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Moving In Quotes

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Moving In Quotes: "All religions are like different cars all moving in the same direction. People who don't see it have no light in their hearts."

All religions are like different cars all moving in the same direction. People who don't see it have no light in their hearts.

Moving In Quotes: "When you're moving in the positive, your destination is the brightest star."

When you're moving in the positive, your destination is the brightest star.

Moving In Quotes: "In any creative industry, the fact that others are moving in a certain direction is always proof positive, at least to me, that a new direction is the only direction."

In any creative industry, the fact that others are moving in a certain direction is always proof positive, at least to me, that a new direction is the only direction.

Moving In Quotes: "Humanity is moving in a circle. The progress in mechanical things of the past hundred years has proceeded at the cost of losing many other things which perhaps were much more important for it."

Humanity is moving in a circle. The progress in mechanical things of the past hundred years has proceeded at the cost of losing many other things which perhaps were much more important for it.

Moving In Quotes: "A strange passion is moving in my head My heart has become a bird which searches in the sky. Every part of me goes in different directions. Is it really so that the one I love is Everywhere?"

A strange passion is moving in my head My heart has become a bird which searches in the sky. Every part of me goes in different directions. Is it really so that the one I love is Everywhere?

Moving In Quotes: "A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it. But first, while moving in a circle, it hits its target. So does gossip."

A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it. But first, while moving in a circle, it hits its target. So does gossip.

Moving In Quotes: "Once the herd starts moving in one direction, it's very hard to turn it, even slightly."

Once the herd starts moving in one direction, it's very hard to turn it, even slightly.

Moving In Quotes: "Who is moving in the distance? It is the clock's pendulum, Hired by the god of death To measure life."

Who is moving in the distance? It is the clock's pendulum, Hired by the god of death To measure life.

Moving In Quotes: "Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them."

Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.

Moving In Quotes: "Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing."

Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing.

Moving In Quotes: "One might as well try to ride two horses moving in different directions, as to try to maintain in equal force two opposing or contradictory sets of desires."

One might as well try to ride two horses moving in different directions, as to try to maintain in equal force two opposing or contradictory sets of desires.

Moving In Quotes: "Most people I know live their lives moving in a constant forward direction, the whole time looking backward."

Most people I know live their lives moving in a constant forward direction, the whole time looking backward.

Moving In Quotes: "I still say the '94 Double team is the best. They could outfight you or outplay you, depending on the way you wanted it. But this side is moving in the same direction."

I still say the '94 Double team is the best. They could outfight you or outplay you, depending on the way you wanted it. But this side is moving in the same direction.

Moving In Quotes: "Todayart is moving in a direction of which our fathers would never even have dreamed.We stand before the new pictures as in a dream and we hear the apocalyptic horsemen in the air."

Todayart is moving in a direction of which our fathers would never even have dreamed.We stand before the new pictures as in a dream and we hear the apocalyptic horsemen in the air.

Moving In Quotes: "Christianity = me moving out, God moving in."

Christianity = me moving out, God moving in.

Moving In Quotes: "You see that who you are isn't moving in time. Time is describing the incarnations, the packing changes."

You see that who you are isn't moving in time. Time is describing the incarnations, the packing changes.

Moving In Quotes: "If you watch any good player, they're using different parts of their body and working with instruments that respond to those movements. They're moving in many dimensions at once."

If you watch any good player, they're using different parts of their body and working with instruments that respond to those movements. They're moving in many dimensions at once.

Moving In Quotes: "On horseback you feel as if you're moving in time to classical music; a camel seems to progress to the beat of a drum played by a drunk."

On horseback you feel as if you're moving in time to classical music; a camel seems to progress to the beat of a drum played by a drunk.

Moving In Quotes: "A primary purpose for setting goals is to get you moving in the right direction. When you set goals, you have to keep them always in mind."

A primary purpose for setting goals is to get you moving in the right direction. When you set goals, you have to keep them always in mind.

Moving In Quotes: "We are not to be isolated but insulated, moving in the midst of evil but untouched by it."

We are not to be isolated but insulated, moving in the midst of evil but untouched by it.

Moving In Quotes: "I am a vigilant monarchist. I want to see things evolve. The direction the monarchy seems to be moving in - towards a more mainland-European model - is one I would feel sympathetic about."

I am a vigilant monarchist. I want to see things evolve. The direction the monarchy seems to be moving in - towards a more mainland-European model - is one I would feel sympathetic about.

Moving In Quotes: "Accepting a government grant with its accompanying rules is like marrying a girl and finding out her entire family is moving in with you before the honeymoon."

Accepting a government grant with its accompanying rules is like marrying a girl and finding out her entire family is moving in with you before the honeymoon.

Moving In Quotes: "I think that the growing government control of the press is very clear. Turkey is still not a dictatorship, there is still some freedom of the press, but I think it's moving in the wrong direction."

I think that the growing government control of the press is very clear. Turkey is still not a dictatorship, there is still some freedom of the press, but I think it's moving in the wrong direction.

Moving In Quotes: "In all the poems I've written I've not really engaged in politics, and when I've found myself moving in that direction I've always stopped myself."

In all the poems I've written I've not really engaged in politics, and when I've found myself moving in that direction I've always stopped myself.

Moving In Quotes: "It's moving in the right direction. It was in decline under the previous administration."

It's moving in the right direction. It was in decline under the previous administration.

Moving In Quotes: "He was so. So dirty, and just moving in front of me, and cute. I was in love with him, especially because he was talking to me."

He was so. So dirty, and just moving in front of me, and cute. I was in love with him, especially because he was talking to me.

Moving In Quotes: "To look at the issue of life and abortion, actually we're moving in that direction where most Americans oppose most abortions."

To look at the issue of life and abortion, actually we're moving in that direction where most Americans oppose most abortions.

Moving In Quotes: "Europeans should pay more attention. Iran has called for dialogue and is moving in the direction of reaching an agreement through peaceful means."

Europeans should pay more attention. Iran has called for dialogue and is moving in the direction of reaching an agreement through peaceful means.

Moving In Quotes: "Russia is certainly no longer a free country. We are moving in the direction of Zimbabwe."

Russia is certainly no longer a free country. We are moving in the direction of Zimbabwe.

Moving In Quotes: "Knowledge is no longer an immobile solid; it has been liquefied. it is actively moving in all the currents of society itself"

Knowledge is no longer an immobile solid; it has been liquefied. it is actively moving in all the currents of society itself

Moving In Quotes: "Hysterical in The Mask; funny yet moving in The Truman Show."

Hysterical in The Mask; funny yet moving in The Truman Show.

Moving In Quotes: "It was so interesting that the girls were moving in such a different way."

It was so interesting that the girls were moving in such a different way.

Moving In Quotes: "My dream's simple..and does whatever it pleases. I'm just moving in the direction of Seung Jo who's at the center of it."

My dream's simple..and does whatever it pleases. I'm just moving in the direction of Seung Jo who's at the center of it.

Moving In Quotes: "Only by moving in the direction you least trust can you be saved"

Only by moving in the direction you least trust can you be saved

Moving In Quotes: "If you're following your heart, you're moving in the right direction."

If you're following your heart, you're moving in the right direction.

Moving In Quotes: "Any critic of Cezanne who described him as a painter of country scenes would be moving in the wrong direction. You must begin with the question of style . . ."

Any critic of Cezanne who described him as a painter of country scenes would be moving in the wrong direction. You must begin with the question of style . . .

Moving In Quotes: "Slowly, but surely, we are moving in the right direction. We're on the right track. The economy is getting stronger"

Slowly, but surely, we are moving in the right direction. We're on the right track. The economy is getting stronger

Moving In Quotes: "First of all, I don't think that America is truly prepared for a biological or a chemical attack. However, we are moving in the right direction."

First of all, I don't think that America is truly prepared for a biological or a chemical attack. However, we are moving in the right direction.

Moving In Quotes: "I don't have any kind of ideology that precludes me from moving in one direction or another. I just want creative autonomy and I want at least an opportunity that it's going to be seen."

I don't have any kind of ideology that precludes me from moving in one direction or another. I just want creative autonomy and I want at least an opportunity that it's going to be seen.

Moving In Quotes: "I ask myself whether Russia is moving in the direction of democracy. I don't believe it is! Bit by bit, Russia is slipping back into an authoritarian empire."

I ask myself whether Russia is moving in the direction of democracy. I don't believe it is! Bit by bit, Russia is slipping back into an authoritarian empire.

Moving In Quotes: "Any real ecstasy is a sign you are moving in the right direction."

Any real ecstasy is a sign you are moving in the right direction.

Moving In Quotes: "A person moving in zero gravity feels a pitiful helplessness. One wrong move and you find yourself spinning wildly. Everyone becomes a baby again in outer space, laboriously learning how to walk."

A person moving in zero gravity feels a pitiful helplessness. One wrong move and you find yourself spinning wildly. Everyone becomes a baby again in outer space, laboriously learning how to walk.

Moving In Quotes: "Syria is already in the grips of a civil war, unfortunately enough, and Egypt is moving in that direction. We would like to see the Egyptian people avoid this fate."

Syria is already in the grips of a civil war, unfortunately enough, and Egypt is moving in that direction. We would like to see the Egyptian people avoid this fate.

Moving In Quotes: "In the north east, there, they have had quite a bit of government offices moving in. It's not a new policy."

In the north east, there, they have had quite a bit of government offices moving in. It's not a new policy.

Moving In Quotes: "Failure is just a way for our lives to show us we're moving in the wrong direction, that we should try something different"

Failure is just a way for our lives to show us we're moving in the wrong direction, that we should try something different

Moving In Quotes: "Every politician - FDR, Lyndon Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama - they're all conservative by nature. They are part of the big thing and they're moving in a very constrained world."

Every politician - FDR, Lyndon Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama - they're all conservative by nature. They are part of the big thing and they're moving in a very constrained world.

Moving In Quotes: "Of course, the world is full of problems. But on the other hand it's important to get the sense... are we generally moving in the right direction or the wrong direction?"

Of course, the world is full of problems. But on the other hand it's important to get the sense... are we generally moving in the right direction or the wrong direction?

Moving In Quotes: "Theater is a space where you cross over from everyday life, because there are real people in that moment moving in front of you-you're being invited to believe in a story and cross that bridge."

Theater is a space where you cross over from everyday life, because there are real people in that moment moving in front of you-you're being invited to believe in a story and cross that bridge.

Moving In Quotes: "Richard Clarke had plenty of opportunities to tell us, in the administration, that he thought the war on terrorism was moving in the wrong direction and he chose not to."

Richard Clarke had plenty of opportunities to tell us, in the administration, that he thought the war on terrorism was moving in the wrong direction and he chose not to.