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Legs Quotes

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Legs Quotes: "I don't like my thighs, the back of my legs or my chubby knees. I wear clothes that show off my legs in pictures and videos but not often when I'm appearing live."

I don't like my thighs, the back of my legs or my chubby knees. I wear clothes that show off my legs in pictures and videos but not often when I'm appearing live.

Legs Quotes: "Lleyton Hewitt... his two greatest strengths are his legs, his speed, his agility and his competitiveness."

Lleyton Hewitt... his two greatest strengths are his legs, his speed, his agility and his competitiveness.

Legs Quotes: "Water creates a neurosis in golfers. The very thought of this harmless fluid robs them of their normal powers of rational thought, turns their legs to jelly, and produces a palsy of the upper limbs."

Water creates a neurosis in golfers. The very thought of this harmless fluid robs them of their normal powers of rational thought, turns their legs to jelly, and produces a palsy of the upper limbs.

Legs Quotes: "If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded."

If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded.

Legs Quotes: "What we're trying to do in yoga is to create a union, and so to deepen a yoga pose is to actually increase the union of the pose, not necessarily put your leg around your head."

What we're trying to do in yoga is to create a union, and so to deepen a yoga pose is to actually increase the union of the pose, not necessarily put your leg around your head.

Legs Quotes: "I have basset hounds. I have four now, I've had more in the past, and I relate to them because physically we're similar, in that they have very short legs and kind of long torsos, and I do as well."

I have basset hounds. I have four now, I've had more in the past, and I relate to them because physically we're similar, in that they have very short legs and kind of long torsos, and I do as well.

Legs Quotes: "I found that doing Pilates consistently three to four times a week had an amazing effect on really toning and shaping a tight waist and legs."

I found that doing Pilates consistently three to four times a week had an amazing effect on really toning and shaping a tight waist and legs.

Legs Quotes: "With every step I took away from her, the movement at my heart and between my legs grew more defined: I felt like a ventriloquist, locking his protesting dolls in to a trunk."

With every step I took away from her, the movement at my heart and between my legs grew more defined: I felt like a ventriloquist, locking his protesting dolls in to a trunk.

Legs Quotes: "We're going in really fresh. We're going to have fresh legs and bodies, we're going to be able to stay the distance, and that's our goal."

We're going in really fresh. We're going to have fresh legs and bodies, we're going to be able to stay the distance, and that's our goal.

Legs Quotes: "Was on my last leg, I couldn't even borrow my friend's extra peg."

Was on my last leg, I couldn't even borrow my friend's extra peg.

Legs Quotes: "The human heart would never pass the drunk test.... If you took the human heart out of the human body and put a pair of legs on it and told it to walk a straight line, it couldn't do it."

The human heart would never pass the drunk test.... If you took the human heart out of the human body and put a pair of legs on it and told it to walk a straight line, it couldn't do it.

Legs Quotes: "If you knew the pain I had in my legs...what suffering! I couldn't wait to get to the hotel."

If you knew the pain I had in my legs...what suffering! I couldn't wait to get to the hotel.

Legs Quotes: "The first time that she spread her legs for him it had been like opening her jaws for the dentist."

The first time that she spread her legs for him it had been like opening her jaws for the dentist.

Legs Quotes: "He said 'I'm going to chop off the bottom of one of your trouser legs and put it in a library. I thought, "That's a turn-up for the books"."

He said 'I'm going to chop off the bottom of one of your trouser legs and put it in a library. I thought, "That's a turn-up for the books".

Legs Quotes: "I went into a French restaraunt and asked the waiter, 'Have you got frog's legs?' He said, 'Yes,' so I said, 'Well hop into the kitchen and get me a cheese sandwich.'"

I went into a French restaraunt and asked the waiter, 'Have you got frog's legs?' He said, 'Yes,' so I said, 'Well hop into the kitchen and get me a cheese sandwich.'

Legs Quotes: "When a song gets its legs and begins to come to me, this is the euphoric hook that keeps me wanting to continue."

When a song gets its legs and begins to come to me, this is the euphoric hook that keeps me wanting to continue.

Legs Quotes: "I was the kid who was drawing on tables or removing the legs of furniture."

I was the kid who was drawing on tables or removing the legs of furniture.

Legs Quotes: "Listen to the Chair Leg of Truth! It does not lie!"

Listen to the Chair Leg of Truth! It does not lie!

Legs Quotes: "If I could change on thing about myself, I would: Have better knees. Mine are shot because of injuries. You're only as good as your legs, whether you're an athlete or an actor."

If I could change on thing about myself, I would: Have better knees. Mine are shot because of injuries. You're only as good as your legs, whether you're an athlete or an actor.

Legs Quotes: "The elephant hath joints, but none for courtesy; his legs are legs for necessity, not for flexure."

The elephant hath joints, but none for courtesy; his legs are legs for necessity, not for flexure.

Legs Quotes: "The legs that I have made are far more perfect than the ones nature would have given me - my mother's side of the family have awful legs."

The legs that I have made are far more perfect than the ones nature would have given me - my mother's side of the family have awful legs.

Legs Quotes: "People who deliberate fully before they take a step will spend their lives on one leg"

People who deliberate fully before they take a step will spend their lives on one leg

Legs Quotes: "Whats the worst that could happen?! The worst that could happen is he could cut off your legs and use them to make stilts that look like legs!"

Whats the worst that could happen?! The worst that could happen is he could cut off your legs and use them to make stilts that look like legs!

Legs Quotes: "He that hath a trade hath an estate; and he that hath a calling hath a place of profit and honor. A ploughman on his legs is higher than a gentleman on his knees."

He that hath a trade hath an estate; and he that hath a calling hath a place of profit and honor. A ploughman on his legs is higher than a gentleman on his knees.

Legs Quotes: "Winning the Championship is like taking a 26-year ball and chain from around our legs. Now we can go forward, and hopefully dominate English football for the next 10 years, like Liverpool did."

Winning the Championship is like taking a 26-year ball and chain from around our legs. Now we can go forward, and hopefully dominate English football for the next 10 years, like Liverpool did.

Legs Quotes: "What use legs if not to take you down the road? What use eyes if not to see what lay beyond the horizon? What use hands if not to open doors?"

What use legs if not to take you down the road? What use eyes if not to see what lay beyond the horizon? What use hands if not to open doors?

Legs Quotes: "When I was in high school, I ran hurdles, but I was really short, so I'd barely clear them. I was pretty quick, but I had little legs, so I had to take 50 steps in between each hurdle."

When I was in high school, I ran hurdles, but I was really short, so I'd barely clear them. I was pretty quick, but I had little legs, so I had to take 50 steps in between each hurdle.

Legs Quotes: "There is... nothing greater than touching the shore after crossing some great body of water knowing that I've done it with my own two arms and legs."

There is... nothing greater than touching the shore after crossing some great body of water knowing that I've done it with my own two arms and legs.

Legs Quotes: "Great loves have legs and wings. They are substantial. They do not dissapate so easily... Great loves have staying power. Or so I told myself."

Great loves have legs and wings. They are substantial. They do not dissapate so easily... Great loves have staying power. Or so I told myself.

Legs Quotes: "With one more talent one frequently stands with greater instability than with one less, as a table stands better on three legs than on four."

With one more talent one frequently stands with greater instability than with one less, as a table stands better on three legs than on four.

Legs Quotes: "It's better to break a man's leg than his heart."

It's better to break a man's leg than his heart.

Legs Quotes: "So the legs are little short, the knees maybe knock a little but who listens?"

So the legs are little short, the knees maybe knock a little but who listens?

Legs Quotes: "I look forward to the day when animals will have the right to run if they have legs, swim if they have fins, and fly if they have wings."

I look forward to the day when animals will have the right to run if they have legs, swim if they have fins, and fly if they have wings.

Legs Quotes: "The only freak show I got is between my legs."

The only freak show I got is between my legs.

Legs Quotes: "If England had scored in the first half, I think the young legs would have found younger hearts inside them"

If England had scored in the first half, I think the young legs would have found younger hearts inside them

Legs Quotes: "Sometimes something as simple as going for a 20-minute jog on any given day is important. Keeps your body moving and legs from getting stiffened up from doing high-intensity workouts during the week."

Sometimes something as simple as going for a 20-minute jog on any given day is important. Keeps your body moving and legs from getting stiffened up from doing high-intensity workouts during the week.

Legs Quotes: "[When I was a kid] I was a surgeon, amputating legs and arms of my paper dolls. And I had a little board with little tacks that I would tack them down to do this."

[When I was a kid] I was a surgeon, amputating legs and arms of my paper dolls. And I had a little board with little tacks that I would tack them down to do this.

Legs Quotes: "People say having kids is life changing, well that doesn't necessarily mean a good thing, does it? I could take one of my legs off. That would change my life."

People say having kids is life changing, well that doesn't necessarily mean a good thing, does it? I could take one of my legs off. That would change my life.

Legs Quotes: "Technically, I've learned that having good legs and wind is good for being on stage. You have to be in shape and have endurance."

Technically, I've learned that having good legs and wind is good for being on stage. You have to be in shape and have endurance.

Legs Quotes: "I was a hundred-percent sick, I felt as if I had no further use for my legs, they just hung over the edge of my bed like unimportant and rather ridiculous objects."

I was a hundred-percent sick, I felt as if I had no further use for my legs, they just hung over the edge of my bed like unimportant and rather ridiculous objects.

Legs Quotes: "Nothing can so quickly put the masses on their legs as the spinning wheel and all it means."

Nothing can so quickly put the masses on their legs as the spinning wheel and all it means.

Legs Quotes: "I got an ant farm. Them fellas didn't grow anything. Hey, how about some celery? Plus, if I tore your legs off, you would look like snowmen."

I got an ant farm. Them fellas didn't grow anything. Hey, how about some celery? Plus, if I tore your legs off, you would look like snowmen.

Legs Quotes: "Close your legs to married men."

Close your legs to married men.

Legs Quotes: "I'm no different from anybody else with two arms, two legs, and forty-two hundred hits."

I'm no different from anybody else with two arms, two legs, and forty-two hundred hits.

Legs Quotes: "The dog is man's best friend. He has a tail on one end. Up in front he has teeth. And four legs underneath."

The dog is man's best friend. He has a tail on one end. Up in front he has teeth. And four legs underneath.

Legs Quotes: "Some women think that if the look this season is minis, they have to wear minis. If you don't have great legs, there are plenty of alternatives."

Some women think that if the look this season is minis, they have to wear minis. If you don't have great legs, there are plenty of alternatives.

Legs Quotes: "As my Lord says, my Lord's leg is not a side of beef. Thank you, my Lord, for instructing me."

As my Lord says, my Lord's leg is not a side of beef. Thank you, my Lord, for instructing me.

Legs Quotes: "I'm afraid they've left their legs at home."

I'm afraid they've left their legs at home.

Legs Quotes: "Sexy is a girl who's comfortable with herself. Long legs are beautiful... and also a nice neck."

Sexy is a girl who's comfortable with herself. Long legs are beautiful... and also a nice neck.