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Kitchen Quotes

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Kitchen Quotes: "I want to be the girl in Indiana Jones. I would love to do an adventure movie where I was saving the world. It might be cool if I used a lot of kitchen tools to fight off the enemy."

I want to be the girl in Indiana Jones. I would love to do an adventure movie where I was saving the world. It might be cool if I used a lot of kitchen tools to fight off the enemy.

Kitchen Quotes: "I realized I didn't want to be a photographer. I gave it up, but I still worked that job in the restaurant and I found myself constantly hanging out in the kitchen."

I realized I didn't want to be a photographer. I gave it up, but I still worked that job in the restaurant and I found myself constantly hanging out in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "I often write into recipes techniques that I learned in the restaurant kitchen. There are ways of organizing your prep and so on that are immensely useful. Those are woven into all the recipes I do."

I often write into recipes techniques that I learned in the restaurant kitchen. There are ways of organizing your prep and so on that are immensely useful. Those are woven into all the recipes I do.

Kitchen Quotes: "I grew up watching my mom in the kitchen, that's how I know anything about cooking. I've always wanted to go to a culinary class actually."

I grew up watching my mom in the kitchen, that's how I know anything about cooking. I've always wanted to go to a culinary class actually.

Kitchen Quotes: "I remember my sister and I - my big sister would get up on her chair in the kitchen and sing Mary Wells' "What's Easy for Two Is So Hard for One." It was 1966, and I was 10 years old."

I remember my sister and I - my big sister would get up on her chair in the kitchen and sing Mary Wells' "What's Easy for Two Is So Hard for One." It was 1966, and I was 10 years old.

Kitchen Quotes: "After that, anytime she caught me near a kitchen she’d start in on me. So I have an automatic sphincter clench any time I reach for a pan. (Devyn)"

After that, anytime she caught me near a kitchen she’d start in on me. So I have an automatic sphincter clench any time I reach for a pan. (Devyn)

Kitchen Quotes: "Who are you talking to?” – Morty “Still in the kitchen, aren’t I? Guess I need to keep walking. Oh, look! Yonder is the door, which I’m going to make use of right now.” – Nick"

Who are you talking to?” – Morty “Still in the kitchen, aren’t I? Guess I need to keep walking. Oh, look! Yonder is the door, which I’m going to make use of right now.” – Nick

Kitchen Quotes: "It's become absolutely horrible the way the people with the money decide they can fart in the kitchen."

It's become absolutely horrible the way the people with the money decide they can fart in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "All I can think of is the emaciated bodies of children on our kitchen table as my mother prescribes what the parent's can't give. More food."

All I can think of is the emaciated bodies of children on our kitchen table as my mother prescribes what the parent's can't give. More food.

Kitchen Quotes: "I love being in my kitchen. I'm quite a traditional cook, but I make a mean omelette. I'd like to open an omelette restaurant. Cheese and ham, chilli and mushroom, whatever you fancy, I'll rustle up."

I love being in my kitchen. I'm quite a traditional cook, but I make a mean omelette. I'd like to open an omelette restaurant. Cheese and ham, chilli and mushroom, whatever you fancy, I'll rustle up.

Kitchen Quotes: "To me, the kitchen is a place of adventure and entirely fun, not drudgery. I can't think of anything better to do with family and friends than to be together to create something."

To me, the kitchen is a place of adventure and entirely fun, not drudgery. I can't think of anything better to do with family and friends than to be together to create something.

Kitchen Quotes: "I like to have friends in the kitchen and make a big mess and use every pot in the kitchen."

I like to have friends in the kitchen and make a big mess and use every pot in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "For me, the kitchen is the most special room in the house. It's a place for adventure - not drudgery, but discovery, sharing and showing off with friends, trying new ideas."

For me, the kitchen is the most special room in the house. It's a place for adventure - not drudgery, but discovery, sharing and showing off with friends, trying new ideas.

Kitchen Quotes: "I, alas, must present myself somewhat ignominiously as a chef in a busy kitchen. Somewhere a novel is bubbling on a back burner, an old attempt at history may come out of the freezer."

I, alas, must present myself somewhat ignominiously as a chef in a busy kitchen. Somewhere a novel is bubbling on a back burner, an old attempt at history may come out of the freezer.

Kitchen Quotes: "My temper manifests itself when I can't find something. I could swear that there is a plot against me to put kitchen utensils in the wrong drawers."

My temper manifests itself when I can't find something. I could swear that there is a plot against me to put kitchen utensils in the wrong drawers.

Kitchen Quotes: "You start out playing in kitchens, and you end up playing in kitchens."

You start out playing in kitchens, and you end up playing in kitchens.

Kitchen Quotes: "Standing behind a kitchen counter telling people about what ingredients to put in a pot didn't feel right."

Standing behind a kitchen counter telling people about what ingredients to put in a pot didn't feel right.

Kitchen Quotes: "In a difficult business, no sooner is one problem solved than another surfaces - never is there just one cockroach in the kitchen."

In a difficult business, no sooner is one problem solved than another surfaces - never is there just one cockroach in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "I'm going to get married again because I'm more mature now, and I need some kitchen stuff."

I'm going to get married again because I'm more mature now, and I need some kitchen stuff.

Kitchen Quotes: "In examining the potential of individuals, we must focus on their strengths and not just their mistakes. We cannot be limited by what they may have spilled in the kitchen."

In examining the potential of individuals, we must focus on their strengths and not just their mistakes. We cannot be limited by what they may have spilled in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "You can lie at a banquet but you have to be honest in the kitchen."

You can lie at a banquet but you have to be honest in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "I spent my life working before I started band. I worked construction, landscaping. I worked in kitchens, cleaned dishes. I worked demolition."

I spent my life working before I started band. I worked construction, landscaping. I worked in kitchens, cleaned dishes. I worked demolition.

Kitchen Quotes: "For those of you who tried, but didn't make it, Settle down it's never what you think. The summit doesn't differ from the deep, dark valley, And the valley doesn't differ from the kitchen sink."

For those of you who tried, but didn't make it, Settle down it's never what you think. The summit doesn't differ from the deep, dark valley, And the valley doesn't differ from the kitchen sink.

Kitchen Quotes: "Good kitchens are not about size"

Good kitchens are not about size

Kitchen Quotes: "Some people when they see cheese, chocolate or cake they don't think of calories."

Some people when they see cheese, chocolate or cake they don't think of calories.

Kitchen Quotes: "The salt is to the food, what soul is to the body."

The salt is to the food, what soul is to the body.

Kitchen Quotes: "A good food is mouthwatering when you see it and finger licking when you eat it."

A good food is mouthwatering when you see it and finger licking when you eat it.

Kitchen Quotes: "We love our mother because she cares and also because she cooks."

We love our mother because she cares and also because she cooks.

Kitchen Quotes: "Lucy settled into August's kitchen as if they were a family."

Lucy settled into August's kitchen as if they were a family.

Kitchen Quotes: "Using someone else's kitchen feels a little like reading their diary. I'm so anxious."

Using someone else's kitchen feels a little like reading their diary. I'm so anxious.

Kitchen Quotes: "In many cases, it was the woman’s stomach—not her heart—that fell for her man."

In many cases, it was the woman’s stomach—not her heart—that fell for her man.

Kitchen Quotes: "In some cases, it is the woman’s stomach—not her heart—that has left her man for another."

In some cases, it is the woman’s stomach—not her heart—that has left her man for another.

Kitchen Quotes: "Stories shared in your kitchen will strengthen your family than the stories shared your bedroom"

Stories shared in your kitchen will strengthen your family than the stories shared your bedroom

Kitchen Quotes: "Its magnificence was indescribable, and its magnitude was inconceivable. She felt overwhelmed in the presence of its greatness. Pg 87"

Its magnificence was indescribable, and its magnitude was inconceivable. She felt overwhelmed in the presence of its greatness. Pg 87

Kitchen Quotes: "Confession is good for the soul even after the soul has been claimed” (p. 381)."

Confession is good for the soul even after the soul has been claimed” (p. 381).

Kitchen Quotes: "Why are you perpetuating a childhood you grew up despising? Pg 57"

Why are you perpetuating a childhood you grew up despising? Pg 57

Kitchen Quotes: "In this world there is no place for sadness. No place"

In this world there is no place for sadness. No place

Kitchen Quotes: "We need more men to sit at the table... at the kitchen table."

We need more men to sit at the table... at the kitchen table.

Kitchen Quotes: "The heart of the home beats in the kitchen and a healthy one beats three times a day"

The heart of the home beats in the kitchen and a healthy one beats three times a day

Kitchen Quotes: "A burnt and experienced hands are more important than the vessels in the kitchen."

A burnt and experienced hands are more important than the vessels in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "Keep it simple, keep it tasty. Salt, pepper and garlic. Shallot another day, lemon grass for nextweek. Nutmeg and cinnamon every now and then."

Keep it simple, keep it tasty. Salt, pepper and garlic. Shallot another day, lemon grass for nextweek. Nutmeg and cinnamon every now and then.

Kitchen Quotes: "While some people are good at painting, playing an instrument or singing, I have been told more than once I am good at storytelling. I hope that you enjoy my stories as I recall them."

While some people are good at painting, playing an instrument or singing, I have been told more than once I am good at storytelling. I hope that you enjoy my stories as I recall them.

Kitchen Quotes: "It’s finding out where we came from that helps guide us to where we are going."

It’s finding out where we came from that helps guide us to where we are going.

Kitchen Quotes: "The kitchen of the Big House was always one of my favorite places. Airy and sunny. No modern cabinets or anything like that. Just a room full of windows, set into wise, worn walls."

The kitchen of the Big House was always one of my favorite places. Airy and sunny. No modern cabinets or anything like that. Just a room full of windows, set into wise, worn walls.

Kitchen Quotes: "My most famous show is the 'Kitchen Show.' More famous than any gallery show or museum show I curated."

My most famous show is the 'Kitchen Show.' More famous than any gallery show or museum show I curated.

Kitchen Quotes: "I recall my mum tried to teach me how to fry chicken once, and I almost burned down half the kitchen... I don't think I have the patience for cooking."

I recall my mum tried to teach me how to fry chicken once, and I almost burned down half the kitchen... I don't think I have the patience for cooking.

Kitchen Quotes: "In the morning, I usually get up between 7:40 A.M. and 7:45 A.M., and then I'll brush my teeth, do my hair, and just throw on my leotard and my clothes and go to the kitchen."

In the morning, I usually get up between 7:40 A.M. and 7:45 A.M., and then I'll brush my teeth, do my hair, and just throw on my leotard and my clothes and go to the kitchen.