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Made It Quotes: "Human technology has made it to Mars. We are transmitting gorgeous pictures from it. Yet we have not explored our own planet. Two-thirds of it is covered with oceans that are still mysterious places."

Human technology has made it to Mars. We are transmitting gorgeous pictures from it. Yet we have not explored our own planet. Two-thirds of it is covered with oceans that are still mysterious places.

Made It Quotes: "I made it to the childbearing phase without TV dependence, then looked around and thought, Well gee, why start now? Why get a pet python on the day you decide to raise fuzzy little gerbils?"

I made it to the childbearing phase without TV dependence, then looked around and thought, Well gee, why start now? Why get a pet python on the day you decide to raise fuzzy little gerbils?

Made It Quotes: "For someone who’s made it clear that her life is superior to every other student’s at this school, you sure make it a habit of pursuing every facet of our boring, worthless lives."

For someone who’s made it clear that her life is superior to every other student’s at this school, you sure make it a habit of pursuing every facet of our boring, worthless lives.

Made It Quotes: "I didn’t accept your sacrifice. I turned it down.” I felt a small Oh form at my mouth, but it never quite made it past my lips. “Are you saying you gave up getting a human body for me?"

I didn’t accept your sacrifice. I turned it down.” I felt a small Oh form at my mouth, but it never quite made it past my lips. “Are you saying you gave up getting a human body for me?

Made It Quotes: "I sometimes wonder what would have happened if the first book had not sold... doesn't bear thinking about, but I suppose we'd have made it work somehow."

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if the first book had not sold... doesn't bear thinking about, but I suppose we'd have made it work somehow.

Made It Quotes: "Well, I wanted to play twenty years in the major leagues. I never made it twenty though. I played nineteen."

Well, I wanted to play twenty years in the major leagues. I never made it twenty though. I played nineteen.

Made It Quotes: "Historical investigation and literary criticism have taken the magic out of the Bible and have made it a composite human book, written by many hands in different ages."

Historical investigation and literary criticism have taken the magic out of the Bible and have made it a composite human book, written by many hands in different ages.

Made It Quotes: "When I met Apple, I made it very clear that I am an old punk and I have never done commercials or been sponsored. And I wasn't after their money."

When I met Apple, I made it very clear that I am an old punk and I have never done commercials or been sponsored. And I wasn't after their money.

Made It Quotes: "We had a very successful trip to Russia. We made it back."

We had a very successful trip to Russia. We made it back.

Made It Quotes: "My overall point is that 'one and dones' are not healthy for college basketball. I should not have made it personal to Kentucky and its players and I apologize."

My overall point is that 'one and dones' are not healthy for college basketball. I should not have made it personal to Kentucky and its players and I apologize.

Made It Quotes: "There's a starting place. And that starting place for everyone is ambition. We're all scared of that word today because they made it bad in the late '80s. As if desire is not a good thing."

There's a starting place. And that starting place for everyone is ambition. We're all scared of that word today because they made it bad in the late '80s. As if desire is not a good thing.

Made It Quotes: "I'm also the first straight woman to host this in 20 years, so, we finally made it, straight people."

I'm also the first straight woman to host this in 20 years, so, we finally made it, straight people.

Made It Quotes: "The world was new each day for God so made it daily. Yet it contained within it all the evils as before, no more, no less."

The world was new each day for God so made it daily. Yet it contained within it all the evils as before, no more, no less.

Made It Quotes: "If I'm over a song two weeks after I made it, I'm not going to put it out. It has to last months."

If I'm over a song two weeks after I made it, I'm not going to put it out. It has to last months.

Made It Quotes: "Most of our songs were written on acoustic guitar before they made it to the practice stage."

Most of our songs were written on acoustic guitar before they made it to the practice stage.

Made It Quotes: "Originally, John Kennedy was going to come speak, and then Lyndon Johnson. Because it was October of '62, neither made it because of the Cuban missile crisis."

Originally, John Kennedy was going to come speak, and then Lyndon Johnson. Because it was October of '62, neither made it because of the Cuban missile crisis.

Made It Quotes: "This world, which has the potential to be Eden, is instead the hell before Hell. In our arrogance, we have made it so."

This world, which has the potential to be Eden, is instead the hell before Hell. In our arrogance, we have made it so.

Made It Quotes: "The feminist movement has not made it to the Gulf of Mexico. Never seen that movement."

The feminist movement has not made it to the Gulf of Mexico. Never seen that movement.

Made It Quotes: "The Lord stands above the new day, for God has made it. All restlessness, all worry, and anxiety flee before him."

The Lord stands above the new day, for God has made it. All restlessness, all worry, and anxiety flee before him.

Made It Quotes: "I like Stallone, because he writes. He sits down with a blank page and comes up with another Rambo movie. That isn't very easy for anybody. He's made it successful on top of that."

I like Stallone, because he writes. He sits down with a blank page and comes up with another Rambo movie. That isn't very easy for anybody. He's made it successful on top of that.

Made It Quotes: "I ask myself, 'Do you want to sit on the sidelines of life or do you want to be on the field?' I suppose all those years of building thicker skin has made it easy to endure criticism."

I ask myself, 'Do you want to sit on the sidelines of life or do you want to be on the field?' I suppose all those years of building thicker skin has made it easy to endure criticism.

Made It Quotes: "I have a running war with the media. And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community."

I have a running war with the media. And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community.

Made It Quotes: "Kissing in the movies is a real art - figuring out where to put your heads so it looks good on camera. I have had other co-stars who couldn't work that out, which made it a lot harder for me."

Kissing in the movies is a real art - figuring out where to put your heads so it looks good on camera. I have had other co-stars who couldn't work that out, which made it a lot harder for me.

Made It Quotes: "With kids you can take a chance but casting a guy at 45 is different. You don't discover somebody that age. If an actor hasn't made it by that time he probably has no talent."

With kids you can take a chance but casting a guy at 45 is different. You don't discover somebody that age. If an actor hasn't made it by that time he probably has no talent.

Made It Quotes: "My very good friend, Rahm Emanuel, made it very clear to me on several occasions that I was, quote, unquote, not a team player; that I was not - that I didn't not have a future."

My very good friend, Rahm Emanuel, made it very clear to me on several occasions that I was, quote, unquote, not a team player; that I was not - that I didn't not have a future.

Made It Quotes: "It was strange how easy being tired enough made it."

It was strange how easy being tired enough made it.

Made It Quotes: "No one had ever done a swimming movie before so we just made it up as we went along. I ad-libbed all my own underwater movements."

No one had ever done a swimming movie before so we just made it up as we went along. I ad-libbed all my own underwater movements.

Made It Quotes: "A government shutdown, it isn't the end of the world. It's a bad thing. The government stops working for a few days. We cover it a lot. Polls turn against who ever made it stop working."

A government shutdown, it isn't the end of the world. It's a bad thing. The government stops working for a few days. We cover it a lot. Polls turn against who ever made it stop working.

Made It Quotes: "Americans have made it clear we want to build a more sustainable future. I am excited to harness that energy and see what we can create together."

Americans have made it clear we want to build a more sustainable future. I am excited to harness that energy and see what we can create together.

Made It Quotes: "People like us are unhappy in this world and in the next, I guess if we made it to heaven, we'd have to help make it thunder."

People like us are unhappy in this world and in the next, I guess if we made it to heaven, we'd have to help make it thunder.

Made It Quotes: "Even if you only counted the votes that actually made it through the hoops in order to be cast, the president was really Al Gore."

Even if you only counted the votes that actually made it through the hoops in order to be cast, the president was really Al Gore.

Made It Quotes: "I loved photography and everybody said it was a crazy thing to do because in those days nobody made it into the film business. I mean, unless you were related to somebody there was no way in."

I loved photography and everybody said it was a crazy thing to do because in those days nobody made it into the film business. I mean, unless you were related to somebody there was no way in.

Made It Quotes: "But I also made it clear to him [Vladimir Putin] that it's important to think beyond the old days of when we had the concept that if we blew each other up, the world would be safe."

But I also made it clear to him [Vladimir Putin] that it's important to think beyond the old days of when we had the concept that if we blew each other up, the world would be safe.

Made It Quotes: "Steer clear of pot. It's an ambition zapper. Wait till you've made it. When you're 45 buy a bong. But for now, buy a suit."

Steer clear of pot. It's an ambition zapper. Wait till you've made it. When you're 45 buy a bong. But for now, buy a suit.

Made It Quotes: "Of course, every time someone does a story on plastic surgery, my name will be dragged up. I've made it safe for other people to have plastic surgery. It's no longer a bad word."

Of course, every time someone does a story on plastic surgery, my name will be dragged up. I've made it safe for other people to have plastic surgery. It's no longer a bad word.

Made It Quotes: "I always thought what if you took a myth of childhood like the tooth fairy and made it a central scary thing. We did it on Hellboy and we did it on 'Don't be afraid of the dark'."

I always thought what if you took a myth of childhood like the tooth fairy and made it a central scary thing. We did it on Hellboy and we did it on 'Don't be afraid of the dark'.

Made It Quotes: "My parents always pushed creativity on us, but they made it seem like the fun thing to do."

My parents always pushed creativity on us, but they made it seem like the fun thing to do.

Made It Quotes: "First thing I did when I found out I made it into the top 13 is I tried not to faint and you know, I took it all in and I really looked at the crowd and said a big 'thank you'."

First thing I did when I found out I made it into the top 13 is I tried not to faint and you know, I took it all in and I really looked at the crowd and said a big 'thank you'.

Made It Quotes: "I'd made it back to the land of the living. No matter how boring or mediocre a world it might be, this was it."

I'd made it back to the land of the living. No matter how boring or mediocre a world it might be, this was it.

Made It Quotes: "America has made it very clear in several administrations that if there is an attack by China on Taiwan, the United States is very likely to resist."

America has made it very clear in several administrations that if there is an attack by China on Taiwan, the United States is very likely to resist.

Made It Quotes: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netyanahu made it real clear. They're willing to be generous on some other concessions but not on the border issue. And I don't blame him."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netyanahu made it real clear. They're willing to be generous on some other concessions but not on the border issue. And I don't blame him.

Made It Quotes: "The Lacedaemonians fought a memorable battle; they made it quite clear that they were the experts, and that they were fighting against amateurs."

The Lacedaemonians fought a memorable battle; they made it quite clear that they were the experts, and that they were fighting against amateurs.

Made It Quotes: "To my astonishment, when Wolf Hall came out, people asked if I made it up - [Thomas More] burning of heretics. It was well documented. And he was proud of it! The Brits love lost causes."

To my astonishment, when Wolf Hall came out, people asked if I made it up - [Thomas More] burning of heretics. It was well documented. And he was proud of it! The Brits love lost causes.

Made It Quotes: "It took putting one foot in front of the other every single day to get through it to the point where I made it back on the team and won a gold medal in 2008."

It took putting one foot in front of the other every single day to get through it to the point where I made it back on the team and won a gold medal in 2008.

Made It Quotes: "Run DMC brought us out of that underground-only feel. They brought rap above ground and made it respectable as an art form to mainstream music."

Run DMC brought us out of that underground-only feel. They brought rap above ground and made it respectable as an art form to mainstream music.

Made It Quotes: "I live in New York right now but I'm originally from my daddy's nuts. We all are. Think about, we the lucky ones - we made it. You all are winners. That's the first race you ever won."

I live in New York right now but I'm originally from my daddy's nuts. We all are. Think about, we the lucky ones - we made it. You all are winners. That's the first race you ever won.

Made It Quotes: "Jewish people have given me all the breaks you can possibly have. But of course, it's wonderful when you feel that your own nationality has made it. It gives you hopes."

Jewish people have given me all the breaks you can possibly have. But of course, it's wonderful when you feel that your own nationality has made it. It gives you hopes.

Made It Quotes: "Everything that I write about is a kernel of something that probably happened to me or one of my writers that I've co-opted and made it seem like it's mine."

Everything that I write about is a kernel of something that probably happened to me or one of my writers that I've co-opted and made it seem like it's mine.

Made It Quotes: "We ought to thank President Bush. He made it a lot easier for people to do taxes this year. No job, no income tax this year."

We ought to thank President Bush. He made it a lot easier for people to do taxes this year. No job, no income tax this year.