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Mistake Quotes

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Mistake Quotes: "My biggest mistake was my best lesson... you don't learn anything when everything is going perfectly."

My biggest mistake was my best lesson... you don't learn anything when everything is going perfectly.

Mistake Quotes: "Team members who are not genuinely open with one another about their mistakes and weaknesses make it impossible to build a foundation for trust."

Team members who are not genuinely open with one another about their mistakes and weaknesses make it impossible to build a foundation for trust.

Mistake Quotes: "It is a common mistake in going to war to begin at the wrong end, to act first, and wait for disasters to discuss the matter."

It is a common mistake in going to war to begin at the wrong end, to act first, and wait for disasters to discuss the matter.

Mistake Quotes: "Things won’t go perfect. It’s all about how you adapt from those things and learn from mistakes."

Things won’t go perfect. It’s all about how you adapt from those things and learn from mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "The most ominous of fallacies - the belief that things can be kept static by inaction"

The most ominous of fallacies - the belief that things can be kept static by inaction

Mistake Quotes: "Base yourself in loyalty and trust. Don't be companion with those who are not your moral equal. When you make a mistake, don't hesitate to correct it."

Base yourself in loyalty and trust. Don't be companion with those who are not your moral equal. When you make a mistake, don't hesitate to correct it.

Mistake Quotes: "It is a fearful mistake to believe that because our wishes are not accomplished they can do no harm."

It is a fearful mistake to believe that because our wishes are not accomplished they can do no harm.

Mistake Quotes: "I will stumble, I will fall down, but I will not be moved; I will make mistakes, I will face heartache, but I will not be moved."

I will stumble, I will fall down, but I will not be moved; I will make mistakes, I will face heartache, but I will not be moved.

Mistake Quotes: "Why are pencils equipped with erasers if not to correct mistakes?"

Why are pencils equipped with erasers if not to correct mistakes?

Mistake Quotes: "Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person."

Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.

Mistake Quotes: "My work has made me tolerant of memory mistakes by family and friends. You don't have to call them lies. I think we could be generous and say maybe this is a false memory."

My work has made me tolerant of memory mistakes by family and friends. You don't have to call them lies. I think we could be generous and say maybe this is a false memory.

Mistake Quotes: "A mistake isn't a mistake if you learn a lesson from it."

A mistake isn't a mistake if you learn a lesson from it.

Mistake Quotes: "Have your adventures, make your mistakes, and choose your friends poorly -- all these make for great stories."

Have your adventures, make your mistakes, and choose your friends poorly -- all these make for great stories.

Mistake Quotes: "To err is nature, to rectify error is glory."

To err is nature, to rectify error is glory.

Mistake Quotes: "Be thankful for every day. Learn from mistakes. Don't dwell on regrets. Forgive with love. Gain strength from every struggle."

Be thankful for every day. Learn from mistakes. Don't dwell on regrets. Forgive with love. Gain strength from every struggle.

Mistake Quotes: "Successes teach you nothing. Failures teach you everything. Making mistakes is the most important thing you can do."

Successes teach you nothing. Failures teach you everything. Making mistakes is the most important thing you can do.

Mistake Quotes: "Sometimes mistakes are the best thing that can happen, because they might lift you...out of your complacency, and open your mind up to a whole other area that you wouldn't have gone to intentionally."

Sometimes mistakes are the best thing that can happen, because they might lift you...out of your complacency, and open your mind up to a whole other area that you wouldn't have gone to intentionally.

Mistake Quotes: "A man who has committed a mistake and does not correct it is committing another mistake."

A man who has committed a mistake and does not correct it is committing another mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "Football is a game of mistakes. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins."

Football is a game of mistakes. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Mistake Quotes: "One mistake will never kill you. The same mistake over and over again will."

One mistake will never kill you. The same mistake over and over again will.

Mistake Quotes: "Attackers may sometimes regret bad moves, but it is much worse to forever regret an opportunity you allowed to pass you by."

Attackers may sometimes regret bad moves, but it is much worse to forever regret an opportunity you allowed to pass you by.

Mistake Quotes: "Take risks and you'll get the payoffs. Learn from your mistakes until you succeed."

Take risks and you'll get the payoffs. Learn from your mistakes until you succeed.

Mistake Quotes: "My opponents make good moves too. Sometimes I don't take these things into consideration"

My opponents make good moves too. Sometimes I don't take these things into consideration

Mistake Quotes: "Basketball's a game of mistakes."

Basketball's a game of mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "They told me my services were no longer desired because they wanted to put in a youth program as an advance way of keeping the club going. I'll never make the mistake of being seventy again."

They told me my services were no longer desired because they wanted to put in a youth program as an advance way of keeping the club going. I'll never make the mistake of being seventy again.

Mistake Quotes: "The biggest mistake you could ever make is to think you work for anyone but yourself"

The biggest mistake you could ever make is to think you work for anyone but yourself

Mistake Quotes: "Mixing one's wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably."

Mixing one's wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably.

Mistake Quotes: "Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes."

Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "I try to extract something positive from every situation, even if it's just learning not to make the same mistake twice."

I try to extract something positive from every situation, even if it's just learning not to make the same mistake twice.

Mistake Quotes: "Good investing is a peculiar balance between the conviction to follow your ideas and the flexibility to recognize when you have made a mistake."

Good investing is a peculiar balance between the conviction to follow your ideas and the flexibility to recognize when you have made a mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "Tact is rubbing out another's mistakes, not rubbing them in."

Tact is rubbing out another's mistakes, not rubbing them in.

Mistake Quotes: "Don't let past mistakes keep you from seeking God"

Don't let past mistakes keep you from seeking God

Mistake Quotes: "Our enemies have made the mistake that America's enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat."

Our enemies have made the mistake that America's enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat.

Mistake Quotes: "There are no mistakes. Only new paths to explore."

There are no mistakes. Only new paths to explore.

Mistake Quotes: "Sometimes a good idea comes to you when you are not looking for it. Through an improbable combination of coincidence, naivete and lucky mistakes."

Sometimes a good idea comes to you when you are not looking for it. Through an improbable combination of coincidence, naivete and lucky mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "We are not imprisoned by circumstances, setbacks, mistakes or staggering defeats, we are freed by our choices."

We are not imprisoned by circumstances, setbacks, mistakes or staggering defeats, we are freed by our choices.

Mistake Quotes: "I have made plenty of mistakes. The key to life is to learn from them. I have been a little too introspective, but I think that stemmed from insecurity or shyness. I took a long time to grow up."

I have made plenty of mistakes. The key to life is to learn from them. I have been a little too introspective, but I think that stemmed from insecurity or shyness. I took a long time to grow up.

Mistake Quotes: "The worst mistake a leader can make is to mentor no one, choose no successor and leave no legacy."

The worst mistake a leader can make is to mentor no one, choose no successor and leave no legacy.

Mistake Quotes: "If you want me to play only the notes without any specific dynamics, I will never make one mistake."

If you want me to play only the notes without any specific dynamics, I will never make one mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "Punishing honest mistakes stifles creativity. I want people moving and shaking the earth and they're going to make mistakes."

Punishing honest mistakes stifles creativity. I want people moving and shaking the earth and they're going to make mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "How would you like it if, at your job, every time you made the slightest mistake a little red light went on over your head and 18,000 people stood up and screamed at you?"

How would you like it if, at your job, every time you made the slightest mistake a little red light went on over your head and 18,000 people stood up and screamed at you?

Mistake Quotes: "I firmly believe that you live and learn, and if you don't learn from past mistakes, then you need to be drug out and shot."

I firmly believe that you live and learn, and if you don't learn from past mistakes, then you need to be drug out and shot.

Mistake Quotes: "I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes."

I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes.

Mistake Quotes: "The greatest mistake is to continue to practice a mistake."

The greatest mistake is to continue to practice a mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer could make. You have to feel."

Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer could make. You have to feel.

Mistake Quotes: "The mistakes that people will make are of much less importance than the mistake that management makes if it tells them exactly what to do."

The mistakes that people will make are of much less importance than the mistake that management makes if it tells them exactly what to do.

Mistake Quotes: "Never think about the mistakes you made. Think about the mistakes you will make."

Never think about the mistakes you made. Think about the mistakes you will make.

Mistake Quotes: "The welfare state shields people from the consequences of their own mistakes, allowing irresponsibility to continue and to flourish among ever wider circles of people."

The welfare state shields people from the consequences of their own mistakes, allowing irresponsibility to continue and to flourish among ever wider circles of people.

Mistake Quotes: "Do not mistake the pointing finger for the moon."

Do not mistake the pointing finger for the moon.