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Made It Quotes: "Now that you've grown up, You can finally learn to be a child, We made it to the end of the world, But we'll never make it out alive..."

Now that you've grown up, You can finally learn to be a child, We made it to the end of the world, But we'll never make it out alive...

Made It Quotes: "I consider myself to be flawed, but I made it work. I'm not perfect. Anybody who thinks they are is whacked-out."

I consider myself to be flawed, but I made it work. I'm not perfect. Anybody who thinks they are is whacked-out.

Made It Quotes: "My parents had a great marriage. Interestingly, it made it harder for me in relationships because I knew what a good relationship looked like."

My parents had a great marriage. Interestingly, it made it harder for me in relationships because I knew what a good relationship looked like.

Made It Quotes: "The more accurately we search into the human mind, the stronger traces we everywhere find of his wisdom who made it."

The more accurately we search into the human mind, the stronger traces we everywhere find of his wisdom who made it.

Made It Quotes: "The fact that few painter-fine-artists used photography in their work made it appealing."

The fact that few painter-fine-artists used photography in their work made it appealing.

Made It Quotes: "Of course, the English countryside is completely artificial. It was naturally a forest; they chopped down the trees and made it into what it is now: really a beautiful country."

Of course, the English countryside is completely artificial. It was naturally a forest; they chopped down the trees and made it into what it is now: really a beautiful country.

Made It Quotes: "No matter how painful your past has been, you have made it through."

No matter how painful your past has been, you have made it through.

Made It Quotes: "The hoary joke in the literary world, based on 'Dreams From My Father,' was that if things had worked out differently for Barack Obama, he could have made it as a writer."

The hoary joke in the literary world, based on 'Dreams From My Father,' was that if things had worked out differently for Barack Obama, he could have made it as a writer.

Made It Quotes: "I don't believe in director's cuts where you make things longer. The coolest thing was when the Coen brothers did a director's cut of 'Blood Simple,' and they made it shorter."

I don't believe in director's cuts where you make things longer. The coolest thing was when the Coen brothers did a director's cut of 'Blood Simple,' and they made it shorter.

Made It Quotes: "British ferries have stopped transporting live animals to the Continent. This has made it very difficult for England fans to get to Away matches."

British ferries have stopped transporting live animals to the Continent. This has made it very difficult for England fans to get to Away matches.

Made It Quotes: "We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So when we are in the mess, remember Jesus made it right. We got to hang on to that by faith."

We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So when we are in the mess, remember Jesus made it right. We got to hang on to that by faith.

Made It Quotes: "By judging differently and by recognizing their female experiences and bringing them to bear on the Supreme Court's decision, Ginsburg and O'Connor both made it legitimate for people to be different."

By judging differently and by recognizing their female experiences and bringing them to bear on the Supreme Court's decision, Ginsburg and O'Connor both made it legitimate for people to be different.

Made It Quotes: "You mean old books?" "Stories written before space travel but about space travel." "How could there have been stories about space travel before --" "The writers," Pris said, "made it up."

You mean old books?" "Stories written before space travel but about space travel." "How could there have been stories about space travel before --" "The writers," Pris said, "made it up.

Made It Quotes: "Maybe because I come from choreography, I've always felt that there's something about action films that made it very natural for me to go that way. It's story through movement."

Maybe because I come from choreography, I've always felt that there's something about action films that made it very natural for me to go that way. It's story through movement.

Made It Quotes: "I have always made it a point to know our employees, to visit every facility of our company, and to try to meet and know every single employee."

I have always made it a point to know our employees, to visit every facility of our company, and to try to meet and know every single employee.

Made It Quotes: "No one can rightly call his garden his own unless he himself made it."

No one can rightly call his garden his own unless he himself made it.

Made It Quotes: "I like crafts that are made out of necessity because they're a little naive - you made it because you needed it."

I like crafts that are made out of necessity because they're a little naive - you made it because you needed it.

Made It Quotes: "I've heard all my life that 'this is impossible, you can't make' it and 'you're going to fail' but I didn't listen to them and I made it."

I've heard all my life that 'this is impossible, you can't make' it and 'you're going to fail' but I didn't listen to them and I made it.

Made It Quotes: "It was silly, wasn't it? But the singing made it not silly."

It was silly, wasn't it? But the singing made it not silly.

Made It Quotes: "I've made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave."

I've made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave.

Made It Quotes: "Most people generalize whatever they did, and say that was the strategy that made it work."

Most people generalize whatever they did, and say that was the strategy that made it work.

Made It Quotes: "It is not known why the Lord made the human body as he did, since one might suppose that omnipotence could have made it such as would not have shocked the nice people."

It is not known why the Lord made the human body as he did, since one might suppose that omnipotence could have made it such as would not have shocked the nice people.

Made It Quotes: "If I had made it in cheerleading, I would have never been an actress."

If I had made it in cheerleading, I would have never been an actress.

Made It Quotes: "I made a lot of good friends in Philadelphia and the last thing that I would want to do is dog anyone in that clubhouse. If I made it sound like that, it was a mistake."

I made a lot of good friends in Philadelphia and the last thing that I would want to do is dog anyone in that clubhouse. If I made it sound like that, it was a mistake.

Made It Quotes: "Some people would say I've made it now."

Some people would say I've made it now.

Made It Quotes: "I can't believe we really made it, I'm partly surprised."

I can't believe we really made it, I'm partly surprised.

Made It Quotes: "Usually, when you're in a movie, you're disconnected from it. You're never going to feel what you felt when you made it."

Usually, when you're in a movie, you're disconnected from it. You're never going to feel what you felt when you made it.

Made It Quotes: "If I wanted the ticket to be a $200 ticket, I'd have made it a $200 ticket, but I don't want it to be that."

If I wanted the ticket to be a $200 ticket, I'd have made it a $200 ticket, but I don't want it to be that.

Made It Quotes: "I don't think you should invest in commodities. Eddie Murphy made it seem risky in Trading Places."

I don't think you should invest in commodities. Eddie Murphy made it seem risky in Trading Places.

Made It Quotes: "The Internet has made it much more effective and cheaper to spread propaganda."

The Internet has made it much more effective and cheaper to spread propaganda.

Made It Quotes: "I still come out to music that's in Spanish. There's no denying who I am, but I've just made it to where my performance is so anybody can understand it - whether you're 10 years old or 80 years old."

I still come out to music that's in Spanish. There's no denying who I am, but I've just made it to where my performance is so anybody can understand it - whether you're 10 years old or 80 years old.

Made It Quotes: "There's been a lot of guys that come out of Texas who have made it really big. So it's not a geographic thing, it's a how hard are you willing to work for it."

There's been a lot of guys that come out of Texas who have made it really big. So it's not a geographic thing, it's a how hard are you willing to work for it.

Made It Quotes: "I don't know, maybe I made it up. Anyway, it's an arbo-tree-ist, somebody who knows about trees."

I don't know, maybe I made it up. Anyway, it's an arbo-tree-ist, somebody who knows about trees.

Made It Quotes: "I regret that a private comment I made to the vice presidential candidate made it through the public airways."

I regret that a private comment I made to the vice presidential candidate made it through the public airways.

Made It Quotes: "We had a shared experience. That makes a good marriage better. In many ways our marriage is great because she has made it great."

We had a shared experience. That makes a good marriage better. In many ways our marriage is great because she has made it great.

Made It Quotes: "I will not call it my philosophy; for I did not make it. God and humanity made it; and it made me."

I will not call it my philosophy; for I did not make it. God and humanity made it; and it made me.

Made It Quotes: "If you are given a lot of money without having to work for it, you won't appreciate it as much as if you made it yourself."

If you are given a lot of money without having to work for it, you won't appreciate it as much as if you made it yourself.

Made It Quotes: "I grasped two things: I wasn't as happy as I could be, and my life wasnt going to change unless I made it change."

I grasped two things: I wasn't as happy as I could be, and my life wasnt going to change unless I made it change.

Made It Quotes: "No human being can destroy the structure of a marriage except the two who made it. It is the one human edifice that is impregnable except from within."

No human being can destroy the structure of a marriage except the two who made it. It is the one human edifice that is impregnable except from within.

Made It Quotes: "If you had told me when I was 18 that I wouldn't have made it until I was 29, I would have said, Forget it."

If you had told me when I was 18 that I wouldn't have made it until I was 29, I would have said, Forget it.

Made It Quotes: "I just wanted to do hair in the movies and in Hollywood, and made it work."

I just wanted to do hair in the movies and in Hollywood, and made it work.

Made It Quotes: "If you feel like you've ‘made it,’ and you're completely satisfied, you have bigger problems."

If you feel like you've ‘made it,’ and you're completely satisfied, you have bigger problems.

Made It Quotes: "Will.i.am and I performed at Wango Tango. That's when my daughter said that I had made it in music."

Will.i.am and I performed at Wango Tango. That's when my daughter said that I had made it in music.

Made It Quotes: "Tablets generally have made it pretty obvious that magazines have a new lease on life."

Tablets generally have made it pretty obvious that magazines have a new lease on life.

Made It Quotes: "I can see why you opted out of Knight training,” I countered. “They’d have ‘accidentally’ killed you before you made it to adulthood."

I can see why you opted out of Knight training,” I countered. “They’d have ‘accidentally’ killed you before you made it to adulthood.

Made It Quotes: "When I found out that I made it to the Season 11 finale, I was so shocked that if you went on YouTube and re-watch the Top 3 Results Show, you will see my face looked like a bus hit it."

When I found out that I made it to the Season 11 finale, I was so shocked that if you went on YouTube and re-watch the Top 3 Results Show, you will see my face looked like a bus hit it.

Made It Quotes: "When we suffer we have made it into a personal affair. We shut out all the suffering of mankind."

When we suffer we have made it into a personal affair. We shut out all the suffering of mankind.

Made It Quotes: "Speaking of things that'll make your head explode, "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" finally made it to the drive-in"

Speaking of things that'll make your head explode, "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" finally made it to the drive-in

Made It Quotes: "Everybody who made it through adolescence is a hero."

Everybody who made it through adolescence is a hero.