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Legs Quotes

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Legs Quotes: "Most people keep their brains between their legs."

Most people keep their brains between their legs.

Legs Quotes: "I thought, 'OK, I'm done here. I'll take responsibility and go away.' Little did I know I was going to be going away limping because someone cut my legs out from under me."

I thought, 'OK, I'm done here. I'll take responsibility and go away.' Little did I know I was going to be going away limping because someone cut my legs out from under me.

Legs Quotes: "Fortune loves to give bedroom slippers to people with wooden legs, and gloves to those with no hands."

Fortune loves to give bedroom slippers to people with wooden legs, and gloves to those with no hands.

Legs Quotes: "He licked his bowl and he looked at me, and then he did the wild thing on my leg."

He licked his bowl and he looked at me, and then he did the wild thing on my leg.

Legs Quotes: "I was self-conscious of what I would call my "tree-trunk legs" because they are very muscular... but now I've learned to love them."

I was self-conscious of what I would call my "tree-trunk legs" because they are very muscular... but now I've learned to love them.

Legs Quotes: "The brain is not an organ we are authorized to use. We are supposed to use only our hands and legs."

The brain is not an organ we are authorized to use. We are supposed to use only our hands and legs.

Legs Quotes: "I wear high heels for long legs."

I wear high heels for long legs.

Legs Quotes: "Just because you have long legs doesn't mean you'll be happy as a Rockette."

Just because you have long legs doesn't mean you'll be happy as a Rockette.

Legs Quotes: "A man's legs must be long enough to reach the ground."

A man's legs must be long enough to reach the ground.

Legs Quotes: "Whenever I'm out-of-doors and find myself wanting to have a first-rate think, I fling myself down on my back, throw my arms and legs out so that I look like an asterisk, and gaze at the sky."

Whenever I'm out-of-doors and find myself wanting to have a first-rate think, I fling myself down on my back, throw my arms and legs out so that I look like an asterisk, and gaze at the sky.

Legs Quotes: "A life is a moment in season. A life is one snowfall. A life is one autumn day. A life is the delicate, rapid edge of a closing door's shadow. A life is a brief movement of arms and of legs."

A life is a moment in season. A life is one snowfall. A life is one autumn day. A life is the delicate, rapid edge of a closing door's shadow. A life is a brief movement of arms and of legs.

Legs Quotes: "I'm just a potato that won't quit. I'm a potato with some legs. Some have eyes, I've got legs."

I'm just a potato that won't quit. I'm a potato with some legs. Some have eyes, I've got legs.

Legs Quotes: "If he fancied her anymore," Saphira said to both Eragon and Roran, "I'd be trying to kiss Arya myself." "Saphira!" Mortified, Eragon swatted her on the leg."

If he fancied her anymore," Saphira said to both Eragon and Roran, "I'd be trying to kiss Arya myself." "Saphira!" Mortified, Eragon swatted her on the leg.

Legs Quotes: "My weird thing is, I only tan my legs. My whole body's covered in the shade, and I tan my legs."

My weird thing is, I only tan my legs. My whole body's covered in the shade, and I tan my legs.

Legs Quotes: "Teenagers are free verse walking around on two legs."

Teenagers are free verse walking around on two legs.

Legs Quotes: "Even the most beautiful legs - Marlene Dietrich's, for instance - look better when the kneecap is covered."

Even the most beautiful legs - Marlene Dietrich's, for instance - look better when the kneecap is covered.

Legs Quotes: "When I was 22, I had this horrible psoriasis outbreak. It was all over my legs, I couldn't walk because my legs were cracked and bleeding. Weird things like that can happen to your body."

When I was 22, I had this horrible psoriasis outbreak. It was all over my legs, I couldn't walk because my legs were cracked and bleeding. Weird things like that can happen to your body.

Legs Quotes: "Three million frogs' legs are served in Paris - daily. Nobody knows what became of the rest of the frogs."

Three million frogs' legs are served in Paris - daily. Nobody knows what became of the rest of the frogs.

Legs Quotes: "We seldom break our leg so long as life continues a toilsome upward climb. The danger comes when we begin to take things easily and choose the convenient paths."

We seldom break our leg so long as life continues a toilsome upward climb. The danger comes when we begin to take things easily and choose the convenient paths.

Legs Quotes: "All his life he [the American] jumps into the train after it has started and jumps out before it has stopped; and he never once gets left behind, or breaks a leg."

All his life he [the American] jumps into the train after it has started and jumps out before it has stopped; and he never once gets left behind, or breaks a leg.

Legs Quotes: "The secret of a long marriage is shaving your legs every day . . . because it shows you still care."

The secret of a long marriage is shaving your legs every day . . . because it shows you still care.

Legs Quotes: "Writing is the only profession where nobody considers you ridiculous if you earn no money. Money is like an arm or a leg; use it or lose it."

Writing is the only profession where nobody considers you ridiculous if you earn no money. Money is like an arm or a leg; use it or lose it.

Legs Quotes: "You deserved to get run over. And besides, I barely tapped you. The only reason you broke your leg was because you panicked and tripped over your own feet."

You deserved to get run over. And besides, I barely tapped you. The only reason you broke your leg was because you panicked and tripped over your own feet.

Legs Quotes: "Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, You never answered my question and it was very important. ARE YOU BALD?"

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs, You never answered my question and it was very important. ARE YOU BALD?

Legs Quotes: "I feel that when you want to seduce a man, you really need your legs. Since all my outfits were long dresses, I have to say that I really didn't feel sexy at all."

I feel that when you want to seduce a man, you really need your legs. Since all my outfits were long dresses, I have to say that I really didn't feel sexy at all.

Legs Quotes: "I love Israel for its blue and white flag as it matches my legs."

I love Israel for its blue and white flag as it matches my legs.

Legs Quotes: "The worst injury I've ever seen in a fight was with Anderson Silva when his leg snapped in half."

The worst injury I've ever seen in a fight was with Anderson Silva when his leg snapped in half.

Legs Quotes: "There is nothing healthier for a man than to walk on his own two legs."

There is nothing healthier for a man than to walk on his own two legs.

Legs Quotes: "It seems that they're playing with one leg tied together."

It seems that they're playing with one leg tied together.

Legs Quotes: "Probably a few weeks after I was born I started having casts put on my legs to straighten them out. After that corrective shoes and with a brace in between."

Probably a few weeks after I was born I started having casts put on my legs to straighten them out. After that corrective shoes and with a brace in between.

Legs Quotes: "I wanted many of the poems to have long legs. At first I was calling them clothespin poems, before I knew what I was doing. The lines seem pulled on either end, tight and taut against the wind."

I wanted many of the poems to have long legs. At first I was calling them clothespin poems, before I knew what I was doing. The lines seem pulled on either end, tight and taut against the wind.

Legs Quotes: "The combination of both legs leads to social harmony and material abundance."

The combination of both legs leads to social harmony and material abundance.

Legs Quotes: "Used to move so much, every time the chickens saw the team put in the wagon, they'd lie down on their backs and hold their legs up to be tied!"

Used to move so much, every time the chickens saw the team put in the wagon, they'd lie down on their backs and hold their legs up to be tied!

Legs Quotes: "When your legs get weaker time starts running faster."

When your legs get weaker time starts running faster.

Legs Quotes: "Do you know why I love God? Because Heaven is real. And one day, when we get to Heaven, we are going to have arms and legs. And we are going to run, and we are going play, and we are going to race."

Do you know why I love God? Because Heaven is real. And one day, when we get to Heaven, we are going to have arms and legs. And we are going to run, and we are going play, and we are going to race.

Legs Quotes: "Put legs to your prayers"

Put legs to your prayers

Legs Quotes: "It doesn't matter who you are, if you've got the legs, you can hang with them."

It doesn't matter who you are, if you've got the legs, you can hang with them.

Legs Quotes: "The vote on the Peacekeeper is also a vote on Geneva. Rejecting the Peacekeeper will knock the legs out from under the negotiating table. (On importance of the MX missile)"

The vote on the Peacekeeper is also a vote on Geneva. Rejecting the Peacekeeper will knock the legs out from under the negotiating table. (On importance of the MX missile)

Legs Quotes: "I think the driving force when I moved to New York was the fear of going home with my tail between my legs."

I think the driving force when I moved to New York was the fear of going home with my tail between my legs.

Legs Quotes: "My only real insecurities in high school were having such long legs and thick hair — things I’m so very grateful for now."

My only real insecurities in high school were having such long legs and thick hair — things I’m so very grateful for now.

Legs Quotes: "I would say my best feature has to be my legs - they are 41.5 inches long!"

I would say my best feature has to be my legs - they are 41.5 inches long!

Legs Quotes: "I learned to walk on my own legs, to dive so deeply into a role to forget that Im acting."

I learned to walk on my own legs, to dive so deeply into a role to forget that Im acting.

Legs Quotes: "My legs are really long and that's cool apparently, but I'm totally klutzy. I mean, I'm like Bambi. I fall all over myself because I can't control my arms and my really long legs."

My legs are really long and that's cool apparently, but I'm totally klutzy. I mean, I'm like Bambi. I fall all over myself because I can't control my arms and my really long legs.

Legs Quotes: "A pound of Alaskan king crab legs and buffalo shrimp = happy Travie."

A pound of Alaskan king crab legs and buffalo shrimp = happy Travie.

Legs Quotes: "Without women, we stood in space on one leg only."

Without women, we stood in space on one leg only.

Legs Quotes: "I put my pants on just like the rest of you - one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make gold records."

I put my pants on just like the rest of you - one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make gold records.

Legs Quotes: "Invention, using the term most broadly, and imitation, are the two legs, so to call them, on which the human race historically has walked."

Invention, using the term most broadly, and imitation, are the two legs, so to call them, on which the human race historically has walked.

Legs Quotes: "The sun had become a light yellow yolk and was walking with red legs across the sky."

The sun had become a light yellow yolk and was walking with red legs across the sky.

Legs Quotes: "It's much more entertaining to live books than to write them."

It's much more entertaining to live books than to write them.