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Lines Quotes

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Lines Quotes: "Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space."

Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space.

Lines Quotes: "Somewhere along the line I'll be recognized as one of the top players in the Nicklaus era. That's all I want to be remembered for."

Somewhere along the line I'll be recognized as one of the top players in the Nicklaus era. That's all I want to be remembered for.

Lines Quotes: "The line is a whole, an identity, for a particular place and time."

The line is a whole, an identity, for a particular place and time.

Lines Quotes: "White lines in movement symbolize a unifying idea which flows through the compartmented units of life bringing the consciousness of a larger relativity."

White lines in movement symbolize a unifying idea which flows through the compartmented units of life bringing the consciousness of a larger relativity.

Lines Quotes: "Revenge is never a straight line."

Revenge is never a straight line.

Lines Quotes: "The first thing I did [in Michigan] was join a picket line of a pizzeria in Ann Harbor in 1963 that didn't allow African Americans to eat there."

The first thing I did [in Michigan] was join a picket line of a pizzeria in Ann Harbor in 1963 that didn't allow African Americans to eat there.

Lines Quotes: "Doing scripted acting is a challenge to me. I can't remember things too good, so remembering lines is a challenge to your boy."

Doing scripted acting is a challenge to me. I can't remember things too good, so remembering lines is a challenge to your boy.

Lines Quotes: "In choosing joy, the finish line dissolves into a different matter altogether."

In choosing joy, the finish line dissolves into a different matter altogether.

Lines Quotes: "Those in the international community that refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel."

Those in the international community that refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.

Lines Quotes: "There is no color line in art."

There is no color line in art.

Lines Quotes: "I may not be the world's best glad-handing politician, but I've been elected mayor twice. I understand politics. And I definitely understand where the state line is."

I may not be the world's best glad-handing politician, but I've been elected mayor twice. I understand politics. And I definitely understand where the state line is.

Lines Quotes: "It was as if I had worked for years on the wrong side of a tapestry, learning accurately all its lines and figures, yet always missing its color and sheen."

It was as if I had worked for years on the wrong side of a tapestry, learning accurately all its lines and figures, yet always missing its color and sheen.

Lines Quotes: "At a certain point you stop looking at your features, at what you don't look like. You start looking at lines and signs of fatigue rather than at the shape of your mouth."

At a certain point you stop looking at your features, at what you don't look like. You start looking at lines and signs of fatigue rather than at the shape of your mouth.

Lines Quotes: "When I die, they might as well bury me at the finish line at Churchill Downs so they can run over me one more time."

When I die, they might as well bury me at the finish line at Churchill Downs so they can run over me one more time.

Lines Quotes: "My trouble is insomnia. If I had always slept properly, I'd never have written a line."

My trouble is insomnia. If I had always slept properly, I'd never have written a line.

Lines Quotes: "I'm not single, I'm busy. That's my line."

I'm not single, I'm busy. That's my line.

Lines Quotes: "My earliest memories of rap music was mixed with my earliest memories of reggae music. They were big sounds around the way, heavy bass lines, strong messages, definitely."

My earliest memories of rap music was mixed with my earliest memories of reggae music. They were big sounds around the way, heavy bass lines, strong messages, definitely.

Lines Quotes: "If the 'self-life' is supreme, Satan does not have to be invited in. The lines are already set for the 'electric' current to flow. Satan is master of ceremonies, though he be apparently non-existent."

If the 'self-life' is supreme, Satan does not have to be invited in. The lines are already set for the 'electric' current to flow. Satan is master of ceremonies, though he be apparently non-existent.

Lines Quotes: "For me, as for so many runners, there really are no finish lines. Runs end; running doesn't."

For me, as for so many runners, there really are no finish lines. Runs end; running doesn't.

Lines Quotes: "Pray to God and say the lines."

Pray to God and say the lines.

Lines Quotes: "When you cross the line and you've won the race, to me, it's an amazing feeling."

When you cross the line and you've won the race, to me, it's an amazing feeling.

Lines Quotes: "For everyone who thought I couldn’t do it… for everyone who thought I shouldn’t do it… for everyone who said, ‘It’s impossible’… see you at the finish line!"

For everyone who thought I couldn’t do it… for everyone who thought I shouldn’t do it… for everyone who said, ‘It’s impossible’… see you at the finish line!

Lines Quotes: "In nature there are few sharp lines"

In nature there are few sharp lines

Lines Quotes: "There are actors who can pull of a writer's lines; I am not competent enough to do that."

There are actors who can pull of a writer's lines; I am not competent enough to do that.

Lines Quotes: "I want my inner truth to be the plumb line for the choices I make about my life - about the work that I do and how I do it, about the relationships I enter into and how I conduct them."

I want my inner truth to be the plumb line for the choices I make about my life - about the work that I do and how I do it, about the relationships I enter into and how I conduct them.

Lines Quotes: "I notice faint scars on her wrists and forearms, thin lines too symmetrical to be accidents."

I notice faint scars on her wrists and forearms, thin lines too symmetrical to be accidents.

Lines Quotes: "My formula for happiness: a Yes, a No, a straight line, a goal."

My formula for happiness: a Yes, a No, a straight line, a goal.

Lines Quotes: "All lines of play which lead to the imprisonment of the bishop are on principle to be condemned."

All lines of play which lead to the imprisonment of the bishop are on principle to be condemned.

Lines Quotes: "When a violent minority that crosses color lines comes to believe that killing those you know or do not know is a reasonable solution to problems, we are in need of another vision."

When a violent minority that crosses color lines comes to believe that killing those you know or do not know is a reasonable solution to problems, we are in need of another vision.

Lines Quotes: "The Pashtuns in particular are kind of trapped. They've never accepted the Durand Line nor has any Afghan government historically accepted it."

The Pashtuns in particular are kind of trapped. They've never accepted the Durand Line nor has any Afghan government historically accepted it.

Lines Quotes: "I believe in serendipity, but I also believe there are times when you have to be the one who lines up everything so it can fall into place."

I believe in serendipity, but I also believe there are times when you have to be the one who lines up everything so it can fall into place.

Lines Quotes: "There's no black and white dividing line between a mild Aspergers, which is the mild autism, and computer engineer, for example."

There's no black and white dividing line between a mild Aspergers, which is the mild autism, and computer engineer, for example.

Lines Quotes: "There is nothing more common than to find considerations of supply affecting the strategic lines of a campaign and a war."

There is nothing more common than to find considerations of supply affecting the strategic lines of a campaign and a war.

Lines Quotes: "Sculpture is a series of 3-dimensional shapes which, while fitting together, cause the perception of lines to the viewer, even where they do not exist."

Sculpture is a series of 3-dimensional shapes which, while fitting together, cause the perception of lines to the viewer, even where they do not exist.

Lines Quotes: "All along the line, physically, mentally, morally, alcohol is a weakening and deadening force."

All along the line, physically, mentally, morally, alcohol is a weakening and deadening force.

Lines Quotes: "When little old ladies recognize a guy who was Mr. Olympia, that's saying something. That means I've been able to cross lines as far as marketability is concerned."

When little old ladies recognize a guy who was Mr. Olympia, that's saying something. That means I've been able to cross lines as far as marketability is concerned.

Lines Quotes: "No one really understands the grief or joy of another. We always imagine that we are approaching some other, but our lines of travel are actually parallel."

No one really understands the grief or joy of another. We always imagine that we are approaching some other, but our lines of travel are actually parallel.

Lines Quotes: "... all things are possible if you are willing to put yourself on the line. You cannot stand back and hope for the best. You have to act."

... all things are possible if you are willing to put yourself on the line. You cannot stand back and hope for the best. You have to act.

Lines Quotes: "When you stop putting yourself on the line, and you don't touch your own heart, how do you expect to touch other people?"

When you stop putting yourself on the line, and you don't touch your own heart, how do you expect to touch other people?

Lines Quotes: "Some things remain fragments, just the lyrics and melodies or a line or two or a verse."

Some things remain fragments, just the lyrics and melodies or a line or two or a verse.

Lines Quotes: "[In acting] I like the fight scenes because you don't have to remember lines."

[In acting] I like the fight scenes because you don't have to remember lines.

Lines Quotes: "I was training to be an electrician. I suppose I got wired the wrong way round somewhere along the line."

I was training to be an electrician. I suppose I got wired the wrong way round somewhere along the line.

Lines Quotes: "There's a thin line between destruction and creation."

There's a thin line between destruction and creation.

Lines Quotes: "Stand-up is just me trying to be as funny as possible in the most concentrated hour with me standing on stage with no storyline, no plot line, and no character development."

Stand-up is just me trying to be as funny as possible in the most concentrated hour with me standing on stage with no storyline, no plot line, and no character development.

Lines Quotes: "The natural law of inertia: Matter will remain at rest or continue in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force."

The natural law of inertia: Matter will remain at rest or continue in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force.

Lines Quotes: "I'm not like a super duper sneaker head. I got a couple pairs, but I'm not a "stand in line for sneakers" type of dude."

I'm not like a super duper sneaker head. I got a couple pairs, but I'm not a "stand in line for sneakers" type of dude.

Lines Quotes: "Drawing is the art of taking a line for a walk."

Drawing is the art of taking a line for a walk.

Lines Quotes: "There's no mystery to it. Nothing more complicated than learning lines and putting on a costume."

There's no mystery to it. Nothing more complicated than learning lines and putting on a costume.

Lines Quotes: "You can't give up until the finish line, that's something I've learned."

You can't give up until the finish line, that's something I've learned.