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Lakes Quotes

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Lakes Quotes: "Look at the moon in the sky, not the one in the lake."

Look at the moon in the sky, not the one in the lake.

Lakes Quotes: "I object to fishing tournaments less for what they do to fish than what they do to fishermen."

I object to fishing tournaments less for what they do to fish than what they do to fishermen.

Lakes Quotes: "If we become conceited through great success, some day the trout will take us down a peg."

If we become conceited through great success, some day the trout will take us down a peg.

Lakes Quotes: "I'd like to know about some of the things that they teach down there, like building a lake. If I ever wanted to build a lake, I'd like to know how to do it."

I'd like to know about some of the things that they teach down there, like building a lake. If I ever wanted to build a lake, I'd like to know how to do it.

Lakes Quotes: "I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, I hear it in the deep heart's core."

I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, I hear it in the deep heart's core.

Lakes Quotes: "The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish Cut with her golden oars the silver stream And greedily devour the treacherous bait."

The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish Cut with her golden oars the silver stream And greedily devour the treacherous bait.

Lakes Quotes: "'Twas merry when You wagered on your angling, when your diver Did hang a salt fish on his hook, which he With fervency drew up."

'Twas merry when You wagered on your angling, when your diver Did hang a salt fish on his hook, which he With fervency drew up.

Lakes Quotes: "The perfect life: to live in a world of peace in a lake district where the magistrate is good and honest, and to have an understanding wife and bright children."

The perfect life: to live in a world of peace in a lake district where the magistrate is good and honest, and to have an understanding wife and bright children.

Lakes Quotes: "I am jealous of all those people who live on the shore of Dal Lake."

I am jealous of all those people who live on the shore of Dal Lake.

Lakes Quotes: "The fish is not so much your quarry as your partner."

The fish is not so much your quarry as your partner.

Lakes Quotes: "On the Firehole I caught thirty-six inches worth of trout - in six installments."

On the Firehole I caught thirty-six inches worth of trout - in six installments.

Lakes Quotes: "A star is born in the teeth of the Lake Michigan wind."

A star is born in the teeth of the Lake Michigan wind.

Lakes Quotes: "A trout fisherman is something that defieth understanding."

A trout fisherman is something that defieth understanding.

Lakes Quotes: "Contrary to common belief, it is not true that if you cut a worm-fisherman in half, each half will grow into a complete fisherman. For which we should all be eternally grateful."

Contrary to common belief, it is not true that if you cut a worm-fisherman in half, each half will grow into a complete fisherman. For which we should all be eternally grateful.

Lakes Quotes: "Most fishing rods work better if you grasp them at the thick end. If you grasp a fisherman at the thick end, you may get a thumb bit off."

Most fishing rods work better if you grasp them at the thick end. If you grasp a fisherman at the thick end, you may get a thumb bit off.

Lakes Quotes: "The chief difference between big-game fishing and weightlifting is that weightlifters never clutter up their library walls with stuffed barbells"

The chief difference between big-game fishing and weightlifting is that weightlifters never clutter up their library walls with stuffed barbells

Lakes Quotes: "No, I don't take soup. You can't build a meal on a lake."

No, I don't take soup. You can't build a meal on a lake.

Lakes Quotes: "Never, under any circumstance, do I touch soup, as I do not believe in building a meal on a lake."

Never, under any circumstance, do I touch soup, as I do not believe in building a meal on a lake.

Lakes Quotes: "Evolution writ large is the belief that a cloud of hydrogen will spontaneously invent extreme-ultraviolet lithography, perform Swan Lake, and write all the books in the British Museum."

Evolution writ large is the belief that a cloud of hydrogen will spontaneously invent extreme-ultraviolet lithography, perform Swan Lake, and write all the books in the British Museum.

Lakes Quotes: "Captain Shotover: How much does your soul eat? Ellie: Oh, a lot. It eats music and pictures and books and mountains and lakes and beautiful things to wear and nice people to be with."

Captain Shotover: How much does your soul eat? Ellie: Oh, a lot. It eats music and pictures and books and mountains and lakes and beautiful things to wear and nice people to be with.

Lakes Quotes: "Yet compared with the serious things of life, fishing is after all rather trivial. The thoughtful angler must frankly confess this."

Yet compared with the serious things of life, fishing is after all rather trivial. The thoughtful angler must frankly confess this.

Lakes Quotes: "The largest pond is as sensitive to atmospheric changes as the globule of mercury in its tube."

The largest pond is as sensitive to atmospheric changes as the globule of mercury in its tube.

Lakes Quotes: "Presidents have only two moments of personal seclusion. One is prayer; the other fishing - and they cannot pray all the time!"

Presidents have only two moments of personal seclusion. One is prayer; the other fishing - and they cannot pray all the time!

Lakes Quotes: "Fishing from a boat seems like dilettante bullshit - like hunting wild boar with a can of spray paint from the safety of a pick-up truck"

Fishing from a boat seems like dilettante bullshit - like hunting wild boar with a can of spray paint from the safety of a pick-up truck

Lakes Quotes: "A golf ball can stop in the fairway, rough, woods, bunker or lake. With five equally likely options, very few balls choose the fairway."

A golf ball can stop in the fairway, rough, woods, bunker or lake. With five equally likely options, very few balls choose the fairway.

Lakes Quotes: "And if ye angler take fysshe; surely thenne is there noo man merier than he is in his spyryte."

And if ye angler take fysshe; surely thenne is there noo man merier than he is in his spyryte.

Lakes Quotes: "Mr. Darcy was in Pride and Prejudice and at first he was all snooty and huffy; then he fell in a lake and came out with his shirt all wet. And then we all loved him. In a swoony way."

Mr. Darcy was in Pride and Prejudice and at first he was all snooty and huffy; then he fell in a lake and came out with his shirt all wet. And then we all loved him. In a swoony way.

Lakes Quotes: "By mid-morning a rain as fine as silk spills was weaving over the lake."

By mid-morning a rain as fine as silk spills was weaving over the lake.

Lakes Quotes: "Just as the Salt Lake Temple took 40 years to build, stone by stone, you are building a virtuous life, step by step."

Just as the Salt Lake Temple took 40 years to build, stone by stone, you are building a virtuous life, step by step.

Lakes Quotes: "I used to race at the YMCA in Crystal Lake, Illinois, they used to have a dirt track there, and there was also a track near Rockford, Illinois, that I would go to."

I used to race at the YMCA in Crystal Lake, Illinois, they used to have a dirt track there, and there was also a track near Rockford, Illinois, that I would go to.

Lakes Quotes: "He who holds the hook is aware in what waters many fish are swimming."

He who holds the hook is aware in what waters many fish are swimming.

Lakes Quotes: "Music is an ocean, but the repertory is hardly even a lake; it is a pond."

Music is an ocean, but the repertory is hardly even a lake; it is a pond.

Lakes Quotes: "I went to Salt Lake City and the Mormons tried to convert me, but when I found they forbade tea and tobacco I thought it was no religion for me."

I went to Salt Lake City and the Mormons tried to convert me, but when I found they forbade tea and tobacco I thought it was no religion for me.

Lakes Quotes: "Every city has a town outside with a lake. I pull out my fishing pole and fish. I've been doing that for a long time."

Every city has a town outside with a lake. I pull out my fishing pole and fish. I've been doing that for a long time.

Lakes Quotes: "It was useless to try to corner a man who told stories. It was like trying to drink all the water in a lake to get at a bright pebble on the bottom of it."

It was useless to try to corner a man who told stories. It was like trying to drink all the water in a lake to get at a bright pebble on the bottom of it.

Lakes Quotes: "Then do you mean that I have got to go on catching these damned two-and-a-half pounders at this corner forever and ever? The keeper nodded. Hell! said Mr. Castwell. Yes , said his keeper."

Then do you mean that I have got to go on catching these damned two-and-a-half pounders at this corner forever and ever? The keeper nodded. Hell! said Mr. Castwell. Yes , said his keeper.

Lakes Quotes: "The radio station was playing Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, a sure sign that things were much worse than they appeared."

The radio station was playing Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, a sure sign that things were much worse than they appeared.

Lakes Quotes: "I am no more lonely than the loon in the pond that laughs so loud, or than Walden Pond itself. What company has that lonely lake,I pray?"

I am no more lonely than the loon in the pond that laughs so loud, or than Walden Pond itself. What company has that lonely lake,I pray?

Lakes Quotes: "The fly angler who says they have never, ever fallen while wading , is either a pathogenic liar, or has never been fly-fishing."

The fly angler who says they have never, ever fallen while wading , is either a pathogenic liar, or has never been fly-fishing.

Lakes Quotes: "and when he moved it was like watching oil spread across a lake, smooth and fluid, almost vicious"

and when he moved it was like watching oil spread across a lake, smooth and fluid, almost vicious

Lakes Quotes: "A man without courage is a boat in a frozen lake! Get rid of your fears!"

A man without courage is a boat in a frozen lake! Get rid of your fears!

Lakes Quotes: "I love Salt Lake City. It's beautiful with all the great outdoors around you."

I love Salt Lake City. It's beautiful with all the great outdoors around you.

Lakes Quotes: "I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”"

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

Lakes Quotes: "Wordsworth went to the Lakes, but he was never a lake poet. He found in stones the sermons he had already hidden there."

Wordsworth went to the Lakes, but he was never a lake poet. He found in stones the sermons he had already hidden there.

Lakes Quotes: "YEAH! Bring it on, lake!"

YEAH! Bring it on, lake!

Lakes Quotes: "A lake that is noisy cannot reflect anything"

A lake that is noisy cannot reflect anything

Lakes Quotes: "February brings the rain, Thaws the frozen lake again."

February brings the rain, Thaws the frozen lake again.

Lakes Quotes: "I was busier than a beaver in a coffee lake."

I was busier than a beaver in a coffee lake.

Lakes Quotes: "Once I retire and slow down, I don't want to be in New York. I want to be somewhere near a lake or a pond, so that on my days when I have nothing to do, I can go fishing."

Once I retire and slow down, I don't want to be in New York. I want to be somewhere near a lake or a pond, so that on my days when I have nothing to do, I can go fishing.