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Newspapers Quotes

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Newspapers Quotes: "We've learned more from the newspapers sometimes than we do from our open hearings, for sure."

We've learned more from the newspapers sometimes than we do from our open hearings, for sure.

Newspapers Quotes: "We like to read about rich people in the newspapers; the papers know it, and they do their best to keep this appetite liberally fed."

We like to read about rich people in the newspapers; the papers know it, and they do their best to keep this appetite liberally fed.

Newspapers Quotes: "the 'public' - a term often used in America to indicate the great metropolitan newspapers."

the 'public' - a term often used in America to indicate the great metropolitan newspapers.

Newspapers Quotes: "Today, in the newspapers and magazines, the first sentence is, my restaurant is expensive."

Today, in the newspapers and magazines, the first sentence is, my restaurant is expensive.

Newspapers Quotes: "However, if I shall live to be eighty I shall probably be the only person left in England who reads anything but newspapers and scientific publications."

However, if I shall live to be eighty I shall probably be the only person left in England who reads anything but newspapers and scientific publications.

Newspapers Quotes: "Maybe it has something to do with being a reporter for a long time that I don't look to newspapers and television and so forth for inspiration most of the time."

Maybe it has something to do with being a reporter for a long time that I don't look to newspapers and television and so forth for inspiration most of the time.

Newspapers Quotes: "Spending comes just as natural to liberals in Minnesota and the Minnesota legislature as bashing decency comes to the editorial board of our major metropolitan newspapers."

Spending comes just as natural to liberals in Minnesota and the Minnesota legislature as bashing decency comes to the editorial board of our major metropolitan newspapers.

Newspapers Quotes: "I'd pick - my father would bring home about six newspapers. We had 10 in Boston at the time."

I'd pick - my father would bring home about six newspapers. We had 10 in Boston at the time.

Newspapers Quotes: "Like the newspapers used to say, if the truth isn't big enough, you print the legend."

Like the newspapers used to say, if the truth isn't big enough, you print the legend.

Newspapers Quotes: "If [Barack] Obama or the boss or the newspapers or anyone else tells you they're doing this, that, or the other thing, dismiss it or assume the opposite is true, which it often is."

If [Barack] Obama or the boss or the newspapers or anyone else tells you they're doing this, that, or the other thing, dismiss it or assume the opposite is true, which it often is.

Newspapers Quotes: "Every time a story about me appears in a newspaper, I am injured professionally."

Every time a story about me appears in a newspaper, I am injured professionally.

Newspapers Quotes: "He who is without a newspaper is cut off from his species."

He who is without a newspaper is cut off from his species.

Newspapers Quotes: "The patient in the bed next to me told me that the newspapers were reporting on the test, and it was on television all day long."

The patient in the bed next to me told me that the newspapers were reporting on the test, and it was on television all day long.

Newspapers Quotes: "A time will come when people will think I am a myth, or rather something the newspapers have made up."

A time will come when people will think I am a myth, or rather something the newspapers have made up.

Newspapers Quotes: "Scanning the newspapers and absorbing with a mixture of incredulity and indignation the enormities they report, I conclude that what England lacks today is, quite simply, sense."

Scanning the newspapers and absorbing with a mixture of incredulity and indignation the enormities they report, I conclude that what England lacks today is, quite simply, sense.

Newspapers Quotes: "Reading newspapers in the state of Maine is like paying somebody to tell you lies."

Reading newspapers in the state of Maine is like paying somebody to tell you lies.

Newspapers Quotes: "While I read almost all my newspapers online, I'm not a big fan of e-books because I like to see what I've read and remember it. Books are a way of making memory physical."

While I read almost all my newspapers online, I'm not a big fan of e-books because I like to see what I've read and remember it. Books are a way of making memory physical.

Newspapers Quotes: "I am convinced that a person is entitled to as much privacy as he wants. It should be his privilege to keep certain areas of his life out of the newspapers."

I am convinced that a person is entitled to as much privacy as he wants. It should be his privilege to keep certain areas of his life out of the newspapers.

Newspapers Quotes: "I didn't get how big it was until I went home, turned on the television and saw it on all the news, and later that night on the front pages of all the newspapers. Then I got it."

I didn't get how big it was until I went home, turned on the television and saw it on all the news, and later that night on the front pages of all the newspapers. Then I got it.

Newspapers Quotes: "I used to say that the newspapers were tomorrow's fish and chip paper, but I didn't really mean it; I could still be hurt by what they said. After Athens, I just didn't care."

I used to say that the newspapers were tomorrow's fish and chip paper, but I didn't really mean it; I could still be hurt by what they said. After Athens, I just didn't care.

Newspapers Quotes: "I think that money is devoted to serious journalism, with analysis, interestingly presented, by good writers can still sell newspapers."

I think that money is devoted to serious journalism, with analysis, interestingly presented, by good writers can still sell newspapers.

Newspapers Quotes: "I am someone that follows the news and reads newspapers yet what do you believe and what don't you."

I am someone that follows the news and reads newspapers yet what do you believe and what don't you.

Newspapers Quotes: "I read little, I just glance through one newspaper. Just 15 minutes."

I read little, I just glance through one newspaper. Just 15 minutes.

Newspapers Quotes: "The Washington Post was interesting because it's such a politically minded newspaper."

The Washington Post was interesting because it's such a politically minded newspaper.

Newspapers Quotes: "Observe how every truth and every error, each a thought of someone's mind, clothes itself with societies, houses, cities, language, ceremonies, newspapers"

Observe how every truth and every error, each a thought of someone's mind, clothes itself with societies, houses, cities, language, ceremonies, newspapers

Newspapers Quotes: "You just have to open the newspapers in most Western news to see real violence."

You just have to open the newspapers in most Western news to see real violence.

Newspapers Quotes: "Bush told me, he doesn't watch TV ... though it's untrue that he doesn't read the newspapers."

Bush told me, he doesn't watch TV ... though it's untrue that he doesn't read the newspapers.

Newspapers Quotes: "Merely transferring the content of existing newspapers online and expecting payment won't work because they are two separate business concepts."

Merely transferring the content of existing newspapers online and expecting payment won't work because they are two separate business concepts.

Newspapers Quotes: "My newspaper job … is my identity."

My newspaper job … is my identity.

Newspapers Quotes: "I've always been more interested in the content of our newspapers, political positions day to day, the thrill of communicating with people through words that I am in the pure business aspects."

I've always been more interested in the content of our newspapers, political positions day to day, the thrill of communicating with people through words that I am in the pure business aspects.

Newspapers Quotes: "Well, except for ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, the Washington Post, and about another 100 newspapers, I find little evidence of liberal bias in the media."

Well, except for ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, the Washington Post, and about another 100 newspapers, I find little evidence of liberal bias in the media.

Newspapers Quotes: "I've operated and launched newspapers all over the world."

I've operated and launched newspapers all over the world.

Newspapers Quotes: "While we reduce our own carbon footprint we will encourage the companies who truck our DVDs and newspapers, sell us paper, and provide an enormous range of products and services to all contribute."

While we reduce our own carbon footprint we will encourage the companies who truck our DVDs and newspapers, sell us paper, and provide an enormous range of products and services to all contribute.

Newspapers Quotes: "Most newspaper companies still have their heads in the sand, but other media companies are aggressive."

Most newspaper companies still have their heads in the sand, but other media companies are aggressive.

Newspapers Quotes: "I never open the newspaper, never. I never go to a website; I never turn on the T.V. hoping to find something I can attack. It isn't what I do. I defend."

I never open the newspaper, never. I never go to a website; I never turn on the T.V. hoping to find something I can attack. It isn't what I do. I defend.

Newspapers Quotes: "The best discussion of trouble in boardroom and business office is found in newspapers' own financial pages and speeches by journalists in management jobs."

The best discussion of trouble in boardroom and business office is found in newspapers' own financial pages and speeches by journalists in management jobs.

Newspapers Quotes: "Newspapers don't write enough about serious religious issues."

Newspapers don't write enough about serious religious issues.

Newspapers Quotes: "I really love eating, so I love reading about food, and I religiously read the dining section in newspapers."

I really love eating, so I love reading about food, and I religiously read the dining section in newspapers.

Newspapers Quotes: "As a fan, I'm distraught, but as a cartoonist looking at new vacant spaces in 2400 newspapers, well, behind me, my cats are dancing a conga line."

As a fan, I'm distraught, but as a cartoonist looking at new vacant spaces in 2400 newspapers, well, behind me, my cats are dancing a conga line.

Newspapers Quotes: "No one wanted to hire me. No newspaper, television station, television network that I worked for ever wanted to hire me."

No one wanted to hire me. No newspaper, television station, television network that I worked for ever wanted to hire me.

Newspapers Quotes: "The newspapers turn a blind eye to how they get their material as long as they have great photographs."

The newspapers turn a blind eye to how they get their material as long as they have great photographs.

Newspapers Quotes: "If I was switched from whatever I'm doing, and I was, for some reason, made the chief football writer in any newspaper, then I'd retire. I'd go back to being a barber."

If I was switched from whatever I'm doing, and I was, for some reason, made the chief football writer in any newspaper, then I'd retire. I'd go back to being a barber.

Newspapers Quotes: "The tabloids operate in an amoral parallel universe where the bottom line is selling newspapers."

The tabloids operate in an amoral parallel universe where the bottom line is selling newspapers.

Newspapers Quotes: "It's arguably the best newspaper in the world."

It's arguably the best newspaper in the world.

Newspapers Quotes: "When woman has a newspaper which fear and favor cannot touch, then it will be that she can freely write her own thoughts."

When woman has a newspaper which fear and favor cannot touch, then it will be that she can freely write her own thoughts.

Newspapers Quotes: "I am glad I worked on a newspaper because it made me know I had to write whether I felt like it or not."

I am glad I worked on a newspaper because it made me know I had to write whether I felt like it or not.

Newspapers Quotes: "I read a ton of paper every day. I read the newspapers, I read my intelligence materials, I read all the briefing materials. I read the newspaper in hard copy."

I read a ton of paper every day. I read the newspapers, I read my intelligence materials, I read all the briefing materials. I read the newspaper in hard copy.

Newspapers Quotes: "General de Gaulle is again pictured in our newspapers, looking as usual like an embattled codfish."

General de Gaulle is again pictured in our newspapers, looking as usual like an embattled codfish.

Newspapers Quotes: "Basically for me a story can be anything. Anything you tell me, anything I read in the newspaper, in any mode. I don't have any restrictions."

Basically for me a story can be anything. Anything you tell me, anything I read in the newspaper, in any mode. I don't have any restrictions.