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League Quotes

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League Quotes: "My first year of pro ball I played in the Northwest league and made the all-star team, and the next year I played I led the team in hitting and was third or fifth in the league."

My first year of pro ball I played in the Northwest league and made the all-star team, and the next year I played I led the team in hitting and was third or fifth in the league.

League Quotes: "There is no comparison between him and me; he developed a whole new way of making art and he's clearly in a league of his own. It would be like making comparisons with Warhol."

There is no comparison between him and me; he developed a whole new way of making art and he's clearly in a league of his own. It would be like making comparisons with Warhol.

League Quotes: "To go from Yale to the National League is simply to go from one form of management to another."

To go from Yale to the National League is simply to go from one form of management to another.

League Quotes: "Since we are not in the League of Nations in any case, we do not devote our attention to reflecting on its internal reforms."

Since we are not in the League of Nations in any case, we do not devote our attention to reflecting on its internal reforms.

League Quotes: "WITCH, n. (1) Any ugly and repulsive old woman, in a wicked league with the devil. (2) A beautiful and attractive young woman, in wickedness a league beyond the devil."

WITCH, n. (1) Any ugly and repulsive old woman, in a wicked league with the devil. (2) A beautiful and attractive young woman, in wickedness a league beyond the devil.

League Quotes: "If you are used to going five innings and then go six or seven, you won't have your good stuff. They need to start that from the minor leagues and give pitchers strong arms."

If you are used to going five innings and then go six or seven, you won't have your good stuff. They need to start that from the minor leagues and give pitchers strong arms.

League Quotes: "The people at the top of the league think they need to rein me in so I don't become another Michael Jordan, somebody they aren't able to mold and shape and make their puppet."

The people at the top of the league think they need to rein me in so I don't become another Michael Jordan, somebody they aren't able to mold and shape and make their puppet.

League Quotes: "I consider the difference between a system founded on the legislatures only, and one founded on the people, to be the true difference between a league or treaty and a constitution."

I consider the difference between a system founded on the legislatures only, and one founded on the people, to be the true difference between a league or treaty and a constitution.

League Quotes: "Always people have counted me out since I got in the league. It never made me any difference. I kept myself around positive people, got a great support system and just kept at it."

Always people have counted me out since I got in the league. It never made me any difference. I kept myself around positive people, got a great support system and just kept at it.

League Quotes: "Major League Baseball is a national institution and we take our responsibilities seriously when it comes to how the game affects the lives of American youth."

Major League Baseball is a national institution and we take our responsibilities seriously when it comes to how the game affects the lives of American youth.

League Quotes: "By far, the best moment of my big league career was when I caught the last out at the World Series."

By far, the best moment of my big league career was when I caught the last out at the World Series.

League Quotes: "If I had done everything I was supposed to, I'd be leading the league in homers, have the highest batting average, have given $100,000 to the Cancer Fund and be married to Marie Osmond."

If I had done everything I was supposed to, I'd be leading the league in homers, have the highest batting average, have given $100,000 to the Cancer Fund and be married to Marie Osmond.

League Quotes: "The only thing Earl (Weaver) knows about big-league pitching is that he couldn't hit it."

The only thing Earl (Weaver) knows about big-league pitching is that he couldn't hit it.

League Quotes: "So I don't really believe that how many years you've had in the league determines how well your players play... Coaching is coaching."

So I don't really believe that how many years you've had in the league determines how well your players play... Coaching is coaching.

League Quotes: "I told myself that if I ever make it to the big leagues that I would be the one to appreciate the fans. Take a little time out to sign autographs and shake their hands and say hello to them."

I told myself that if I ever make it to the big leagues that I would be the one to appreciate the fans. Take a little time out to sign autographs and shake their hands and say hello to them.

League Quotes: "You know, I was once named Minor League Player of the Year...unfortunately, I had been in the majors for two years at the time."

You know, I was once named Minor League Player of the Year...unfortunately, I had been in the majors for two years at the time.

League Quotes: "I'm ambitious, I want to play in the Champions League, and that's the aim with Tottenham - to start qualifying for the Champions League on a consistent basis."

I'm ambitious, I want to play in the Champions League, and that's the aim with Tottenham - to start qualifying for the Champions League on a consistent basis.

League Quotes: "I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started."

I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started.

League Quotes: "When you're a first-round pick and you get to the big leagues at 22, there's almost a sense that you've got to mature."

When you're a first-round pick and you get to the big leagues at 22, there's almost a sense that you've got to mature.

League Quotes: "You know, I want to be the uncommon one. I think it's pretty cool that I'm only 5'11, you know, and playing in the National Football League."

You know, I want to be the uncommon one. I think it's pretty cool that I'm only 5'11, you know, and playing in the National Football League.

League Quotes: "If you're going to win the Premier League, you're going to have to finish ahead of Chelsea and Manchester City."

If you're going to win the Premier League, you're going to have to finish ahead of Chelsea and Manchester City.

League Quotes: "Typical of most French guys in our league with a visor on, running around and playing tough and not back anything up."

Typical of most French guys in our league with a visor on, running around and playing tough and not back anything up.

League Quotes: "For years the league has thought I've been on drugs. I would have burned out a long time ago if that was true."

For years the league has thought I've been on drugs. I would have burned out a long time ago if that was true.

League Quotes: "By the time I got to the league I knew the cameras were going to be there and to turn it on."

By the time I got to the league I knew the cameras were going to be there and to turn it on.

League Quotes: "I sort of kept my hand in writing and went to work for the Sierra Club in '52, walked the plank there in '69, founded Friends of the Earth and the League of Conservation Voters after that."

I sort of kept my hand in writing and went to work for the Sierra Club in '52, walked the plank there in '69, founded Friends of the Earth and the League of Conservation Voters after that.

League Quotes: "But the last time the Cubs won a National League pennant Was the year we dropped the bomb on Japan"

But the last time the Cubs won a National League pennant Was the year we dropped the bomb on Japan

League Quotes: "League is much, much more physical than Union, and that's before anyone starts breaking the rules."

League is much, much more physical than Union, and that's before anyone starts breaking the rules.

League Quotes: "England is a very strong league, with three or four of the best teams in Europe, but, if I had played there, I would have destroyed it, like I have everywhere else."

England is a very strong league, with three or four of the best teams in Europe, but, if I had played there, I would have destroyed it, like I have everywhere else.

League Quotes: "I wouldn't be bothered if we lost every game, as long as we won the league."

I wouldn't be bothered if we lost every game, as long as we won the league.

League Quotes: "When I started to play consistently and produce consistently, that's when I knew that I could compete and do well in the big leagues."

When I started to play consistently and produce consistently, that's when I knew that I could compete and do well in the big leagues.

League Quotes: "LeSean McCoy has become the most exciting player in the National Football League. I believe he’s the MVP this year."

LeSean McCoy has become the most exciting player in the National Football League. I believe he’s the MVP this year.

League Quotes: "I think some guys have the ability to learn from themselves and get better. Those are the guys that last a long time and continue to improve in this league and in sports in general."

I think some guys have the ability to learn from themselves and get better. Those are the guys that last a long time and continue to improve in this league and in sports in general.

League Quotes: "Some of my greatest memories were on a little league field. We didn't even have any uniforms."

Some of my greatest memories were on a little league field. We didn't even have any uniforms.

League Quotes: "Minor league umpires are evaluated in their respective leagues each year and rated numerically. This enables umpires to know where they stand and helps them make prudent career decisions."

Minor league umpires are evaluated in their respective leagues each year and rated numerically. This enables umpires to know where they stand and helps them make prudent career decisions.

League Quotes: "Manchester United might not win Premier League every year, but we'd always be up there competing for it every year."

Manchester United might not win Premier League every year, but we'd always be up there competing for it every year.

League Quotes: "I do not need to play in the Champions League to be happy"

I do not need to play in the Champions League to be happy

League Quotes: "Those huckleberries in the National League don't want to do anything that the American League wants to do."

Those huckleberries in the National League don't want to do anything that the American League wants to do.

League Quotes: "I'd like to help educate kids about the Major Leagues - what to anticipate, what to expect, what they'll need to do to prepare themselves."

I'd like to help educate kids about the Major Leagues - what to anticipate, what to expect, what they'll need to do to prepare themselves.

League Quotes: "Of course it's good when you win the Champions League, the league, the golden boot. But when you win something for your country it's completely different."

Of course it's good when you win the Champions League, the league, the golden boot. But when you win something for your country it's completely different.

League Quotes: "You cannot make mistakes in the Champions League."

You cannot make mistakes in the Champions League.

League Quotes: "This morning I was standing in the shower and thought how I was sick of losing and how it was about time I had a big game."

This morning I was standing in the shower and thought how I was sick of losing and how it was about time I had a big game.

League Quotes: "It's the first time I've been cold for seven years. I was never cold playing rugby league."

It's the first time I've been cold for seven years. I was never cold playing rugby league.

League Quotes: "I played Little League for one year. That was it. Then my mother realized I liked books and threatened my father. I owe her forever for that."

I played Little League for one year. That was it. Then my mother realized I liked books and threatened my father. I owe her forever for that.

League Quotes: "I'm a graduate of Princeton, and I just want to say you don't have to go to an Ivy League school to be on the Supreme Court."

I'm a graduate of Princeton, and I just want to say you don't have to go to an Ivy League school to be on the Supreme Court.

League Quotes: "You know what we should do? We should just put flags on everybody. Let's make it the NFFL - the National Flag Football League. It's unbelievable."

You know what we should do? We should just put flags on everybody. Let's make it the NFFL - the National Flag Football League. It's unbelievable.

League Quotes: "The sublimated idealism of the Enlightenment, the spirit of the League of Nations and of the United Nations Charter have not proved strong enough to control the aggressive dynamism of nationalism."

The sublimated idealism of the Enlightenment, the spirit of the League of Nations and of the United Nations Charter have not proved strong enough to control the aggressive dynamism of nationalism.

League Quotes: "I'm no longer thinking of Madrid. That dream is dead. The only thing I dream about now is Manchester United and winning the Champions League again in Rome."

I'm no longer thinking of Madrid. That dream is dead. The only thing I dream about now is Manchester United and winning the Champions League again in Rome.

League Quotes: "Italians can never win from you, but you can lose to them. (when asked about Ajax's chances in the 1995 Champs League final against AC Milan)"

Italians can never win from you, but you can lose to them. (when asked about Ajax's chances in the 1995 Champs League final against AC Milan)

League Quotes: "I found that part of it towards San Salvador extending from north to south five leagues, and the other side which we coasted along, ran from east to west more than ten leagues."

I found that part of it towards San Salvador extending from north to south five leagues, and the other side which we coasted along, ran from east to west more than ten leagues.