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Nonsense Quotes

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Nonsense Quotes: "When the time comes for a change, you will find it occurring without having created it yourself. You may think that you are the doer and that you are creating the change. That's nonsense."

When the time comes for a change, you will find it occurring without having created it yourself. You may think that you are the doer and that you are creating the change. That's nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "They don't understand the multi-life sequences. Anything they can't see in a laboratory, they think is nonsense."

They don't understand the multi-life sequences. Anything they can't see in a laboratory, they think is nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "I understand your higher and lower tendencies. There is something beyond all of this nonsense. There is a wonderful glitter that you can follow in life."

I understand your higher and lower tendencies. There is something beyond all of this nonsense. There is a wonderful glitter that you can follow in life.

Nonsense Quotes: "There are dark forces in the world that would have you believe that you can't succeed and that you're a failure and that you're evil and all this nonsense."

There are dark forces in the world that would have you believe that you can't succeed and that you're a failure and that you're evil and all this nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "A part of us resists all of this and wants to make it sound as if it's much too religious, an arbitrary thing that we have to do with our life. This is nonsense. This is the real fun."

A part of us resists all of this and wants to make it sound as if it's much too religious, an arbitrary thing that we have to do with our life. This is nonsense. This is the real fun.

Nonsense Quotes: "The idea is that the savior came, and simply by the coming of the savior you're saved. Nonsense, human beings wish! If that were the case, we'd live in a perfect world."

The idea is that the savior came, and simply by the coming of the savior you're saved. Nonsense, human beings wish! If that were the case, we'd live in a perfect world.

Nonsense Quotes: "The most serious parody I have ever heard was this: In the beginning was nonsense, and the nonsense was with God, and the nonsense was God."

The most serious parody I have ever heard was this: In the beginning was nonsense, and the nonsense was with God, and the nonsense was God.

Nonsense Quotes: "I detest that saying Everything happens for a reason; its nonsense."

I detest that saying Everything happens for a reason; its nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "I prefer the man who calls his nonsense a mystery to him who who pretends it is a weighed, measured, analyzed fact."

I prefer the man who calls his nonsense a mystery to him who who pretends it is a weighed, measured, analyzed fact.

Nonsense Quotes: "The floods of nonsense printed in the form of critical opinions seem to me a chief curse of the times, a chief obstacle to true culture."

The floods of nonsense printed in the form of critical opinions seem to me a chief curse of the times, a chief obstacle to true culture.

Nonsense Quotes: "To say, that Capt. Ingraham violated the rights of Turkey, is nonsense."

To say, that Capt. Ingraham violated the rights of Turkey, is nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "There are realms of life where the concepts of sense and nonsense do not apply."

There are realms of life where the concepts of sense and nonsense do not apply.

Nonsense Quotes: "The notion that artists flourish upon adversity and misunderstanding, that they are able to function to the utmost in an atmosphere of indifference or hostility - this notion is nine-tenths nonsense."

The notion that artists flourish upon adversity and misunderstanding, that they are able to function to the utmost in an atmosphere of indifference or hostility - this notion is nine-tenths nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "Some say I was disappointed when President Obama won, and that is absolute nonsense."

Some say I was disappointed when President Obama won, and that is absolute nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "The perfect integrity of The NewYork Times, and its writers, is not precisely 'just silly nonsense,'"

The perfect integrity of The NewYork Times, and its writers, is not precisely 'just silly nonsense,'

Nonsense Quotes: "We find no sense in talking about something unless we specify how we measure it; a definition by the method of measuring a quantity is the one sure way of avoiding talking nonsense."

We find no sense in talking about something unless we specify how we measure it; a definition by the method of measuring a quantity is the one sure way of avoiding talking nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "Mingle a little folly with your wisdom; a little nonsense, now and then, is pleasant."

Mingle a little folly with your wisdom; a little nonsense, now and then, is pleasant.

Nonsense Quotes: "In truth it is best to learn wisdom, and abandoning all nonsense, to leave it to boys to enjoy their season of play and mirth."

In truth it is best to learn wisdom, and abandoning all nonsense, to leave it to boys to enjoy their season of play and mirth.

Nonsense Quotes: "You are too smart and too knowledgeable to believe much of the nonsense you have been espousing on global warming and many other issues."

You are too smart and too knowledgeable to believe much of the nonsense you have been espousing on global warming and many other issues.

Nonsense Quotes: "The days are usually filled with nonsense and every now and again somebody flies by the circus to party on your dime."

The days are usually filled with nonsense and every now and again somebody flies by the circus to party on your dime.

Nonsense Quotes: "The idea that the West was economically successful because of slavery, it's just nonsense."

The idea that the West was economically successful because of slavery, it's just nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "What's important is that twice two is four and all the rest's nonsense."

What's important is that twice two is four and all the rest's nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "Faced with the nonsense question 'What is the meaning of a word?' and perhaps dimly recognizing it to be nonsense, we are nevertheless not inclined to give it up."

Faced with the nonsense question 'What is the meaning of a word?' and perhaps dimly recognizing it to be nonsense, we are nevertheless not inclined to give it up.

Nonsense Quotes: "For some reason people say such negative things about having a baby - you won't sleep, the stress, the crying. Nonsense. It's a total joy so cherish every second."

For some reason people say such negative things about having a baby - you won't sleep, the stress, the crying. Nonsense. It's a total joy so cherish every second.

Nonsense Quotes: "Another stupid party . . . with six people to look on, and talk nonsense to each other."

Another stupid party . . . with six people to look on, and talk nonsense to each other.

Nonsense Quotes: "But I've got ideas. I keep my little notebook, I've always got that with me. Hopefully there's more stuff than nonsense in there."

But I've got ideas. I keep my little notebook, I've always got that with me. Hopefully there's more stuff than nonsense in there.

Nonsense Quotes: "In Beautiful, Mr. Shearer writes with humor and has fun with some of the glorious nonsense of Lamarr's movies."

In Beautiful, Mr. Shearer writes with humor and has fun with some of the glorious nonsense of Lamarr's movies.

Nonsense Quotes: "There is something very quiet and reserved and pessimistic about Obama's temperament that is deeply un-American. There are those people who claim, "Oh, he wasn't born here" - all that is nonsense."

There is something very quiet and reserved and pessimistic about Obama's temperament that is deeply un-American. There are those people who claim, "Oh, he wasn't born here" - all that is nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "I think we have a fascinating new and quite dominant input into politics - and it wont go away. From time to time, people articulate a view that we should ban opinion polls, but that's nonsense."

I think we have a fascinating new and quite dominant input into politics - and it wont go away. From time to time, people articulate a view that we should ban opinion polls, but that's nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "People who believe in ghosts think that dead people can walk through locked doors. Nonsense - they have to use a key like the rest of us."

People who believe in ghosts think that dead people can walk through locked doors. Nonsense - they have to use a key like the rest of us.

Nonsense Quotes: "The important thing is not whatever nonsense the voices are saying, but what the voices are feeling."

The important thing is not whatever nonsense the voices are saying, but what the voices are feeling.

Nonsense Quotes: "The record companies fell apart - quite deservedly. Their corrupting, all-binding contract nonsense had to stop."

The record companies fell apart - quite deservedly. Their corrupting, all-binding contract nonsense had to stop.

Nonsense Quotes: "In truth, the Library includes all verbal structures, all variations permitted by the twenty-five orthographical symbols, but not a single example of absolute nonsense."

In truth, the Library includes all verbal structures, all variations permitted by the twenty-five orthographical symbols, but not a single example of absolute nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "The reflexive allergy to L.A. that a lot of New Yorkers have, I feel like it's kind of nonsense."

The reflexive allergy to L.A. that a lot of New Yorkers have, I feel like it's kind of nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "I have really good female friends. I've never bought the whole men-and-women-can't-be-friends thing. I think that's sort of nonsense."

I have really good female friends. I've never bought the whole men-and-women-can't-be-friends thing. I think that's sort of nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "It is actually nonsense to link menswear and travel. But it is important that you have a purpose when you design menswear."

It is actually nonsense to link menswear and travel. But it is important that you have a purpose when you design menswear.

Nonsense Quotes: "Cable news is more titillating to talk about who's up and who's down and all that nonsense as opposed to what's actually done."

Cable news is more titillating to talk about who's up and who's down and all that nonsense as opposed to what's actually done.

Nonsense Quotes: "in nonsense is strength"

in nonsense is strength

Nonsense Quotes: "Your explanation depresses me," I said. "Your nonsense depresses me," said Simple."

Your explanation depresses me," I said. "Your nonsense depresses me," said Simple.

Nonsense Quotes: "There's huge amounts of nonsense that goes with everything surrounding music and art. All the things you have to do promote yourself - there's huge amounts of nonsense."

There's huge amounts of nonsense that goes with everything surrounding music and art. All the things you have to do promote yourself - there's huge amounts of nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "It is a ruined-world, a nonsense-place."

It is a ruined-world, a nonsense-place.

Nonsense Quotes: "Men do, I've found, accept the most errant nonsense from a well dressed woman"

Men do, I've found, accept the most errant nonsense from a well dressed woman

Nonsense Quotes: "There is no greater mistake in the world than the looking upon every sort of nonsense as want of sense."

There is no greater mistake in the world than the looking upon every sort of nonsense as want of sense.

Nonsense Quotes: "The papers are full of murders -- strange murders. It is all nonsense that there are as many brains as there are men; mankind has only one intellect, and it is beginning to get muddled."

The papers are full of murders -- strange murders. It is all nonsense that there are as many brains as there are men; mankind has only one intellect, and it is beginning to get muddled.

Nonsense Quotes: "Given any new technology for transmitting information, we seem bound to use it for great quantities of small talk. We are only saved by music from being overwhelmed by nonsense."

Given any new technology for transmitting information, we seem bound to use it for great quantities of small talk. We are only saved by music from being overwhelmed by nonsense.

Nonsense Quotes: "But feeling is so different from knowing. My common sense tells me all you can say, but there are times when common sense has no power over me. Common nonsense takes possession of my soul."

But feeling is so different from knowing. My common sense tells me all you can say, but there are times when common sense has no power over me. Common nonsense takes possession of my soul.

Nonsense Quotes: "That doesn't sound very attractive," laughed Anne. "I like people to have a little nonsense about them."

That doesn't sound very attractive," laughed Anne. "I like people to have a little nonsense about them.

Nonsense Quotes: "I did not want to reject religion as nonsense because life seemed to have no ultimate purpose without it, and most of the good people I knew were Christians."

I did not want to reject religion as nonsense because life seemed to have no ultimate purpose without it, and most of the good people I knew were Christians.

Nonsense Quotes: "Well, India is a country of nonsense"

Well, India is a country of nonsense