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Kresley Cole Quotes

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Kresley Cole Quotes: "You stay on me like my godsdamned shadow, vampire."Mirceo's lips curved. "Eternally, demon."

You stay on me like my godsdamned shadow, vampire."Mirceo's lips curved. "Eternally, demon.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Mel exhaled. "Why are you forcing me into the voice-of-reason role? You know that never works out for us."

Mel exhaled. "Why are you forcing me into the voice-of-reason role? You know that never works out for us.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Face it, Nat, this is one tiger who will never be jumping through your flaming hoop--"

Face it, Nat, this is one tiger who will never be jumping through your flaming hoop--

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Warlord, you once told me I'd always know what you're thinking. What are your thoughts now?""Partly, I'm thinking that I might shame myself in my trews, just from the feel of you next to me."

Warlord, you once told me I'd always know what you're thinking. What are your thoughts now?""Partly, I'm thinking that I might shame myself in my trews, just from the feel of you next to me.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "No ale for the girl, Birgit, " Aidan said to the woman. "Do we not have milk?"Regin's face heated. And all the worse, because she would dearly love some milk."

No ale for the girl, Birgit, " Aidan said to the woman. "Do we not have milk?"Regin's face heated. And all the worse, because she would dearly love some milk.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Tell me, if I take you to my room and put you in my bed, what do you think would happen?""I can draw you a diagram. Hint: I'm slot B, and you're tab A."

Tell me, if I take you to my room and put you in my bed, what do you think would happen?""I can draw you a diagram. Hint: I'm slot B, and you're tab A.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "There's no poetry in me, Reginleit. No fine words." He stared down at her, his gaze seeming to consume her. "I come to you as a man unfinished."

There's no poetry in me, Reginleit. No fine words." He stared down at her, his gaze seeming to consume her. "I come to you as a man unfinished.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "When Thad began nuzzling her neck, pressing his opened lips against her, she smacked him in the back of the head. "Don't go vamp on me now!""Whaa!" He shot upright, his fangs sharp. "Where"

When Thad began nuzzling her neck, pressing his opened lips against her, she smacked him in the back of the head. "Don't go vamp on me now!""Whaa!" He shot upright, his fangs sharp. "Where

Kresley Cole Quotes: "When she absently worried her bottom lip with one of her adorable little fangs, he s"

When she absently worried her bottom lip with one of her adorable little fangs, he s

Kresley Cole Quotes: "He shot to his feet, faced off against her. "No more mercy for ye, Valkyrie." Holding nothing back, he launched a haymaker at her"

He shot to his feet, faced off against her. "No more mercy for ye, Valkyrie." Holding nothing back, he launched a haymaker at her

Kresley Cole Quotes: "It felt bizarre to be ignored in general, much less by an embodiment of Aidan--who used to stare at her so hard that he'd run into trees."

It felt bizarre to be ignored in general, much less by an embodiment of Aidan--who used to stare at her so hard that he'd run into trees.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Yo, Dekko, who do I gotta blow around here to get a shower?"

Yo, Dekko, who do I gotta blow around here to get a shower?

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Don't get pissy with me leech." With a glare, Carrow pressed her print to his torque. "Even tapped out, I can still do a love spell to make you fall in love--with the sun."

Don't get pissy with me leech." With a glare, Carrow pressed her print to his torque. "Even tapped out, I can still do a love spell to make you fall in love--with the sun.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Seconds passed, then ... La Dorada skulked into view. She was half-mummified, but sodden."

Seconds passed, then ... La Dorada skulked into view. She was half-mummified, but sodden.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Jackson asked, "Where'd the water come from in your house?""A pipe." Then he explained to Jackson, "Water travels in pipes."

Jackson asked, "Where'd the water come from in your house?""A pipe." Then he explained to Jackson, "Water travels in pipes.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "She stretched, pulling out her earbuds, which apparently in Lykae was code for 'Interogate me, ' because the questions, they came a-calling."

She stretched, pulling out her earbuds, which apparently in Lykae was code for 'Interogate me, ' because the questions, they came a-calling.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "She'd made him watch every Alien movie. Most of the goriest scenes were accompanied by his dialogue: 'Ach, that's no' - that's just no' right.... Bloody hell, this canna be right."

She'd made him watch every Alien movie. Most of the goriest scenes were accompanied by his dialogue: 'Ach, that's no' - that's just no' right.... Bloody hell, this canna be right.

Kresley Cole Quotes: "Nix had told Emma before she'd left for Europe that on this trip she would 'do that which you were born to do.' Apparently, Emma was born to get kidnapped by a deranged Lykae. Her fate sucked."

Nix had told Emma before she'd left for Europe that on this trip she would 'do that which you were born to do.' Apparently, Emma was born to get kidnapped by a deranged Lykae. Her fate sucked.