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Mistake Quotes

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Mistake Quotes: "My favourite victory is when it is not even clear where my opponent made a mistake."

My favourite victory is when it is not even clear where my opponent made a mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "Look, you have to make mistakes. That's how you learn and that's how the world works."

Look, you have to make mistakes. That's how you learn and that's how the world works.

Mistake Quotes: "Most fishermen use the double haul to throw their casting mistakes further."

Most fishermen use the double haul to throw their casting mistakes further.

Mistake Quotes: "I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes."

I am glad that I paid so little attention to good advice; had I abided by it I might have been saved from some of my most valuable mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "The biggest mistake you can make in your life is to be always afraid of making a mistake."

The biggest mistake you can make in your life is to be always afraid of making a mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "Look, we are human, we make mistakes. I will gladly shout from the rooftops that I am not perfect. Nor will I ever be."

Look, we are human, we make mistakes. I will gladly shout from the rooftops that I am not perfect. Nor will I ever be.

Mistake Quotes: "you never make the same mistake twice. the second time you make it, it is no longer a mistake. it is a choice"

you never make the same mistake twice. the second time you make it, it is no longer a mistake. it is a choice

Mistake Quotes: "When chess masters err, ordinary wood pushers tend to derive a measure of satisfaction, if not actual glee."

When chess masters err, ordinary wood pushers tend to derive a measure of satisfaction, if not actual glee.

Mistake Quotes: "Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you are a mistake."

Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you are a mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake."

If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "Late to bed and late to wake will keep you long on money and short on mistakes."

Late to bed and late to wake will keep you long on money and short on mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz."

I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz.

Mistake Quotes: "It isn't a mistake to have strong views. The mistake is to have nothing else."

It isn't a mistake to have strong views. The mistake is to have nothing else.

Mistake Quotes: "Wisdom is looking back at your life and realising that every single event, person, place and idea was part of the perfected experience you needed to build your dream. Not one was a mistake."

Wisdom is looking back at your life and realising that every single event, person, place and idea was part of the perfected experience you needed to build your dream. Not one was a mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "Mistakes are the necessary steps in the learning process; once they have served their purpose, they should be forgotten and not repeated."

Mistakes are the necessary steps in the learning process; once they have served their purpose, they should be forgotten and not repeated.

Mistake Quotes: "Don't mistake knowledge for wisdom."

Don't mistake knowledge for wisdom.

Mistake Quotes: "My life is full of mistakes. They're like pebbles that make a good road."

My life is full of mistakes. They're like pebbles that make a good road.

Mistake Quotes: "It doesn't matter if I don't succeed in something, what matters is that I learn from my mistakes."

It doesn't matter if I don't succeed in something, what matters is that I learn from my mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "Tasting a dish should be memorable If nothing remains in the memory of a single guest, then I have made a mistake."

Tasting a dish should be memorable If nothing remains in the memory of a single guest, then I have made a mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "The minute you make a mistake - that's improvisation!"

The minute you make a mistake - that's improvisation!

Mistake Quotes: "I realize now that I have made some mistakes. I am willing to accept the consequences of those actions."

I realize now that I have made some mistakes. I am willing to accept the consequences of those actions.

Mistake Quotes: "Learn from the mistakes of others, and avoid being one whose mistakes are used as lessons by others."

Learn from the mistakes of others, and avoid being one whose mistakes are used as lessons by others.

Mistake Quotes: "I am sure it is a great mistake always to know enough to go in when it rains. One may keep snug and dry by such knowledge, but one misses a world of loveliness."

I am sure it is a great mistake always to know enough to go in when it rains. One may keep snug and dry by such knowledge, but one misses a world of loveliness.

Mistake Quotes: "My guitar is my torch, my soul carries the flame. Make no mistake, I'm a true blues man."

My guitar is my torch, my soul carries the flame. Make no mistake, I'm a true blues man.

Mistake Quotes: "You’ve traveled this far on the back of every mistake."

You’ve traveled this far on the back of every mistake.

Mistake Quotes: "The biggest mistake to me is complacency."

The biggest mistake to me is complacency.

Mistake Quotes: "I never make stupid mistakes. Only very, very clever ones."

I never make stupid mistakes. Only very, very clever ones.

Mistake Quotes: "Longing for something that you once had is a mistake because the pictures in your mind are never the same as whatever it is you are longing for."

Longing for something that you once had is a mistake because the pictures in your mind are never the same as whatever it is you are longing for.

Mistake Quotes: "I believe that no one can teach you how to act, but schools do give you an environment to make mistakes, to learn techniques and to learn professionalism."

I believe that no one can teach you how to act, but schools do give you an environment to make mistakes, to learn techniques and to learn professionalism.

Mistake Quotes: "Failing forward is the ability to get back up after you've been knocked down, learn from your mistake, and move forward in a better direction."

Failing forward is the ability to get back up after you've been knocked down, learn from your mistake, and move forward in a better direction.

Mistake Quotes: "Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic."

Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic.

Mistake Quotes: "I made a horrendous mistake not apologizing to my wife."

I made a horrendous mistake not apologizing to my wife.

Mistake Quotes: "Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the photo as a judgment that the photograph is good"

Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the photo as a judgment that the photograph is good

Mistake Quotes: "We are all mistaken sometimes; sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward."

We are all mistaken sometimes; sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward.

Mistake Quotes: "Even though I am a mathematician, I look at [fetal development] with marvel: How do these instruction sets not make mistakes as they build what is us?"

Even though I am a mathematician, I look at [fetal development] with marvel: How do these instruction sets not make mistakes as they build what is us?

Mistake Quotes: "It is always better to make your own mistakes and not someone else's."

It is always better to make your own mistakes and not someone else's.

Mistake Quotes: "What would Chess be without silly mistakes?"

What would Chess be without silly mistakes?

Mistake Quotes: "Don't mistake a good setup for a satisfying conclusion - many beginning writers end their stories when the real story is just ready to begin."

Don't mistake a good setup for a satisfying conclusion - many beginning writers end their stories when the real story is just ready to begin.

Mistake Quotes: "Every ‘mistake’ is an opportunity in jazz."

Every ‘mistake’ is an opportunity in jazz.

Mistake Quotes: "A man dies daily, only to be reborn in the morning, bigger, better and wiser."

A man dies daily, only to be reborn in the morning, bigger, better and wiser.

Mistake Quotes: "It makes one a better person to have had hardships and to have overcome hardships and not to blame anybody else for your mistakes."

It makes one a better person to have had hardships and to have overcome hardships and not to blame anybody else for your mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "I am somebody who... - I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I need that freedom, that ability to make mistakes out there. Because there's a fine line between making a mistake or being brilliant."

I am somebody who... - I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I need that freedom, that ability to make mistakes out there. Because there's a fine line between making a mistake or being brilliant.

Mistake Quotes: "Winners aren't perfect. They made fewer mistakes than their rivals."

Winners aren't perfect. They made fewer mistakes than their rivals.

Mistake Quotes: "If someone feels that he has never made a mistake in his life, it only means that he has never tried anything new in his life."

If someone feels that he has never made a mistake in his life, it only means that he has never tried anything new in his life.

Mistake Quotes: "Practise, practise, practise writing. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and acquired skills. You learn by doing, by making mistakes and then seeing where you went wrong."

Practise, practise, practise writing. Writing is a craft that requires both talent and acquired skills. You learn by doing, by making mistakes and then seeing where you went wrong.

Mistake Quotes: "Go ahead and act as if your decisions are temporary. Because they are. Be bold, make mistakes, learn a lesson, and fix what doesn't work. No sweat, no need to hyperventilate."

Go ahead and act as if your decisions are temporary. Because they are. Be bold, make mistakes, learn a lesson, and fix what doesn't work. No sweat, no need to hyperventilate.

Mistake Quotes: "I never played a perfect 18 holes. There is no such thing. I expect to make at least seven mistakes a round. Therefore, when I make a bad shot, I don't worry about it. It is just one of the seven."

I never played a perfect 18 holes. There is no such thing. I expect to make at least seven mistakes a round. Therefore, when I make a bad shot, I don't worry about it. It is just one of the seven.

Mistake Quotes: "Never be afraid to fail. Be afraid of not learning from mistakes."

Never be afraid to fail. Be afraid of not learning from mistakes.

Mistake Quotes: "Our forefathers made one mistake. What they should have fought for was representation without taxation."

Our forefathers made one mistake. What they should have fought for was representation without taxation.