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New York Quotes

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New York Quotes: "Maybe New York shouldn't survive. Maybe it should go through a cycle of destruction."

Maybe New York shouldn't survive. Maybe it should go through a cycle of destruction.

New York Quotes: "I'm an adaptable nomad. I love Paris, I've been living in Los Angeles and New York since 1990. I love London, too. My roots are inside of me."

I'm an adaptable nomad. I love Paris, I've been living in Los Angeles and New York since 1990. I love London, too. My roots are inside of me.

New York Quotes: "London is my favorite place in the world. I love London. I think it has the best of L.A. and New York in one, and I have a really great friend there."

London is my favorite place in the world. I love London. I think it has the best of L.A. and New York in one, and I have a really great friend there.

New York Quotes: "I'd rather be in Las Vegas 104 degrees than New York 90 degrees, you know why? Legalized prostitution. In any weather that takes the edge off."

I'd rather be in Las Vegas 104 degrees than New York 90 degrees, you know why? Legalized prostitution. In any weather that takes the edge off.

New York Quotes: "I'm a black lady from the Lower East Side of New York. Not a lot intimidates me."

I'm a black lady from the Lower East Side of New York. Not a lot intimidates me.

New York Quotes: "New York is the meeting place of the peoples, the only city where you can hardly find a typical American."

New York is the meeting place of the peoples, the only city where you can hardly find a typical American.

New York Quotes: "Today coming to work, I saw one of those only in New York scenes. It was a rat who had passed out after choking on a pretzel."

Today coming to work, I saw one of those only in New York scenes. It was a rat who had passed out after choking on a pretzel.

New York Quotes: "Something about New York, man: You can do more comedy there probably than you can anywhere in the world. If you're interested in being funny, New York is the place to go."

Something about New York, man: You can do more comedy there probably than you can anywhere in the world. If you're interested in being funny, New York is the place to go.

New York Quotes: "...Skyscraper National Park"

...Skyscraper National Park

New York Quotes: "The mania started with insomnia and not eating and being driven, driven to find an apartment, driven to see everybody, driven to do New York, driven to never shut up."

The mania started with insomnia and not eating and being driven, driven to find an apartment, driven to see everybody, driven to do New York, driven to never shut up.

New York Quotes: "I love New York, but am happy to be away from it. I really like small towns, with welcoming barbecue restaurants."

I love New York, but am happy to be away from it. I really like small towns, with welcoming barbecue restaurants.

New York Quotes: "There is more sophistication and less sense in New York than anywhere else on the globe."

There is more sophistication and less sense in New York than anywhere else on the globe.

New York Quotes: "In America, I would say New York and New Orleans are the two most interesting food towns. In New Orleans, they don't have a bad deli. There's no mediocrity accepted."

In America, I would say New York and New Orleans are the two most interesting food towns. In New Orleans, they don't have a bad deli. There's no mediocrity accepted.

New York Quotes: "New York is where you go to catch a big fish."

New York is where you go to catch a big fish.

New York Quotes: "I love New York. I love the multicultural vibe here. Los Angeles doesn't inspire me in any way. Everyone is in the same industry, yet you feel very isolated."

I love New York. I love the multicultural vibe here. Los Angeles doesn't inspire me in any way. Everyone is in the same industry, yet you feel very isolated.

New York Quotes: "I make 98% of my collection in New York City and am generating jobs, so fashion isn't just frivolous for me. I understand levity about it. I also understand the depth of it."

I make 98% of my collection in New York City and am generating jobs, so fashion isn't just frivolous for me. I understand levity about it. I also understand the depth of it.

New York Quotes: "There is no more respected or influential forum in the field of journalism than the New York Times. I look forward, with great anticipation, to contributing to its op-ed page"

There is no more respected or influential forum in the field of journalism than the New York Times. I look forward, with great anticipation, to contributing to its op-ed page

New York Quotes: "Never do nothing you wouldnt want printed on the front page of The New York Times."

Never do nothing you wouldnt want printed on the front page of The New York Times.

New York Quotes: "I always carry a pistol when I go [to the New York Public Library]. Never did trust those stone lions."

I always carry a pistol when I go [to the New York Public Library]. Never did trust those stone lions.

New York Quotes: "I seem to have no dress sense at all. I'm always being listed in New York among one of the ten worst dressed men of the year. Someone once described me as "looking like an unmade bed." He was right!"

I seem to have no dress sense at all. I'm always being listed in New York among one of the ten worst dressed men of the year. Someone once described me as "looking like an unmade bed." He was right!

New York Quotes: "In the end, the only thing the true New Yorker knows about New York is that it is unknowable."

In the end, the only thing the true New Yorker knows about New York is that it is unknowable.

New York Quotes: "I love New York on summer afternoons when everyone's away. There's something very sensuous about it - overripe, as if all sorts of funny fruits were going to fall into your hands."

I love New York on summer afternoons when everyone's away. There's something very sensuous about it - overripe, as if all sorts of funny fruits were going to fall into your hands.

New York Quotes: "I feel New York is too crazy for me, especially when you go to Times Square."

I feel New York is too crazy for me, especially when you go to Times Square.

New York Quotes: "In New York alone, there was an average of more than 300 campus fires per year between 1997 and 2000, with roughly 160 of them annually in dormitories."

In New York alone, there was an average of more than 300 campus fires per year between 1997 and 2000, with roughly 160 of them annually in dormitories.

New York Quotes: "I began to exercise a lot of cinematic muscle with the precepts I had learned in the New York art world. Film was intriguing. I began to think of art as elitist, whereas film was not."

I began to exercise a lot of cinematic muscle with the precepts I had learned in the New York art world. Film was intriguing. I began to think of art as elitist, whereas film was not.

New York Quotes: "Listen up, because I've got nothing to say and I'm only gonna to say it once."

Listen up, because I've got nothing to say and I'm only gonna to say it once.

New York Quotes: "When people meet me, many times they're very surprised because they expect someone who is kind of wacky with seven piercings and very hip and cool and New York City, and I'm not."

When people meet me, many times they're very surprised because they expect someone who is kind of wacky with seven piercings and very hip and cool and New York City, and I'm not.

New York Quotes: "I sound New York. I sound East Coast much more than a blonde person from L.A."

I sound New York. I sound East Coast much more than a blonde person from L.A.

New York Quotes: "No matter where you put me, I don't care if it is North Carolina, Florida, California, New York City; I'm going to be who I am."

No matter where you put me, I don't care if it is North Carolina, Florida, California, New York City; I'm going to be who I am.

New York Quotes: "There is something distinctive about living in New York; over eight million other people are doing it."

There is something distinctive about living in New York; over eight million other people are doing it.

New York Quotes: "A lot of people think that it was about Biggie on the East Coast and 2Pac on the West Coast. It wasn't like that. Big ran New York. 2Pac ran America."

A lot of people think that it was about Biggie on the East Coast and 2Pac on the West Coast. It wasn't like that. Big ran New York. 2Pac ran America.

New York Quotes: "Broadway shows in New York draw two times the attendance of all New York sports teams put together."

Broadway shows in New York draw two times the attendance of all New York sports teams put together.

New York Quotes: "In New York, we tip everyone. We tip doormen, we tip cab drivers, and we tip bartenders at the bar. You'll get quite an evil eye if you don't leave a tip at the bar."

In New York, we tip everyone. We tip doormen, we tip cab drivers, and we tip bartenders at the bar. You'll get quite an evil eye if you don't leave a tip at the bar.

New York Quotes: "New York gave me hell for that 'Purple Swag,' man. They didn't respect me until 'Peso.'"

New York gave me hell for that 'Purple Swag,' man. They didn't respect me until 'Peso.'

New York Quotes: "I'm not sure I can think of any scenario more enjoyable than making 55,000 people from New York shut up."

I'm not sure I can think of any scenario more enjoyable than making 55,000 people from New York shut up.

New York Quotes: "The time has come to return integrity, performance and dignity to New York and make it the Empire State once again."

The time has come to return integrity, performance and dignity to New York and make it the Empire State once again.

New York Quotes: "I was performing in New York and my friends started to call me Gaga. They said I was very theatrical... So they said, you're Gaga."

I was performing in New York and my friends started to call me Gaga. They said I was very theatrical... So they said, you're Gaga.

New York Quotes: "New York is something awful, something monstrous. I like to walk the streets, lost, but I recognize that New York is the world's greatest lie. New York is Senegal with machines."

New York is something awful, something monstrous. I like to walk the streets, lost, but I recognize that New York is the world's greatest lie. New York is Senegal with machines.

New York Quotes: "I had done my first picture and I didn't have anything to do for awhile. I was asked to come back to New York and do Bus Stop in the role of the cowboy opposite Kim Stanley."

I had done my first picture and I didn't have anything to do for awhile. I was asked to come back to New York and do Bus Stop in the role of the cowboy opposite Kim Stanley.

New York Quotes: "When I'm in New York I look at the Empire State Building and feel as though it belongs to me ... or is it vice versa?"

When I'm in New York I look at the Empire State Building and feel as though it belongs to me ... or is it vice versa?

New York Quotes: "I shop only at thrift stores and vintage stores. In New York, I like a place called Star Struck, and a place called The Family Jewels."

I shop only at thrift stores and vintage stores. In New York, I like a place called Star Struck, and a place called The Family Jewels.

New York Quotes: "The egg creams of Avenue A in New York and the root beer float....are among the high points of American gastronomic inventiveness."

The egg creams of Avenue A in New York and the root beer float....are among the high points of American gastronomic inventiveness.

New York Quotes: "I don't like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I'm from New York. I will kill to get what I need."

I don't like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I'm from New York. I will kill to get what I need.

New York Quotes: "Five hours' New York jet lag and Cayce Pollard wakes in Camden Town to the dire and ever-circling wolves of disrupted circadian rhythm."

Five hours' New York jet lag and Cayce Pollard wakes in Camden Town to the dire and ever-circling wolves of disrupted circadian rhythm.

New York Quotes: "Razib Khan Hired And Fired By The New York Times, Both On The Same Day!"

Razib Khan Hired And Fired By The New York Times, Both On The Same Day!

New York Quotes: "Two days in this city is worth two months in New York."

Two days in this city is worth two months in New York.

New York Quotes: "We were mighty short of infielders in those days"

We were mighty short of infielders in those days

New York Quotes: "New York is the cubist, the futurist city. It expresses in its architecture, its life, its spirit, the modern thought."

New York is the cubist, the futurist city. It expresses in its architecture, its life, its spirit, the modern thought.

New York Quotes: "New York City is a great apartment hotel in which everyone lives and no one is at home."

New York City is a great apartment hotel in which everyone lives and no one is at home.