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Modesty Quotes

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Modesty Quotes: "If you really want to be different, you'd better keep quiet and be a good person on the inside."

If you really want to be different, you'd better keep quiet and be a good person on the inside.

Modesty Quotes: "Yesterday i was clever so i took the glory for me. Today HE makes me wise so i give the glory to HIM."

Yesterday i was clever so i took the glory for me. Today HE makes me wise so i give the glory to HIM.

Modesty Quotes: "Big things in the glory of the world mean nothing. Small things in glory of God mean everything. Truly..., size doesn't matter in this world or in the world to come."

Big things in the glory of the world mean nothing. Small things in glory of God mean everything. Truly..., size doesn't matter in this world or in the world to come.

Modesty Quotes: "Sweet wine makes drunk, sour wine (insult) is "tetelestai". Life is not about what we have done and become, but how God to be fully glorified."

Sweet wine makes drunk, sour wine (insult) is "tetelestai". Life is not about what we have done and become, but how God to be fully glorified.

Modesty Quotes: "Whatever we have in the glory of man is "away". Those are just not enough before we go "home" to the glory of God."

Whatever we have in the glory of man is "away". Those are just not enough before we go "home" to the glory of God.

Modesty Quotes: "Yesterday I was clever, so I took the glory for me. Today He makes me wise, so I give the glory to Thee"

Yesterday I was clever, so I took the glory for me. Today He makes me wise, so I give the glory to Thee

Modesty Quotes: "If we glorify God (not self) in everything we do then everything on earth will glorify God."

If we glorify God (not self) in everything we do then everything on earth will glorify God.

Modesty Quotes: "The ladder of leadership can only stand firm on the grounds of integrity. Any other ground makes it unstable till it falls."

The ladder of leadership can only stand firm on the grounds of integrity. Any other ground makes it unstable till it falls.

Modesty Quotes: "Intelligence could be more briliant within modesty."

Intelligence could be more briliant within modesty.

Modesty Quotes: "You do not attain success when you associate with those in high positions, It comes when you accept yourself and realize that only you can take yourself to where your heart truly lies."

You do not attain success when you associate with those in high positions, It comes when you accept yourself and realize that only you can take yourself to where your heart truly lies.

Modesty Quotes: "Watch out for those who celebrate your success with bitterness in their hearts!  surely, they'll hail you for what you are, and hate you for what you have become."

Watch out for those who celebrate your success with bitterness in their hearts!  surely, they'll hail you for what you are, and hate you for what you have become.

Modesty Quotes: "You will not lift the veil of my body until you lift the veil over my face."

You will not lift the veil of my body until you lift the veil over my face.

Modesty Quotes: "Girls...only lift the veil over your body to the spouse who is worthy to see the glory of that unveiled mystery."

Girls...only lift the veil over your body to the spouse who is worthy to see the glory of that unveiled mystery.

Modesty Quotes: "It doesn’t take long for your fortunes to turn. One second you’re fluttery as a bird, the next you’re on the ground with your wings clipped."

It doesn’t take long for your fortunes to turn. One second you’re fluttery as a bird, the next you’re on the ground with your wings clipped.

Modesty Quotes: "A Coy Aversion...a fluttertoo shyto be seen..."

A Coy Aversion...a fluttertoo shyto be seen...

Modesty Quotes: "If you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure."

If you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure.

Modesty Quotes: "Because the sun helps you in the day, do not scoff at stars at night."

Because the sun helps you in the day, do not scoff at stars at night.

Modesty Quotes: "Don't make noise, rather give people good reasons to make noise about you."

Don't make noise, rather give people good reasons to make noise about you.

Modesty Quotes: "Stars shine so they can see the world, not so the world can see them."

Stars shine so they can see the world, not so the world can see them.

Modesty Quotes: "One way of keeping your dreams alive is to keep it to yourself. It can save you and protect your dreams to a greater extent."

One way of keeping your dreams alive is to keep it to yourself. It can save you and protect your dreams to a greater extent.

Modesty Quotes: "f you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure."

f you are too good to look after God’s trash, you are not good enough to look after God’s treasure.

Modesty Quotes: "Love, forgiveness, modesty, humility and gratitude are most important virtues in life."

Love, forgiveness, modesty, humility and gratitude are most important virtues in life.

Modesty Quotes: "If you lose your integrity, you will also lose your identity, your sensitivity and your dignity. Integrity is honesty, modesty and security in all kinds of weather. It should be our priority!"

If you lose your integrity, you will also lose your identity, your sensitivity and your dignity. Integrity is honesty, modesty and security in all kinds of weather. It should be our priority!

Modesty Quotes: "The beauty of the soul is wrapped in modest fashion."

The beauty of the soul is wrapped in modest fashion.

Modesty Quotes: "There’s a very fine line between being broke and being humble."

There’s a very fine line between being broke and being humble.

Modesty Quotes: "O Woman - Allah has made you the Queen of Piety and Modesty, Don't belittle yourself to be the slave of unlawful admiration and mortal fame & fortune."

O Woman - Allah has made you the Queen of Piety and Modesty, Don't belittle yourself to be the slave of unlawful admiration and mortal fame & fortune.

Modesty Quotes: "The toughest thing worth losing is Pride."

The toughest thing worth losing is Pride.

Modesty Quotes: "With a modest amount of looks and talent and more than a modicum of serendipity, I've managed to stretch my 15 minutes of fame into more than half a century of good fortune."

With a modest amount of looks and talent and more than a modicum of serendipity, I've managed to stretch my 15 minutes of fame into more than half a century of good fortune.

Modesty Quotes: "Sometimes you must agree with someones opinion for the sake of being polite and modest, but within you, you know that you are not foolish and crazy."

Sometimes you must agree with someones opinion for the sake of being polite and modest, but within you, you know that you are not foolish and crazy.

Modesty Quotes: "Consider an achievement accidental if it is not coupled with modesty. Because if the achiever had endeavoured for it, it would certainly have killed their pride."

Consider an achievement accidental if it is not coupled with modesty. Because if the achiever had endeavoured for it, it would certainly have killed their pride.

Modesty Quotes: "Life is the greatest author of us all, for it writes the very best and very worst of all tales & stories..."

Life is the greatest author of us all, for it writes the very best and very worst of all tales & stories...

Modesty Quotes: "An elephant does not need to pick a fight to let the whole jungle know of its strength."

An elephant does not need to pick a fight to let the whole jungle know of its strength.

Modesty Quotes: "Modesty was hardly a priority in her mind until now. Now she had been cast from Hell and again knew shame."

Modesty was hardly a priority in her mind until now. Now she had been cast from Hell and again knew shame.

Modesty Quotes: "We can all participate in the heritage of man. We all can help to preserve it. And we can all make our own modest contribution to it.We must not as for more."

We can all participate in the heritage of man. We all can help to preserve it. And we can all make our own modest contribution to it.We must not as for more.

Modesty Quotes: "- Why you?- (...) I’m the best.- Modest of you.- I am the best. Modesty has nothing to say about it."

- Why you?- (...) I’m the best.- Modest of you.- I am the best. Modesty has nothing to say about it.

Modesty Quotes: "There is always more goodness in the world than there appears to be because goodness is of its very nature modest and retiring."

There is always more goodness in the world than there appears to be because goodness is of its very nature modest and retiring.

Modesty Quotes: "To be modest in speaking truth is hypocrisy. TM-ST-95"

To be modest in speaking truth is hypocrisy. TM-ST-95

Modesty Quotes: "Life humbles the rich by giving them problems that money can’t resolve, or, dissolve."

Life humbles the rich by giving them problems that money can’t resolve, or, dissolve.

Modesty Quotes: "Reading leads to knowing more. Knowing more leads to arrogance. Reading further leads to humbleness."

Reading leads to knowing more. Knowing more leads to arrogance. Reading further leads to humbleness.

Modesty Quotes: "Modesty died when false modesty was born."

Modesty died when false modesty was born.

Modesty Quotes: "Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to."

Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.

Modesty Quotes: "With people of only moderate ability modesty is mere honesty but with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy."

With people of only moderate ability modesty is mere honesty but with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy.