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Mediocrity Quotes

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Mediocrity Quotes: "Do no drown me with mediocrity, give me passion, desire, make me inhale breaths of lust and love in the dark hours that tingle down my spine..."

Do no drown me with mediocrity, give me passion, desire, make me inhale breaths of lust and love in the dark hours that tingle down my spine...

Mediocrity Quotes: "Mediocrity is ‘purpose’ left to rot in minds ensnared in the deluded rationalization that vision is nothing more than a collection of fanciful dreams constructed by an imaginary God."

Mediocrity is ‘purpose’ left to rot in minds ensnared in the deluded rationalization that vision is nothing more than a collection of fanciful dreams constructed by an imaginary God.

Mediocrity Quotes: "An artist must take comfort that there's no satisfaction whatsoever with one's creation, just a dissatisfaction that keeps one a step away from sliding into mediocrity."

An artist must take comfort that there's no satisfaction whatsoever with one's creation, just a dissatisfaction that keeps one a step away from sliding into mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Do not go for conformity that breeds mediocrity! Choose instead to stand for transformation that does not only transforms lives, but true purpose and living as well."

Do not go for conformity that breeds mediocrity! Choose instead to stand for transformation that does not only transforms lives, but true purpose and living as well.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Comparing ourselves instead of taking lessons from ourselves is not only a catalyst to diminishing our true purpose but also a great ingredient to thinking negative and staying in mediocrity"

Comparing ourselves instead of taking lessons from ourselves is not only a catalyst to diminishing our true purpose but also a great ingredient to thinking negative and staying in mediocrity

Mediocrity Quotes: "Negotiation is permissible for mediocrity not for excellence."

Negotiation is permissible for mediocrity not for excellence.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The problem with the ‘herd’ is that our voice is never ‘heard’."

The problem with the ‘herd’ is that our voice is never ‘heard’.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Apathy is giving up when we need to get up."

Apathy is giving up when we need to get up.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Our actions in the present build the staircase to the future. The question is whether that staircase is going up or down."

Our actions in the present build the staircase to the future. The question is whether that staircase is going up or down.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Too often, we put up with mediocrity, telling ourselves that later in life we’ll do what we want."

Too often, we put up with mediocrity, telling ourselves that later in life we’ll do what we want.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Don't Settle for Mediocrity. Strive for Excellence"

Don't Settle for Mediocrity. Strive for Excellence

Mediocrity Quotes: "To dress up today in the threadbare garments of yesterday is to create an impoverished tomorrow."

To dress up today in the threadbare garments of yesterday is to create an impoverished tomorrow.

Mediocrity Quotes: "It is a belief of the mediocre that extreme effort kills."

It is a belief of the mediocre that extreme effort kills.

Mediocrity Quotes: "We are born winners, but we are hypnotized by the society to succumb to mediocrity and moulded into self-victimization. It is for each one of us to regain our self-geniusness."

We are born winners, but we are hypnotized by the society to succumb to mediocrity and moulded into self-victimization. It is for each one of us to regain our self-geniusness.

Mediocrity Quotes: "To a hungry person, every bitter food is sweet. When the preferable is not available, the available becomes preferable!"

To a hungry person, every bitter food is sweet. When the preferable is not available, the available becomes preferable!

Mediocrity Quotes: "Mediocrity is a pit that swallows people who have rested on seats of complacency for long."

Mediocrity is a pit that swallows people who have rested on seats of complacency for long.

Mediocrity Quotes: "If life gives you a passport size dream, don't frame it... Order for a reprint... Go for the bigger picture of you! You deserve a bigger and bright image of you... Go and soar like an eagle!"

If life gives you a passport size dream, don't frame it... Order for a reprint... Go for the bigger picture of you! You deserve a bigger and bright image of you... Go and soar like an eagle!

Mediocrity Quotes: "Leaders don’t settle for less. When you do so, you rob humanity of what you are supposed to deliver!"

Leaders don’t settle for less. When you do so, you rob humanity of what you are supposed to deliver!

Mediocrity Quotes: "Leaders create a conducive environment for followers to accomplish their respective dreams. True leaders never fall for anything inferior!"

Leaders create a conducive environment for followers to accomplish their respective dreams. True leaders never fall for anything inferior!

Mediocrity Quotes: "There are no intermediaries when it comes to matters of change. Anyone who is not for change is against it. Anyone who is against change is an enemy of nature!"

There are no intermediaries when it comes to matters of change. Anyone who is not for change is against it. Anyone who is against change is an enemy of nature!

Mediocrity Quotes: "Break every chain of mediocrity that confines you. You may have begun at a level below average, but dare to leave that side and paddle your steps to cross the river with honours."

Break every chain of mediocrity that confines you. You may have begun at a level below average, but dare to leave that side and paddle your steps to cross the river with honours.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Good leaders always bring about transformation... Bad leaders only maintain and preserve long standing mediocrity!"

Good leaders always bring about transformation... Bad leaders only maintain and preserve long standing mediocrity!

Mediocrity Quotes: "If you are not angry with your average performance, you can't effect a change! You must get upset to grab the energy to break the fence confining you!"

If you are not angry with your average performance, you can't effect a change! You must get upset to grab the energy to break the fence confining you!

Mediocrity Quotes: "In the faculty of failure, mediocrity is never an optional course!"

In the faculty of failure, mediocrity is never an optional course!

Mediocrity Quotes: "There is time to compromise. There is time to absolutely abhor d word. Most times it is the latter. Compromise is mediocrity. Compromise is cheap."

There is time to compromise. There is time to absolutely abhor d word. Most times it is the latter. Compromise is mediocrity. Compromise is cheap.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The goal of comfort is at the self-same time the abandonment of great accomplishments."

The goal of comfort is at the self-same time the abandonment of great accomplishments.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Every advancing step I take toward my goal of comfort is yet another retreating step I take away from God's goal of the impossible."

Every advancing step I take toward my goal of comfort is yet another retreating step I take away from God's goal of the impossible.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Surrender is a choice, it is never a calling."

Surrender is a choice, it is never a calling.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Until you press the switch button of the light in your room on, you shall always have light in your room and still leave in darkness."

Until you press the switch button of the light in your room on, you shall always have light in your room and still leave in darkness.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Of course I don’t want to get knocked down. But the single and sole solution to that fear is to not go anywhere where I can be knocked down. And is that not already being knocked down?"

Of course I don’t want to get knocked down. But the single and sole solution to that fear is to not go anywhere where I can be knocked down. And is that not already being knocked down?

Mediocrity Quotes: "These are the words of a fool: I am happy to be a fool, for i won't spend my time gazing at lines difficult to decipher, while my mates are drinking with glee."

These are the words of a fool: I am happy to be a fool, for i won't spend my time gazing at lines difficult to decipher, while my mates are drinking with glee.

Mediocrity Quotes: "When you are convinced that what you offer is yours, whether it be mediocre or of standard quality, your originality will make people love you in a way you did not expect."

When you are convinced that what you offer is yours, whether it be mediocre or of standard quality, your originality will make people love you in a way you did not expect.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Apathetic people sit back and wait for things to get better before they move. Radical people make things get better, by how they move."

Apathetic people sit back and wait for things to get better before they move. Radical people make things get better, by how they move.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Social conditioning, accompanied by moral and mental constraints, now serve to render the mediocre mind nearly incapable of unbiased assessment."

Social conditioning, accompanied by moral and mental constraints, now serve to render the mediocre mind nearly incapable of unbiased assessment.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The general air of insecurity and affection made it too easy for him to imagine these once-a-year fabulous creatures as the cubicle dwellers most of them were in everyday life."

The general air of insecurity and affection made it too easy for him to imagine these once-a-year fabulous creatures as the cubicle dwellers most of them were in everyday life.

Mediocrity Quotes: "An important step in escaping mediocrity is to stop worrying about what other people think of you."

An important step in escaping mediocrity is to stop worrying about what other people think of you.

Mediocrity Quotes: "We need to get acquainted with mediocrity to notice greatness."

We need to get acquainted with mediocrity to notice greatness.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The only sin is mediocrity."

The only sin is mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Accept not a mediocre effort but any end result of a super effort"

Accept not a mediocre effort but any end result of a super effort

Mediocrity Quotes: "Only the mediocre artist is always at his best."

Only the mediocre artist is always at his best.

Mediocrity Quotes: "To simply survive appears to be the choice of the plodding hoards that wander all around me. Therefore, I’ve adamantly committed to never hoard hoards."

To simply survive appears to be the choice of the plodding hoards that wander all around me. Therefore, I’ve adamantly committed to never hoard hoards.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Often we don’t see the majesty of God’s design because we’re caught up in the mediocrity of our own designs."

Often we don’t see the majesty of God’s design because we’re caught up in the mediocrity of our own designs.

Mediocrity Quotes: "The real zombie-apocalypse is the pandemic of drama and mediocrity."

The real zombie-apocalypse is the pandemic of drama and mediocrity.

Mediocrity Quotes: "In you is the ability that will move you from nonentity and mediocrity to an entity of meteority. Take responsiblity now!"

In you is the ability that will move you from nonentity and mediocrity to an entity of meteority. Take responsiblity now!

Mediocrity Quotes: "Mediocrity is Death."

Mediocrity is Death.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Acceptable hypocrisy is often called politeness."

Acceptable hypocrisy is often called politeness.

Mediocrity Quotes: "Being our best is asking how can we take ourselves to the precipice of our own limits in any and every situation?"

Being our best is asking how can we take ourselves to the precipice of our own limits in any and every situation?