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My Daughter Quotes

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My Daughter Quotes: "I tried to stick to my game plan, which was always being aware of what my A story was - the love story between a father and his son, and that son and his daughter."

I tried to stick to my game plan, which was always being aware of what my A story was - the love story between a father and his son, and that son and his daughter.

My Daughter Quotes: "I always tell myself that it is very, very important for me to be a good role model for Alma, my daughter."

I always tell myself that it is very, very important for me to be a good role model for Alma, my daughter.

My Daughter Quotes: "Emulation is not rivalry. Emulation is the child of ambition; rivalry is the unlovable daughter of envy."

Emulation is not rivalry. Emulation is the child of ambition; rivalry is the unlovable daughter of envy.

My Daughter Quotes: "To her, the name of father was another name for love."

To her, the name of father was another name for love.

My Daughter Quotes: "Dearest Daughter. I knew you would not be long in coming to me. Joy shall be yours."

Dearest Daughter. I knew you would not be long in coming to me. Joy shall be yours.

My Daughter Quotes: "All I know is that I carried you for nine months. I fed you, I clothed you, I paid for your college education. Friending me on Facebook seems like a small thing to ask in return."

All I know is that I carried you for nine months. I fed you, I clothed you, I paid for your college education. Friending me on Facebook seems like a small thing to ask in return.

My Daughter Quotes: "I am an actor. I am an artist. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a partner. I have a past that some people may not agree with, but it does not define who I am."

I am an actor. I am an artist. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a partner. I have a past that some people may not agree with, but it does not define who I am.

My Daughter Quotes: "A man with wife and daughters has no place losing his temper."

A man with wife and daughters has no place losing his temper.

My Daughter Quotes: "I guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say 'Hi, my name is Sam and I am an addict.'"

I guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say 'Hi, my name is Sam and I am an addict.'

My Daughter Quotes: "If an appointed daughter by accident dies without ,leaving a son, the husband of the appointed daughter may, without hesitation, take that estate."

If an appointed daughter by accident dies without ,leaving a son, the husband of the appointed daughter may, without hesitation, take that estate.

My Daughter Quotes: "When your daughter asks you to be a fairy for her 5th birthday party... you better be a damned fairy."

When your daughter asks you to be a fairy for her 5th birthday party... you better be a damned fairy.

My Daughter Quotes: "When husbands and fathers leave, their wives and daughters tend to value themselves less as a result."

When husbands and fathers leave, their wives and daughters tend to value themselves less as a result.

My Daughter Quotes: "There was an Old Man of Messina, Whose daughter was named Opsibeena; She wore a small wig, and rode out on a pig, To the perfect delight of Messina."

There was an Old Man of Messina, Whose daughter was named Opsibeena; She wore a small wig, and rode out on a pig, To the perfect delight of Messina.

My Daughter Quotes: "From the time I was a child I wanted to be like my mother. Not necessarily an actress - I never dreamed I'd have the courage. But an active, volatile woman like she was."

From the time I was a child I wanted to be like my mother. Not necessarily an actress - I never dreamed I'd have the courage. But an active, volatile woman like she was.

My Daughter Quotes: "I can't stress how much my daughter is an inspiration to stay sober. When I come home and she opens those big blue eyes at me, it's the most amazing feeling I could ever feel."

I can't stress how much my daughter is an inspiration to stay sober. When I come home and she opens those big blue eyes at me, it's the most amazing feeling I could ever feel.

My Daughter Quotes: "The older I get, the more I feel."

The older I get, the more I feel.

My Daughter Quotes: "I am convinced, completely convinced, that there was nothing random about [the adoption], she is the daughter I should have."

I am convinced, completely convinced, that there was nothing random about [the adoption], she is the daughter I should have.

My Daughter Quotes: "Woman is the daughter of falsehood, a sentinel of hell, the enemy of peace."

Woman is the daughter of falsehood, a sentinel of hell, the enemy of peace.

My Daughter Quotes: "If people think I'm just the boss's daughter, they're deceived."

If people think I'm just the boss's daughter, they're deceived.

My Daughter Quotes: "When we look at that jingoism and the sexism and the racism and the homophobia, that's not who we are, and that's not the country that I want my daughter to grow up in."

When we look at that jingoism and the sexism and the racism and the homophobia, that's not who we are, and that's not the country that I want my daughter to grow up in.

My Daughter Quotes: "The story of a mother's life: Trapped between a scream and a hug."

The story of a mother's life: Trapped between a scream and a hug.

My Daughter Quotes: "My daughter was asked by a little old lady in a London hotel restaurant what her daddy did. She answered, “He’s a pirate” - I was very proud of that answer."

My daughter was asked by a little old lady in a London hotel restaurant what her daddy did. She answered, “He’s a pirate” - I was very proud of that answer.

My Daughter Quotes: "The only truly anonymous donor is the guy who knocks up your daughter."

The only truly anonymous donor is the guy who knocks up your daughter.

My Daughter Quotes: "We're all born feeling perfect until somebody tells us we're not. So there's nothing I can teach my daughter. She already has all of it. The only thing I can do is protect what she already feels."

We're all born feeling perfect until somebody tells us we're not. So there's nothing I can teach my daughter. She already has all of it. The only thing I can do is protect what she already feels.

My Daughter Quotes: "In many ways we are all sons and daughters of ancient Greece."

In many ways we are all sons and daughters of ancient Greece.

My Daughter Quotes: "It is a long baptism into the seas of humankind, my daughter. Better immersion than to live untouched."

It is a long baptism into the seas of humankind, my daughter. Better immersion than to live untouched.

My Daughter Quotes: "I love being on the beach - it's my favourite place. I can chill out, read, listen to music, play with my daughter."

I love being on the beach - it's my favourite place. I can chill out, read, listen to music, play with my daughter.

My Daughter Quotes: "The mother is the early care giver and primary source of identification for all children.... A daughter continues to identify with the mother"

The mother is the early care giver and primary source of identification for all children.... A daughter continues to identify with the mother

My Daughter Quotes: "Boys laugh at what they put girls through - but they won't be laughing when - they're wiping tears off their daughters face for the same reason."

Boys laugh at what they put girls through - but they won't be laughing when - they're wiping tears off their daughters face for the same reason.

My Daughter Quotes: "I am a woman and a woman of Africa. I am a daughter of Nigeria and if she is in shame, I shall stayand mourn with her in shame."

I am a woman and a woman of Africa. I am a daughter of Nigeria and if she is in shame, I shall stayand mourn with her in shame.

My Daughter Quotes: "I'm the daughter of two Indian immigrant doctors, and I have an older sister and younger brother, and none of us have pursued medicine as a career. We're all over the artistic side of things."

I'm the daughter of two Indian immigrant doctors, and I have an older sister and younger brother, and none of us have pursued medicine as a career. We're all over the artistic side of things.

My Daughter Quotes: "For those that say I endanger my child: it's more likely that you will fall while walking on the sidewalk than I will while skating with my daughter."

For those that say I endanger my child: it's more likely that you will fall while walking on the sidewalk than I will while skating with my daughter.

My Daughter Quotes: "If I should have a daughter… I’m gonna paint the solar system on the backs of her hands so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say ‘oh I know that like the back of my hand."

If I should have a daughter… I’m gonna paint the solar system on the backs of her hands so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say ‘oh I know that like the back of my hand.

My Daughter Quotes: "I believe the novella is the perfect form of prose fiction. It is the beautiful daughter of a rambling, bloated ill-shaven giant (but a giant who's a genius on his best days)."

I believe the novella is the perfect form of prose fiction. It is the beautiful daughter of a rambling, bloated ill-shaven giant (but a giant who's a genius on his best days).

My Daughter Quotes: "Dad’s especially need to remember that what they say to their daughters is written in Sharpie. It can’t be erased."

Dad’s especially need to remember that what they say to their daughters is written in Sharpie. It can’t be erased.

My Daughter Quotes: "I am the daughter of Earth and Water, And the nursling of the Sky; I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores; I change, but I cannot die."

I am the daughter of Earth and Water, And the nursling of the Sky; I pass through the pores of the ocean and shores; I change, but I cannot die.

My Daughter Quotes: "I keep seeing myself in my daughter, and I see my mother in me and in her. Bloody hell."

I keep seeing myself in my daughter, and I see my mother in me and in her. Bloody hell.

My Daughter Quotes: "Until adolescence I thought I had the best mother in the world. Such a graceful mother. I had this fantasy that I was the wrong daughter."

Until adolescence I thought I had the best mother in the world. Such a graceful mother. I had this fantasy that I was the wrong daughter.

My Daughter Quotes: "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father. We are covenant-making women of all ages walking the path of mortality back to His presence. Keeping covenants protects us, prepares us, and empowers us."

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father. We are covenant-making women of all ages walking the path of mortality back to His presence. Keeping covenants protects us, prepares us, and empowers us.

My Daughter Quotes: "We all need to take a deep breath and think about being a Bush daughter and having that cross to bear. I'd go out and have a couple of drinks too."

We all need to take a deep breath and think about being a Bush daughter and having that cross to bear. I'd go out and have a couple of drinks too.

My Daughter Quotes: "I'm a daughter of the middle class with a strong sense of social mobility and individualism, like the waves of immigrants, like my Spanish grandparents, who made Argentina."

I'm a daughter of the middle class with a strong sense of social mobility and individualism, like the waves of immigrants, like my Spanish grandparents, who made Argentina.

My Daughter Quotes: "My daughter is here in town doing a play, and her dog is staying with us. We live up in the hills, so he has access to thousands of acres of wilderness."

My daughter is here in town doing a play, and her dog is staying with us. We live up in the hills, so he has access to thousands of acres of wilderness.

My Daughter Quotes: "You can show your daughter by the way you love and honor your wife that she should never settle for less."

You can show your daughter by the way you love and honor your wife that she should never settle for less.

My Daughter Quotes: "I am proud that my daughter believes, as I do, that hungry children should be fed whether they are Black Panthers or White Republicans."

I am proud that my daughter believes, as I do, that hungry children should be fed whether they are Black Panthers or White Republicans.

My Daughter Quotes: "When I saw the embryo, I suddenly realized there was such a small difference between it and my daughters. I thought, we can't keep destroying embryos for our research. There must be another way."

When I saw the embryo, I suddenly realized there was such a small difference between it and my daughters. I thought, we can't keep destroying embryos for our research. There must be another way.

My Daughter Quotes: "It was no great tragedy being Judy Garland's daughter. I had tremendously interesting childhood years - except they had little to do with being a child."

It was no great tragedy being Judy Garland's daughter. I had tremendously interesting childhood years - except they had little to do with being a child.

My Daughter Quotes: "I will not vote to send my sons, or your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters or friends to fight for a stalemate."

I will not vote to send my sons, or your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters or friends to fight for a stalemate.

My Daughter Quotes: "When a mother dies, a daughter’s mourning never completely ends."

When a mother dies, a daughter’s mourning never completely ends.

My Daughter Quotes: "The daughter of debate That still discord doth sow."

The daughter of debate That still discord doth sow.