such thing as Al Qaeda in Iraq, until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq."

There was no such thing as Al Qaeda in Iraq, until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "As Iraqi forces continue the liberation of Mosul, I'm pleased that NATO will be meeting the commitment we made in Warsaw to begin training additional forces in Iraq."

As Iraqi forces continue the liberation of Mosul, I'm pleased that NATO will be meeting the commitment we made in Warsaw to begin training additional forces in Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "What we have done, I think, is build a model from a lot of hard lessons in Afghanistan and Iraq but in other places around the world, where we are working with them in an advisory capacity."

What we have done, I think, is build a model from a lot of hard lessons in Afghanistan and Iraq but in other places around the world, where we are working with them in an advisory capacity.

Iraq Quotes: "I make no apologies for us wanting to do this [bombing Iraq and Syria] appropriately and in a way that is consistent with American values."

I make no apologies for us wanting to do this [bombing Iraq and Syria] appropriately and in a way that is consistent with American values.

Iraq Quotes: "[Afghanistan and Iraq] are still countries that are fragile enough that we're gonna have to partner with them in some way."

[Afghanistan and Iraq] are still countries that are fragile enough that we're gonna have to partner with them in some way.

Iraq Quotes: "It still puts burden on some troops of ours who are there [in Afghanistan and Iraq] as advisors and facilitators."

It still puts burden on some troops of ours who are there [in Afghanistan and Iraq] as advisors and facilitators.

Iraq Quotes: "We cannot solve the problems of America if every time somebody somewhere says something stupid, that everybody gets up in arms and we forget about the war in Iraq or we forget about the economy."

We cannot solve the problems of America if every time somebody somewhere says something stupid, that everybody gets up in arms and we forget about the war in Iraq or we forget about the economy.

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq was a war of choice, not necessity."

Iraq was a war of choice, not necessity.

Iraq Quotes: "I agree with Pres. Barack Obama, Iraqis need a political solution. No war in Iraq!"

I agree with Pres. Barack Obama, Iraqis need a political solution. No war in Iraq!

Iraq Quotes: "The problem with the war in Iraq is not so much the intelligence as the stupidity."

The problem with the war in Iraq is not so much the intelligence as the stupidity.

Iraq Quotes: "The alphabet was invented in Iraq, so it's a cool place."

The alphabet was invented in Iraq, so it's a cool place.

Iraq Quotes: "A democratic and stable Iraq and Afghanistan are essential to our broader efforts to make no place safe for terrorists and to win the War on Terrorism."

A democratic and stable Iraq and Afghanistan are essential to our broader efforts to make no place safe for terrorists and to win the War on Terrorism.

Iraq Quotes: "I don't want to go and start trying to make jokes in places like India, Tanzania or Iraq. Afghanistan is not a funny place."

I don't want to go and start trying to make jokes in places like India, Tanzania or Iraq. Afghanistan is not a funny place.

Iraq Quotes: "So scary watching the news...Like Iraq...could ever under any stretch of the imagination be any threat to us whatsoever."

So scary watching the news...Like Iraq...could ever under any stretch of the imagination be any threat to us whatsoever.

Iraq Quotes: "I think I know now why we are occupying Iraq. In case we have to sell America and move to a smaller country."

I think I know now why we are occupying Iraq. In case we have to sell America and move to a smaller country.

Iraq Quotes: "It won't take weeks... Our military machine will crush Iraq in a matter of days and there's no question that it will."

It won't take weeks... Our military machine will crush Iraq in a matter of days and there's no question that it will.

Iraq Quotes: "In the years since 9/11, more terrorists have been created through this President's policies than were captured or killed. There weren't any terrorists in Iraq in 2003, but there are now."

In the years since 9/11, more terrorists have been created through this President's policies than were captured or killed. There weren't any terrorists in Iraq in 2003, but there are now.

Iraq Quotes: "The evil lot who did that thing on September 11 did it because they wanted to create a war between America and Islam. And by invading Iraq, we gave them what they hoped for."

The evil lot who did that thing on September 11 did it because they wanted to create a war between America and Islam. And by invading Iraq, we gave them what they hoped for.

Iraq Quotes: "I supported the Iraq resolution, but that was not an approval of war in Iraq and certainly was not approval for an occupation of Iraq."

I supported the Iraq resolution, but that was not an approval of war in Iraq and certainly was not approval for an occupation of Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "The soldiers in Iraq are fighting, suffering and dying . . . anonymously and pointlessly, while the rest of us are free to buckle ourselves into the family vehicle and head off to the malls and shop."

The soldiers in Iraq are fighting, suffering and dying . . . anonymously and pointlessly, while the rest of us are free to buckle ourselves into the family vehicle and head off to the malls and shop.

Iraq Quotes: "There isn't any air power in the world that can take care of the problem of sectarian divisions."

There isn't any air power in the world that can take care of the problem of sectarian divisions.

Iraq Quotes: "I would love to see the French spending money to restore Iraq."

I would love to see the French spending money to restore Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq is not about oil."

Iraq is not about oil.

Iraq Quotes: "I recently had the opportunity to vote to give the president limited authority to begin strikes against terrorists in Iraq and Syria."

I recently had the opportunity to vote to give the president limited authority to begin strikes against terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

Iraq Quotes: "There are about five or six songs that were written in full or in part while I was in Iraq, and that was definitely a life-changing experience. There was no shortage of inspiration."

There are about five or six songs that were written in full or in part while I was in Iraq, and that was definitely a life-changing experience. There was no shortage of inspiration.

Iraq Quotes: "We've mismanaged going into Iraq."

We've mismanaged going into Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "I don't think there's a military solution. If we funnel in more weapons we're just likely to see more of them turned against us by the people we're trying to combat."

I don't think there's a military solution. If we funnel in more weapons we're just likely to see more of them turned against us by the people we're trying to combat.

Iraq Quotes: "Jeb Bush has being slammed by his own party for a very messy response to questions about his brother's war in Iraq. He should have been ready for this one."

Jeb Bush has being slammed by his own party for a very messy response to questions about his brother's war in Iraq. He should have been ready for this one.

Iraq Quotes: "In light of Jeb Bush's recent fumbles on Iraq , maybe the Clinton campaign is making the smart move here by not saying."

In light of Jeb Bush's recent fumbles on Iraq , maybe the Clinton campaign is making the smart move here by not saying.

Iraq Quotes: "Military solution in Iraq has been disproven and discredited."

Military solution in Iraq has been disproven and discredited.

Iraq Quotes: "We need willingness to consider different mission in Iraq."

We need willingness to consider different mission in Iraq.