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Marketing Quotes

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Marketing Quotes: "Marketing only really works with word of mouth."

Marketing only really works with word of mouth.

Marketing Quotes: "The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful."

The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful.

Marketing Quotes: "If your content isn't driving conversation, you're doing it wrong."

If your content isn't driving conversation, you're doing it wrong.

Marketing Quotes: "In social media marketing, average is no longer adequate."

In social media marketing, average is no longer adequate.

Marketing Quotes: "The problem with working with a coach isn't that we don't know what to do. The real problem is that we don't want to change our mind."

The problem with working with a coach isn't that we don't know what to do. The real problem is that we don't want to change our mind.

Marketing Quotes: "Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs."

Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs.

Marketing Quotes: "Facebook Fan Pages are email newsletters with smaller pictures."

Facebook Fan Pages are email newsletters with smaller pictures.

Marketing Quotes: "If you think your organization needs a bigger marketing budget, maybe you just need to be less average instead."

If you think your organization needs a bigger marketing budget, maybe you just need to be less average instead.

Marketing Quotes: "Anticipated, personal, and relevant advertising always does better than unsolicited junk."

Anticipated, personal, and relevant advertising always does better than unsolicited junk.

Marketing Quotes: "Why waste a sentence saying nothing?"

Why waste a sentence saying nothing?

Marketing Quotes: "By definition, remarkable things get remarked upon"

By definition, remarkable things get remarked upon

Marketing Quotes: "Permission marketing is marketing without interruptions."

Permission marketing is marketing without interruptions.

Marketing Quotes: "90% trust peers on social networks (even strangers); only 15-18% trust brands."

90% trust peers on social networks (even strangers); only 15-18% trust brands.

Marketing Quotes: "Never forget that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression - with investors, with customers, with PR, and with marketing."

Never forget that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression - with investors, with customers, with PR, and with marketing.

Marketing Quotes: "Network marketing itself is always one-on-one. It's also called relationship marketing. You can't recruit en masse through thousands of e-mails."

Network marketing itself is always one-on-one. It's also called relationship marketing. You can't recruit en masse through thousands of e-mails.

Marketing Quotes: "An elegant woman should be able to do her marketing without making housewives laugh. Those who laugh are always right."

An elegant woman should be able to do her marketing without making housewives laugh. Those who laugh are always right.

Marketing Quotes: "Never let your campaigns write cheques that your website can't cash."

Never let your campaigns write cheques that your website can't cash.

Marketing Quotes: "In a way, the web is like your Hollywood agent: It speaks for you whenever you are not around to comment"

In a way, the web is like your Hollywood agent: It speaks for you whenever you are not around to comment

Marketing Quotes: "People are free or cheap. Marketing: using Twitter or blogs. Cheap or free. Infrastructure: call up Amazon, call up Rackspace, terabytes of data in the clouds, thousand dollars, two thousand dollars."

People are free or cheap. Marketing: using Twitter or blogs. Cheap or free. Infrastructure: call up Amazon, call up Rackspace, terabytes of data in the clouds, thousand dollars, two thousand dollars.

Marketing Quotes: "Twitter, Facebook, Google + are the trifecta of marketing for authors (and bloggers)."

Twitter, Facebook, Google + are the trifecta of marketing for authors (and bloggers).

Marketing Quotes: "You can't fool all the people, not even most of the time. And people, once unfooled, talk about the experience."

You can't fool all the people, not even most of the time. And people, once unfooled, talk about the experience.

Marketing Quotes: "In the past the publishers I've worked with have been extremely generous. And in almost every case, have been people who believed in the work rather than the sales and marketing."

In the past the publishers I've worked with have been extremely generous. And in almost every case, have been people who believed in the work rather than the sales and marketing.

Marketing Quotes: "One way to sell a consumer something in the future is simply to get his or her permission in advance."

One way to sell a consumer something in the future is simply to get his or her permission in advance.

Marketing Quotes: "The signal is the truth. The noise is what distracts us from the truth."

The signal is the truth. The noise is what distracts us from the truth.

Marketing Quotes: "I was a pretty good coach and working with marketing was like coaching."

I was a pretty good coach and working with marketing was like coaching.

Marketing Quotes: "Products should speak for themselves, and marketing should support that."

Products should speak for themselves, and marketing should support that.

Marketing Quotes: "No, my publisher has always done the marketing."

No, my publisher has always done the marketing.

Marketing Quotes: "His name, even, is part of the marketing scheme, I mean, Thelonious Sphere Monk - how can you think of a better name to fit his style of playing?"

His name, even, is part of the marketing scheme, I mean, Thelonious Sphere Monk - how can you think of a better name to fit his style of playing?

Marketing Quotes: "The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you haven't given them anything else to care about."

The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you haven't given them anything else to care about.

Marketing Quotes: "You can win with consistent benefits, delivered over time. You win by incrementally earning share, attention and trust."

You can win with consistent benefits, delivered over time. You win by incrementally earning share, attention and trust.

Marketing Quotes: "The marketing of players has created untold wealth for many sports stars. You can't blame them or the company that covets the relationship with them, but that doesn't mean the player is good."

The marketing of players has created untold wealth for many sports stars. You can't blame them or the company that covets the relationship with them, but that doesn't mean the player is good.

Marketing Quotes: "Conversations among the members of your marketplace happen whether you like it or not. Good marketing encourages the right sort of conversations."

Conversations among the members of your marketplace happen whether you like it or not. Good marketing encourages the right sort of conversations.

Marketing Quotes: "Good SEO work only gets better over time. It's only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change."

Good SEO work only gets better over time. It's only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change.

Marketing Quotes: "Musicians exist independent of any of the marketing terms or the categorization."

Musicians exist independent of any of the marketing terms or the categorization.

Marketing Quotes: "The greater your command of brand loyalty, the less you must worry about price sensitivity and competitive promotions-and the less you must pay for marketing."

The greater your command of brand loyalty, the less you must worry about price sensitivity and competitive promotions-and the less you must pay for marketing.

Marketing Quotes: "The corporations have all their marketing tools, but it's so much better to go in and find out what's going on and what people are thinking."

The corporations have all their marketing tools, but it's so much better to go in and find out what's going on and what people are thinking.

Marketing Quotes: "There's people trying to tell me what to do, but I'm not like some marketing scam."

There's people trying to tell me what to do, but I'm not like some marketing scam.

Marketing Quotes: "We Experiment Endlessly, With New Products, New Methods, New Companies And New Marketing. A Successful Business The Emphasis Is On Experiment And Development, Ideas Are The Lifeblood Of Business."

We Experiment Endlessly, With New Products, New Methods, New Companies And New Marketing. A Successful Business The Emphasis Is On Experiment And Development, Ideas Are The Lifeblood Of Business.

Marketing Quotes: "With the marketing pressures driving the book world today, it's much easier to get the author of a memoir on a television show than a serious novelist."

With the marketing pressures driving the book world today, it's much easier to get the author of a memoir on a television show than a serious novelist.

Marketing Quotes: "Above all, you want to create something you're proud of."

Above all, you want to create something you're proud of.

Marketing Quotes: "You need the kind of objectivity that makes you forget everything you've heard, clear the table, and do a factual study like a scientist would."

You need the kind of objectivity that makes you forget everything you've heard, clear the table, and do a factual study like a scientist would.

Marketing Quotes: "Petrol price is a deregulated commodity, price of which is decided by our oil marketing companies based on input cost and other parameters."

Petrol price is a deregulated commodity, price of which is decided by our oil marketing companies based on input cost and other parameters.

Marketing Quotes: "Good content should be at the heart of your strategy, but it is equally important to keep the display context of that content in mind as well."

Good content should be at the heart of your strategy, but it is equally important to keep the display context of that content in mind as well.

Marketing Quotes: "In this age of micro-blogging and two second sound bites, almost no one has the attention span, or time, to read more than a few sentences."

In this age of micro-blogging and two second sound bites, almost no one has the attention span, or time, to read more than a few sentences.

Marketing Quotes: "Being able to quit things that don't work is integral to being a winner"

Being able to quit things that don't work is integral to being a winner

Marketing Quotes: "...many organizations don't realize that they have a much better option-they can tell their story directly to an interested market."

...many organizations don't realize that they have a much better option-they can tell their story directly to an interested market.

Marketing Quotes: "There's no one thing you can do to have success, but if you have a plan and you keep doing things, you'll eventually build to a success."

There's no one thing you can do to have success, but if you have a plan and you keep doing things, you'll eventually build to a success.

Marketing Quotes: "Care about your customers more than about yourself, and you'll do well."

Care about your customers more than about yourself, and you'll do well.

Marketing Quotes: "If the same energy went into marketing movies to women as they do on the other demographics we might see more of a spike."

If the same energy went into marketing movies to women as they do on the other demographics we might see more of a spike.