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Legs Quotes

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Legs Quotes: "You know they invented wheelbarrows to teach FAA inspectors to walk on their hind legs."

You know they invented wheelbarrows to teach FAA inspectors to walk on their hind legs.

Legs Quotes: "Not to be vain, but I have nice long legs, so I like to accentuate them. Find what part of your body you love most - it can be your arms, your chest, your legs - and emphasize that."

Not to be vain, but I have nice long legs, so I like to accentuate them. Find what part of your body you love most - it can be your arms, your chest, your legs - and emphasize that.

Legs Quotes: "I will not retire while I've still got my legs and my make-up box."

I will not retire while I've still got my legs and my make-up box.

Legs Quotes: "People called me "Slim" and "Daddy Long Legs." My best friend Martine named me Daddy Long Legs after she saw me running track. She was making fun of me!"

People called me "Slim" and "Daddy Long Legs." My best friend Martine named me Daddy Long Legs after she saw me running track. She was making fun of me!

Legs Quotes: "The person whose face is between your legs is gonna get lockjaw."

The person whose face is between your legs is gonna get lockjaw.

Legs Quotes: "I have legs of iron, but to tell you the truth, they're starting to rust and buckle a bit."

I have legs of iron, but to tell you the truth, they're starting to rust and buckle a bit.

Legs Quotes: "When I was a kid, I used to imagine animals running under my bed. I told my dad, and he solved the problem quickly. He cut the legs off the bed."

When I was a kid, I used to imagine animals running under my bed. I told my dad, and he solved the problem quickly. He cut the legs off the bed.

Legs Quotes: "The sisters worked from dawn to dusk. One of them was an idiot; she started shaving her legs and marrying tax inspectors, so she was no good."

The sisters worked from dawn to dusk. One of them was an idiot; she started shaving her legs and marrying tax inspectors, so she was no good.

Legs Quotes: "Nothing has man invented yet that will do a better job than heels at making a good pair of legs look great, or great ones look fabulous."

Nothing has man invented yet that will do a better job than heels at making a good pair of legs look great, or great ones look fabulous.

Legs Quotes: "Killer skirt, deadly legs."

Killer skirt, deadly legs.

Legs Quotes: "He did not feel the ground under his feet - he thrust himself into the capriole, rose high in the air-forelegs and hind legs horizontal. He soared above the ground, he head in jubilation. Conquering!"

He did not feel the ground under his feet - he thrust himself into the capriole, rose high in the air-forelegs and hind legs horizontal. He soared above the ground, he head in jubilation. Conquering!

Legs Quotes: "He can play that leg glance with a walking stick also."

He can play that leg glance with a walking stick also.

Legs Quotes: "I spend 90 percent of my time saying no, and my accountant yells at me for it, but when I started in this business, I wanted my career to have legs."

I spend 90 percent of my time saying no, and my accountant yells at me for it, but when I started in this business, I wanted my career to have legs.

Legs Quotes: "I'm in a big dilemma about my Big-Leg Emma."

I'm in a big dilemma about my Big-Leg Emma.

Legs Quotes: "I have friends who've tried to break into the UK, who went back with their tails between their legs. Fortunately I've had the opposite experience."

I have friends who've tried to break into the UK, who went back with their tails between their legs. Fortunately I've had the opposite experience.

Legs Quotes: "I'm a born and bred New Yorker. I belong here. Everytime I leave it's like losing a leg."

I'm a born and bred New Yorker. I belong here. Everytime I leave it's like losing a leg.

Legs Quotes: "For God's sake, Marks, do you think anyone really wants a glance at those dried-up matchsticks you call legs?"

For God's sake, Marks, do you think anyone really wants a glance at those dried-up matchsticks you call legs?

Legs Quotes: "When I came to DreamWorks, I was in bad trouble. They were in bad trouble. They were millions of dollars in the hole and a few days from closing their doors. I was on my last leg."

When I came to DreamWorks, I was in bad trouble. They were in bad trouble. They were millions of dollars in the hole and a few days from closing their doors. I was on my last leg.

Legs Quotes: "It's time to get your head out of the dumps and your legs in the air!"

It's time to get your head out of the dumps and your legs in the air!

Legs Quotes: "If you are flammable and have legs, you are not blocking a fire exit."

If you are flammable and have legs, you are not blocking a fire exit.

Legs Quotes: "The monument I want after I am dead is a monument with two legs going around the world-a saved sinner telling about the salvation of Jesus Christ."

The monument I want after I am dead is a monument with two legs going around the world-a saved sinner telling about the salvation of Jesus Christ.

Legs Quotes: "I reached the stage where I was afraid to wiggle my leg, but then I thought 'why shouldn't I?' It's what I do and now I know how to turn an audience on again."

I reached the stage where I was afraid to wiggle my leg, but then I thought 'why shouldn't I?' It's what I do and now I know how to turn an audience on again.

Legs Quotes: "I've never been involved with anyone who's set out to hurt people, to break legs. It is a bit of a dying art"

I've never been involved with anyone who's set out to hurt people, to break legs. It is a bit of a dying art

Legs Quotes: "As long as I have my legs and commitment to the team, then I'll keep playing."

As long as I have my legs and commitment to the team, then I'll keep playing.

Legs Quotes: "A prosthetic leg with a Willie Nelson bumper sticker washed ashore on the beach, which meant it was Florida. Then it got weird."

A prosthetic leg with a Willie Nelson bumper sticker washed ashore on the beach, which meant it was Florida. Then it got weird.

Legs Quotes: "I always tell Cristiano before training, 'If you do stepovers on me, I will break your legs and rip up your shirt.' I have no wish to have the mickey taken out of me all week."

I always tell Cristiano before training, 'If you do stepovers on me, I will break your legs and rip up your shirt.' I have no wish to have the mickey taken out of me all week.

Legs Quotes: "I do love shoes that make my legs longer. I have the upper body of someone who's 5ft 8in, so high heels help me even out the discrepancy."

I do love shoes that make my legs longer. I have the upper body of someone who's 5ft 8in, so high heels help me even out the discrepancy.

Legs Quotes: "Her legs went on forever, like staring at infinity through a wisp of cotton panty along a skin of satin sea."

Her legs went on forever, like staring at infinity through a wisp of cotton panty along a skin of satin sea.

Legs Quotes: "If you've got a cat and a leg, you've got a happy cat. If you've got a cat and two legs, you've got a party."

If you've got a cat and a leg, you've got a happy cat. If you've got a cat and two legs, you've got a party.

Legs Quotes: "The real American type can never be a ballet dancer. The legs are too long, the body too supple and the spirit too free for this school of affected grace and toe walking."

The real American type can never be a ballet dancer. The legs are too long, the body too supple and the spirit too free for this school of affected grace and toe walking.

Legs Quotes: "He thinks about his teacher in his literary class, he's staring at her legs."

He thinks about his teacher in his literary class, he's staring at her legs.

Legs Quotes: "Just advertising departments with legs and high heels."

Just advertising departments with legs and high heels.

Legs Quotes: "I worry about another leg down in the economies causing social disruption because deleveragings can be very painful - it depends on how they're managed."

I worry about another leg down in the economies causing social disruption because deleveragings can be very painful - it depends on how they're managed.

Legs Quotes: "The more arms and legs [children] we have, the richer we are."

The more arms and legs [children] we have, the richer we are.

Legs Quotes: "Contrary to popular belief, it's not the legs that go first; it's remembering the word for legs."

Contrary to popular belief, it's not the legs that go first; it's remembering the word for legs.

Legs Quotes: "I used to be able to do the Chinese splits, where you open your legs sideways."

I used to be able to do the Chinese splits, where you open your legs sideways.

Legs Quotes: "The amount of painkillers I was given. Every time I had a pain in my leg I got used to numbing it out."

The amount of painkillers I was given. Every time I had a pain in my leg I got used to numbing it out.

Legs Quotes: "Percy’d heard stories about amputees who had phantom pains where their missing legs and arms used to be. That’s how his mind felt—like his missing memories were aching."

Percy’d heard stories about amputees who had phantom pains where their missing legs and arms used to be. That’s how his mind felt—like his missing memories were aching.

Legs Quotes: "Genetically my legs are supposed to be huge. I can't really think about it, or I'll go crazy."

Genetically my legs are supposed to be huge. I can't really think about it, or I'll go crazy.

Legs Quotes: "You and I have been physically given two hands and two legs and half-decent brains. Some people have not been born like that for a reason. The karma is working from another lifetime."

You and I have been physically given two hands and two legs and half-decent brains. Some people have not been born like that for a reason. The karma is working from another lifetime.

Legs Quotes: "Limp along until your legs are spent, and you fall flat and your energy is drained. Then the grace of the Divine will lift you."

Limp along until your legs are spent, and you fall flat and your energy is drained. Then the grace of the Divine will lift you.

Legs Quotes: "Two-legged creatures we are supposed to love as we love ourselves. The four-legged, also, can come to seem pretty important. But six legs are too many from the human standpoint."

Two-legged creatures we are supposed to love as we love ourselves. The four-legged, also, can come to seem pretty important. But six legs are too many from the human standpoint.

Legs Quotes: "I always bounce my legs when I'm sitting."

I always bounce my legs when I'm sitting.

Legs Quotes: "There goes Juantorena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class"

There goes Juantorena down the back straight, opening his legs and showing his class

Legs Quotes: "I'm still working, I've got two arms, two legs, two gorgeous kids, a lovely wife. Fifteen years ago, I was homeless. So when you think about it, I'm lucky."

I'm still working, I've got two arms, two legs, two gorgeous kids, a lovely wife. Fifteen years ago, I was homeless. So when you think about it, I'm lucky.

Legs Quotes: "A girl is grown up when she stops counting on her fingers and starts counting on her legs."

A girl is grown up when she stops counting on her fingers and starts counting on her legs.

Legs Quotes: "I have good legs, and why to hide them?"

I have good legs, and why to hide them?

Legs Quotes: "You must learn to respect," Papa said. But I do not respect her," I said. Papa paused for a moment, and patted my leg. "Then you must learn to hide your disrespect."

You must learn to respect," Papa said. But I do not respect her," I said. Papa paused for a moment, and patted my leg. "Then you must learn to hide your disrespect.

Legs Quotes: "My favourite part... I guess it's my legs."

My favourite part... I guess it's my legs.