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Lying Quotes

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Lying Quotes: "You don't protect any of your individual liberties by lying down and going to sleep."

You don't protect any of your individual liberties by lying down and going to sleep.

Lying Quotes: "It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what."

It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what.

Lying Quotes: "Truth exists; only lies are invented."

Truth exists; only lies are invented.

Lying Quotes: "In the beginning was the Lie and the Lie was made news and dwelt among us, graceless and false."

In the beginning was the Lie and the Lie was made news and dwelt among us, graceless and false.

Lying Quotes: "The responsibility for change...lies within us. We must begin with ourselves, teaching ourselves not to close our minds prematurely to the novel, the surprising, the seemingly radical."

The responsibility for change...lies within us. We must begin with ourselves, teaching ourselves not to close our minds prematurely to the novel, the surprising, the seemingly radical.

Lying Quotes: "As far as I'm concerned, love means fighting, big fat lies, and a couple of slaps across the face."

As far as I'm concerned, love means fighting, big fat lies, and a couple of slaps across the face.

Lying Quotes: "Christians don't tell lies, they just go to church and sing them. How many times have you stood and sang, “Take my life and let it be” when you haven't given Him one ounce?"

Christians don't tell lies, they just go to church and sing them. How many times have you stood and sang, “Take my life and let it be” when you haven't given Him one ounce?

Lying Quotes: "We obviously need the truth. We're living in a country of lies."

We obviously need the truth. We're living in a country of lies.

Lying Quotes: "The Universe energy doesn't lie."

The Universe energy doesn't lie.

Lying Quotes: "No love is ever wasted. Its worth does not lie in reciprocity."

No love is ever wasted. Its worth does not lie in reciprocity.

Lying Quotes: "Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me: There lie they, and here lie we Under the spreading chestnut tree."

Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me: There lie they, and here lie we Under the spreading chestnut tree.

Lying Quotes: "Happiness lies in conquering one's enemies, in driving them in front of oneself, in taking their property, in savoring their despair, in outraging their wives and daughters."

Happiness lies in conquering one's enemies, in driving them in front of oneself, in taking their property, in savoring their despair, in outraging their wives and daughters.

Lying Quotes: "The time has come, everybody lie down so you won't get hurt when the sun bursts."

The time has come, everybody lie down so you won't get hurt when the sun bursts.

Lying Quotes: "It's kinda hard to be optimistic, When your homies lying dead on the pavement twisted."

It's kinda hard to be optimistic, When your homies lying dead on the pavement twisted.

Lying Quotes: "If you keep hiding your true self, your life becomes like slow death. Once you become free from the lies and the hiding of yourself, then life becomes vibrant again."

If you keep hiding your true self, your life becomes like slow death. Once you become free from the lies and the hiding of yourself, then life becomes vibrant again.

Lying Quotes: "A definite factor in getting a lie believed is the size of the lie. The broad mass of the people, in the simplicity of their hearts, more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one."

A definite factor in getting a lie believed is the size of the lie. The broad mass of the people, in the simplicity of their hearts, more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.

Lying Quotes: "Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth."

Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.

Lying Quotes: "Success lies in doing not what others consider to be great but what you consider to be right."

Success lies in doing not what others consider to be great but what you consider to be right.

Lying Quotes: "There are no whole truths: All truths are half-truths."

There are no whole truths: All truths are half-truths.

Lying Quotes: "The future of mankind lies waiting for those who will come to understand their lives and take up their responsibilities to all living things."

The future of mankind lies waiting for those who will come to understand their lives and take up their responsibilities to all living things.

Lying Quotes: "All governments lie, but disaster lies in wait for countries whose officials smoke the same hashish they give out."

All governments lie, but disaster lies in wait for countries whose officials smoke the same hashish they give out.

Lying Quotes: "Liberty lies in the rights of that person whose views you find most odious."

Liberty lies in the rights of that person whose views you find most odious.

Lying Quotes: "Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition"

Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition

Lying Quotes: "It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit."

It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.

Lying Quotes: "Never lie; never cheat; never steal. Don't whine; don't complain; don't make excuses."

Never lie; never cheat; never steal. Don't whine; don't complain; don't make excuses.

Lying Quotes: "Love, unrequited, robs me of my rest: Love, hopeless love, my ardent soul encumbers: Love, nightmare-like, lies heavy on my chest, And weaves itself into my midnight slumbers!"

Love, unrequited, robs me of my rest: Love, hopeless love, my ardent soul encumbers: Love, nightmare-like, lies heavy on my chest, And weaves itself into my midnight slumbers!

Lying Quotes: "Why is geometry often described as cold and dry? One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline or a tree."

Why is geometry often described as cold and dry? One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline or a tree.

Lying Quotes: "The basic root of happiness lies in our minds; outer circumstances are nothing more than adverse or favourable."

The basic root of happiness lies in our minds; outer circumstances are nothing more than adverse or favourable.

Lying Quotes: "Most people don't care if you're telling them the truth or if you're telling them a lie, as long as they're entertained by it."

Most people don't care if you're telling them the truth or if you're telling them a lie, as long as they're entertained by it.

Lying Quotes: "They are evil people, the press, the media, they are bad people, and nobody, nobody lies like they do."

They are evil people, the press, the media, they are bad people, and nobody, nobody lies like they do.

Lying Quotes: "For me to say I wasn't a genius I'd just be lying to you and to myself"

For me to say I wasn't a genius I'd just be lying to you and to myself

Lying Quotes: "The sky was a midnight-blue, like warm, deep, blue water, and the moon seemed to lie on it like a water-lily, floating forward with an invisible current."

The sky was a midnight-blue, like warm, deep, blue water, and the moon seemed to lie on it like a water-lily, floating forward with an invisible current.

Lying Quotes: "Happiness lies, first of all, in health."

Happiness lies, first of all, in health.

Lying Quotes: "In compassion lies the world's true strength."

In compassion lies the world's true strength.

Lying Quotes: "Always sleep with one eye open. Never take anything for granted. Your best friends might just be your enemies."

Always sleep with one eye open. Never take anything for granted. Your best friends might just be your enemies.

Lying Quotes: "The future of India lies in its villages"

The future of India lies in its villages

Lying Quotes: "In God's wildness lies the hope of the world."

In God's wildness lies the hope of the world.

Lying Quotes: "If I ever saw myself saying I'm excited going to Cleveland, I'd punch myself in the face, because I'm lying."

If I ever saw myself saying I'm excited going to Cleveland, I'd punch myself in the face, because I'm lying.

Lying Quotes: "Deceivers are the most dangerous members of society. They trifle with the best affections of our nature, and violate the most sacred obligations."

Deceivers are the most dangerous members of society. They trifle with the best affections of our nature, and violate the most sacred obligations.

Lying Quotes: "First comes smiles, then lies. Last is gunfire.-Roland Deschain, of Gilead"

First comes smiles, then lies. Last is gunfire.-Roland Deschain, of Gilead

Lying Quotes: "Governments constantly choose between telling lies and fighting wars, with the end result always being the same. One will always lead to the other."

Governments constantly choose between telling lies and fighting wars, with the end result always being the same. One will always lead to the other.

Lying Quotes: "The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite!"

The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite!

Lying Quotes: "Hands, are the most honest part of the human body, they cannot lie as laughing eyes and the mouth can."

Hands, are the most honest part of the human body, they cannot lie as laughing eyes and the mouth can.

Lying Quotes: "Women lie about their age; men lie about their income."

Women lie about their age; men lie about their income.

Lying Quotes: "When men were all asleep the snow came flying, In large white flakes falling on the city brown, Stealthily and perpetually settling and loosely lying, Hushing the latest traffic of the drowsy town."

When men were all asleep the snow came flying, In large white flakes falling on the city brown, Stealthily and perpetually settling and loosely lying, Hushing the latest traffic of the drowsy town.

Lying Quotes: "Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth."

Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth.

Lying Quotes: "The idea comes to me from outside of me - and is like a gift. I then take the idea and make it my own - that is where the skill lies."

The idea comes to me from outside of me - and is like a gift. I then take the idea and make it my own - that is where the skill lies.

Lying Quotes: "~The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them ~"

~The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them ~

Lying Quotes: "I thought a forest was made up entirely of trees, but now I know that the foundation lies below ground, in the fungi."

I thought a forest was made up entirely of trees, but now I know that the foundation lies below ground, in the fungi.