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Marketing Quotes

Find the best Marketing quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Marketing quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Marketing quote of the day.

Marketing Quotes: "Influence is providing attention and value to others."

Influence is providing attention and value to others.

Marketing Quotes: "Good marketers measure."

Good marketers measure.

Marketing Quotes: "Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points."

Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.

Marketing Quotes: "I found that when I was putting my own music out, with my Twitter feed as the pure marketing budget, I'm preaching to the choir."

I found that when I was putting my own music out, with my Twitter feed as the pure marketing budget, I'm preaching to the choir.

Marketing Quotes: "Write good content about stuff that you love. Readers will find you."

Write good content about stuff that you love. Readers will find you.

Marketing Quotes: "If cryonics were a scam it would have far better marketing and be far more popular."

If cryonics were a scam it would have far better marketing and be far more popular.

Marketing Quotes: "A better domain name will lower your lifetime marketing costs."

A better domain name will lower your lifetime marketing costs.

Marketing Quotes: "Build it, and they will come" only works in the movies. Social Media is a "build it, nurture it, engage them, and they may come and stay."

Build it, and they will come" only works in the movies. Social Media is a "build it, nurture it, engage them, and they may come and stay.

Marketing Quotes: "Everything you do has to drive content, and the rest takes care of itself."

Everything you do has to drive content, and the rest takes care of itself.

Marketing Quotes: "In the marketing society, we seek fulfillment but settle for abundance. Prisoners of plenty, we have the freedom to consume instead of our freedom to find our place in the world."

In the marketing society, we seek fulfillment but settle for abundance. Prisoners of plenty, we have the freedom to consume instead of our freedom to find our place in the world.

Marketing Quotes: "As Regis Mckenna once said, the best marketing is education"

As Regis Mckenna once said, the best marketing is education

Marketing Quotes: "There's a huge gap in the market for modern online marketing and business education for women that's effective, fun, and gorgeous to engage with. I knew I could fill that gap."

There's a huge gap in the market for modern online marketing and business education for women that's effective, fun, and gorgeous to engage with. I knew I could fill that gap.

Marketing Quotes: "People don't want the raw data, but instead want marketers to decipher the tech speak for them and present the valuable insights."

People don't want the raw data, but instead want marketers to decipher the tech speak for them and present the valuable insights.

Marketing Quotes: "If you're not spending 80 percent of your time marketing and selling, you are headed for trouble."

If you're not spending 80 percent of your time marketing and selling, you are headed for trouble.

Marketing Quotes: "If you think of the typical Herbalife distributor and their level of sophistication, to this day I still don't understand the marketing plan - true story."

If you think of the typical Herbalife distributor and their level of sophistication, to this day I still don't understand the marketing plan - true story.

Marketing Quotes: "We are on the cusp of a marketing revolution. And it's being led by YOU."

We are on the cusp of a marketing revolution. And it's being led by YOU.

Marketing Quotes: "I think America and Britain have a different culture from France. They discovered marketing and consumerism before France."

I think America and Britain have a different culture from France. They discovered marketing and consumerism before France.

Marketing Quotes: "I usually tell people that everything I learned about being an entrepreneur I learned by f'ing up at my first company."

I usually tell people that everything I learned about being an entrepreneur I learned by f'ing up at my first company.

Marketing Quotes: "Marketing, and the whole firm, should devote extraordinary endeavour towards delighting, keeping for ever and expanding the sales to the 20 per cent of customers who provide 80 per cent."

Marketing, and the whole firm, should devote extraordinary endeavour towards delighting, keeping for ever and expanding the sales to the 20 per cent of customers who provide 80 per cent.

Marketing Quotes: "I'm working full time on my job and part time on my fortune"

I'm working full time on my job and part time on my fortune

Marketing Quotes: "Customers will never love a company until its employees love it first."

Customers will never love a company until its employees love it first.

Marketing Quotes: "Great wisdom not applied to action and behavior is meaningless data."

Great wisdom not applied to action and behavior is meaningless data.

Marketing Quotes: "This is a business, the direct selling, that bizarrely works best when times are bad."

This is a business, the direct selling, that bizarrely works best when times are bad.

Marketing Quotes: "I'm all for it. In these days, regional marketing is the only way to survive."

I'm all for it. In these days, regional marketing is the only way to survive.

Marketing Quotes: "We're obviously going to spend a lot in marketing because we think the product sells itself."

We're obviously going to spend a lot in marketing because we think the product sells itself.

Marketing Quotes: "You accuse me of black marketing, but which of you has not slept with me?"

You accuse me of black marketing, but which of you has not slept with me?

Marketing Quotes: "Traditional methods of sales prospecting are grossly inefficient."

Traditional methods of sales prospecting are grossly inefficient.

Marketing Quotes: "The brands that can connect with client in a real way will win."

The brands that can connect with client in a real way will win.

Marketing Quotes: "If you're an artist who's built on marketing and hype then most likely I won't listen to you."

If you're an artist who's built on marketing and hype then most likely I won't listen to you.

Marketing Quotes: "Blogging is best learned by blogging...and by reading other bloggers."

Blogging is best learned by blogging...and by reading other bloggers.

Marketing Quotes: "I have come to believe that politicians are in the business of 'marketing' their product to the public, by exaggerating threats and over-selling government solutions."

I have come to believe that politicians are in the business of 'marketing' their product to the public, by exaggerating threats and over-selling government solutions.

Marketing Quotes: "Execution really shapes whether your company takes off or not."

Execution really shapes whether your company takes off or not.

Marketing Quotes: "Marketing management is now tribal leadership."

Marketing management is now tribal leadership.

Marketing Quotes: "It's certainly difficult to balance marketing a film and putting it out there to everybody with wanting to keep it fresh for the audience."

It's certainly difficult to balance marketing a film and putting it out there to everybody with wanting to keep it fresh for the audience.

Marketing Quotes: "What people want is the extra, the emotional bonus they get when they buy something they love."

What people want is the extra, the emotional bonus they get when they buy something they love.

Marketing Quotes: "Content pays an ongoing information annuity that other forms of marketing simply do not."

Content pays an ongoing information annuity that other forms of marketing simply do not.

Marketing Quotes: "The key element of success is a product that matches all of what you've done in your message and your marketing, and all the emotion that has to be transmitted to the consumer through the product."

The key element of success is a product that matches all of what you've done in your message and your marketing, and all the emotion that has to be transmitted to the consumer through the product.

Marketing Quotes: "Although your time and attention are finite, the demands on your time and attention are infinite."

Although your time and attention are finite, the demands on your time and attention are infinite.

Marketing Quotes: "We learned that a product doesn't sell just because you're trying to do good in the world. You still have to have a healthy distribution, a good marketing strategy, and price the product properly."

We learned that a product doesn't sell just because you're trying to do good in the world. You still have to have a healthy distribution, a good marketing strategy, and price the product properly.

Marketing Quotes: "People who lie to themselves about investing are the same as overweight people who blame their genes for their obesity."

People who lie to themselves about investing are the same as overweight people who blame their genes for their obesity.

Marketing Quotes: "When all you've got is a hammer, bad service looks like a nail."

When all you've got is a hammer, bad service looks like a nail.

Marketing Quotes: "When it gets difficult is often right before you succeed."

When it gets difficult is often right before you succeed.

Marketing Quotes: "When you try to do something big its hard to fail completely."

When you try to do something big its hard to fail completely.

Marketing Quotes: "The path to the CEO's office should not be through the CFO's office, and it should not be through the marketing department. It needs to be through engineering and design."

The path to the CEO's office should not be through the CFO's office, and it should not be through the marketing department. It needs to be through engineering and design.

Marketing Quotes: "The first step in persuasion is to entice your target to imagine doing the thing you want them to do."

The first step in persuasion is to entice your target to imagine doing the thing you want them to do.

Marketing Quotes: "Permission marketing turns strangers into friends and friends into loyal customers. It's not just about entertainment - it's about education. Permission marketing is curriculum marketing."

Permission marketing turns strangers into friends and friends into loyal customers. It's not just about entertainment - it's about education. Permission marketing is curriculum marketing.

Marketing Quotes: "No trade will be made unless they want the thing more than they want their money."

No trade will be made unless they want the thing more than they want their money.

Marketing Quotes: "If the Internet can be described as a giant human consciousness, then viral marketing is the illusion of free will."

If the Internet can be described as a giant human consciousness, then viral marketing is the illusion of free will.

Marketing Quotes: "Welcome to a new era of marketing and service in which your brand is defined by those who experience it."

Welcome to a new era of marketing and service in which your brand is defined by those who experience it.