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Made It Quotes: "If you say, 'You've made it,' then you kind of come to a standstill, and I don't think any actor wants to do that."

If you say, 'You've made it,' then you kind of come to a standstill, and I don't think any actor wants to do that.

Made It Quotes: "Acting for kids is like playing house, you know? But growing up in Hollywood, it just made it seem possible."

Acting for kids is like playing house, you know? But growing up in Hollywood, it just made it seem possible.

Made It Quotes: "You might not think of something like TurboTax as a civic venture, but that product took a confusing interface to a government process and made it simpler and easier to use for citizens."

You might not think of something like TurboTax as a civic venture, but that product took a confusing interface to a government process and made it simpler and easier to use for citizens.

Made It Quotes: "You left me, ripped out my heart, and then came back acting like a robot, and you know what? We made it through. You and I, good or bad, belong together. We make each other whole."

You left me, ripped out my heart, and then came back acting like a robot, and you know what? We made it through. You and I, good or bad, belong together. We make each other whole.

Made It Quotes: "Wipeout is a giant obstacle course for adults of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Whoever wins takes home $50,000 and gets to brag to all of their coworkers that they made it out alive!"

Wipeout is a giant obstacle course for adults of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Whoever wins takes home $50,000 and gets to brag to all of their coworkers that they made it out alive!

Made It Quotes: "My career has been in a weird kind of like low-flying under the radar-kind of place. I never made it on "Saturday Night Live" where all my friends did."

My career has been in a weird kind of like low-flying under the radar-kind of place. I never made it on "Saturday Night Live" where all my friends did.

Made It Quotes: "The Trump election brought it the fore and made it possible for a number of different groups whose aim is to stop the teaching of critical thinking to to launch direct attacks."

The Trump election brought it the fore and made it possible for a number of different groups whose aim is to stop the teaching of critical thinking to to launch direct attacks.

Made It Quotes: "I don't think I've ever had a mentor. The closest thing is my friend Christopher Fowler, another writer. Chris kept me sane for a long time before I made it."

I don't think I've ever had a mentor. The closest thing is my friend Christopher Fowler, another writer. Chris kept me sane for a long time before I made it.

Made It Quotes: "It is unfortunate we were put in the position where the Republicans made it clear they were ready to let everything fall unless they got these tax cuts."

It is unfortunate we were put in the position where the Republicans made it clear they were ready to let everything fall unless they got these tax cuts.

Made It Quotes: "It's tough for those celebrity couples. It's really hard. My wife wasn't in the limelight, which made it easier... the key is to keep it happy, light, and fun."

It's tough for those celebrity couples. It's really hard. My wife wasn't in the limelight, which made it easier... the key is to keep it happy, light, and fun.

Made It Quotes: "Anybody can make a movie, if you have the will. The digital revolution has made it very inexpensive to make a film. Anybody who wants to can do it."

Anybody can make a movie, if you have the will. The digital revolution has made it very inexpensive to make a film. Anybody who wants to can do it.

Made It Quotes: "As a filmmaker, it's about surviving and lasting. So many talented people that I've known in my life - directors and writers - just haven't made it and haven't had a chance."

As a filmmaker, it's about surviving and lasting. So many talented people that I've known in my life - directors and writers - just haven't made it and haven't had a chance.

Made It Quotes: "Donald Trump has made it clear that certainly over the last few years that President [Barack] Obama was born in Hawaii."

Donald Trump has made it clear that certainly over the last few years that President [Barack] Obama was born in Hawaii.

Made It Quotes: "Do you think that any one can move the heart but He that made it?"

Do you think that any one can move the heart but He that made it?

Made It Quotes: "President Obama has made it clear that the United States is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons."

President Obama has made it clear that the United States is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Made It Quotes: "I made it about a three-day weekend so people wouldn't have to change their clothes a lot. We didn't have an art department; we didn't have a make-up department."

I made it about a three-day weekend so people wouldn't have to change their clothes a lot. We didn't have an art department; we didn't have a make-up department.

Made It Quotes: "Mitt Romney has made it clear that he believes that President Obama was born in the U.S."

Mitt Romney has made it clear that he believes that President Obama was born in the U.S.

Made It Quotes: "The blight of futility that lies in wait for men's speeches had fallen upon our conversation and made it a thing of empty sounds."

The blight of futility that lies in wait for men's speeches had fallen upon our conversation and made it a thing of empty sounds.

Made It Quotes: "It was a promise she knew I might not be able to keep. But I made it anyway because I was going to find a way to make it true."

It was a promise she knew I might not be able to keep. But I made it anyway because I was going to find a way to make it true.

Made It Quotes: "A gentleman is not born but crafted. He had to work on himself in the same way as a sculptor shaped a rough stone and made it a thing of beauty."

A gentleman is not born but crafted. He had to work on himself in the same way as a sculptor shaped a rough stone and made it a thing of beauty.

Made It Quotes: "My life is great because I made it that way. Anything other than happiness doesn't get a pass key."

My life is great because I made it that way. Anything other than happiness doesn't get a pass key.

Made It Quotes: "I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I've made it my goal to revolutionize pop music. The last revolution was launched by Madonna 25 years ago"

I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I've made it my goal to revolutionize pop music. The last revolution was launched by Madonna 25 years ago

Made It Quotes: "Listen, everything I did in my childhood was competitive. Everything we did my dad made it into a game to win. We used to drive my mum nuts."

Listen, everything I did in my childhood was competitive. Everything we did my dad made it into a game to win. We used to drive my mum nuts.

Made It Quotes: "Whatever our fate is or may be, we have made it and do not complain of it." - Vronksy {Anna Karenina}"

Whatever our fate is or may be, we have made it and do not complain of it." - Vronksy {Anna Karenina}

Made It Quotes: "This created world really helped me as an actor. It heightened everything, which made it more dangerous, more interesting and more liberating."

This created world really helped me as an actor. It heightened everything, which made it more dangerous, more interesting and more liberating.

Made It Quotes: "In a sense, a hit belongs to the person who made it popular, but if a tune is good enough to attain tremendous success, then it certainly deserves more than one version, one treatment, one approach."

In a sense, a hit belongs to the person who made it popular, but if a tune is good enough to attain tremendous success, then it certainly deserves more than one version, one treatment, one approach.

Made It Quotes: "That is kind of you, my lord. But I will never dance with you.' Which, of course, made it the goal of Leo's life."

That is kind of you, my lord. But I will never dance with you.' Which, of course, made it the goal of Leo's life.

Made It Quotes: "Mama was crying, and the rain made it seem as if the whole world was crying."

Mama was crying, and the rain made it seem as if the whole world was crying.

Made It Quotes: "Being a mom myself and it being a huge and important part of who I am, made it easier for me to play the role of a strong, fierce, giving mom..."

Being a mom myself and it being a huge and important part of who I am, made it easier for me to play the role of a strong, fierce, giving mom...

Made It Quotes: "If there was a story about boys playing punk I don't think I would've made it, because it would just be the same, it wouldn't be interesting enough."

If there was a story about boys playing punk I don't think I would've made it, because it would just be the same, it wouldn't be interesting enough.

Made It Quotes: "The wonder to me is not that she made it through at all but that she made it through so relatively intact, so vibrant. So free of bitterness and so empty of resentment."

The wonder to me is not that she made it through at all but that she made it through so relatively intact, so vibrant. So free of bitterness and so empty of resentment.

Made It Quotes: "When people come up to me and say, 'You made it,' I think, 'But I'm not done yet. Not everyone's heard my music.' I want to be a household name."

When people come up to me and say, 'You made it,' I think, 'But I'm not done yet. Not everyone's heard my music.' I want to be a household name.

Made It Quotes: "I do enjoy my own company. I cannot imagine anybody entertaining me more than I do. If it sounds selfish, I don't care. I made it a religion almost."

I do enjoy my own company. I cannot imagine anybody entertaining me more than I do. If it sounds selfish, I don't care. I made it a religion almost.

Made It Quotes: "Big government helps the people who have made it. It doesn't help the people who are trying to make it; it crushes the people who are trying to make it."

Big government helps the people who have made it. It doesn't help the people who are trying to make it; it crushes the people who are trying to make it.

Made It Quotes: "If you're not [Federico] Fellini you might make something very vulgar. Animation made it possible to maintain unity with all these different narratives."

If you're not [Federico] Fellini you might make something very vulgar. Animation made it possible to maintain unity with all these different narratives.

Made It Quotes: "The success of 'The Fighter' made it a lot easier to get 'Broken City' green-lit. And the buzz about 'The Fighter' also made it a lot easier to get 'Contraband' green-lit."

The success of 'The Fighter' made it a lot easier to get 'Broken City' green-lit. And the buzz about 'The Fighter' also made it a lot easier to get 'Contraband' green-lit.

Made It Quotes: "I like the 'Alive' part. Now I've made it. Wait until you see the roles I could take after this. You're going to see my gut hanging over, plus 22lbs. It'll be a whole new kind of sexy!"

I like the 'Alive' part. Now I've made it. Wait until you see the roles I could take after this. You're going to see my gut hanging over, plus 22lbs. It'll be a whole new kind of sexy!

Made It Quotes: "Harry Potter achieved a very special act of actual magic: it made it completely acceptable for an adult to carry around, read and enjoy a childrens book."

Harry Potter achieved a very special act of actual magic: it made it completely acceptable for an adult to carry around, read and enjoy a childrens book.

Made It Quotes: "We have made it impossible for children to fall very far—and in so doing, we have robbed them of the joys of climbing high."

We have made it impossible for children to fall very far—and in so doing, we have robbed them of the joys of climbing high.

Made It Quotes: "The most beautiful garden is always the one that we have made it with our own efforts!"

The most beautiful garden is always the one that we have made it with our own efforts!

Made It Quotes: "Any man's greatness is a tribute to the nobility of all mankind, so when we celebrate the genius of [Leo] Tolstoy, we say, "Look! One of our boys made it! Look what we're capable of!""

Any man's greatness is a tribute to the nobility of all mankind, so when we celebrate the genius of [Leo] Tolstoy, we say, "Look! One of our boys made it! Look what we're capable of!"

Made It Quotes: "I started playing Madden back in 1993 because that was the first year I actually made it into the game and that was a big thrill. When you're in Madden, you've made it, baby."

I started playing Madden back in 1993 because that was the first year I actually made it into the game and that was a big thrill. When you're in Madden, you've made it, baby.

Made It Quotes: "President Trump's made it clear that his administration is going to put the safety and security of the American people first."

President Trump's made it clear that his administration is going to put the safety and security of the American people first.

Made It Quotes: "Donald Trump made it clear in that very interview that America will stand by our allies. We will uphold up our treaty obligations, including the mutual defense agreement that is NATO."

Donald Trump made it clear in that very interview that America will stand by our allies. We will uphold up our treaty obligations, including the mutual defense agreement that is NATO.

Made It Quotes: "I will never give up politics. I've tried to give it up three times, but I never made it. Politics mobilizes me. I won't last long if I give it up."

I will never give up politics. I've tried to give it up three times, but I never made it. Politics mobilizes me. I won't last long if I give it up.

Made It Quotes: "You have to play the cards you are dealt and if it has made it harder, it doesn't matter, you still have to get the deal done."

You have to play the cards you are dealt and if it has made it harder, it doesn't matter, you still have to get the deal done.

Made It Quotes: "One problem with a lot of musicians is that they remove themselves in a studio and make a record and assume people are going to pay attention to it just because they've made it."

One problem with a lot of musicians is that they remove themselves in a studio and make a record and assume people are going to pay attention to it just because they've made it.

Made It Quotes: "I guess that somehow I've survived as a professional guitar player. I've made it 16 years now and I feel like I'm just getting started. Variety is a secret to the success of that."

I guess that somehow I've survived as a professional guitar player. I've made it 16 years now and I feel like I'm just getting started. Variety is a secret to the success of that.

Made It Quotes: "Malcolm X made it very clear that if somebody goes after you - whether it's cops or not - you have to defend yourself. But he was not an advocate for violence the way the Black Panthers were."

Malcolm X made it very clear that if somebody goes after you - whether it's cops or not - you have to defend yourself. But he was not an advocate for violence the way the Black Panthers were.