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Nation Quotes

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Nation Quotes: "...a broken nation, under siege, divisible, without liberty and injustice for a lot..."

...a broken nation, under siege, divisible, without liberty and injustice for a lot...

Nation Quotes: "Every part of Nigeria is blessed."

Every part of Nigeria is blessed.

Nation Quotes: "A person has to ignore the larger social, economic, political, and religious climate of early North American colonialism to advance the Christian nation myth."

A person has to ignore the larger social, economic, political, and religious climate of early North American colonialism to advance the Christian nation myth.

Nation Quotes: "I smelled war on the horizon, with more deaths and trouble to come" Bombing of the Twin TowersFrom Rape of a Nation by Sara Niles"

I smelled war on the horizon, with more deaths and trouble to come" Bombing of the Twin TowersFrom Rape of a Nation by Sara Niles

Nation Quotes: "Your lifestyle should show some form of responsibility for the nation where you were born and/or the nation where you live"

Your lifestyle should show some form of responsibility for the nation where you were born and/or the nation where you live

Nation Quotes: "The church is called to activate the position of the believers in saving the nation for God’s glory"

The church is called to activate the position of the believers in saving the nation for God’s glory

Nation Quotes: "The church is called by God to become God’s agent of deliverance in every nation"

The church is called by God to become God’s agent of deliverance in every nation

Nation Quotes: "The church is God's remnant in a country, able to change the life of the nation"

The church is God's remnant in a country, able to change the life of the nation

Nation Quotes: "Too many Christians reverse New Covenant commands as we seek, through condemnation of the world, the return of the never-existent, demonic myth of the "Christian Nation"!"

Too many Christians reverse New Covenant commands as we seek, through condemnation of the world, the return of the never-existent, demonic myth of the "Christian Nation"!

Nation Quotes: "Value systems of a nation come from families."

Value systems of a nation come from families.

Nation Quotes: "The values of a nation can be made from the pulpit of the land."

The values of a nation can be made from the pulpit of the land.

Nation Quotes: "People in every nation behave and respond according to the values and virtues upon which they were raised. We all are a product of our environment."

People in every nation behave and respond according to the values and virtues upon which they were raised. We all are a product of our environment.

Nation Quotes: "There is nothing near as powerful in making a nation great like establishing values and virtues upon a nation."

There is nothing near as powerful in making a nation great like establishing values and virtues upon a nation.

Nation Quotes: "Hollow slogans like "Making your country great again" only lead to one result, collapse."

Hollow slogans like "Making your country great again" only lead to one result, collapse.

Nation Quotes: "I am the rightful khan of the nation. I am the gur-khan. My word is iron and my word is law."

I am the rightful khan of the nation. I am the gur-khan. My word is iron and my word is law.

Nation Quotes: "If a nation is leaving democracy and choosing fascism, it means that it is taking itself from a peaceful garden to a bloody slaughter house!"

If a nation is leaving democracy and choosing fascism, it means that it is taking itself from a peaceful garden to a bloody slaughter house!

Nation Quotes: "Youths are the life blood of any nation."

Youths are the life blood of any nation.

Nation Quotes: "God is willing to reveal His plans to us and His ways, if He sees that we are willing to stand till the end and take responsibility for our nation"

God is willing to reveal His plans to us and His ways, if He sees that we are willing to stand till the end and take responsibility for our nation

Nation Quotes: "Never forsake your motherland."

Never forsake your motherland.

Nation Quotes: "The level of Personal Responsibility in developed countries is averagely much higher than is seen in developing nations."

The level of Personal Responsibility in developed countries is averagely much higher than is seen in developing nations.

Nation Quotes: "Your ideas about possession must increase until you get to a state of full possession of the land, city and nation"

Your ideas about possession must increase until you get to a state of full possession of the land, city and nation

Nation Quotes: "By empowering women, we empower the nation."

By empowering women, we empower the nation.

Nation Quotes: "By the fall of 1918, it was clear that a nation's prosperity, even its very survival, depended on securing a safe, abundant supply of cheap oil."

By the fall of 1918, it was clear that a nation's prosperity, even its very survival, depended on securing a safe, abundant supply of cheap oil.

Nation Quotes: "Here is a good way for the world to make a good progress: Let the less clever nations learn good things from the more clever nations!"

Here is a good way for the world to make a good progress: Let the less clever nations learn good things from the more clever nations!

Nation Quotes: "For us to progress, we must be community in liberty, equality and fraternity."

For us to progress, we must be community in liberty, equality and fraternity.

Nation Quotes: "A nation can be mighty, when the citizens put away their political differences, work together for a common vision, a common goal and a common good."

A nation can be mighty, when the citizens put away their political differences, work together for a common vision, a common goal and a common good.

Nation Quotes: "What adjective can be used for a nation who is consistently fooled, recurrently deceived by the crafty politicians? Goofy? Very light! Fool? Not enough! Brainless? Yes, that is the very adjective!"

What adjective can be used for a nation who is consistently fooled, recurrently deceived by the crafty politicians? Goofy? Very light! Fool? Not enough! Brainless? Yes, that is the very adjective!

Nation Quotes: "Not only persons lose their way, but nations lose their way as well!"

Not only persons lose their way, but nations lose their way as well!

Nation Quotes: "In any country where there is a dishonorable government, there is certainly a dishonorable nation!"

In any country where there is a dishonorable government, there is certainly a dishonorable nation!

Nation Quotes: "Let fascism find not even a single passage to power or else that poisonous snake will infiltrate into the every vital corner of the country and kill the future of the nation!"

Let fascism find not even a single passage to power or else that poisonous snake will infiltrate into the every vital corner of the country and kill the future of the nation!

Nation Quotes: "All the problems of the nation are nothing, in comparison to the might of God"

All the problems of the nation are nothing, in comparison to the might of God

Nation Quotes: "A traitor leader is the outcome of a fool nation."

A traitor leader is the outcome of a fool nation.

Nation Quotes: "The decisions of citizens either in matters of private business or political life of the nation, are directly related to the prevailing value system of the nation"

The decisions of citizens either in matters of private business or political life of the nation, are directly related to the prevailing value system of the nation

Nation Quotes: "If you fight for yourself, you have awakened your conscience, but if you fight for people you will awaken a nation."

If you fight for yourself, you have awakened your conscience, but if you fight for people you will awaken a nation.

Nation Quotes: "How can the nation be mightier, without unity of its citizens?"

How can the nation be mightier, without unity of its citizens?

Nation Quotes: "The transformation of a nation is impossible without God’s grace"

The transformation of a nation is impossible without God’s grace

Nation Quotes: "The most obvious question of every citizen who is responsible to his nation's transformation is, "What can I do in this situation?"

The most obvious question of every citizen who is responsible to his nation's transformation is, "What can I do in this situation?

Nation Quotes: "The transformation of a nation is impossible without God's grace."

The transformation of a nation is impossible without God's grace.

Nation Quotes: "God's principles of national transformation will give the opportunity to make positive changes in the country, overcoming crisis in politics, economy, social services and other spheres."

God's principles of national transformation will give the opportunity to make positive changes in the country, overcoming crisis in politics, economy, social services and other spheres.

Nation Quotes: "The nation that honors a dancer more than a scholar is no more a nation."

The nation that honors a dancer more than a scholar is no more a nation.

Nation Quotes: "What more you expect from a nation that honors a barbarian."

What more you expect from a nation that honors a barbarian.

Nation Quotes: "What good is praying in public if you as an individual do not follow The Teachings of GOD'S Prophets in The Holy Bible ? Repent !"

What good is praying in public if you as an individual do not follow The Teachings of GOD'S Prophets in The Holy Bible ? Repent !

Nation Quotes: "We need to have a sense of patriotism like Jesus Christ, to the Kingdom first and to our nations second"

We need to have a sense of patriotism like Jesus Christ, to the Kingdom first and to our nations second

Nation Quotes: "Right is what benefits a nation, even if it is against the will of the people."

Right is what benefits a nation, even if it is against the will of the people.

Nation Quotes: "...You want a special truth. *You* want the truth to be a truth that *you* like. You want it to be a pretty little truth that fits what you already believe!"

...You want a special truth. *You* want the truth to be a truth that *you* like. You want it to be a pretty little truth that fits what you already believe!

Nation Quotes: "I believe that am entire nation should not be judged by the wrongdoings of a few extremists."

I believe that am entire nation should not be judged by the wrongdoings of a few extremists.

Nation Quotes: "If a nation succeeds in making her people strong in virtues, then the nation is rich already."

If a nation succeeds in making her people strong in virtues, then the nation is rich already.

Nation Quotes: "A psychologist would probably diagnose insanity for a nation that spends more on its military than the next 8 nations combined, while its poor are starving."

A psychologist would probably diagnose insanity for a nation that spends more on its military than the next 8 nations combined, while its poor are starving.