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Matters Quotes

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Matters Quotes: "As soon as I step on that stage, nothing matters. I don't think of it as work. It's just so much fun."

As soon as I step on that stage, nothing matters. I don't think of it as work. It's just so much fun.

Matters Quotes: "Whatever the polls do between now and then, winning is what matters."

Whatever the polls do between now and then, winning is what matters.

Matters Quotes: "Entrepreneurs believe that profit is what matters most in a new enterprise. But profit is secondary. Cash flow matters most."

Entrepreneurs believe that profit is what matters most in a new enterprise. But profit is secondary. Cash flow matters most.

Matters Quotes: "How often a mother initiates a conversation with her child is not predictive of the language outcomes - what matters is, if the infant initiates, whether the mom responds."

How often a mother initiates a conversation with her child is not predictive of the language outcomes - what matters is, if the infant initiates, whether the mom responds.

Matters Quotes: "Make yourself necessary to the world, and mankind will give you bread."

Make yourself necessary to the world, and mankind will give you bread.

Matters Quotes: "The religion is a formality. What matters is you show respect to God and your faith in God."

The religion is a formality. What matters is you show respect to God and your faith in God.

Matters Quotes: "Awards mean nothing to comedians. What matters is the audience, how you're doing - artistically, for the most part - at that moment."

Awards mean nothing to comedians. What matters is the audience, how you're doing - artistically, for the most part - at that moment.

Matters Quotes: "Knowing what matters most, what I call "being real," is the alpha and omega for leaders."

Knowing what matters most, what I call "being real," is the alpha and omega for leaders.

Matters Quotes: "What matters is discovering myself under the veneer, under the layers that are wrapped around me. There are two 'yous'; there's 'you', the real you, and then there's the image."

What matters is discovering myself under the veneer, under the layers that are wrapped around me. There are two 'yous'; there's 'you', the real you, and then there's the image.

Matters Quotes: "Scripts are what matter... if you get those foundations wrong, then you absolutely don’t stand a shot."

Scripts are what matter... if you get those foundations wrong, then you absolutely don’t stand a shot.

Matters Quotes: "We don't necessarily always agree, but hopefully we make each other think, and that's what matters."

We don't necessarily always agree, but hopefully we make each other think, and that's what matters.

Matters Quotes: "... What matter, so there is but fire In you, in me?"

... What matter, so there is but fire In you, in me?

Matters Quotes: "Partying means drinking. It also means playing records by Lou Reed and Chicago, which I thought was a city but is also a band it turns out."

Partying means drinking. It also means playing records by Lou Reed and Chicago, which I thought was a city but is also a band it turns out.

Matters Quotes: "As long as you're feeling good with your weight and the way you look, that's what matters."

As long as you're feeling good with your weight and the way you look, that's what matters.

Matters Quotes: "The beautiful thing about such moments in life is that there is so much clarity. You know what you live for and what matters."

The beautiful thing about such moments in life is that there is so much clarity. You know what you live for and what matters.

Matters Quotes: "It isn't important to come out on top, what matters is to be the one who comes out alive."

It isn't important to come out on top, what matters is to be the one who comes out alive.

Matters Quotes: "For this moment, nothing matters. Look up into the stars and you're gone."

For this moment, nothing matters. Look up into the stars and you're gone.

Matters Quotes: "You see how I try To reach with words What matters most And how I fail."

You see how I try To reach with words What matters most And how I fail.

Matters Quotes: "The only thing that matters is what happens on the little hump out in the middle of the field."

The only thing that matters is what happens on the little hump out in the middle of the field.

Matters Quotes: "How a club is run is what matters to me. The fewer board members, the better. If it's 18, I'm just not interested."

How a club is run is what matters to me. The fewer board members, the better. If it's 18, I'm just not interested.

Matters Quotes: "I was taught very early on how you treat people is actually what matters."

I was taught very early on how you treat people is actually what matters.

Matters Quotes: "When I think of the value that i appreciate and the value that I create, what matters to me most is how much I love people, and how much the people that I love love me."

When I think of the value that i appreciate and the value that I create, what matters to me most is how much I love people, and how much the people that I love love me.

Matters Quotes: "You can't always be the top player, but you can always contribute. I just want to win...that's what matters."

You can't always be the top player, but you can always contribute. I just want to win...that's what matters.

Matters Quotes: "What matters the most is what you do for free"

What matters the most is what you do for free

Matters Quotes: "If nothing matters, there's nothing to save."

If nothing matters, there's nothing to save.

Matters Quotes: "Sound opinions are valueless. What matters is who holds them."

Sound opinions are valueless. What matters is who holds them.

Matters Quotes: "Let go of resentment, for it will hold you back. Do not worry about what could've been, what is to come is what matters."

Let go of resentment, for it will hold you back. Do not worry about what could've been, what is to come is what matters.

Matters Quotes: "The important questions focus on what matters most-Heavenly Father's plan and the Savior's Atonement."

The important questions focus on what matters most-Heavenly Father's plan and the Savior's Atonement.

Matters Quotes: "When things are taking their ordinary course, it is hard to remember what matters."

When things are taking their ordinary course, it is hard to remember what matters.

Matters Quotes: "In money matters no relationship counts; money hardens all hearts."

In money matters no relationship counts; money hardens all hearts.

Matters Quotes: "What matters the party to me? I shall find enough anyhow who unite with me without swearing allegiance to my flag."

What matters the party to me? I shall find enough anyhow who unite with me without swearing allegiance to my flag.

Matters Quotes: "You see, the outcome of the battle is unimportant. What matters is the chaos, and the slaughter."

You see, the outcome of the battle is unimportant. What matters is the chaos, and the slaughter.

Matters Quotes: "Don’t be vain because you happen to have talent. You are not responsible for that; it was not of your doing. What you do with your talent is what matters."

Don’t be vain because you happen to have talent. You are not responsible for that; it was not of your doing. What you do with your talent is what matters.

Matters Quotes: "Everyone dies. Everyone leaves. What matters is the things you build together before they go. What matters is the part of them that continues in you when they're gone."

Everyone dies. Everyone leaves. What matters is the things you build together before they go. What matters is the part of them that continues in you when they're gone.

Matters Quotes: "All the stories are fictions. What matters is which fiction you believe."

All the stories are fictions. What matters is which fiction you believe.

Matters Quotes: "However one might pray - in any verbal way or completely without words - is unimportant to God. What matters is the heart's intent."

However one might pray - in any verbal way or completely without words - is unimportant to God. What matters is the heart's intent.

Matters Quotes: "For most modern marketers, quantity isn't the point. What matters is to matter. Lives changed. Work that made an actual difference. Connection."

For most modern marketers, quantity isn't the point. What matters is to matter. Lives changed. Work that made an actual difference. Connection.

Matters Quotes: "Facts are irrelevant. What matters is what the consumer believes."

Facts are irrelevant. What matters is what the consumer believes.

Matters Quotes: "Tomorrow morning the critic will be gone, but the writer will still be there facing the blank page. Nothing matters but that he keep working."

Tomorrow morning the critic will be gone, but the writer will still be there facing the blank page. Nothing matters but that he keep working.

Matters Quotes: "The act of envisioning is mainly useful as a means for identifying what matters most to you now."

The act of envisioning is mainly useful as a means for identifying what matters most to you now.

Matters Quotes: "There's no use running if you're on the wrong road."

There's no use running if you're on the wrong road.

Matters Quotes: "If anything interferes with my inner peace, I will walk away. Arguments with family members. All that stuff. None of it matters."

If anything interferes with my inner peace, I will walk away. Arguments with family members. All that stuff. None of it matters.

Matters Quotes: "As we write, so we build: to keep a record of what matters to us."

As we write, so we build: to keep a record of what matters to us.

Matters Quotes: "Nothing matters at all. Survival is the coin of the realm. Time is a river with banks."

Nothing matters at all. Survival is the coin of the realm. Time is a river with banks.

Matters Quotes: "What works on the net works for people in general. The net has very little to do with technology, what matters is how people use the technology."

What works on the net works for people in general. The net has very little to do with technology, what matters is how people use the technology.

Matters Quotes: "For what matters if I gain the whole world, but lose my soul?"

For what matters if I gain the whole world, but lose my soul?

Matters Quotes: "Literature doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is money and getting your teeth fixed!"

Literature doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is money and getting your teeth fixed!

Matters Quotes: "It doesn't matter how good the movie is. What matters is what it takes during the opening weekend. It's slightly distressing sometimes but that's how it works."

It doesn't matter how good the movie is. What matters is what it takes during the opening weekend. It's slightly distressing sometimes but that's how it works.

Matters Quotes: "It doesn't matter whether one uses God or doesn't. What matters is which experience a person has."

It doesn't matter whether one uses God or doesn't. What matters is which experience a person has.