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Iraq Quotes

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Iraq Quotes: "It's true that the question of Iraq divided Europe."

It's true that the question of Iraq divided Europe.

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq is a quagmire and has been a humanitarian disaster for the Iraqis. There is no way forward without ending the occupation."

Iraq is a quagmire and has been a humanitarian disaster for the Iraqis. There is no way forward without ending the occupation.

Iraq Quotes: "Allowing the U.N. into Iraq will demonstrate to the Iraqis that the international community as a whole is committed to bringing stability and safety to their country."

Allowing the U.N. into Iraq will demonstrate to the Iraqis that the international community as a whole is committed to bringing stability and safety to their country.

Iraq Quotes: "The French announced today that they would not help us remove Saddam from Iraq. Well Duh! They didn't even help us remove Hitler from France."

The French announced today that they would not help us remove Saddam from Iraq. Well Duh! They didn't even help us remove Hitler from France.

Iraq Quotes: "Things are difficult enough about Iraq without the Federal Government suppressing the truth about Iraq."

Things are difficult enough about Iraq without the Federal Government suppressing the truth about Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "As hideous and dumb as it sounds, I wouldn't be at all surprised by an invasion of Iraq on September II. I'll take a long shot bet on that."

As hideous and dumb as it sounds, I wouldn't be at all surprised by an invasion of Iraq on September II. I'll take a long shot bet on that.

Iraq Quotes: "I studied at the Academy during the years of economic sanctions. Life was almost dead because the sanctions imposed on Iraq by the civilized world were so strict."

I studied at the Academy during the years of economic sanctions. Life was almost dead because the sanctions imposed on Iraq by the civilized world were so strict.

Iraq Quotes: "I sent American troops to Iraq to make its people free, not to make them American. Iraqis will write their own history and find their own way."

I sent American troops to Iraq to make its people free, not to make them American. Iraqis will write their own history and find their own way.

Iraq Quotes: "There was no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the attack of 9/11, I've never said that and never made that case prior to going into Iraq."

There was no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the attack of 9/11, I've never said that and never made that case prior to going into Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "My answer is bring them on."

My answer is bring them on.

Iraq Quotes: "I care about politics just like any other citizen. I'm against the war in Iraq, or any type of war."

I care about politics just like any other citizen. I'm against the war in Iraq, or any type of war.

Iraq Quotes: "When I turn the thought around - the thought that war, let's say war in Iraq, should stop - the turnaround is the war in myself should stop."

When I turn the thought around - the thought that war, let's say war in Iraq, should stop - the turnaround is the war in myself should stop.

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq was invaded to secure Israel and everybody knows it."

Iraq was invaded to secure Israel and everybody knows it.

Iraq Quotes: "America went into Iraq. We shouldn't have gone into Iraq. We shouldn't have gotten out the way we got out. The world is a total mess."

America went into Iraq. We shouldn't have gone into Iraq. We shouldn't have gotten out the way we got out. The world is a total mess.

Iraq Quotes: "Why are we working so hard to preserve Iraq, a fake country to begin with? Why do we care whether this fake country that was drawn on the map 100 years ago remains?"

Why are we working so hard to preserve Iraq, a fake country to begin with? Why do we care whether this fake country that was drawn on the map 100 years ago remains?

Iraq Quotes: "In beloved Iraq, blood is flowing between brothers, in the shadow of an illegitimate foreign occupation, and abhorrent sectarianism threatens a civil war."

In beloved Iraq, blood is flowing between brothers, in the shadow of an illegitimate foreign occupation, and abhorrent sectarianism threatens a civil war.

Iraq Quotes: "Iraq will not allow any action on its soil that could harm the U.S. We don't want any action from our soil to target our neighbors."

Iraq will not allow any action on its soil that could harm the U.S. We don't want any action from our soil to target our neighbors.

Iraq Quotes: "The claims made about Iraq's WMD capabilities before the invasion were inaccurate, wrong, and in some cases, deliberately misleading."

The claims made about Iraq's WMD capabilities before the invasion were inaccurate, wrong, and in some cases, deliberately misleading.

Iraq Quotes: "Those who arrived on America's tanks are not credible in Iraq."

Those who arrived on America's tanks are not credible in Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "Any strike will be as direct support to Al-Qaeda offshoot that's called Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. You're right about this. It's going to be direct support."

Any strike will be as direct support to Al-Qaeda offshoot that's called Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. You're right about this. It's going to be direct support.

Iraq Quotes: "Voting against the resolution authorizing the use of military force in Iraq was one of my proudest moments as a senator. It is long past time to close this tragic chapter in American history."

Voting against the resolution authorizing the use of military force in Iraq was one of my proudest moments as a senator. It is long past time to close this tragic chapter in American history.

Iraq Quotes: "I strongly believe that a federal structure based on administrative and geographic lines with strong powers for the federated states will be the best solution for Iraq."

I strongly believe that a federal structure based on administrative and geographic lines with strong powers for the federated states will be the best solution for Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "We don't have this huge footprint, we are less likely to be targeted as, you know, occupiers [in Afghanistan and Iraq]."

We don't have this huge footprint, we are less likely to be targeted as, you know, occupiers [in Afghanistan and Iraq].

Iraq Quotes: "Can we please rename The Sandy Relief Bill to the Supplemental Iraq War Funding Bill so the GOP Congress can vote for it?"

Can we please rename The Sandy Relief Bill to the Supplemental Iraq War Funding Bill so the GOP Congress can vote for it?

Iraq Quotes: "No military timetable should compel war when a successful outcome, namely a disarmed Iraq may be feasible without war, for example by allowing more time to the UN inspectors."

No military timetable should compel war when a successful outcome, namely a disarmed Iraq may be feasible without war, for example by allowing more time to the UN inspectors.

Iraq Quotes: "A genuinely democratic Iraq might well act as a fresh spur."

A genuinely democratic Iraq might well act as a fresh spur.

Iraq Quotes: "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."

You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.

Iraq Quotes: "My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. . . . I think it will go relatively quickly, . . . [in] weeks rather than months."

My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. . . . I think it will go relatively quickly, . . . [in] weeks rather than months.

Iraq Quotes: "President Obama is sending troops back to Iraq. He said, 'Don't worry, we should not be there any longer than a Kardashian marriage.'"

President Obama is sending troops back to Iraq. He said, 'Don't worry, we should not be there any longer than a Kardashian marriage.'

Iraq Quotes: "I think you can be an enemy of Saddam Hussein even if Donald Rumsfeld is also an enemy of Saddam Hussein."

I think you can be an enemy of Saddam Hussein even if Donald Rumsfeld is also an enemy of Saddam Hussein.

Iraq Quotes: "I was blessed to go abroad and bring Americans home from jail in Syria, and Iraq, and Cuba, and Yugoslavia, and Liberia, those are high moments of my life."

I was blessed to go abroad and bring Americans home from jail in Syria, and Iraq, and Cuba, and Yugoslavia, and Liberia, those are high moments of my life.

Iraq Quotes: "Undoubtedly the war with Iraq was a tragedy. I think it was also a crime."

Undoubtedly the war with Iraq was a tragedy. I think it was also a crime.

Iraq Quotes: "A new poll showed that 66% of Americans think President Bush is doing a poor job handling the war in Iraq and the remaining 34% think that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church."

A new poll showed that 66% of Americans think President Bush is doing a poor job handling the war in Iraq and the remaining 34% think that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church.

Iraq Quotes: "My husband is a former Air Force pilot and my son is an active duty Army surgeon, recently returned from Iraq, so my pride in our military is passionate... and personal."

My husband is a former Air Force pilot and my son is an active duty Army surgeon, recently returned from Iraq, so my pride in our military is passionate... and personal.

Iraq Quotes: "On the battlefield, (the U.S. war in Iraq) cannot be considered a success. It's a struggle. We're doing what we can to support them with equipment, assistance, training, and sharing any intelligence."

On the battlefield, (the U.S. war in Iraq) cannot be considered a success. It's a struggle. We're doing what we can to support them with equipment, assistance, training, and sharing any intelligence.

Iraq Quotes: "If the United States marches into Iraq without the backing of the United Nations, that will be done entirely without the backing of the American people."

If the United States marches into Iraq without the backing of the United Nations, that will be done entirely without the backing of the American people.

Iraq Quotes: "Google "Donald Trump Iraq." And you will see the dozens of sources which verify that he was for the invasion of Iraq."

Google "Donald Trump Iraq." And you will see the dozens of sources which verify that he was for the invasion of Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "It was not Iraq that knocked down the World Trade Centre."

It was not Iraq that knocked down the World Trade Centre.

Iraq Quotes: "Enough with the slaughters. Enough with the violence. Enough with the hatred in Iraq!"

Enough with the slaughters. Enough with the violence. Enough with the hatred in Iraq!

Iraq Quotes: "The good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas only where there are democratic regimes friendly to the United States."

The good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas only where there are democratic regimes friendly to the United States.

Iraq Quotes: "Basic services such as electricity have never been worse and the economy of Arab Iraq is in ruins."

Basic services such as electricity have never been worse and the economy of Arab Iraq is in ruins.

Iraq Quotes: "You really can't blame the military for wanting to go to war [in Iraq]. They've got all these new toys and they want to know whether they work or not."

You really can't blame the military for wanting to go to war [in Iraq]. They've got all these new toys and they want to know whether they work or not.

Iraq Quotes: "Tony Blair is a brilliant politician. Unfortunately, his legacy is entwined with George W. Bush because of Iraq."

Tony Blair is a brilliant politician. Unfortunately, his legacy is entwined with George W. Bush because of Iraq.

Iraq Quotes: "We are succeeding in Iraq. Thank you, America."

We are succeeding in Iraq. Thank you, America.

Iraq Quotes: "In fact, things are moving along rather well in Iraq. Nothing is perfect, of course, and freedom is messy work. The cooperation of the three major interests in Iraq has been remarkable."

In fact, things are moving along rather well in Iraq. Nothing is perfect, of course, and freedom is messy work. The cooperation of the three major interests in Iraq has been remarkable.

Iraq Quotes: "In recent weeks, I have heard former Associated Press reporter Ron Fournier on Fox News twice asserting, quite offhandedly, that President George W. Bush 'lied us into war in Iraq.'"

In recent weeks, I have heard former Associated Press reporter Ron Fournier on Fox News twice asserting, quite offhandedly, that President George W. Bush 'lied us into war in Iraq.'

Iraq Quotes: "The President said that Gold told him to invade Iraq. You see that's what happens when you mix New Testament and Old Milwaukee."

The President said that Gold told him to invade Iraq. You see that's what happens when you mix New Testament and Old Milwaukee.

Iraq Quotes: "If I were running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and be praying as many times as possible for a victory not only for Obama but also for the Democrats."

If I were running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and be praying as many times as possible for a victory not only for Obama but also for the Democrats.

Iraq Quotes: "What is happening in Iraq now is awful, but it is a consequence of our invasion, not our withdrawal."

What is happening in Iraq now is awful, but it is a consequence of our invasion, not our withdrawal.