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Life And Living Quotes

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Life And Living Quotes: "It's your road, and yours alone.others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you."

It's your road, and yours alone.others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

Life And Living Quotes: "You can live your whole life not realising that what you're looking for is right in front of you."

You can live your whole life not realising that what you're looking for is right in front of you.

Life And Living Quotes: "One clear moment, one of trance One missed step, one perfect dance One missed shot, one and only chance Life is all...but one fleeting glance."

One clear moment, one of trance One missed step, one perfect dance One missed shot, one and only chance Life is all...but one fleeting glance.

Life And Living Quotes: "so many people concentrate on looks, but the invisible is sacred"

so many people concentrate on looks, but the invisible is sacred

Life And Living Quotes: "...There's a lot I don't understand...but not understanding is better not believing" - Ambrose"

...There's a lot I don't understand...but not understanding is better not believing" - Ambrose

Life And Living Quotes: "If in doubt, trust your instincts because either you are right or lack the bite to fix it right."

If in doubt, trust your instincts because either you are right or lack the bite to fix it right.

Life And Living Quotes: "Nothing is but what is now"

Nothing is but what is now

Life And Living Quotes: "Live life with creative purpose."

Live life with creative purpose.

Life And Living Quotes: "don't be perfect, don't pretend to be perfect, just stay raw n think at the end of day what you do is right or wrong..."

don't be perfect, don't pretend to be perfect, just stay raw n think at the end of day what you do is right or wrong...

Life And Living Quotes: "As a child, my clothes were always tailored to be oversized, because I quickly outgrew them and then needed bigger ones. As an adult, I still don't cut my coat according to size"

As a child, my clothes were always tailored to be oversized, because I quickly outgrew them and then needed bigger ones. As an adult, I still don't cut my coat according to size

Life And Living Quotes: "Every one was born with a guardian angel.Guardian angels brightens our journey of life with divine love, protection, peace, healing, grace, strength and miracles."

Every one was born with a guardian angel.Guardian angels brightens our journey of life with divine love, protection, peace, healing, grace, strength and miracles.

Life And Living Quotes: "Human life and human labour were near. I must struggle on: strive to live and bend to toil like the rest."

Human life and human labour were near. I must struggle on: strive to live and bend to toil like the rest.

Life And Living Quotes: "On the seashore, when I feel the waves are taking the sand beneath my feet, I keep my feet firm and deep, I stay strong!!!"

On the seashore, when I feel the waves are taking the sand beneath my feet, I keep my feet firm and deep, I stay strong!!!

Life And Living Quotes: "But why always think the worst of people? What would she be doing to herself if she adopted that attitude to life? It was better to think the best and be wrong than to think the worst and be wrong."

But why always think the worst of people? What would she be doing to herself if she adopted that attitude to life? It was better to think the best and be wrong than to think the worst and be wrong.

Life And Living Quotes: "To make a difference in the world, it only takes one optimistic person, who can gather millions of people to make the change."

To make a difference in the world, it only takes one optimistic person, who can gather millions of people to make the change.

Life And Living Quotes: "The world is a palace without bedsheets"

The world is a palace without bedsheets

Life And Living Quotes: "I feel so glad to be alive!"

I feel so glad to be alive!

Life And Living Quotes: "Peace is a flame that can only be ignited from within. Harness positive thoughts and illuminate once again."

Peace is a flame that can only be ignited from within. Harness positive thoughts and illuminate once again.

Life And Living Quotes: "May the Good Lord always watch over you and fill your days with hope."

May the Good Lord always watch over you and fill your days with hope.

Life And Living Quotes: "Make time to pray."

Make time to pray.

Life And Living Quotes: "Like they just wanted to enjoy The Gus Waters Show while it was still in town."

Like they just wanted to enjoy The Gus Waters Show while it was still in town.

Life And Living Quotes: "I am tired of all my emotionsI am tired of all your emotions, I don't want you to leaveI know you can't stay, I need you as much as you need me, But you need to walk awayand I need to watch you leave~"

I am tired of all my emotionsI am tired of all your emotions, I don't want you to leaveI know you can't stay, I need you as much as you need me, But you need to walk awayand I need to watch you leave~

Life And Living Quotes: "To know Christ Jesus is to seek God."

To know Christ Jesus is to seek God.

Life And Living Quotes: "lessons of medicrity, to a great extent, produce students of mediocrity"

lessons of medicrity, to a great extent, produce students of mediocrity

Life And Living Quotes: "Read a good book every day. Books help to educate the soul. The mere joy of learning something new will instill the will to live in you."

Read a good book every day. Books help to educate the soul. The mere joy of learning something new will instill the will to live in you.

Life And Living Quotes: "Don't let a thief into your house three times. The first time was enough. The second time was a chance. The third time means you're stupid."

Don't let a thief into your house three times. The first time was enough. The second time was a chance. The third time means you're stupid.

Life And Living Quotes: "You need to make time for your family no matter what happens in your life"

You need to make time for your family no matter what happens in your life

Life And Living Quotes: "God is not a being among other beings, but the infinite Whither that makes possible the very functioning of our human spirit."

God is not a being among other beings, but the infinite Whither that makes possible the very functioning of our human spirit.

Life And Living Quotes: "Nature is one of the most underutilized treasures in life. It has the power to unburden hearts and reconnect to that inner place of peace."

Nature is one of the most underutilized treasures in life. It has the power to unburden hearts and reconnect to that inner place of peace.

Life And Living Quotes: "Live with radiance, dignity and strength of love."

Live with radiance, dignity and strength of love.

Life And Living Quotes: "You should break away from unproductive routines that do not positively benefit you or make your life better."

You should break away from unproductive routines that do not positively benefit you or make your life better.

Life And Living Quotes: "Keep trying hard because there is always a next time."

Keep trying hard because there is always a next time.

Life And Living Quotes: "No person can do this or that to keep another from being truly free. We are always free. Even if imprisoned."

No person can do this or that to keep another from being truly free. We are always free. Even if imprisoned.

Life And Living Quotes: "I wouldn’t want freedom all the time but it’s nice to know it’s attainable"

I wouldn’t want freedom all the time but it’s nice to know it’s attainable

Life And Living Quotes: "...maybe that's art. Seeing beauty others miss and capturing it."

...maybe that's art. Seeing beauty others miss and capturing it.

Life And Living Quotes: "Existence is where the soul goes to learn how to interpret itself again."

Existence is where the soul goes to learn how to interpret itself again.

Life And Living Quotes: "Awake my great soul.Awake my great spirit.Awake my great strength."

Awake my great soul.Awake my great spirit.Awake my great strength.

Life And Living Quotes: "In all things... .strive for perfection - settle for excellence"

In all things... .strive for perfection - settle for excellence

Life And Living Quotes: "It is always the exception that sets the rule."

It is always the exception that sets the rule.

Life And Living Quotes: "Praying is holy path."

Praying is holy path.

Life And Living Quotes: "Prayer is a petition."

Prayer is a petition.

Life And Living Quotes: "We are members of God’s family. One faith, one hope and one baptism."

We are members of God’s family. One faith, one hope and one baptism.

Life And Living Quotes: "When we realize that we are not the mind, we do not exist as a labled person. We also experience “all circus around us” does not exist either."

When we realize that we are not the mind, we do not exist as a labled person. We also experience “all circus around us” does not exist either.

Life And Living Quotes: "As soon as you wink, you close your eyes to reality."

As soon as you wink, you close your eyes to reality.

Life And Living Quotes: "all my lifei have looked for poemsto elope with."

all my lifei have looked for poemsto elope with.

Life And Living Quotes: "in my dreamsi need not to die everyday to be free"

in my dreamsi need not to die everyday to be free

Life And Living Quotes: "Be kind, for the other is not another, but your mirrored kine."

Be kind, for the other is not another, but your mirrored kine.

Life And Living Quotes: "Those who know me never doubt me..Those who doubt me, never knew me."

Those who know me never doubt me..Those who doubt me, never knew me.

Life And Living Quotes: "Be bold in mind, in spirit and in faith."

Be bold in mind, in spirit and in faith.