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Mediocrity Quotes

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Mediocrity Quotes: "Private-equity and hedge-fund guys typically come into a situation of mediocrity, where rapid change may result in a profit."

Private-equity and hedge-fund guys typically come into a situation of mediocrity, where rapid change may result in a profit.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Gregariousness is always the refuge of mediocrities, whether they swear by Soloviev or Kant or Marx. Only individuals seek the truth, and they shun those whose sole concern is not the truth."

Gregariousness is always the refuge of mediocrities, whether they swear by Soloviev or Kant or Marx. Only individuals seek the truth, and they shun those whose sole concern is not the truth.

Mediocrity Quotes: "As a homosexual, my job is simply to sodomize mediocrity."

As a homosexual, my job is simply to sodomize mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "When we force a boy to be a mediocrity in a dozen subjects we destroy his standards, perhaps for life."

When we force a boy to be a mediocrity in a dozen subjects we destroy his standards, perhaps for life.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Awards are merely the badges of mediocrity."

Awards are merely the badges of mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Mix sheer hypocrisy with mediocrity, You play it safe every time."

Mix sheer hypocrisy with mediocrity, You play it safe every time.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Think you are weak, think you lack what it takes, think you will lose, think you are second class - think this way and you are doomed to mediocrity."

Think you are weak, think you lack what it takes, think you will lose, think you are second class - think this way and you are doomed to mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "You must have the guts to throw off the chains of modesty and mediocrity in order to be the light that the world needs."

You must have the guts to throw off the chains of modesty and mediocrity in order to be the light that the world needs.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The culture has got to be only the best for Collingwood. I reckon Collingwood accepts defeat far too easily and accepts mediocrity far too easily."

The culture has got to be only the best for Collingwood. I reckon Collingwood accepts defeat far too easily and accepts mediocrity far too easily.

Mediocrity Quotes: "What depresses me is the inevitable way the second rate forges ahead and the deserving is left behind."

What depresses me is the inevitable way the second rate forges ahead and the deserving is left behind.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Fear of failure is a ticket to mediocrity. If you’re not failing from time to time, you’re not pushing yourself. And if you’re not pushing yourself, you’re coasting."

Fear of failure is a ticket to mediocrity. If you’re not failing from time to time, you’re not pushing yourself. And if you’re not pushing yourself, you’re coasting.

Mediocrity Quotes: "I just wanted friends. I just wanted people to like me. I just wanted for things to be simple and good. So, for five years I actively sought out mediocrity."

I just wanted friends. I just wanted people to like me. I just wanted for things to be simple and good. So, for five years I actively sought out mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "I made a conscious decision when I was about 17 years old to strive towards mediocrity. I completely abandoned the idea of grandeur and importance, and I wanted to be mediocre."

I made a conscious decision when I was about 17 years old to strive towards mediocrity. I completely abandoned the idea of grandeur and importance, and I wanted to be mediocre.

Mediocrity Quotes: "It is difficult to preach, this morality of mediocrity! It may never admit what it is and what it wants! It must speak about restraint and worth and duty and love of one's neighbor."

It is difficult to preach, this morality of mediocrity! It may never admit what it is and what it wants! It must speak about restraint and worth and duty and love of one's neighbor.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Our literature, despite several false starts that promised much, is chiefly remarkable, now as always, for its respectable mediocrity."

Our literature, despite several false starts that promised much, is chiefly remarkable, now as always, for its respectable mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Mediocrity's like a spot on a shirt—it never comes off."

Mediocrity's like a spot on a shirt—it never comes off.

Mediocrity Quotes: "I could've just walked away but I never could have forgiven myself to allow Starbucks to drift into mediocrity or not be relevant. I just couldn't be a bystander."

I could've just walked away but I never could have forgiven myself to allow Starbucks to drift into mediocrity or not be relevant. I just couldn't be a bystander.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Only mediocrity of enjoyment is allowed to man."

Only mediocrity of enjoyment is allowed to man.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Mediocrity borrows, genius steals."

Mediocrity borrows, genius steals.

Mediocrity Quotes: "An artist would not rise above the mediocrity if he condemns it."

An artist would not rise above the mediocrity if he condemns it.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Parodies are hard to do well, as is shown by the mediocrity of so many recent attempts. No matter how ripe a genre is for satirizing, unless you know how to do it, there are no guarantees."

Parodies are hard to do well, as is shown by the mediocrity of so many recent attempts. No matter how ripe a genre is for satirizing, unless you know how to do it, there are no guarantees.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency."

The signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Throw leaders into an extreme environment, and it will separate the stark differences between greatness and mediocrity."

Throw leaders into an extreme environment, and it will separate the stark differences between greatness and mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The tendency of democracies is, in all things, to mediocrity, since the tastes, knowledge, and principles of the majority form the tribunal of appeal."

The tendency of democracies is, in all things, to mediocrity, since the tastes, knowledge, and principles of the majority form the tribunal of appeal.

Mediocrity Quotes: "There's a perception that British pies suffer from mediocrity, and historically they have. We're trying to re-educate people about what pie is."

There's a perception that British pies suffer from mediocrity, and historically they have. We're trying to re-educate people about what pie is.

Mediocrity Quotes: "You know, larger than life is always better than smaller than life in politicians. And, you know, God save us from mediocrities."

You know, larger than life is always better than smaller than life in politicians. And, you know, God save us from mediocrities.

Mediocrity Quotes: "We shouldn't accept mediocrity as the best a politician can do."

We shouldn't accept mediocrity as the best a politician can do.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The way that I am now, I don't want to accept mediocrity. I don't want to accept the easy road."

The way that I am now, I don't want to accept mediocrity. I don't want to accept the easy road.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Take here the grand secret; if not of pleasing all, yet of displeasing none, and court mediocrity, avoid originality, and sacrifice to fashion."

Take here the grand secret; if not of pleasing all, yet of displeasing none, and court mediocrity, avoid originality, and sacrifice to fashion.

Mediocrity Quotes: "There is no greater consolation for mediocrity than that the genius is not immortal."

There is no greater consolation for mediocrity than that the genius is not immortal.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Crimes can be redeemed, but nothing saves you from mediocrity."

Crimes can be redeemed, but nothing saves you from mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Over and over again mediocrity is promoted because real worth isn't to be found."

Over and over again mediocrity is promoted because real worth isn't to be found.

Mediocrity Quotes: "When I imagine God creating each one of us and planting a purpose deep in our hearts, I never imagine that purpose being mediocrity."

When I imagine God creating each one of us and planting a purpose deep in our hearts, I never imagine that purpose being mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "We have been stuffed full of praise for mediocrity and had our foibles diagnosed away with hyphenated jargon and pop psychology."

We have been stuffed full of praise for mediocrity and had our foibles diagnosed away with hyphenated jargon and pop psychology.

Mediocrity Quotes: "It is a great sign of mediocrity to praise always moderately."

It is a great sign of mediocrity to praise always moderately.

Mediocrity Quotes: "But none of us wants to be average. That we are so is a melancholy fact borne in upon us in middle life, and we do not always relish it."

But none of us wants to be average. That we are so is a melancholy fact borne in upon us in middle life, and we do not always relish it.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Mediocrity has a way of keeping demons from the door."

Mediocrity has a way of keeping demons from the door.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Neat trick: to be roused to ambition and reconciled to one's mediocrity at the same time."

Neat trick: to be roused to ambition and reconciled to one's mediocrity at the same time.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Attaining even mediocrity is often a struggle."

Attaining even mediocrity is often a struggle.

Mediocrity Quotes: "That Monica who's just gonna sit there in mediocrity... That Monica died in Samoa"

That Monica who's just gonna sit there in mediocrity... That Monica died in Samoa

Mediocrity Quotes: "In the age of mediocrity and clones, John Stowell's uniqueness and originality are a breath of fresh air. I love playing with him."

In the age of mediocrity and clones, John Stowell's uniqueness and originality are a breath of fresh air. I love playing with him.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The very minute a thought is threatened with publicity it seems to shrink towards mediocrity."

The very minute a thought is threatened with publicity it seems to shrink towards mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Caricature is the tribute which mediocrity pays to genius."

Caricature is the tribute which mediocrity pays to genius.

Mediocrity Quotes: "I got a feeling that after six years of disappointment, of mediocrity and decline, a slow course correction is not what voters are going to be looking for in 2016."

I got a feeling that after six years of disappointment, of mediocrity and decline, a slow course correction is not what voters are going to be looking for in 2016.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity."

Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "We will meet our challenges head on and we will do it by rejecting the politics of mediocrity and corruption. You voted for change; I intend to deliver it. ... I will govern as a reformer."

We will meet our challenges head on and we will do it by rejecting the politics of mediocrity and corruption. You voted for change; I intend to deliver it. ... I will govern as a reformer.

Mediocrity Quotes: "What was alien was being ordinary, being humdrum, being trapped into appeasing...having to crush and stifle my opinions, not being allowed to be brilliant, tricking myself into mediocrity."

What was alien was being ordinary, being humdrum, being trapped into appeasing...having to crush and stifle my opinions, not being allowed to be brilliant, tricking myself into mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Expectations are the engines of our perceptions."

Expectations are the engines of our perceptions.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The status quo is leaving the building, and quickly."

The status quo is leaving the building, and quickly.