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Lines Quotes

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Lines Quotes: "You can't fool me, comrade. You want to put on a cowboy hat and keep lawless bank robbers in line.'' "No time. I have enough trouble keeping you in line."

You can't fool me, comrade. You want to put on a cowboy hat and keep lawless bank robbers in line.'' "No time. I have enough trouble keeping you in line.

Lines Quotes: "It's really important to draw the line on what we do as actors."

It's really important to draw the line on what we do as actors.

Lines Quotes: "The Now, that indivisible point which studs the length of infinite line Whose ends are nowhere, is thine all , the puny all thou callest thine."

The Now, that indivisible point which studs the length of infinite line Whose ends are nowhere, is thine all , the puny all thou callest thine.

Lines Quotes: "I think lines are meant to be crossed anyways. The entire time I was singing on the cross, there's numbers flipping over my head. You know, starting at one and going up to 12 million."

I think lines are meant to be crossed anyways. The entire time I was singing on the cross, there's numbers flipping over my head. You know, starting at one and going up to 12 million.

Lines Quotes: "The fellow who says he'll meet you halfway usually thinks he's standing on the dividing line."

The fellow who says he'll meet you halfway usually thinks he's standing on the dividing line.

Lines Quotes: "Apparently the Dutch now prided themselves on being better at queues than the English, which was absurd, because standing cheerfully in line was the English national sport."

Apparently the Dutch now prided themselves on being better at queues than the English, which was absurd, because standing cheerfully in line was the English national sport.

Lines Quotes: "The line between life or death is determined by what we are willing to do."

The line between life or death is determined by what we are willing to do.

Lines Quotes: "When over the enemy's lines never forget your own line of retreat."

When over the enemy's lines never forget your own line of retreat.

Lines Quotes: "I am descended from a very long line my mother once foolishly listened to."

I am descended from a very long line my mother once foolishly listened to.

Lines Quotes: "I should just stay composed and run to the finish line."

I should just stay composed and run to the finish line.

Lines Quotes: "We are one America. If we work together across party lines, there's no problem we can't solve and the 21st century will be America's greatest century."

We are one America. If we work together across party lines, there's no problem we can't solve and the 21st century will be America's greatest century.

Lines Quotes: "But with the Berlin, I was able to allow him to get near, but not quite near enough, and I knew where to draw the line with the fortresses I had set up."

But with the Berlin, I was able to allow him to get near, but not quite near enough, and I knew where to draw the line with the fortresses I had set up.

Lines Quotes: "A great pickup line is one I don't even notice. It has me connecting with you, laughing, having a good time. And that definitely gets my attention."

A great pickup line is one I don't even notice. It has me connecting with you, laughing, having a good time. And that definitely gets my attention.

Lines Quotes: "Sit up, join up, get on line, get in touch, find out who's raising hell and join them. No use waiting on a bunch of wussy politicians."

Sit up, join up, get on line, get in touch, find out who's raising hell and join them. No use waiting on a bunch of wussy politicians.

Lines Quotes: "Drawings are only a few lines on paper. Therefore it's easy to carry around in plastic bags. Drawings are cheaper than paintings. They don't pretend they'll last forever."

Drawings are only a few lines on paper. Therefore it's easy to carry around in plastic bags. Drawings are cheaper than paintings. They don't pretend they'll last forever.

Lines Quotes: "There's an unexpectedly high share of workers still in agriculture, .. That's like a fault line."

There's an unexpectedly high share of workers still in agriculture, .. That's like a fault line.

Lines Quotes: "Readers need to see themselves between the lines of the story."

Readers need to see themselves between the lines of the story.

Lines Quotes: "I started out thinking of America as highways and state lines. As I got to know it better, I began to think of it as rivers."

I started out thinking of America as highways and state lines. As I got to know it better, I began to think of it as rivers.

Lines Quotes: "If politicians lived on praise and thanks they'd be forced into some other line of business."

If politicians lived on praise and thanks they'd be forced into some other line of business.

Lines Quotes: "There's a very fine line between being artistic and being a dickhead - it's like love and hate."

There's a very fine line between being artistic and being a dickhead - it's like love and hate.

Lines Quotes: "Don't overdo it, don't underdo it. Do it just on the line."

Don't overdo it, don't underdo it. Do it just on the line.

Lines Quotes: "The greatest discoveries will be along spiritual lines. This is the field where miracles are going to happen. Spiritual power is the greatest underdeveloped power and has the greatest future."

The greatest discoveries will be along spiritual lines. This is the field where miracles are going to happen. Spiritual power is the greatest underdeveloped power and has the greatest future.

Lines Quotes: "I've got a clear line between work and real life."

I've got a clear line between work and real life.

Lines Quotes: "Drawing takes time. A line has time in it"

Drawing takes time. A line has time in it

Lines Quotes: "Dark furrow lines grid the snow, punctuated by orange abacus beads of pumpkins - now the crows own the field."

Dark furrow lines grid the snow, punctuated by orange abacus beads of pumpkins - now the crows own the field.

Lines Quotes: "Journalism is straying into entertainment. The lines between serious news segments, news entertainment, and news comedy are blurring."

Journalism is straying into entertainment. The lines between serious news segments, news entertainment, and news comedy are blurring.

Lines Quotes: "There are big lines between those who play video games and those who do not. For those who don't, video games are irrelevant. They think all video games must be too difficult."

There are big lines between those who play video games and those who do not. For those who don't, video games are irrelevant. They think all video games must be too difficult.

Lines Quotes: "I had to put it on the line, but it was my Tour to win and mine to lose."

I had to put it on the line, but it was my Tour to win and mine to lose.

Lines Quotes: "I can think of no greater disaster to this country than to have the voters of it divide upon religious lines."

I can think of no greater disaster to this country than to have the voters of it divide upon religious lines.

Lines Quotes: "It's so hard to express yourself, because swimmers are pretty much paying attention to a black line for hours out of a day."

It's so hard to express yourself, because swimmers are pretty much paying attention to a black line for hours out of a day.

Lines Quotes: "There is no color line in art."

There is no color line in art.

Lines Quotes: "Those in the international community that refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel."

Those in the international community that refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.

Lines Quotes: "In choosing joy, the finish line dissolves into a different matter altogether."

In choosing joy, the finish line dissolves into a different matter altogether.

Lines Quotes: "Doing scripted acting is a challenge to me. I can't remember things too good, so remembering lines is a challenge to your boy."

Doing scripted acting is a challenge to me. I can't remember things too good, so remembering lines is a challenge to your boy.

Lines Quotes: "The first thing I did [in Michigan] was join a picket line of a pizzeria in Ann Harbor in 1963 that didn't allow African Americans to eat there."

The first thing I did [in Michigan] was join a picket line of a pizzeria in Ann Harbor in 1963 that didn't allow African Americans to eat there.

Lines Quotes: "Revenge is never a straight line."

Revenge is never a straight line.

Lines Quotes: "White lines in movement symbolize a unifying idea which flows through the compartmented units of life bringing the consciousness of a larger relativity."

White lines in movement symbolize a unifying idea which flows through the compartmented units of life bringing the consciousness of a larger relativity.

Lines Quotes: "The line is a whole, an identity, for a particular place and time."

The line is a whole, an identity, for a particular place and time.

Lines Quotes: "Somewhere along the line I'll be recognized as one of the top players in the Nicklaus era. That's all I want to be remembered for."

Somewhere along the line I'll be recognized as one of the top players in the Nicklaus era. That's all I want to be remembered for.

Lines Quotes: "Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space."

Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space.

Lines Quotes: "Would Hamlet have felt the delicious fascination of suicide if he hadn't had an audience, and lines to speak?"

Would Hamlet have felt the delicious fascination of suicide if he hadn't had an audience, and lines to speak?

Lines Quotes: "In this unbelievable universe in which we live, there are no absolutes. Even parallel lines, reaching into infinity, meet somewhere yonder."

In this unbelievable universe in which we live, there are no absolutes. Even parallel lines, reaching into infinity, meet somewhere yonder.

Lines Quotes: "I recommend the same therapies for all humans with HIV. There is no reason to believe that physiologic responses to therapy will vary across lines of class, culture, race or nationality."

I recommend the same therapies for all humans with HIV. There is no reason to believe that physiologic responses to therapy will vary across lines of class, culture, race or nationality.

Lines Quotes: "I remember the first Mortal Kombat, when that came out, that was the hardest game of all time. There would be lines at the arcade around the block, and I still love all of the Mortal Kombat games."

I remember the first Mortal Kombat, when that came out, that was the hardest game of all time. There would be lines at the arcade around the block, and I still love all of the Mortal Kombat games.

Lines Quotes: "The bottom line is to be in control of your own destiny."

The bottom line is to be in control of your own destiny.

Lines Quotes: "Relationships are more important than punch lines, ya know?"

Relationships are more important than punch lines, ya know?

Lines Quotes: "I don't really like actors. Actors are like terrible comedians with no punch lines. It's all about them. They talk about themselves all the time. They bore the sh - t out of you."

I don't really like actors. Actors are like terrible comedians with no punch lines. It's all about them. They talk about themselves all the time. They bore the sh - t out of you.

Lines Quotes: "A business is seldom if ever built up except on lines of strictest integrity."

A business is seldom if ever built up except on lines of strictest integrity.

Lines Quotes: "People have a responsibility, especially with today's media, to read between the lines."

People have a responsibility, especially with today's media, to read between the lines.