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Not Afraid Quotes

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Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid of death at all."

I'm not afraid of death at all.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I have excessive energy, tremendous energy. I have a sense of people. I can feel them, pretty much so, in a short time. I'm not afraid of death. I'm just not afraid of anything."

I have excessive energy, tremendous energy. I have a sense of people. I can feel them, pretty much so, in a short time. I'm not afraid of death. I'm just not afraid of anything.

Not Afraid Quotes: "We are afraid that we have not lived. We are not afraid of dying."

We are afraid that we have not lived. We are not afraid of dying.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I don't know any kid that's not afraid at some point going to bed with the lights off, totally. That's why they make nightlights."

I don't know any kid that's not afraid at some point going to bed with the lights off, totally. That's why they make nightlights.

Not Afraid Quotes: "The Ed Hardy man is confident with a strong sense of personal style. He is not afraid to be seen and take risks. He enjoys comfort and flexible style, yet he wants to stand apart from the crowd."

The Ed Hardy man is confident with a strong sense of personal style. He is not afraid to be seen and take risks. He enjoys comfort and flexible style, yet he wants to stand apart from the crowd.

Not Afraid Quotes: "As you get older, you're not afraid of doubt. Doubt isn't running the show. You take out all the self-agonizing."

As you get older, you're not afraid of doubt. Doubt isn't running the show. You take out all the self-agonizing.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid of criticism or what somebody may think."

I'm not afraid of criticism or what somebody may think.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid to take on somebody or say something that somebody will find offensive because unfortunately in comedy, you can't say anything really good without offending somebody."

I'm not afraid to take on somebody or say something that somebody will find offensive because unfortunately in comedy, you can't say anything really good without offending somebody.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Maybe more youngsters would stay home at nights if they were not afraid to stay alone at nights."

Maybe more youngsters would stay home at nights if they were not afraid to stay alone at nights.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I am not afraid to appear in Israel, although when I come to a place like Israel, I know it's not a picnic by the Thames. I am aware of the tension and it saddens me."

I am not afraid to appear in Israel, although when I come to a place like Israel, I know it's not a picnic by the Thames. I am aware of the tension and it saddens me.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I certainly am not afraid of hard work. Hard work is only hard if you are not passionate about what you are doing."

I certainly am not afraid of hard work. Hard work is only hard if you are not passionate about what you are doing.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid of the opinions of others - but of being needed and coming up short."

I'm not afraid of the opinions of others - but of being needed and coming up short.

Not Afraid Quotes: "You’re not pathetic. Actually, I envy you a little.” “Because I’m a mess?” Zach asked dryly. “No. Because you’re not afraid to be a mess."

You’re not pathetic. Actually, I envy you a little.” “Because I’m a mess?” Zach asked dryly. “No. Because you’re not afraid to be a mess.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I was Ashallayn'darkmyr Tallyn, son of Mab, former prince of the Unseelie Court, and I was not afraid of a witch on a broom."

I was Ashallayn'darkmyr Tallyn, son of Mab, former prince of the Unseelie Court, and I was not afraid of a witch on a broom.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I don't live in as much fear as I used to. I'm not afraid of the music business. Life is too damn short. I know what's important, and the tasks are very clear."

I don't live in as much fear as I used to. I'm not afraid of the music business. Life is too damn short. I know what's important, and the tasks are very clear.

Not Afraid Quotes: "At sixteen I get drafted. When I read the draft notice, I cry. Not because I'm a coward - I'm not afraid of anyone. But I don't want to kill or be killed."

At sixteen I get drafted. When I read the draft notice, I cry. Not because I'm a coward - I'm not afraid of anyone. But I don't want to kill or be killed.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Don't be afraid to say what you are not afraid to think"

Don't be afraid to say what you are not afraid to think

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid to be one of the martyrs people have offered in the struggle for their just demands."

I'm not afraid to be one of the martyrs people have offered in the struggle for their just demands.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Blessed are those who are not afraid to admit that they don't know something"

Blessed are those who are not afraid to admit that they don't know something

Not Afraid Quotes: "It is better to learn early of the inevitable depths, for then sorrow and death can take their proper place in life, and one is not afraid."

It is better to learn early of the inevitable depths, for then sorrow and death can take their proper place in life, and one is not afraid.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Be bold, brave and not afraid to fall on your face and ultimately you will succeed"

Be bold, brave and not afraid to fall on your face and ultimately you will succeed

Not Afraid Quotes: "Should I tell him I'm not afraid of being hurt? I'm afraid of not being in control."

Should I tell him I'm not afraid of being hurt? I'm afraid of not being in control.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of widths."

I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of widths.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I didn't want to hurt you," she blurted. "I never wanted to be someone you would regret. I'm not afraid for me. I'm afraid for you."

I didn't want to hurt you," she blurted. "I never wanted to be someone you would regret. I'm not afraid for me. I'm afraid for you.

Not Afraid Quotes: "A humble man is not afraid of failure. In fact, he is not afraid of anything, even himself, since perfect humility implies perfect confidence in the power of God."

A humble man is not afraid of failure. In fact, he is not afraid of anything, even himself, since perfect humility implies perfect confidence in the power of God.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid to have a character say, 'I am a Christian,' or, 'I believe in God,' because I think they represent real people on this Earth."

I'm not afraid to have a character say, 'I am a Christian,' or, 'I believe in God,' because I think they represent real people on this Earth.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I would say to today's young minister, 'Be not afraid to give much time to solitary walks and meditation'."

I would say to today's young minister, 'Be not afraid to give much time to solitary walks and meditation'.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Be not afraid. A kind life, a life of spirit, is fundamentally a life of courage-the courage simply to bring what you have, to bring who you are."

Be not afraid. A kind life, a life of spirit, is fundamentally a life of courage-the courage simply to bring what you have, to bring who you are.

Not Afraid Quotes: "In this world there are two great sources of strength. One rests with those who are not afraid to kill. The other rests with those who are not afraid to love."

In this world there are two great sources of strength. One rests with those who are not afraid to kill. The other rests with those who are not afraid to love.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I meant I’m not afraid of love being difficult. If it was easy, then everyone would find it."

I meant I’m not afraid of love being difficult. If it was easy, then everyone would find it.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm pretty afraid of death. People have told me that they're not afraid, but I certainly am. The things of the world matter to me. It's hard to imagine letting go."

I'm pretty afraid of death. People have told me that they're not afraid, but I certainly am. The things of the world matter to me. It's hard to imagine letting go.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid of being thought of as someone who is associated with film music. Why not? If it's a good song, what does it matter?"

I'm not afraid of being thought of as someone who is associated with film music. Why not? If it's a good song, what does it matter?

Not Afraid Quotes: "Boys like Peter are afraid of alot of things, like nuclear annihilation and flunking algebra, but they're not afraid of wolves."

Boys like Peter are afraid of alot of things, like nuclear annihilation and flunking algebra, but they're not afraid of wolves.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid of a party!"

I'm not afraid of a party!

Not Afraid Quotes: "Yes, I am proud; I must be proud to see Men not afraid of God, afraid of me."

Yes, I am proud; I must be proud to see Men not afraid of God, afraid of me.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Careless of censure, nor too fond of fame, Still pleased to praise, yet not afraid to blame, Averse alike to flatter or offend, Not free from faults, nor yet too vain to mend."

Careless of censure, nor too fond of fame, Still pleased to praise, yet not afraid to blame, Averse alike to flatter or offend, Not free from faults, nor yet too vain to mend.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid of IED's, bullets, mortars."

I'm not afraid of IED's, bullets, mortars.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid to be bluntly honest in my songs, even if it means I'm discovering things about myself that I'd rather not."

I'm not afraid to be bluntly honest in my songs, even if it means I'm discovering things about myself that I'd rather not.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I did not design this game; I did not name the stakes. I just happen to like apples; and I am not afraid of snakes."

I did not design this game; I did not name the stakes. I just happen to like apples; and I am not afraid of snakes.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Pain is fear, and I'm not afraid."

Pain is fear, and I'm not afraid.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I'm not afraid to shake up the system, and government needs more shaking up than any other system I know."

I'm not afraid to shake up the system, and government needs more shaking up than any other system I know.

Not Afraid Quotes: "The Devil is not afraid to sit on an altar."

The Devil is not afraid to sit on an altar.

Not Afraid Quotes: "[Scott Derrickson] is terrific, really sharp on the details, and he's not afraid to go to dark places."

[Scott Derrickson] is terrific, really sharp on the details, and he's not afraid to go to dark places.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Unfortunately complaining is one thing Eeyores are not afraid to do. They grudgingly carry their thimbles to the Fountain of Life, then mumble and grumble that they weren't given enough."

Unfortunately complaining is one thing Eeyores are not afraid to do. They grudgingly carry their thimbles to the Fountain of Life, then mumble and grumble that they weren't given enough.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I won't go back on my decision. I'm not afraid of prison, but there are even worse dangers."

I won't go back on my decision. I'm not afraid of prison, but there are even worse dangers.

Not Afraid Quotes: "We are not afraid to be entertainers."

We are not afraid to be entertainers.

Not Afraid Quotes: "Unlike Hillary Clinton, I am not afraid to answer questions about my track record or my accomplishments or my principles."

Unlike Hillary Clinton, I am not afraid to answer questions about my track record or my accomplishments or my principles.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I am not afraid of being sued by white businessmen. In fact, I should welcome such a law suit."

I am not afraid of being sued by white businessmen. In fact, I should welcome such a law suit.

Not Afraid Quotes: "I am a demon hunter. Clearly, I am not afraid of the dark."

I am a demon hunter. Clearly, I am not afraid of the dark.