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Kitchen Quotes

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Kitchen Quotes: "My two sisters and I sang all the time. Whenever we cleaned the kitchen, we sang in three-part harmony."

My two sisters and I sang all the time. Whenever we cleaned the kitchen, we sang in three-part harmony.

Kitchen Quotes: "I had the halfway house. I can't tell how many nights I spent around my kitchen table, soothing broken hearts."

I had the halfway house. I can't tell how many nights I spent around my kitchen table, soothing broken hearts.

Kitchen Quotes: "Terry Kitchen asked me one time why, since I had so few gifts as a husband and father, I had gotten married. And I heard myself say: "That's the way the post-war movie goes."

Terry Kitchen asked me one time why, since I had so few gifts as a husband and father, I had gotten married. And I heard myself say: "That's the way the post-war movie goes.

Kitchen Quotes: "I am in love with my La Cornue custom-made stove - it's a dream to use and my favourite part of the kitchen."

I am in love with my La Cornue custom-made stove - it's a dream to use and my favourite part of the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "For the socially timid, the kitchen is the place to be. At least, it is a place to start."

For the socially timid, the kitchen is the place to be. At least, it is a place to start.

Kitchen Quotes: "I smile and play pretend through the Morning Show in the kitchen."

I smile and play pretend through the Morning Show in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "A city where the Capitol Dome, perforated like a kitchen colander, is the symbol of how secrets are kept."

A city where the Capitol Dome, perforated like a kitchen colander, is the symbol of how secrets are kept.

Kitchen Quotes: "I can't believe it! A real gourmet kitchen, and I get to watch!"

I can't believe it! A real gourmet kitchen, and I get to watch!

Kitchen Quotes: "I practice self-control and staying active. Running round the kitchen keeps me moving."

I practice self-control and staying active. Running round the kitchen keeps me moving.

Kitchen Quotes: "A potato is a poor thing, poorly treated. More often than not it is cooked in so unthinking and ignorant a manner as to make one feel that it has never before been encountered in the kitchen."

A potato is a poor thing, poorly treated. More often than not it is cooked in so unthinking and ignorant a manner as to make one feel that it has never before been encountered in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "Right, sure. Because there's no girls in politics! I have no interest. Voting? What? I forgot my apron. I think I ought to be in the kitchen right now, actually. My rolling pin-"

Right, sure. Because there's no girls in politics! I have no interest. Voting? What? I forgot my apron. I think I ought to be in the kitchen right now, actually. My rolling pin-

Kitchen Quotes: "I'm in the kitchen five days a week, no matter what, and one or two of those days I'm on the line. Not because I have to be, but because I want to be."

I'm in the kitchen five days a week, no matter what, and one or two of those days I'm on the line. Not because I have to be, but because I want to be.

Kitchen Quotes: "Both my partner and I did not get into cooking so that we could wear ugly chef's coats and stuff. We dress sexy in the kitchen."

Both my partner and I did not get into cooking so that we could wear ugly chef's coats and stuff. We dress sexy in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "I use quite a bit in my kitchen, but the one thing that's an absolute must would have to be my high-speed blender."

I use quite a bit in my kitchen, but the one thing that's an absolute must would have to be my high-speed blender.

Kitchen Quotes: "There's a pretty equitable distribution in the restaurant industry of how money gets paid, except for in the kitchen. The kitchen is the lowest-paid group of people."

There's a pretty equitable distribution in the restaurant industry of how money gets paid, except for in the kitchen. The kitchen is the lowest-paid group of people.

Kitchen Quotes: "You soon learn there’s no elegance or dignity in death if you spend time in the castle kitchens. You learn how ugly it is, and how good it tastes."

You soon learn there’s no elegance or dignity in death if you spend time in the castle kitchens. You learn how ugly it is, and how good it tastes.

Kitchen Quotes: "Low comedies are written for the drawing-room, the kitchen and the stable, and if you cut out the kitchen and the stable the drawing-room can't support the play by itself."

Low comedies are written for the drawing-room, the kitchen and the stable, and if you cut out the kitchen and the stable the drawing-room can't support the play by itself.

Kitchen Quotes: "Outside is dark. The kitchen light is loud. It deafens me as I walk towards it."

Outside is dark. The kitchen light is loud. It deafens me as I walk towards it.

Kitchen Quotes: "All I really want is a three-room house. The home I have designed at my new farm in Bedford, New York, is a three-room house: bedroom on top, living room in the middle, and kitchen on the ground."

All I really want is a three-room house. The home I have designed at my new farm in Bedford, New York, is a three-room house: bedroom on top, living room in the middle, and kitchen on the ground.

Kitchen Quotes: "Some people tend to throw your love to the dogs when you become totally submissive to them, but when you want to get out of the heat, they pull you back into the kitchen."

Some people tend to throw your love to the dogs when you become totally submissive to them, but when you want to get out of the heat, they pull you back into the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "Puck rushed into the kitchen. He looked as if he had just gotten off a roller coaster. "That was awesome!" he cried. "The arrow coming out is totally more fun to watch going in."

Puck rushed into the kitchen. He looked as if he had just gotten off a roller coaster. "That was awesome!" he cried. "The arrow coming out is totally more fun to watch going in.

Kitchen Quotes: "Even the kinds of ingredients you can find in your own kitchen can be used to make bombs. So the problem is with the people and not with the tools."

Even the kinds of ingredients you can find in your own kitchen can be used to make bombs. So the problem is with the people and not with the tools.

Kitchen Quotes: "When designing a kitchen, always keep in mind the social aspect."

When designing a kitchen, always keep in mind the social aspect.

Kitchen Quotes: "The movie theater is never going away. If that was a case why are there still restaurants? People still have kitchens in their home!"

The movie theater is never going away. If that was a case why are there still restaurants? People still have kitchens in their home!

Kitchen Quotes: "Give me the provisions and whole apparatus of a kitchen, and I would starve."

Give me the provisions and whole apparatus of a kitchen, and I would starve.

Kitchen Quotes: "Something that you can't play in your kitchen is rap. It is done in your neighbour's kitchen."

Something that you can't play in your kitchen is rap. It is done in your neighbour's kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "I'm just enjoying playing a character of myself. People's mouths drop when I dance, but my friends are like, "You dance like that in the kitchen!""

I'm just enjoying playing a character of myself. People's mouths drop when I dance, but my friends are like, "You dance like that in the kitchen!"

Kitchen Quotes: "I'll challenge senators and kings for the right to know the truth, but far be it from me to challenge a woman in her own kitchen."

I'll challenge senators and kings for the right to know the truth, but far be it from me to challenge a woman in her own kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "I said, 'Oh, I know. If the white folks is in Heaven too, then the black angels were in the kitchen, preparing the milk and honey.'"

I said, 'Oh, I know. If the white folks is in Heaven too, then the black angels were in the kitchen, preparing the milk and honey.'

Kitchen Quotes: "Julia Child wasn't afraid to have fun. She made fantastic food but knew how to have a good time and not be too stuck up about the kitchen space."

Julia Child wasn't afraid to have fun. She made fantastic food but knew how to have a good time and not be too stuck up about the kitchen space.

Kitchen Quotes: "If your kitchen smells good, your food lost something."

If your kitchen smells good, your food lost something.

Kitchen Quotes: "I wouldn't go that far. But I know my way around the kitchen. I make dinner every night."

I wouldn't go that far. But I know my way around the kitchen. I make dinner every night.

Kitchen Quotes: "Even though I'm big on recipes, I love to make up my own dishes and when you take a risk in the kitchen, you learn a lot about food!"

Even though I'm big on recipes, I love to make up my own dishes and when you take a risk in the kitchen, you learn a lot about food!

Kitchen Quotes: "Two women can't share a house comfortably, no matter how fond they might be of each other. It's got to be one woman's kitchen."

Two women can't share a house comfortably, no matter how fond they might be of each other. It's got to be one woman's kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "Marriage is a land mine. A really intimate land mine. Adultery to kitchen fires. Never a dull [moment]."

Marriage is a land mine. A really intimate land mine. Adultery to kitchen fires. Never a dull [moment].

Kitchen Quotes: "You can keep the dining room clean by eating in the kitchen."

You can keep the dining room clean by eating in the kitchen.

Kitchen Quotes: "When you get a cat to catch the mice in your kitchen, you can't expect it to ignore the rats in the cellar."

When you get a cat to catch the mice in your kitchen, you can't expect it to ignore the rats in the cellar.

Kitchen Quotes: "You're always in the kitchen," Alianora said when she poked her head through the door a moment later. "Or the library. Don't you ever do anything but cook and read?"

You're always in the kitchen," Alianora said when she poked her head through the door a moment later. "Or the library. Don't you ever do anything but cook and read?

Kitchen Quotes: "All I do is stay in the kitchen and cook. I don't go there to party."

All I do is stay in the kitchen and cook. I don't go there to party.

Kitchen Quotes: "My kitchen is not a place to live in. I made it white so I can tell instantly if it's not clean-and I like it clean enough to be able to eat off the floors-or the tables,for that matter."

My kitchen is not a place to live in. I made it white so I can tell instantly if it's not clean-and I like it clean enough to be able to eat off the floors-or the tables,for that matter.

Kitchen Quotes: "Every week I have a disaster in my kitchen. The fire alarm goes off repeatedly. But it doesn't stop me being adventurous."

Every week I have a disaster in my kitchen. The fire alarm goes off repeatedly. But it doesn't stop me being adventurous.

Kitchen Quotes: "Chef means boss and in France you get an office chef and you get a chef on a building site, etc. So I'm a chef de cuisine, chef of the kitchen, and that means that I'm in charge of a team."

Chef means boss and in France you get an office chef and you get a chef on a building site, etc. So I'm a chef de cuisine, chef of the kitchen, and that means that I'm in charge of a team.

Kitchen Quotes: "Get a good dog. We have not picked up food in the kitchen in 15 years."

Get a good dog. We have not picked up food in the kitchen in 15 years.

Kitchen Quotes: "I don't care how you photograph - use the kitchen mop if you must, but if the product is not true to the laws of photography... you have produced something that is dead. (1923)"

I don't care how you photograph - use the kitchen mop if you must, but if the product is not true to the laws of photography... you have produced something that is dead. (1923)

Kitchen Quotes: "I can still hear my mother wailing over some new kitchen crisis, "Oh God," and my father answering cozily from the silo, "Were you calling me, dear?"

I can still hear my mother wailing over some new kitchen crisis, "Oh God," and my father answering cozily from the silo, "Were you calling me, dear?

Kitchen Quotes: "A lot of writers and artists are like chefs who eat their own cooking in the kitchen and then deliver an empty plate with assurances that it's great."

A lot of writers and artists are like chefs who eat their own cooking in the kitchen and then deliver an empty plate with assurances that it's great.

Kitchen Quotes: "Oh my God, I grew up in the kitchen. Absolutely. The kitchen, for me, is home."

Oh my God, I grew up in the kitchen. Absolutely. The kitchen, for me, is home.

Kitchen Quotes: "I read while the kids play. I can see them from the kitchen window. And I'm a fast reader."

I read while the kids play. I can see them from the kitchen window. And I'm a fast reader.

Kitchen Quotes: "I know every movement of my kitchen."

I know every movement of my kitchen.