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Kitchen Quotes

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Kitchen Quotes: "The only thing I learned from the architecture is keep the bathroom and the kitchen near each other, so you don't have to run pipes all over the place."

The only thing I learned from the architecture is keep the bathroom and the kitchen near each other, so you don't have to run pipes all over the place.

Kitchen Quotes: "Sometimes I think there are devils at work in the kitchen - recipes that are always perfect sometimes come out less than perfect and I can't figure out why."

Sometimes I think there are devils at work in the kitchen - recipes that are always perfect sometimes come out less than perfect and I can't figure out why.

Kitchen Quotes: "I don't know if there's a method that I'd like to see younger people bring back, I just want to see everyone of every age in the kitchen."

I don't know if there's a method that I'd like to see younger people bring back, I just want to see everyone of every age in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "It's reassuring to realize that everybody is as stupid as you are and that all we are doing when we are standing in the kitchen wondering what we came in here for is "woking."

It's reassuring to realize that everybody is as stupid as you are and that all we are doing when we are standing in the kitchen wondering what we came in here for is "woking.

Kitchen Quotes: "Everything I touched in the kitchen turned out crappy, no matter how closely I followed the recipe or copied the cooking show."

Everything I touched in the kitchen turned out crappy, no matter how closely I followed the recipe or copied the cooking show.

Kitchen Quotes: "I don't cook, I can't cook, and it is really abominable to see me in the kitchen. I order in takeaway food or get my friends to cook because a lot of them are very good."

I don't cook, I can't cook, and it is really abominable to see me in the kitchen. I order in takeaway food or get my friends to cook because a lot of them are very good.

Kitchen Quotes: "The light would show (if it could harden) Eternities of kitchen garden"

The light would show (if it could harden) Eternities of kitchen garden

Kitchen Quotes: "The ideal kitchen-sink novel: Throw in everything but the kitchen sink. Then add the kitchen sink."

The ideal kitchen-sink novel: Throw in everything but the kitchen sink. Then add the kitchen sink.

Kitchen Quotes: "Grab some caviar from the kitchen. You wouldn't believe the muck they feed us in Bartleby's for ten thousand a term."

Grab some caviar from the kitchen. You wouldn't believe the muck they feed us in Bartleby's for ten thousand a term.

Kitchen Quotes: "I have more eating memories than cooking memories and many memories of being in the kitchen - I was always attracted to the kitchen - but nobody ever wanted me to touch anything."

I have more eating memories than cooking memories and many memories of being in the kitchen - I was always attracted to the kitchen - but nobody ever wanted me to touch anything.

Kitchen Quotes: "A kitchen without an ironing board? Are you kidding? It's un-American. It's like Simon without Garfunkel."

A kitchen without an ironing board? Are you kidding? It's un-American. It's like Simon without Garfunkel.

Kitchen Quotes: "My worst habit in the kitchen is not allowing anybody to help me. I like to cook by myself."

My worst habit in the kitchen is not allowing anybody to help me. I like to cook by myself.

Kitchen Quotes: "She looked at me and laughed pointlessly. Then she flounced over to the dog, kissed it with ecstasy, and swept into the kitchen, implying that a dozen chefs awaited her orders there."

She looked at me and laughed pointlessly. Then she flounced over to the dog, kissed it with ecstasy, and swept into the kitchen, implying that a dozen chefs awaited her orders there.

Kitchen Quotes: "I had a holiday job in a kitchen, but I think well draw a polite veil over that. There was nothing joyous or creative about it. And none of this helped my studies."

I had a holiday job in a kitchen, but I think well draw a polite veil over that. There was nothing joyous or creative about it. And none of this helped my studies.

Kitchen Quotes: "I wanted to get us a place of our own with a little bit more space. The kitchen is just huge, because my mom... lives there, man, and she loves being in the kitchen."

I wanted to get us a place of our own with a little bit more space. The kitchen is just huge, because my mom... lives there, man, and she loves being in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "I want to ask him where that kitchen is. Where he's from. But he seems guarded. Or maybe it's me. Maybe making friends is a specific skill, and I missed the lesson."

I want to ask him where that kitchen is. Where he's from. But he seems guarded. Or maybe it's me. Maybe making friends is a specific skill, and I missed the lesson.

Kitchen Quotes: "I love hospitality, and I love cooking. The kitchen is where I feel most at ease and where I feel most like myself."

I love hospitality, and I love cooking. The kitchen is where I feel most at ease and where I feel most like myself.

Kitchen Quotes: "When I step into the kitchen in the morning, I go for the scrambled eggs with pine nuts and minced lamb. When I finish at night, it is hard to resist the burger."

When I step into the kitchen in the morning, I go for the scrambled eggs with pine nuts and minced lamb. When I finish at night, it is hard to resist the burger.

Kitchen Quotes: "Some hams hanging in the kitchen were taken out for burial"

Some hams hanging in the kitchen were taken out for burial

Kitchen Quotes: "If people are made to feel uncomfortable in the kitchen, they won't go in there. That's why I think children learning to cook can be such a wonderful thing."

If people are made to feel uncomfortable in the kitchen, they won't go in there. That's why I think children learning to cook can be such a wonderful thing.

Kitchen Quotes: "Being on a soccer pitch is not the same as being in a kitchen when things are going wrong."

Being on a soccer pitch is not the same as being in a kitchen when things are going wrong.

Kitchen Quotes: "It's in their modest home. You go into their kitchen and serve yourself. It's all homemade. It's authentic Italian."

It's in their modest home. You go into their kitchen and serve yourself. It's all homemade. It's authentic Italian.

Kitchen Quotes: "I don't really have one dish. I'm a very improvisational cook. I sort of like to make things up as I go along. I'm quite creative in the kitchen."

I don't really have one dish. I'm a very improvisational cook. I sort of like to make things up as I go along. I'm quite creative in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "After I had the kids, I took a break from work, and all my creativity went into my kitchen. I like experimenting."

After I had the kids, I took a break from work, and all my creativity went into my kitchen. I like experimenting.

Kitchen Quotes: "If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen."

If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "I have smelt all the aromas there are in the fragrant kitchen they call Earth; and what we can enjoy in this life, I surely have enjoyed just like a lord!"

I have smelt all the aromas there are in the fragrant kitchen they call Earth; and what we can enjoy in this life, I surely have enjoyed just like a lord!

Kitchen Quotes: "I want to focus on what are called kitchen table issues. You know, the ones that keep you up at night, like the cost of childcare and college and prescription drugs and so much else."

I want to focus on what are called kitchen table issues. You know, the ones that keep you up at night, like the cost of childcare and college and prescription drugs and so much else.

Kitchen Quotes: "No amount of preaching, exhortation, sympathy, benevolence, will render the condition of our working women what it should be, so long as the kitchen and needle are substantially their only resources."

No amount of preaching, exhortation, sympathy, benevolence, will render the condition of our working women what it should be, so long as the kitchen and needle are substantially their only resources.

Kitchen Quotes: "When you tell a story in the kitchen to a friend, it's full of mistakes and repetitions. It's good to avoid that in literature, but still, a story should feel like a conversation. It's not a lecture."

When you tell a story in the kitchen to a friend, it's full of mistakes and repetitions. It's good to avoid that in literature, but still, a story should feel like a conversation. It's not a lecture.

Kitchen Quotes: "I sympathize with every kitchen porter."

I sympathize with every kitchen porter.

Kitchen Quotes: "I can't abide cats myself, but of course we have to have one in the kitchen to deal with the mice. I insisted on getting a black one, because anything else shows the dirt so in London."

I can't abide cats myself, but of course we have to have one in the kitchen to deal with the mice. I insisted on getting a black one, because anything else shows the dirt so in London.

Kitchen Quotes: "The dog ran into the kitchen, stuck his nose in Grandma's crotch, and snuffled. Dang," Grandma said. "Guess my new perfume really works. I'm gonna have to try it out at the seniors meeting."

The dog ran into the kitchen, stuck his nose in Grandma's crotch, and snuffled. Dang," Grandma said. "Guess my new perfume really works. I'm gonna have to try it out at the seniors meeting.

Kitchen Quotes: "La volaille est pour la cuisine ce qu'est la toile pour les peintres. Fowls are to the kitchen what his canvas is to the painter."

La volaille est pour la cuisine ce qu'est la toile pour les peintres. Fowls are to the kitchen what his canvas is to the painter.

Kitchen Quotes: "You might be a redneck if you use a radiator hose to fix your kitchen sink."

You might be a redneck if you use a radiator hose to fix your kitchen sink.

Kitchen Quotes: "If there's something in the kitchen I like, it must be eaten. I try not to leave any snacks I wouldn't want to eat on a daily basis in the cupboard."

If there's something in the kitchen I like, it must be eaten. I try not to leave any snacks I wouldn't want to eat on a daily basis in the cupboard.

Kitchen Quotes: "I'm really happy. Really! I think people honestly just want to see me as a mum and married and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. And I just want to say, 'Everybody, relax! It's going to happen.'"

I'm really happy. Really! I think people honestly just want to see me as a mum and married and barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. And I just want to say, 'Everybody, relax! It's going to happen.'

Kitchen Quotes: "Okay, Shane," Agnes said as Brenda's clock gonged midnight. "I got Joey in the kitchen, a cop in the front hall, a dead body in the basement, and you in my bedroom. Where do you want to start?"

Okay, Shane," Agnes said as Brenda's clock gonged midnight. "I got Joey in the kitchen, a cop in the front hall, a dead body in the basement, and you in my bedroom. Where do you want to start?

Kitchen Quotes: "some mornings... I sit at the kitchen table shaking salt into the hairs on my arm, and a feeling shoves up in me: it's finished. Everything went past without me."

some mornings... I sit at the kitchen table shaking salt into the hairs on my arm, and a feeling shoves up in me: it's finished. Everything went past without me.

Kitchen Quotes: "Because drug dealers shoot each other in London, Norfolk farmers can't have guns to defend their homes. I mean, no one wants a gun - except at 4am when they hear a strange sound in the kitchen."

Because drug dealers shoot each other in London, Norfolk farmers can't have guns to defend their homes. I mean, no one wants a gun - except at 4am when they hear a strange sound in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "While it is necessary to eat and therefore it is pleasantest to eat food that looks handsome and tastes good, on the other hand there are things I would far rather do than spend time in a kitchen."

While it is necessary to eat and therefore it is pleasantest to eat food that looks handsome and tastes good, on the other hand there are things I would far rather do than spend time in a kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "That's why I like the scenes where we're just in the kitchen having breakfast, because it's the interaction between people. The chaos."

That's why I like the scenes where we're just in the kitchen having breakfast, because it's the interaction between people. The chaos.

Kitchen Quotes: "I'm sort of a cavedweller: I miss my house, my yard, my kitchen, my wife. The trees. When I get home, I like to get down into my office neighborhood as soon as I can."

I'm sort of a cavedweller: I miss my house, my yard, my kitchen, my wife. The trees. When I get home, I like to get down into my office neighborhood as soon as I can.

Kitchen Quotes: "What is a family, after all, except memories? Haphazard and precious as the contents of a catch-all drawer in the kitchen."

What is a family, after all, except memories? Haphazard and precious as the contents of a catch-all drawer in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "There is nothing nicer than a kitchen really made for a cook. Things that are designed to be used always have an innate beauty."

There is nothing nicer than a kitchen really made for a cook. Things that are designed to be used always have an innate beauty.

Kitchen Quotes: "I don’t think Kitchen makes this. What’s it called again?" "Jell-O Surprise." Link grinned. "What’s the surprise?" Ridley examined the red gelatin more closely. "What they put in it."

I don’t think Kitchen makes this. What’s it called again?" "Jell-O Surprise." Link grinned. "What’s the surprise?" Ridley examined the red gelatin more closely. "What they put in it.

Kitchen Quotes: "Whenever I have even a spare second, I'm in the kitchen whipping up a batch of cookies. I make a mean batch of chocolate chippers."

Whenever I have even a spare second, I'm in the kitchen whipping up a batch of cookies. I make a mean batch of chocolate chippers.

Kitchen Quotes: "I have a little kitchen office at home, where I do all my kids' stuff."

I have a little kitchen office at home, where I do all my kids' stuff.

Kitchen Quotes: "I love having Phil [Robertson] in the kitchen! Not only is he a great cook, but it means less work for me!"

I love having Phil [Robertson] in the kitchen! Not only is he a great cook, but it means less work for me!

Kitchen Quotes: "Here was this man Tom Guthrie in Holt standing at the back window in the kitchen of his house smoking cigarettes and looking out over the back lot where the sun was just coming up."

Here was this man Tom Guthrie in Holt standing at the back window in the kitchen of his house smoking cigarettes and looking out over the back lot where the sun was just coming up.