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Made It Quotes: "I've made it very clear that I'm interested in voiceover work. I mean, I'm always looking for voiceover gigs. I love that."

I've made it very clear that I'm interested in voiceover work. I mean, I'm always looking for voiceover gigs. I love that.

Made It Quotes: "That’s what made it so frightening to the lawmakers: Love obeys no laws other than its own."

That’s what made it so frightening to the lawmakers: Love obeys no laws other than its own.

Made It Quotes: "Our eurozone partners have made it clear: The choice is between staying in or getting out of the eurozone."

Our eurozone partners have made it clear: The choice is between staying in or getting out of the eurozone.

Made It Quotes: "Said I'll make it big when, everybody know me Well, I made it big and, everybody phony"

Said I'll make it big when, everybody know me Well, I made it big and, everybody phony

Made It Quotes: "I've had to work for everything I have, and I'm not going to stop. The minute I feel I've made it, I'm done."

I've had to work for everything I have, and I'm not going to stop. The minute I feel I've made it, I'm done.

Made It Quotes: "Capitalism has made it this way, old fashioned fascism will take it away."

Capitalism has made it this way, old fashioned fascism will take it away.

Made It Quotes: "Those times, I tried to think of something happy, something I'd liked - but not something I loved, for that made it worse."

Those times, I tried to think of something happy, something I'd liked - but not something I loved, for that made it worse.

Made It Quotes: "I'm from the element of the streets that says that once you've made it, it's yours. But keep it to yourself."

I'm from the element of the streets that says that once you've made it, it's yours. But keep it to yourself.

Made It Quotes: "Having a normal person around me made it poingnantly clear to me that I was out of control."

Having a normal person around me made it poingnantly clear to me that I was out of control.

Made It Quotes: "Do you see how Jerry Heller made it work? That is how he combined what we did to make the rap music into mass music. That's exactly how it happened."

Do you see how Jerry Heller made it work? That is how he combined what we did to make the rap music into mass music. That's exactly how it happened.

Made It Quotes: "Like other presidents before him, Barack Obama inherited a recession. But unlike them, he has made it worse, not better."

Like other presidents before him, Barack Obama inherited a recession. But unlike them, he has made it worse, not better.

Made It Quotes: "You don't have to test everything to destruction just to see if you made it right."

You don't have to test everything to destruction just to see if you made it right.

Made It Quotes: "I was happy that I was drafted, and then it was the Yankees and that just made it even better."

I was happy that I was drafted, and then it was the Yankees and that just made it even better.

Made It Quotes: "We will continue to offer the most dynamic vehicles in the future. However, we have also made it our mission to be sustainable as a company."

We will continue to offer the most dynamic vehicles in the future. However, we have also made it our mission to be sustainable as a company.

Made It Quotes: "When I said that I make out with dudes, there was a slight sense of sexual rebellion in that. And I probably even made it a bigger deal than it was."

When I said that I make out with dudes, there was a slight sense of sexual rebellion in that. And I probably even made it a bigger deal than it was.

Made It Quotes: "Moreover, photography has made it possible to fix these images and now provides us with a permanent record of each observed spectrum, which can be measured out at any time."

Moreover, photography has made it possible to fix these images and now provides us with a permanent record of each observed spectrum, which can be measured out at any time.

Made It Quotes: "I firmly believe that none of us in this world have made it until the least among us have made it."

I firmly believe that none of us in this world have made it until the least among us have made it.

Made It Quotes: "O world, as God has made it! All is beauty."

O world, as God has made it! All is beauty.

Made It Quotes: "I've made it a point here that I'm not going to knee-jerk react to anything, and especially before [Donald] Trump is inaugurated."

I've made it a point here that I'm not going to knee-jerk react to anything, and especially before [Donald] Trump is inaugurated.

Made It Quotes: "[Jane] Roe has made it not only possible, but has found it constitutional to kill a whole class of people, simply because of their genetic make-up."

[Jane] Roe has made it not only possible, but has found it constitutional to kill a whole class of people, simply because of their genetic make-up.

Made It Quotes: "My old life - no amount of getting used to it would have made it right."

My old life - no amount of getting used to it would have made it right.

Made It Quotes: "Working as a showrunner has made it tougher to watch other shows and movies."

Working as a showrunner has made it tougher to watch other shows and movies.

Made It Quotes: "The inventory of my faith for this lower world is soon made out. I believe in Him who made it."

The inventory of my faith for this lower world is soon made out. I believe in Him who made it.

Made It Quotes: "Technology has made the world into a Village. Spirituality has made it into a Global Family."

Technology has made the world into a Village. Spirituality has made it into a Global Family.

Made It Quotes: "We've taken what was just once a racetrack and made it a multifaceted gaming destination for the entire region."

We've taken what was just once a racetrack and made it a multifaceted gaming destination for the entire region.

Made It Quotes: "I made it very clear that I rejected bigotry of all forms."

I made it very clear that I rejected bigotry of all forms.

Made It Quotes: "I have made it totally clear to the players that my door will always be open."

I have made it totally clear to the players that my door will always be open.

Made It Quotes: "When Alan Rickman, a dear friend of mine, played villains, he always made it complicated. He didn't redeem what they did, but he made you feel that it was hard for them to be so horrible."

When Alan Rickman, a dear friend of mine, played villains, he always made it complicated. He didn't redeem what they did, but he made you feel that it was hard for them to be so horrible.

Made It Quotes: "For me I made it clear that I wanted to meet with both sides of the political spectrum."

For me I made it clear that I wanted to meet with both sides of the political spectrum.

Made It Quotes: "It was written in some holy book, apparently, so that made it okay, and probably compulsory."

It was written in some holy book, apparently, so that made it okay, and probably compulsory.

Made It Quotes: "If it doesn't say Binford on it, somebody else probably made it."

If it doesn't say Binford on it, somebody else probably made it.

Made It Quotes: "President Obama said that he designed Obamacare after Romneycare and basically made it Obamneycare."

President Obama said that he designed Obamacare after Romneycare and basically made it Obamneycare.

Made It Quotes: "There were a lot of things happen in the mid-'80's that all of a sudden made it possible to do a lot of very quick interactive music."

There were a lot of things happen in the mid-'80's that all of a sudden made it possible to do a lot of very quick interactive music.

Made It Quotes: "I wrote Murder at the Windmill. And it was accepted and we made it and it was the first film I made with Danny Angel, well the only film I actually made... I made a lot of it at the Windmill itself."

I wrote Murder at the Windmill. And it was accepted and we made it and it was the first film I made with Danny Angel, well the only film I actually made... I made a lot of it at the Windmill itself.

Made It Quotes: "I've made it a policy to move every five years, either physically or in my research."

I've made it a policy to move every five years, either physically or in my research.

Made It Quotes: "I've got a stomach now as well as a behind. And I mean - well, you can't pull it in both ways, can you? ... I've made it a rule to pull in my stomach and let my behind look after itself."

I've got a stomach now as well as a behind. And I mean - well, you can't pull it in both ways, can you? ... I've made it a rule to pull in my stomach and let my behind look after itself.

Made It Quotes: "It struck me then how much the past - not just the past but history and family - was like the ocean tide. It was always the same ocean, but the waves made it fresh and new each time."

It struck me then how much the past - not just the past but history and family - was like the ocean tide. It was always the same ocean, but the waves made it fresh and new each time.

Made It Quotes: "I guess I lost a little bit of self-esteem that time that you made it with the whole hockey team."

I guess I lost a little bit of self-esteem that time that you made it with the whole hockey team.

Made It Quotes: "Milton took vaudeville, which, if you look up 'vaudeville' in the dictionary, right alongside of it, it says 'Milton Berle' - and he made it just a tremendous party."

Milton took vaudeville, which, if you look up 'vaudeville' in the dictionary, right alongside of it, it says 'Milton Berle' - and he made it just a tremendous party.

Made It Quotes: "Stupid people do make me lose my temper and most people are stupid, fortunately for me. It's made it easier for me to make a living."

Stupid people do make me lose my temper and most people are stupid, fortunately for me. It's made it easier for me to make a living.

Made It Quotes: "In our attempt to make conservation easy, we have made it trivial."

In our attempt to make conservation easy, we have made it trivial.

Made It Quotes: "I am really quite proud of most of the people I " know who have "made it," who do things to help people."

I am really quite proud of most of the people I " know who have "made it," who do things to help people.

Made It Quotes: "I decided to write [Collateral Beauty] on my own which made it the first spec script I wrote in 11 years."

I decided to write [Collateral Beauty] on my own which made it the first spec script I wrote in 11 years.

Made It Quotes: "Don't make anybody a homemade gift. Unless you're really good, or it's going to be really practical. If it's a little thing you think is cute 'cause you made it, just forget it."

Don't make anybody a homemade gift. Unless you're really good, or it's going to be really practical. If it's a little thing you think is cute 'cause you made it, just forget it.

Made It Quotes: "It was funny to hear her voice aloud. Her thoughts and perceptions usually existed so deep inside her, they rarely made it to the surface without a deliberate effort."

It was funny to hear her voice aloud. Her thoughts and perceptions usually existed so deep inside her, they rarely made it to the surface without a deliberate effort.

Made It Quotes: "In the end, I want to be able to say, 'My life was what I made it."

In the end, I want to be able to say, 'My life was what I made it.

Made It Quotes: "I explained to the lady my love for John and his work, and she made it possible for me to purchase one of the 24 proofs, the one for 'I'm So Tired,' which I have on my piano at home."

I explained to the lady my love for John and his work, and she made it possible for me to purchase one of the 24 proofs, the one for 'I'm So Tired,' which I have on my piano at home.

Made It Quotes: "Closing the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is a promise President [Barack] Obama made it but has yet to fulfill."

Closing the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is a promise President [Barack] Obama made it but has yet to fulfill.

Made It Quotes: "I think by now I have made it fairly clear that I am not very happy with the word hope. I don't believe in people just hoping."

I think by now I have made it fairly clear that I am not very happy with the word hope. I don't believe in people just hoping.