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Make Up Quotes

Find the best Make Up quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Make Up quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Make Up quote of the day.

Make Up Quotes: "I love black thighs, you sisters better realize That real hair and real eyes get real guys. So before you makeup your face, you better make up your mind."

I love black thighs, you sisters better realize That real hair and real eyes get real guys. So before you makeup your face, you better make up your mind.

Make Up Quotes: "When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you should take choose the bolder."

When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you should take choose the bolder.

Make Up Quotes: "If you don't make up your mind, your unmade mind will unmake you."

If you don't make up your mind, your unmade mind will unmake you.

Make Up Quotes: "Make up your mind to be happy. Learn to find pleasure in simple things."

Make up your mind to be happy. Learn to find pleasure in simple things.

Make Up Quotes: "Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation."

Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation.

Make Up Quotes: "Before you leave the house, you need to make up your mind that you’re going to stay positive and enjoy the day no matter what comes your way. You have to decide ahead of time."

Before you leave the house, you need to make up your mind that you’re going to stay positive and enjoy the day no matter what comes your way. You have to decide ahead of time.

Make Up Quotes: "What is the next thing you need for leadership? It is the ability to make up your mind to make a decision and accept full responsibility for that decision."

What is the next thing you need for leadership? It is the ability to make up your mind to make a decision and accept full responsibility for that decision.

Make Up Quotes: "Make up your mind, Snail! You are half inside your house, And halfway out!"

Make up your mind, Snail! You are half inside your house, And halfway out!

Make Up Quotes: "The time to make up your mind about people is never."

The time to make up your mind about people is never.

Make Up Quotes: "Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it."

Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it.

Make Up Quotes: "Once you make up your mind never to stand waiting and hesitating when your conscience tells you what you ought to do, and you have got the key to every blessing that a sinner can reasonably hope for."

Once you make up your mind never to stand waiting and hesitating when your conscience tells you what you ought to do, and you have got the key to every blessing that a sinner can reasonably hope for.

Make Up Quotes: "Hold on to the center and make up your mind to rejoice in this paradise called life."

Hold on to the center and make up your mind to rejoice in this paradise called life.

Make Up Quotes: "You must make up your mind to the prospect of sustaining a certain measure of pain and trouble in you'r passage through life."

You must make up your mind to the prospect of sustaining a certain measure of pain and trouble in you'r passage through life.

Make Up Quotes: "The great thing in hitting is, not to be half-hearted about it; but when you make up your mind to hit, to do it as if the whole match depended upon that particular stroke."

The great thing in hitting is, not to be half-hearted about it; but when you make up your mind to hit, to do it as if the whole match depended upon that particular stroke.

Make Up Quotes: "Mind is all that counts. You can be whatever you make up your mind to be."

Mind is all that counts. You can be whatever you make up your mind to be.

Make Up Quotes: "You make up your mind before you start that sacrifice is part of the package."

You make up your mind before you start that sacrifice is part of the package.

Make Up Quotes: "French girls still have the Jane Birkin culture. You can go just like that, without makeup, without managing your hair."

French girls still have the Jane Birkin culture. You can go just like that, without makeup, without managing your hair.

Make Up Quotes: "To hope is to risk frustration. Make up your mind to risk frustration."

To hope is to risk frustration. Make up your mind to risk frustration.

Make Up Quotes: "A wiser rule would be to make up your mind soberly what you want, peace or war, and then to get ready for what you want; for what we prepare for is what we shall get."

A wiser rule would be to make up your mind soberly what you want, peace or war, and then to get ready for what you want; for what we prepare for is what we shall get.

Make Up Quotes: "A very important thing is not to make up your mind that you are any one thing."

A very important thing is not to make up your mind that you are any one thing.

Make Up Quotes: "You are about as happy as you make up your mind to be."

You are about as happy as you make up your mind to be.

Make Up Quotes: "It’s hard to make up your bed while you’re still sleeping in it. Hard to make up your mind for the same reason."

It’s hard to make up your bed while you’re still sleeping in it. Hard to make up your mind for the same reason.

Make Up Quotes: "Sometimes you make up your mind about something without knowing why, and your decision persists by the power of inertia. Every year it gets harder to change."

Sometimes you make up your mind about something without knowing why, and your decision persists by the power of inertia. Every year it gets harder to change.

Make Up Quotes: "Make up your mind that you will become the seeker of your own higher self."

Make up your mind that you will become the seeker of your own higher self.

Make Up Quotes: "Make up your mind to be happy."

Make up your mind to be happy.

Make Up Quotes: "If you feel pain, you have to make up your mind whether you can play with it or not."

If you feel pain, you have to make up your mind whether you can play with it or not.

Make Up Quotes: "Fiction to me is a kind of parable. You have got to make up your mind it's not true. Some kind of truth emerges from it, but it's not fact."

Fiction to me is a kind of parable. You have got to make up your mind it's not true. Some kind of truth emerges from it, but it's not fact.

Make Up Quotes: "She had put on make-up in a colour scheme that indicated she might be colourblind."

She had put on make-up in a colour scheme that indicated she might be colourblind.

Make Up Quotes: "Wait a minute, Juanita. Make up your mind. This Snow Crash thing—is it a virus, a drug, or a religion?" Juanita shrugs. "What's the difference?"

Wait a minute, Juanita. Make up your mind. This Snow Crash thing—is it a virus, a drug, or a religion?" Juanita shrugs. "What's the difference?

Make Up Quotes: "First you don't want me to get the pony, then you want me to take it back. Make up your mind!"

First you don't want me to get the pony, then you want me to take it back. Make up your mind!

Make Up Quotes: "You've got to stop going back and forth. You've got to make up your mind."

You've got to stop going back and forth. You've got to make up your mind.

Make Up Quotes: "I learned that if you want to get somewhere, you just make up your mind and work like hell til you get there."

I learned that if you want to get somewhere, you just make up your mind and work like hell til you get there.

Make Up Quotes: ""You’re exactly like Charlie." She'd sighed, resigned. "Once you make up your mind, there is no reasoning with you. Of course, exactly like Charlie, you stick by your decisions, too.""

"You’re exactly like Charlie." She'd sighed, resigned. "Once you make up your mind, there is no reasoning with you. Of course, exactly like Charlie, you stick by your decisions, too."

Make Up Quotes: "I am convinced that "all ladies are not the same". Some have pretty faces, others have beautiful characters. Some have facial make-ups, others have mental make-ups!"

I am convinced that "all ladies are not the same". Some have pretty faces, others have beautiful characters. Some have facial make-ups, others have mental make-ups!

Make Up Quotes: "Any girl with a grin never looks grim."

Any girl with a grin never looks grim.

Make Up Quotes: "Spend lavishly on creams. Wash your hair with henna at the first sign of gray. Never spend one minute thinking about what you do not have. And most importantly, indulge in everything but love."

Spend lavishly on creams. Wash your hair with henna at the first sign of gray. Never spend one minute thinking about what you do not have. And most importantly, indulge in everything but love.

Make Up Quotes: "An old fashioned outfit is not a costume, it's a comedy."

An old fashioned outfit is not a costume, it's a comedy.

Make Up Quotes: "Early sweats make up later pleasures"

Early sweats make up later pleasures

Make Up Quotes: "The definition of tragedy is when people do not communicate yet struggle to conceal the pain."

The definition of tragedy is when people do not communicate yet struggle to conceal the pain.

Make Up Quotes: "When it’s not meant to make you up, it’s meant to fake you up. Just say no and act right. Be bold to say “no”."

When it’s not meant to make you up, it’s meant to fake you up. Just say no and act right. Be bold to say “no”.

Make Up Quotes: "One of the most common areas where we fail is when we begin to think that genetic make-up of a person determines how far he can lead". Leadership is learnt and practiced!"

One of the most common areas where we fail is when we begin to think that genetic make-up of a person determines how far he can lead". Leadership is learnt and practiced!

Make Up Quotes: "Take care of your costume and your confidence will take care of itself."

Take care of your costume and your confidence will take care of itself.

Make Up Quotes: "You don't need to put on make-up to make you look pretty. All you need to do is put on a smile and that will make you pretty in anyone's book."

You don't need to put on make-up to make you look pretty. All you need to do is put on a smile and that will make you pretty in anyone's book.

Make Up Quotes: "Women strive to be the change they want to see in the mirror."

Women strive to be the change they want to see in the mirror.

Make Up Quotes: "You cannot choose your face but you can choose your dress."

You cannot choose your face but you can choose your dress.

Make Up Quotes: "Whenever you make up your mind to go into solitude, you must decide first of all what you want to go and do there."

Whenever you make up your mind to go into solitude, you must decide first of all what you want to go and do there.

Make Up Quotes: "What women do in front of a mirror with few brushes and colors is, indeed, an art."

What women do in front of a mirror with few brushes and colors is, indeed, an art.

Make Up Quotes: "It's not the appearance that makes a man, it's the man that makes an appearance."

It's not the appearance that makes a man, it's the man that makes an appearance.

Make Up Quotes: "The differences between women are all cosmetic."

The differences between women are all cosmetic.