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Lines Quotes

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Lines Quotes: "A line comes into being. It goes out for a walk, so to speak, aimlessly for the sake of the walk."

A line comes into being. It goes out for a walk, so to speak, aimlessly for the sake of the walk.

Lines Quotes: "You've got to listen to your body, notice some trends in yourself and do the best you can to be ready when a finish line approaches."

You've got to listen to your body, notice some trends in yourself and do the best you can to be ready when a finish line approaches.

Lines Quotes: "Tonight I can write the saddest lines...Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer and these the last verses that I write for her."

Tonight I can write the saddest lines...Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer and these the last verses that I write for her.

Lines Quotes: "Even in motocross, youre struggling to see people pass each other anymore. There seems to be one line in motocross."

Even in motocross, youre struggling to see people pass each other anymore. There seems to be one line in motocross.

Lines Quotes: "Beauty is all about form; proportions and the relationships between one line and another."

Beauty is all about form; proportions and the relationships between one line and another.

Lines Quotes: "My favorite films are ones that have my lines in it, and I like those lines. And I like to hear them."

My favorite films are ones that have my lines in it, and I like those lines. And I like to hear them.

Lines Quotes: "Authority exercised with humility, and obedience accepted with delight are the very lines along which our spirits live."

Authority exercised with humility, and obedience accepted with delight are the very lines along which our spirits live.

Lines Quotes: "I'm terrified of learning lines, and I've always been terrified that I won't learn them."

I'm terrified of learning lines, and I've always been terrified that I won't learn them.

Lines Quotes: "Because if I don't know my lines, I really don't know what I'm doing."

Because if I don't know my lines, I really don't know what I'm doing.

Lines Quotes: "What's exciting about being an artist, still, and what I'm really finding is awesome is that you can do it until you drop. I don't care how many lines I have on my face - I'll keep doing it!"

What's exciting about being an artist, still, and what I'm really finding is awesome is that you can do it until you drop. I don't care how many lines I have on my face - I'll keep doing it!

Lines Quotes: "The bottom line is that people are seeking answers and direction, not messages or sales pitches."

The bottom line is that people are seeking answers and direction, not messages or sales pitches.

Lines Quotes: "A return to the 1967 lines and the abandonment of the settlements near Jerusalem would be such a psychological trauma for Israel as to endanger its survival."

A return to the 1967 lines and the abandonment of the settlements near Jerusalem would be such a psychological trauma for Israel as to endanger its survival.

Lines Quotes: "I've always been very image prone, along the lines of bands like Black Sabbath and even Devo."

I've always been very image prone, along the lines of bands like Black Sabbath and even Devo.

Lines Quotes: "My affection for CinemaScope initially was my affection for the horizontal line as I learned it from having been apprenticed to an architect who was someone named Frank Lloyd Wright."

My affection for CinemaScope initially was my affection for the horizontal line as I learned it from having been apprenticed to an architect who was someone named Frank Lloyd Wright.

Lines Quotes: "When you cross the line, it is such a wonderful feeling it's hard to describe."

When you cross the line, it is such a wonderful feeling it's hard to describe.

Lines Quotes: "Bound together by our beliefs, we are like minded individuals, sharing a common vision, pushing toward a world rid of color lines."

Bound together by our beliefs, we are like minded individuals, sharing a common vision, pushing toward a world rid of color lines.

Lines Quotes: "I watched 'A Chorus Line' over and over when I was growing up, to the point that I was able to recite the entire movie."

I watched 'A Chorus Line' over and over when I was growing up, to the point that I was able to recite the entire movie.

Lines Quotes: "At the end of the day, if you can't say a line right, it does not matter who your contacts are."

At the end of the day, if you can't say a line right, it does not matter who your contacts are.

Lines Quotes: "What is that unforgettable line?"

What is that unforgettable line?

Lines Quotes: "I watch and listen to movies today and am shocked by the way actors deliver their lines. Everybody mumbles now and I don't understand why."

I watch and listen to movies today and am shocked by the way actors deliver their lines. Everybody mumbles now and I don't understand why.

Lines Quotes: "I have reached no conclusions, have erected no boundaries, shutting out and shutting in, separating inside from outside: I have drawn no lines"

I have reached no conclusions, have erected no boundaries, shutting out and shutting in, separating inside from outside: I have drawn no lines

Lines Quotes: "A writing teacher once told me that the most successful movies and books were simple plots about complex characters. You should be able to articulate your concept in a couple of lines."

A writing teacher once told me that the most successful movies and books were simple plots about complex characters. You should be able to articulate your concept in a couple of lines.

Lines Quotes: "The rule I have when choosing films is the excitement factor, I need to feel excited about the story and whatever message the film has - only then do I sign on the dotted line."

The rule I have when choosing films is the excitement factor, I need to feel excited about the story and whatever message the film has - only then do I sign on the dotted line.

Lines Quotes: "It doesn't matter whether it comes in by cable, telephone lines, computor, or satellite. Everyone's going to have to deal with Disney."

It doesn't matter whether it comes in by cable, telephone lines, computor, or satellite. Everyone's going to have to deal with Disney.

Lines Quotes: "If you're I politics and you can't tell when you walk into a room who's for you and who's against you, then you're in the wrong line of work."

If you're I politics and you can't tell when you walk into a room who's for you and who's against you, then you're in the wrong line of work.

Lines Quotes: "Borders are scratched across the hearts of men By strangers with a calm, judicial pen, And when the borders bleed we watch with dread The lines of ink across the map turn red."

Borders are scratched across the hearts of men By strangers with a calm, judicial pen, And when the borders bleed we watch with dread The lines of ink across the map turn red.

Lines Quotes: "Only one thing counts in this life - get them to sign on the line that is dotted."

Only one thing counts in this life - get them to sign on the line that is dotted.

Lines Quotes: "Line is the most powerful device of drawing."

Line is the most powerful device of drawing.

Lines Quotes: "Somewhere along the line we seem to have confused comfort with happiness."

Somewhere along the line we seem to have confused comfort with happiness.

Lines Quotes: "You think you know me just because you know my name, think you've seen me 'cause you've seen every line on my face."

You think you know me just because you know my name, think you've seen me 'cause you've seen every line on my face.

Lines Quotes: "As lines, so loves oblique, may well Themselves in every angle greet; But ours, so truly parallel, Though infinite, can never meet."

As lines, so loves oblique, may well Themselves in every angle greet; But ours, so truly parallel, Though infinite, can never meet.

Lines Quotes: "I don't really look at myself as a power hitter. I look at myself as someone who drives the ball to the gaps, hits line drives."

I don't really look at myself as a power hitter. I look at myself as someone who drives the ball to the gaps, hits line drives.

Lines Quotes: "It is criminal to put our servicemen and women in harm's way and to put the lives of so many civilians on the line for the misguided frustrations of the Bush administration."

It is criminal to put our servicemen and women in harm's way and to put the lives of so many civilians on the line for the misguided frustrations of the Bush administration.

Lines Quotes: "As you get older, you realize it's work. It's that fine line between love and companionship. But passionate love? I'd love to know how to make that last."

As you get older, you realize it's work. It's that fine line between love and companionship. But passionate love? I'd love to know how to make that last.

Lines Quotes: "When I vote for a candidate I always try to learn as much as I can about them, but I guess I focus a lot on environmental issues, and I tend to vote along those lines."

When I vote for a candidate I always try to learn as much as I can about them, but I guess I focus a lot on environmental issues, and I tend to vote along those lines.

Lines Quotes: "I finally realized the happy medium, 'honey blonde' was the correct color and line for me."

I finally realized the happy medium, 'honey blonde' was the correct color and line for me.

Lines Quotes: "Comedy is ridiculously hard. And if the rhythm is not right, if the music or the line is not right, it's not funny."

Comedy is ridiculously hard. And if the rhythm is not right, if the music or the line is not right, it's not funny.

Lines Quotes: "The Very Big Stupid is a thing which breeds by eating The Future. Have you seen it? It sometimes disguises itself as a good-looking quarterly bottom line, derived by closing the R&D department."

The Very Big Stupid is a thing which breeds by eating The Future. Have you seen it? It sometimes disguises itself as a good-looking quarterly bottom line, derived by closing the R&D department.

Lines Quotes: "It don't mean nothing til you sign it on the dotted line."

It don't mean nothing til you sign it on the dotted line.

Lines Quotes: "Acting is the only medium were people think they can just stand up and do it because they can say lines, but that is not so much the case. You have to study styles and techniques."

Acting is the only medium were people think they can just stand up and do it because they can say lines, but that is not so much the case. You have to study styles and techniques.

Lines Quotes: "The ultimate step in taking responsibility is making sure our actions line up with our words."

The ultimate step in taking responsibility is making sure our actions line up with our words.

Lines Quotes: "You can't be at the pole and the equator at the same time. You must choose your own line, as I hope to do, and it will probably be color."

You can't be at the pole and the equator at the same time. You must choose your own line, as I hope to do, and it will probably be color.

Lines Quotes: "It’s not about revenues: the fundamental economics in digital business is scale and margins. The top line has become the bottom line."

It’s not about revenues: the fundamental economics in digital business is scale and margins. The top line has become the bottom line.

Lines Quotes: "Individualism is going around these days in uniform, handing out the party line on individualism."

Individualism is going around these days in uniform, handing out the party line on individualism.

Lines Quotes: "Every body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, except insofar as it doesn't."

Every body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, except insofar as it doesn't.

Lines Quotes: "I come from a line of great Sicilian women, and their mentality is to endure and push through to the other side."

I come from a line of great Sicilian women, and their mentality is to endure and push through to the other side.

Lines Quotes: "Someone once asked, 'What's your best pickup line?' I said, 'My best pickup line is, 'Hi, my name is Hugh Hefner.''"

Someone once asked, 'What's your best pickup line?' I said, 'My best pickup line is, 'Hi, my name is Hugh Hefner.''

Lines Quotes: "There is nothing we should be quite so grateful for as the last line of the poem that goes, 'When your own heart asks."

There is nothing we should be quite so grateful for as the last line of the poem that goes, 'When your own heart asks.

Lines Quotes: "I really had to act; 'cause I didn't have any lines."

I really had to act; 'cause I didn't have any lines.